MTL - Non-Human Seeking Re-employment-Chapter 92 All wicked

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"...all die!"

The last word fell, and the light at the top of the car was bright and dark. Eventually, the "stinging" sounded a spark and was completely extinguished.

But fortunately, the time of complete darkness is not long, the incandescent lamp is dying and struggling, and it returns to the light and shines.

Just in this short moment, the flight attendant who was originally at the door of No. 1 car came in quietly. The pale face was tightly attached to the person closest to the door, and it was a little bit worse. Come to an intimate contact.


The lucky man screamed back and almost fell apart - the stock fell to the ground.

The time for the incandescent lamp to return to the light is not too long, and it will go out again.

In the dark, the player’s panicked voice sounded: “People! Where did the people go!?”

"Ah, she is coming over!"

"Don't panic, is there a flashlight or a mobile phone?"

A cluster of cold light hit.

The players are quiet.

Not because of the light, but because of being scared.

Those passengers who were originally sitting in their seats and were mentally retarded were now crowded at the door and reached out to the people inside the No. 1 car.

They all have the same smile on their faces, and it’s not terrible to laugh, but when a group of people use the expressions carved out in the same mold to look straight, it will make people shudder.

The players have a nap.

Someone suddenly said: "They are coming!"

When the players look at each other's eyes, the passengers crowded at the door will be close to one step. Before long, they will break into the door and come to the players.

Poor players are afraid to close their eyes and stare at the passengers outside.

"what should I do now?"

"The ticket, we are going to find a ticket!"

"But where to find? They are coming over!"

One of them opened his mouth coldly: "In fact, they only kill one person."

The plaid skirt turned his head violently: "What are you talking about?"

The man said: "Every time the flight attendant checks the ticket, he will only die one person."

The first time the cap was dead, the second time the player who took the other ticket died.

He said to himself: "So, we don't need to hurry to find the ticket, just make sure that the person who died is not me."

After the man finished speaking, he directly pulled the people around him and pushed hard to the door.

Plaid skirt: "Don't-"

But she stopped it too late, and the person who was pushed out had already reached the door, and it was only a step away from the group of passengers.

Shen Dongqing raised his hand and said hello: "...hey?"

Passengers: ...

The player who pushes the man looks at his hand and looks at his side, a little aggressive.

It’s just that Shen Dongqing was not pushed...

Shen Dongqing finished greeting and went straight back and forth.

The smile on the passengers' faces became a bit stiff.

what happened?

Can you give me some face, pretend to be afraid of it?

Shen Dongqing pulled the flight attendant who wanted to escape and said kindly: "Ask a question."

The flight attendant is about to be asked about the psychological shadow, and the conditional reflex said: "I don't know anything!"

Shen Dongqing stared at the flight attendant for a while.

The flight attendant was seen sweating down, stuttering: "You, what do you want to do..."

There is also the way to intimidate the player.

Shen Dongqing shook his head: "It's too unprofessional."

Flight attendant: "Ah?"

Shen Dongqing: "Do you know what you want to do? If you become a ghost, if you are a flight attendant on the train, how can you be so rude to the customer? And I have not asked any questions."

The flight attendant was said to be stunned, and suddenly he came up with an idea that he said was very reasonable. He nodded innocently.

Shen Dongqing sat patted the flight attendant's shoulder with satisfaction, first glanced at her with praise, and said, "Do you know where the driver is?"

The words "driver" seem to touch the switch. The flight attendant first stunned, and then the pale face was distorted, leaving a line of blood and tears in his eyes, which was particularly terrifying in the dim light.

The female players were scared and exclaimed.

Shen Dongqing also took back his hand.

The flight attendant thought that Shen Dongqing was finally scared and smiled smugly, but her smile did not last long and she was stuck.

I saw Shen Dongqing swearing and swearing: "It's disgusting."

Flight attendants who shed blood and tears: ... what to do, I want to cry.

Shen Dongqing asked again: "Where is the driver?"

The flight attendant said faintly: "The driver is..." She licked her eyes and swept the players present, not rushing to tell the driver's whereabouts.

The passengers outside the door reacted very fiercely.

The baby in the mother's arms wowed and cried, and the mother cried so lowly: "Husband, you come out, I am so cold."

The white skirt girl licked her stomach, and a drop of blood fell on the ground. She also screamed and said: "Dear, my stomach hurts, where are you?"

The flight attendant smiled in amazement: "He is among you!"

For a time, the players are in danger and they suspect the male players in the team.

The plaid skirt guarantees to the companion: "I came with him, he is definitely not a driver."

