MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 219 God tree larvae extermination war

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The entire battle against the juveniles of the divine tree went surprisingly smoothly.

After all, the one who sits in the center of the Qing Suppression team, but now has a local tyrant with nearly 100 million anchor points.

With enough anchor points, Shang Yinhe is not afraid of any unexpected situations. Anyway, as long as the situation is not right, he will try his best to cover it.

Not to mention, standing behind their special team to provide support, but the world's three most powerful military power.

Surrounding evolutionary animals riot attack? -Learn about the long-range attack of anti-tank missiles and airstrike coverage.

Spiritual control of the divine tree? - Have a very high priority [Mind Shielding Device] to learn about it.

Evolutionary plants grow wildly and block the road? —Learn about the Huaguo, known as the infrastructure madman, and the special open circuit device for special forces.

Evolutionary animal and plant sneak attack? - Is this special team that gathered the most elite extraordinary people from three countries to eat dry rice?

Due to the divine tree's control of some evolutionary birds in the sky, close-range airdrops are too dangerous, so the special team chose to advance from the ground.

With the support of logistics and the command of the captain, the special team approached the body of the **** tree smoothly.

By this time, the surrounding evolutionary animals and plants have been completely crazy.

The sky is circling the evolutionary birds that are constantly making suicide attacks, the roots of plants that are attacking are constantly emerging from the ground, and the surging herds of beasts are attacking from a distance in layers.

Their extraordinary team seems to have become a lonely boat in the stormy sea, struggling to move forward under countless sieges.

Under such enormous pressure, all the members of the extraordinary team showed their true abilities.

Although it is said that it has only been more than half a year since the mutation of High Swan Castle, human beings entered the extraordinary era, but in this half year, whether it is the advent of the heroic plan, or the ubiquitous wave of evolutionary animals and plants, and the last The Third World War, which broke out to the extreme, gave all the extraordinary people a great temper.

Actual combat is always the best way to improve one's ability. In this kind of tempering, countless heroes have emerged, and countless strong ones have struggled.

The members of the extraordinary special team at the scene were the elites from the three most powerful countries on the surface. Facing such a turbulent offensive, most of them looked calm.

Among them, the most calm and outstanding ability user is of course the leader of this time, Shang Yinhe.

As the holder of the [Mind Shielding Device], he is protected by everyone in the center.

This was a relatively safe position, but Shang Yinhe's offensive was much stronger than those who protected him.

The dark space cracks are constantly tearing through the periphery at a dizzying speed. Every time a black crack appears, it will directly bring about a large slash and tear, completely clearing an area.

Shang Yinhe even has spare time to pay attention to those superhumans who are at a disadvantage in the battle, and send a just-right space cut in the distance to alleviate those dangerous scenes. His auxiliary attacks always came just right, as if all the battle scenes were imprinted in his heart.

The invisible halo of curse appeared in a stable circle, surrounding the Bank of Commerce. Although the curse aura is invisible, its effects are tangible. When stepping into this circle, whether it is an animal or a plant, whether it is a viper or a beast. There will be obvious negative states such as dullness, delay, dizziness, etc. And this large-scale release of the curse halo skill greatly reduces the fighting pressure of the extraordinary people present.

In addition to this, the flowing winds bless everyone, making their movements more flexible and moving forward faster. That kind of manipulation is subtle and delicate, as if to symbolize the strength of the ability owner's ability to spare.

"It's true that there is nothing wrong with the reputation," Zhu Jiamu, also a Chinese national and the leader of the peacekeeping force, was full of admiration, "I thought our State Propaganda Bureau's statement was exaggerated, but I didn't expect that he really has So strong!"

"How strong is he?" On the other side, the leader of the Bald Eagle Federation had a very different feeling from Zhu Jiamu.

His heart was full of admiration and vigilance: "Why is he so strong? We, the Bald Eagle Federation, have devoted all our resources to try to create super powers, but our so-called super powers seem to be far worse than him... "

"No," the leading officer of the Bald Eagle Federation couldn't help but make a note in his mind, "This matter must be reported. Moreover, I remember that the Chinese people have always used Shang Yinhe and Mu Shiming as partners to promote business together. Yinhe is so strong, so what about Mu Shiming, who woke up earlier and seemed to have overwhelmed Shang Yinhe, would he be stronger?"

The leading officer of the Bald Eagle Federation became more and more flustered: "Could it be that, like us, China is using all its resources to try to create extraordinary powerhouses? However, I don't seem to have heard any information on this?"

For a while, countless speculations surged in his heart, and he almost couldn't concentrate to face the battle in front of him.

A dark space crack suddenly flashed in front of the Bald Eagle Federation officer, splitting a desert fox beside him who was trying to sneak attack in half.

The federal officer was startled, and immediately returned to a state of concentration and devoted himself to the battle.

In the corner of his eyes, he seemed to see Shang Yinhe looking at him from a distance before turning his eyes away.

