MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 230 idealist

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The spotlight of this world will always be focused on a few big countries.

Even though Santantaria attracted a little attention due to its special geographical situation, it could not compare with those big countries.

So, when the wave of research and development of the superhuman is in full swing, the internal changes in Santantella seem to be really inconspicuous at all.

A week after the opening ceremony of Huaguo Yongliang Transcendental Academy, the second Transcendent Academy in the world—the Federal Transcendent Academy in Bald Eagle—also held an opening ceremony. The grandeur of the scene is by no means inferior to the extraordinary special effects show in Huaguo.

When the school opening ceremony with a certain meaning attracted the attention of the whole world, a small gang with a very strange name emerged in Santantella: the Axe Gang.

Unlike other gangs in Santantella, this Axe Gang has good welfare, strong combat power, and a united atmosphere within the gang, and more importantly—

Inside the Axe Gang, a more reasonable way for the superhumans to coexist is being explored.

After all, unlike other countries and regions, more than 90% of the people in Santantaria are extraordinary people, and only a few are ordinary people. This situation makes the original order of the country rapidly. collapse.

In the state of the disappearance of the national order and the rapid changes in the current situation, these extraordinary people in Santantaria finally chose a division method that divides classes by strength to replace the original social order.

This class division method cannot be said to be wrong. After all, modern society also has a model for dividing classes based on factors such as money, power, and status. Although we say that everyone is equal, in the foreseeable future, classes will always exist, and classes will always need a standard for division.

In other places, the number of extraordinary people is very different from the ordinary number, so extraordinary people are naturally integrated into the original class division;

In Santantaria, the number of extraordinary people is also very different from the number of ordinary people, but the numbers are compared one by one. In this case, the original class division becomes broken and infeasible, and an alternative must be found, right?

"Strength is the most intuitive and appropriate way to distinguish the superhuman class," Mobuluo said to Shang Yinhe, "but now Santantella's class distinction is too naked."

As a rare person in Santantaria who has gone abroad, studied abroad, and has a wide-eyed vision, Mobuluo often cannot find a conversationalist who can keep up with his own thinking.

And when he explores the path of reform in China, he often feels confused. At this time, Shang Yinhe, who often appeared in front of Mobuluo because of the needs of China's docking and negotiation, became his most suitable heart-to-heart object.

"The class division of modern society always has a veil of mildness," Mobrow said, "and in Santantella, the exploitation and oppression of the weak by the powerful supernatural beings is too naked— It's a very unstable situation."

Mobrow's point of view is always very sharp, and his perspective on issues is also very unique. When talking to him, even Shang Yinhe, who has now experienced [World Situation], will often feel that he has gained something.

"That's right," Shang Yinhe agreed. "When I look at Santantaria now, I feel like this is a dynamite bag. If dissatisfaction and hatred continue to brew, sooner or later, it will turn into a **** feud like the Israeli-Palestinian war. "

"The great man in your country said that where there is oppression, there is resistance," Mobuluo's fingers crossed the table unconsciously, "I need to use the strength of this resistance to get up, and I need to soothe this oppression and exploitation.”

"It's hard to grasp the scale of this," Shang Yinhe raised his eyebrows, "What are you going to do specifically?"

"I want to start from the spiritual and material aspects." Mobrow said while sorting out his thoughts.

"There are three main types of people in Santantaria now, one is the locals, the other is the soldiers stationed in other countries, and the other is those who can't get along in other countries and come to Santantaria. out-of-towners," Mobrow pulled out a piece of paper and began to write and draw, "but no matter what their original identities were, they now have a common identity - extraordinary."

Shang Yinhe turned his body sideways with interest, as if witnessing history.

"I want to establish a set of conventions about the extraordinary," Mobuluo said as expected, "How should extraordinary people treat ordinary people? How should extraordinary people get along with each other? How should extraordinary people be judged? Rank? Fighting, researching, and building many extraordinary people who are good at different aspects, what kind of status should each have?"

Just like the simple records in [World Wind and Cloud], Mobrow really started to talk about the "Convention of the Extraordinary". This system, which will set off a huge storm in the next half a year, is only a brief prototype at this time.

"I've searched for relevant information," Mobrow said while memorizing key words, "Because we have only entered the extraordinary era for a short period of time, there are now seven or eight different levels of standards for extraordinary people in the world. But there has never been a public opinion.”