Others have begun to defend themselves.

After a stalemate for a while, a man standing in the corner suddenly burst into the air and reached out to grab a player closest to him, wanting to be taken hostage.

It’s just that his luck seems to be a little bad. Standing next to him is Zhou Wenyan.

Compared with Shen Dongqing who has been tossing all kinds of ghosts, Zhou Wenyan seems to be much quieter, but his appearance is sharp, as long as he notices that he does not dare to take a nap.

The driver who was now hidden in the crowd suddenly shot, and Zhou Wenyan did not hold it for two seconds, and he was pressed to the ground.

The ability of the two is a different stream card.

Shen Dongqing has a strong foundational ability, and casual shots can cause great harm. There is no move at all. And Zhou Wenyan is proficient in a variety of skills, start quickly, talk about fighting, more like an art.

Zhou Wenyan twisted the driver's arm behind him and made a soothing sound.

The driver gasped and struggled, but the lifeblood was held down, no matter how struggling, he could not get away.

After discovering this, he changed his mind and began to sell miserable: "They will kill me, I beg you to let me go, save me, they are ghosts!"

The players are not stupid and sweet, they have said that this is your own train, and they have nothing to do with them.

Driver: "If you give me to them, you are killing people!"

Shen Dongqing: "Don't you start killing people first?"

The driver's face turned red, and he said with a grin: "They are all female watches, swaying women, dead and deserving!"

The story on the train is a bit complicated.

The wife of the old couple derailed a handsome and handsome man on the Internet, that is, a young man. He induced the old woman to kill her husband to get huge insurance money. The old woman was poisoned, but she was discovered by the old man. She had a knife and both of them died.

Young men are spreading all over the net. Not only the old woman, but the flight attendants are his targets. He deliberately does these things on the train because the flight attendants can help him.

The bear child is particularly naughty, likes to run around on the aisle, and meets the flight attendants and young men to discuss how to divide the huge amount of insurance. After the old couple died, the young man was afraid of the incident, and he lied to the bear child and sneaked into the luggage rack.

The driver was the father of the bear child. After discovering that the bear child was killed, he did not choose to call the police. Instead, he strangled the young man with a leash.

After doing all this, the driver is ready to go back and drive, and adjust to the flight attendant as a lover for a while.

When the white skirt girl saw it, she killed the flight attendant and wiped her face with a knife. Finally, she hid the flight attendant's body under the chair.

She ran to threaten the driver and told the driver that she was pregnant. If she didn't divorce her, she went to the abortion and sent the dead baby to the driver's family and company, so that everyone knew that he was abandoning!

Unexpectedly, the driver was a monk. He directly dragged the white skirt girl to the toilet and fed her all the abortion pills, causing the white skirt girl to bleed too much and eventually die.

The mother did not find that the bear child was gone. She came to the compartment of the compartment with a quiet baby and placed the baby on the sink. In fact, the baby was suffocated and died at that time.

Because this is not the mother and the driver's child, she has derailed other people when she is not home all the year round. She accidentally gave birth to this little baby. In order not to be discovered by others, she chose to let the vulnerable baby not know. Feel dead.

Then the driver was discovered by the driver, and the two violently quarreled. Finally, the mother was pressed into the sink by the driver and died as if suffocating.

All the wicked.

No one is innocent.

As for why the train did not open, because the driver who should die in the ghost revenge did not die, he hid in the No. 1 compartment, mixed into the players, blinded by the identity of the player.

The driver said all this, and the voice said: "You are all men, you will understand, you will understand me, every man will do this!"

Shen Dongqing shook his head: "I don't understand."

It’s too complicated to see humans this way!

Zhou Wenyan stated: "I don't understand."

Shen Dongqing picked up the driver and threw it at the door like the garbage: "Give it to you."

The old couple looked at the driver with disappointment. The white skirt girl, the mother and the flight attendants and the madman got together and pulled one side.


"this is mine."

"Give me, give it to me."

When Shen Dongqing saw that they had grabbed a man, they suddenly came up with an idea: "If you don't divide it, one person, you don't have to grab it."

The white skirt, mother and flight attendants stopped their movements.

When they thought about it, it really made sense. One person grabbed one side and pulled it hard outside.


"no, do not want!"

"It hurts! Let me go, my wife, kiss, baby, let me go, I will be good to each of you!"


In the miserable cry, the driver was divided into three equal parts, and three people satisfactorily held a part of them.

The players did not have the heart to close their eyes.