"Thank you." A bit reluctantly, the Bald Eagle Federation officer murmured in a low voice, and then he stopped thinking about it and devoted himself to the battle in front of him, leaving only a word of admiration that passed through his heart:

"Shang Yinhe's ability to be able to notice his distraction in every detail and save it from crisis is really unfathomable..."

Mu Qiang's psychology, which originated from human nature, was just around the corner, which made the federal officer involuntarily have a little worship of Shang Yinhe.

"No thanks." Not far away, Feng brought the voice of the Bald Eagle Federation officer to his ear, allowing Shang Yinhe to hear the officer's thanks. He also muttered softly, and regarded it as a response.

In Shang Yinhe's perception, the ability of the [small map] is fully expanding, projecting everything around him into his heart.

At the bald eagle federation leader officer just now, the green dot, which symbolizes friendliness, shifted a few times in the direction of yellow, which symbolizes neutrality, for some unknown reason.

However, when Shang Yinhe took action to save people, the yellow flicker disappeared, and the characters changed back to green, which symbolizes friendliness.

It's just a small matter, after all, people's positions are always shifting. Shang Yinhe ignored this trivial matter and refocused his attention on the battlefield.

From Shang Yinhe's point of view, the scene of countless animals and plants following one after another and suicidal shocks in front of him was really shocking, but it didn't cause him too much pressure.

The [Mind Shielding Device] abolished the most powerful skills of the God Tree, making it impossible for the God Tree to control the minds of their special teams, and also cut off the God Tree's direct control over the animals and plants within the range of the [Mind Shielding Device], making it impossible for the God Tree to control the minds of their special teams. Animals and plants carry out coordinated attacks.

After entering the scope of the mind shield, those evolved animals and plants that were stimulated by the divine tree to go mad are fighting more by instinct, rather than engaging in any cooperative battles.

This greatly reduces the difficulty of this mission. If you use the game as an example, the original killing the **** tree was an SSS level mission. After the mind control skill of the **** tree was abolished, the mission was reduced to S level, and then removed. After the coordinated attack of animals and plants, the task is directly reduced to A-level difficulty.

This difficulty, if not limited by the identity of "Shang Yinhe", he can kill all the surrounding animals and plants by himself.

Of course, Shang Yinhe wouldn't do this kind of extremely revealing and deadly practice, even if there was a sky-defying skill like [Rationalization Fog].

When he took the identity of "Nine Songs", he was already tired enough;

Just let him enjoy a little bit of life like a little salted fish when he is in the identity of "Shang Yinhe"...

However, having said that, having a boss in the center of the team and not having a boss are completely two different feelings.

Under the control of Shang Yinhe, the entire team of the special team is doing things that are "very smooth in fact" and "actually stable like an old dog" in a state of "seemingly very difficult" and "seemingly about to collapse".

They "struggled" all the way and rushed to the body of the tree of gods.

The next thing is very simple.

The body was attacked, and the juveniles of the divine tree began their final madness, trying their best to control and stimulate the surrounding evolutionary animals and plants, and directly maddened and strengthened many animals in a situation of killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred. Plants, attacking desperately, delaying the action of the special team.

In the special team, those who hold the killing props and killing skills start to work internally. The rest of the people formed a protective posture and agreed to the outside world, leaving enough time for the internal killing personnel to operate.

Whether it's a cold weapon bow, a cold weapon knife, or Hua Guo's ropes and superhuman abilities, all of them can be used, and the bells are ringing, and the juveniles of the **** tree are tormented again and again.

The formation formed by the special team seems to be in jeopardy in the face of endless onslaught, and it seems to be able to persist for a long time.

Most people were sweating profusely, trying their best to activate their extraordinary abilities, and when they needed to rest their extraordinary abilities, they picked up guns with weapon boosting devices and kept chug and chug;

In stark contrast, Shang Yinhe, who was standing in the center of the team, had a calm expression, and he was even thinking about things.

"How big is his power capacity?" The Bald Eagle Federation officer, who was holding a gun and was in a state of power recovery, couldn't help but start to think about it again, "Up to now, most people have rested. One or two rounds, many even rest four or five rounds, why is he still standing there?"

"Could it be that when you wake up, you have such an earth-shattering effect?" As someone who has watched Shang Yinhe's awakening video, the Bald Eagle Federation officer still felt a little sour in his heart, "Is it really that powerful?"

"He's so strong!" In contrast, the ordinary extraordinary soldiers of the Maoxiong country have a much simpler mind. "No wonder they are known as the best powerhouses in human beings. It turns out that I am still so far away from them!"

Shang Yinhe has been standing calmly on the front line, letting countless eyes pass over him. Some were suspicious, some worshiped, some were emotional, some were motivated... The war intensified all emotions, and Mu Qiang's psychology was also brewing silently in this atmosphere.

Shang Yinhe didn't care about the psychology of his teammates. When he was a "Nine Qu" or "Brave", he suffered more from all kinds of eyes. He just turned his attention to his little map.