"In good conscience," Shang Yinhe couldn't help but comment, "No one of those extraordinary people in the world today is judged by the level of extraordinary people, and none of them are particularly reasonable—including the same in Huaguo. Especially in the "Extraordinary Times" of many After the dungeon was released, the abilities of the superhumans began to diversify, and their uses also began to diversify, and there is currently no reasonable conversion method."

"Yes," Mobrow said, "so I want to put together a more convincing hierarchy of supernatural beings."

Having said this, he hesitated and added: "And, more importantly... I want to incorporate some metaphysical, retreating, but more important things into this Transcendent Covenant."

Mobrow was hesitant to speak at first, but as he spoke, he began to firm up: "That is, fairness, justice, democracy, etc., those universal values ​​recognized by most people."

"...It's going to be very difficult," Shang Yinhe looked at Mobro who was sitting in front of him, and only at the scene of history can he know the difficult stories behind some of the choices, "In this chaotic situation where Santantella has taken shape now If you insist on these things that are too imaginary, it is likely that you will suffer in the early development."

"But, this is also very important," Mobuluo's expression slowly became firm in the process of talking and talking, "What can maintain a company's permanent existence is its corporate culture, and what can maintain a country's permanent existence is its corporate culture. It is its national spirit, and it is these metaphysical things that seem to be very false, that can truly create the soul of the Axe Gang and even Santantella."

"Maybe it will be more difficult in the early stage..." Mobrow paused for a while, but still said, "But without these things, there will be no long-term development of the Axe Gang."

"We all know that everyone is equal, and we also know that in fact everyone is not equal," he told his thoughts in a somewhat convoluted remark, "but the fact that everyone is not equal cannot be concealed. The brilliance of the fictional concept of pursuing equality for all cannot be overshadowed, and it is this concept that has forged the foundation of modern law."

"Everyone is equal..." Shang Yinhe couldn't help but hesitated.

From a purely scientific point of view, there is no biological knowledge that can support the concept of equality for all. Everyone's DNA is different, everyone's character is different, and everyone is inherently unequal.

However, it is this fictitious concept that composes the magnificent history of mankind.

In fact, the entire existence of human society is framed under these metaphysical fictional concepts. The nation, business, government, finance, currency, and even freedom, contract, integrity… all these concepts are all imaginary products of human imagination.

Without these fictional products, there would not be such a prosperous modern society.

Galaxy has previously commented that Mobrow is an idealist. And he does have that kind of idealist persistence and belief. Basically, people who can do great things in modern history are more or less idealists. A pure political speculator is basically not able to go very far.

"It's a spiritual thing," Mobrow said. "We need to have a common belief, a good atmosphere, a human spirit that's rooted within the Axe Gang."

"Of course, there are also material aspects," he continued. "After all, people can't live by spirit alone. They always need to eat, sleep, and live a normal life."

"The atmosphere in Santantella is very bad now, and there are no people engaged in production," Mobrow stared at the blank paper in front of him, frowning slightly, "I hope to change the production system of Saratella Combining well with the transcendent, I will make some attempts..."

"At the same time, I also hope to leave a good ascending channel," he no longer looked at Shang Galaxy, but immersed himself in his own thinking and said almost to himself, "Every ordinary extraordinary person can pass through A person who progresses through the ascending channel and becomes a stronger person..."

"And this," Mobu Luo raised his head and looked at Shang Yinhe, "needs to cooperate with China."

"This will be a very difficult road." Staring at the person in front of him, Shang Yinhe said, "There has never been such a country of extraordinary people in history, and there has never been a system and society suitable for extraordinary people in history. There will be many difficulties in what you do.”

"But someone has to do it," Mobrow laughed. "If you go farther, I'm traveling for all mankind; if you come close, I won't go to the ghostly appearance of Santantella. Who cares, who cares? To those extraordinary powers who come to show off their power and enjoy life? Or to those foreigners who, with bad intentions, expect the more chaos in Santantaria, the better?”

Shang Yinhe smiled helplessly, and these words seem to have scolded Hua Guo in part.

He shrugged and finally promised, "Well, we'll give it all the support it deserves."


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ActionAdventureFantasySchool Life