This picture is very fierce, but it is that people can't afford to be pity. After all, all the victims on this train are not innocent. They have harmed people and they have been harmed. It is a kind of retribution.


The lights on the ceiling re-lighted, and the inside of the car was completely renewed. The passengers crowded inside disappeared, leaving only the players.

The group of players looked at each other: "What happened?"

"Where are people going?"

Just when they were full of doubts, the sound of the train started suddenly came out, and the radio rang.

"The train will depart in three minutes, please passengers..."

A girl in a white dress rushed to catch up and finally caught up with the train. She held the back of the seat and gasped gently. After waiting for it, the player inside the No. 1 compartment smiled and walked toward the front. .

The players reflected that the copy bug was eliminated and restarted.

Players who have died before have not resurrected.

Someone quickly said: "Hurry up and find a ticket!"

The players experienced the picture that they had just been chased by the flight attendants, and they were afraid that the next one would die. They quickly dispersed to find the ticket, and they disappeared at once.

Only the plaid skirt stood there and did not move. She glanced at the two big cockroaches and some hesitated: "Are you really trying to eliminate the bug?"

How to eliminate it later in the copy.

Shen Dongqing: "Yes."

The plaid skirt saw the two big sly look calm, and stunned and said: "I also went to find the ticket."

Then I left the No. 1 car.

At this point, the door slowly closed, the train re-car, and the scenery outside the window quickly reversed.

Zhou Wenyan’s eyes came back and said faintly: “We are trapped.”

In this copy, only if you have a ticket and get off at the destination on the ticket, you can pass the customs.

Needless to say, each player has their own ticket.

Both Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing are temporarily released by the game to eliminate bugs. Players who do not belong to this game field, according to the truth, will disappear after the bug disappears.

Just now the game is dead and there is no reaction.

They don't have a ticket and can't pass the game.

The game used the rules and bugs of this game to trap them.

It is no wonder that the game has not responded before, and thought it was dead, and did not expect to dig a pit here waiting for them.

Shen Dongqing was not too anxious and put forward a suggestion: "Can you take someone else's ticket?"

Zhou Wenyan: "Oh... no."

Tickets are real-name, and destinations are others.

The requirement for customs clearance is to get off at the right site. If they take someone else's ticket, the site where they get off is also wrong, and they can't meet the customs clearance conditions.

Shen Dongqing sat in a chair with his hands on his chin and squinted his eyes: "Let's eat first."

Anyway, I can't get out, it's better to eat something delicious.

Zhou Wenyan laughed: "Okay."

Then Shen Dongqing encountered troubles and her brows were close.

His kitchen card needs to ignite the straw to connect the hotel to the kitchen. It can be seen that there is no straw on the train.

Zhou Wenyan solved the troubles of Shen Dongqing in time: "There is a dining car on the train."

However, when Shen Dongqing ate the meals on the train, he said very firmly: "I want to leave this copy quickly!"

The food here is really too bad!

Shen Dongqing couldn't eat it after a tasteful meal, and put down the chopsticks in angrily.

Too bad to eat, it is more difficult than the food in the cafeteria.

Zhou Wenyan drank: "I think about it..."

The words have not finished, a figure stumbled and ran in. He looked pale, and saw Shen Dongqing as if he had caught the straw, and even said: "Help! Save me!"

Not long after he came in, the footsteps of the flight attendants came from behind: "Check in, this passenger, your ticket?"

The player sweated and said, "Help me!"

Shen Dongqing looked at him and felt a bit familiar.

The player thought that the game quickly went to the side of Shen Dongqing.

He didn't come over, but when he came over, Shen Dongqing recognized him, the player who sold his teammates before.

Although selling teammates is a human nature, he is not lucky and sells Shen Dongqing.

Shen Dongqing touched his chin: "You still have time to run."

The player heard the meaning of Shen Dongqing's unwillingness to help, his face changed, and he pointed to Shen Dongqing and said: "They also have no tickets, check them together!"

Anyway, only one person who has no ticket will be killed at a time. It is better to drag the two people in front of him, so that one-third of the chances are likely to fail.

At this time, he still does not forget to drag people into the water.

The flight attendants' footsteps paused, and they looked at the two men in a complicated way. They chose to ignore them and went straight to the player.

The player turned around and ran.

Unfortunately, another exit was blocked, and he could only desperately watch the flight attendants get closer and closer, and each step seemed to step on his mind.


After a scream of collapse, the player fell softly on the ground and was dragged into the toilet by a thin hand.

Then there was a burst of flushing sound inside.