In Shang Yinhe's small map perception, the red hostile point with the most powerful ability and vitality is becoming dim little by little, and finally disappears.

Correspondingly, in reality, the green leaves of the divine tree withered, and it seemed to have suddenly lost its beauty comparable to the way of heaven, becoming ordinary, lifeless, and curled up.

At the same time, the evolutionary animals and plants that are still in the mountains and plains, and are still coming from afar, also seem to wake up from a huge fantasy.

Although there are still some creatures that are still under the influence of the larvae of the divine tree and are attacking, the strength and intensity of their overall attack have been greatly reduced.

"This... this is the end?" After stopping the release of the power in his hand, Zhu Jiamu was still a little bit unbelievable, "So smooth, so simple?"

At one glance with him, everyone in the team was shocked.

"This is much simpler than I imagined," said an extraordinary soldier of the Bald Eagle Federation, "I thought we would definitely have to go over thousands of mountains, over thousands of waters, and fight against countless powerful animals and plants, even saying I may have to sacrifice a few people, and I have gone through countless twists and turns before finally reaching the divine tree."

"I originally thought so too!" Such words actually resonated, "I thought, maybe some people will be controlled by the divine tree, and an internal spy will be judged - I also specially wrote down my surrounding comrades-in-arms. I'm going to rely on this to judge spies at that time!"

"I specially wrote a suicide note before I came," a soldier also from the Bald Eagle Federation grinned and interjected, "At that time, I had a hunch that I must be one of those who were sacrificed. Well, I'm a little flustered, but I don't seem so flustered as long as I think that I will become a hero and martyr who died for the sake of mankind and be remembered on the monument forever."

"In the end," the soldier who wrote the suicide note shrugged, "all of this is my delusion..."

"Have you watched too many movies about personal heroism?" Zhu Jiamu of the peacekeeping force was a little speechless. "It's okay to watch special effects movies with simple plots. It would be stupid to take those special effects movies with simple plots seriously."

- Of course, what Zhu Jiamu didn't say is that in fact, he himself felt that he would definitely sacrifice so many people, there would definitely be many unexpected twists and turns, and he never thought things would go so smoothly...

Shang Yinhe smiled and said nothing.

- There is a hidden boss who can fight one person and one army in the center, what sacrifices do you want to make?

- Are you looking down on the ability of the boss?

In short, this time, the beheading operation of the juveniles of the divine tree was very successful, and they completed the order perfectly without any sacrifice.

After the news was reported to the United Nations, Shang Yinhe and his team received the next order:

Stay in place for a period of time to ensure that there is no possibility of the divine tree rising again. Peacekeepers will cooperate with them in their search. At the same time, they need assistance to clean up the nearby animal and plant nests.

This task is easy. After all, most of the evolved animals and plants have already been killed in the battle to exterminate the juveniles of the divine tree, and they only need to finish.

In this battle to destroy the juveniles of the divine tree, Shang Yinhe showed great strength, made correct strategic judgments, and perfectly completed the task of completely destroying the larvae of the divine tree. As a result, he was firmly established as the military commander of various countries. In this position, he began to stay in the command room, and constantly arranged for the follow-up peacekeeping troops and troops from other countries to start clearing the surrounding areas.

However, one wave has not settled, and another wave has arisen.

The traces of the juveniles of the sacred tree have not been completely cleaned up, and the news of another super-evolved animal has spread to the table of the United Nations:

"It is suspected that traces of the underwater giant Cthulhu have been found!"


Across the sea, Bald Eagle Federation, United Nations Headquarters.

"What is this doing?" The representative of Hansi Country directly threw the information on the table.

The representative of Hansi Kingdom is a young man. China’s intelligence shows that he has cleared the copy of [Riddle Chain]. He should be a high-IQ psychic.

At this moment, he sneered and pointed at the nose of the monitoring team expert in a gesture that was very in line with his youthful and vigorous image: "I thought the third world war was almost over, but I didn't expect that there would be another big war behind. The boss is waiting for us - is this a joke? Why is the trace of the underwater troll only discovered now?"

"There is no way, satellites can't penetrate the sea surface; the submarine observation network originally arranged by various countries was damaged to a certain extent in the early stage of the Third World War, and it has not been repaired yet;" the monitoring team expert explained helplessly, "So, now we have The monitoring capabilities of the seabed are very limited, and just through some accidents, I vaguely discovered the figure of the seabed monster."

"Then what are we going to do now?" Although the young representative of Hansi Country accepted the explanation, he was still a little upset. He snorted and asked, "Did you beat each boss one by one?"

"It's a matter of treating the symptoms but not the root cause," beside him, the prudent Chinese representative repeated the old saying again, "The real solution to the root cause should be to clean up the nests of animals and plants on the earth as soon as possible."

"As long as there is no spiritual stone concentration as a basis," the representative of Hua Guo said, "no super-evolutionary animals or super-evolutionary plants can grow - this is the most important thing now."


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