The flight attendants came back and deliberately stepped up when they passed the two gods.

Don't stop her, don't stop her -

Unfortunately, the flight attendant’s prayer was of no use. When she passed the seat of Shen Dongqing, she once again heard the familiar words.

"Ask a question."

The flight attendant almost fainted on the spot.

Shen Dongqing asked: "How many stops will the train stop?"

After being taught so many times, the flight attendants finally learned to answer the question: "... five stations."

Shen Dongqing licked his finger: "Five stations, what stop should we get off?"

Flight attendant: "There is a ticket on the ticket, don't go too far to the wrong site."

Zhou Wenyan said: "Can you go out and make up the ticket?"

Flight attendant: ""

Shen Dongqing said dissatisfiedly: "You are too irregular in this station!"

The flight attendant bowed his head and accepted criticism with humility.

After being a grandson here, she took the opportunity to catch players without tickets.

Can't bully, can't you clean up?

When Shen Dongqing thought about how to leave the train, there were players who found the ticket, and then the first station arrived, and the train stopped.

Shen Dongqing looked out through the window.

The station looks ordinary, similar to a normal station, except that no passengers get on the bus and no passengers get off.

"What if we don't get off the bus?" Shen Dongqing was curious.

Zhou Wenyan said: "I will stay on the train all the time, waiting for the game to start next time."

The game is playing this attention, trapping them on this train, the players come and go, but they can never leave the game.

Shen Dongqing: "So let's just pick a stop and get off?"

Zhou Wenyan: "I have never met."

The probability of a bug in the game is very small. So many game sites have had it once or twice. Zhou Wenyan has not experienced this situation, and I don’t know what to expect.

"But..." Zhou Wenyan thought thoughtfully. "You can try."

Shen Dongqing stood up: "Let's try it."

Zhou Wenyan pressed the person down: "Wait for the next stop."

I have to try something in this station to say something.

Shen Dongqing drummed his drum: "But I am so hungry." After he finished, he sat down.

Zhou Wenyan touched his pocket and took out a small snack on the table.

Shen Dongqing’s eyes lit up: “How come there is so much.”

Zhou Wenyan pinched his cheek: "Be prepared to feed my baby."

Shen Dongqing ripped a big white rabbit toffee into the mouth, and the cheeks on one side bulged. He took a bite of milk candy and filled his mouth with milk.

Zhou Wenyan smiled low: "Come here."

Shen Dongqing is not clear, but it is still in the past.

Zhou Wenyan pinched Shen Dongqing's chin and tasted the taste of toffee through his lips. After the taste, he said: "Good sweet."

Shen Dongqing smiled and smiled. Turned over and got together, let Zhou Wenyan taste the candy.

A toffee is eaten by two people, but it is also delicious.

The bear child on the luggage rack silently covered his eyes.

The second stop is coming soon.

At this time, the player got off the bus with the corresponding ticket. When he got off the bus, the figure disappeared into the station and it seemed to be customs clearance.

The train only stayed for 3 minutes and soon set off again.

One player finally found his ticket, but he didn't have time to be happy. He saw the destination above and his eyes were black.

The first stop was written on it, but the first stop has passed.

The player took the ticket to find the flight attendant and asked, "What should I do if I am over the station? Can I drive back?"

The flight attendant smiled and the voice was gentle: "Sorry, I can only wait to die after standing."

There is no return to this car. If you miss it, there is no way. Who will make you bad luck?

The player obviously can't accept the result, the whole person has broken down, sitting on the ground and slamming the ground, muttering in the mouth: "How could this be!"

No matter how desperate the players who have found the ticket but the station, how lost the player who did not find the ticket, the third stop is still around.

The destination of the plaid skirt is the third stop. Before the next stop, she also deliberately came to Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan, and seriously thanked them. After all, there are no such two people, and they are estimated to be folded here.

After the road was over, she got off the bus, and the skirt of the plaid skirt swayed and cleared.

The player who passed the station also chose to get off at the third stop.

He pinched the ticket and was lucky. After all, he also had a ticket in his hand and he might be judged to pass the customs.

Imagination is beautiful, but reality is not.

When he got out of the car, the station that had been calm was suddenly changed. One of the distorted figures climbed out of the shadows, pulling the player's hands and feet and dragging him under the track.

The train did not know that there were more individuals below, and still proceeded on time.


After a muffled sound, the train ran smoothly.

Zhou Wenyan stood up: "Get off the bus."

Shen Dongqing "Oh", picked up the snacks that had not been eaten on the table, and walked in the arms. 2k novel reading network

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