MTL - Non-Human Seeking Re-employment-Chapter 132 Touch porcelain

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The pregnant woman had a big belly, just fell again, and walked to limping, no one would think she had any lethality.

As a contemporary male college student, Fang Qi is naturally also helpful. He helped pregnant women to come to the door of 401, followed by a series of small partners.

The pregnant woman struggled to figure out the key and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, there was a smoldering wind blowing in the face, mixed with an indescribable taste.

This room is shady, even if the curtains are open, there is no moonlight.

Fang Qi helped the pregnant woman to go in, and barely saw the furnishings in the room by the light inside the corridor.

Pregnant women are probably not long after the wedding, and there are two plaques on the glass window, but the light is dim and looks dull, not only not festive, but also inexplicably somewhat strange.

Fang Qi groped for a while on the walls on both sides of the door. "啪嗒" pressed the switch, and the orange light in the living room suddenly lit up, dispelling the strange feeling.

Fang Qi took the pregnant woman to the sofa and felt that she had done a good job. The merits were retired, so she said, "We are leaving first. Do you really have something to call an ambulance?"

But the pregnant woman pulled the square prayer and raised her head to reveal a pale and clear face: "My husband will be back soon. Can you please accompany me a little?"

The party prayed for a moment.

From the perspective of conscience, it is not ethical to put a pregnant woman who has just fallen asleep at home. He turned to ask other people's opinions.

The pregnant woman said weakly: "One person can do it."

Fang Qi thinks so too. It is a bit uncomfortable for a bunch of people to squeeze in the pregnant woman's house, but he is a little scared and afraid to make a decision.

At this time, Shen Dongqing said: "Yes, no problem, let us accompany you."

He walked in and walked in, and he was sitting in the center of the sofa, more like a pregnant woman than a pregnant woman.

At the end of Wu Jia’s death, he added an eye. Instead of locking the door, he twisted the lock core back and re-insurance, so that he would not find the plot in the horror film that suddenly could not escape if the door was closed. It is.

The pregnant woman saw a person coming in, and one more than one was welcome, and suddenly filled the small living room, her face became a bit ugly.

One party prayed, she was able to claim her life, but in addition to the little boy, she was all here who was taller than her strong man. Who can she kill?

Shen Dongqing glanced at her and asked with concern: "Big sister, how did your face become so ugly? Would you like to call an ambulance for you?"

The pregnant woman squeezed a word out of her teeth: "Thank you, no."

Shen Dongqing waved his hand: "Nothing, help."

The pregnant woman looked around and the sofa was full of helpful people. She could only make a sly smile: "I will tea for you..."

She stood up on her stomach.

Fang prayed and helped the person quickly: "Would you like me to come?"

Pregnant woman: "I am fine. You are the guest to sit down first. This is really thanks to you. When my husband returns, I must let him thank you."

The last three words she said are gnashing their teeth, not like "thank you," but rather "have wanted your life."

Unlike the previous difficult move, the pregnant woman walked into the kitchen and watched her healthy back. She couldn’t see a pregnant woman who had just fallen.

After the pregnant woman left, the person in the living room was quiet.

After a moment, Wu Jia cautiously said: "There is nothing wrong with it here?"

Shen Dongqing looked around for a circle.

This is an ordinary two-bedroom, one-bedroom house with old-fashioned, yellow stains on the walls. There are no other strange places except the two pairs of characters on the glass window.

He shook his head: "No."

Except for the pregnant woman, other places are quite normal.

Wu Jiasong breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

After a while, Fang Qi reacted: "How big sister has not come out yet?"

Not only did the pregnant woman not come out, but there was no sound in the kitchen.

Fang Qi stood up: "I will go in and see."

He walked over, just arrived at the door of the kitchen, and saw the pregnant woman lying on the ground, life and death, and the white dress stunned a group of blood.

The first reaction of Fang Qi is to go up and see if the pregnant woman is dead or alive.

"Big sister, how are you?" He went to explore the breath of pregnant women, anxiously shouting, "big sister, big sister?!"

Big sister is cold, no breathing at all.

"Ambulance, right, ambulance." Fang Qi Liu Shen has no owner, is about to reach out to touch the phone, and saw that the big sister who was close to her eyes opened her eyelids without warning.

Fang Qi thought that the person had slowed down and said, "Big sister, are you okay?"

Big sister is of course okay, and people who have something are the ones who pray.

The eldest sister's face was pale and he grabbed the arm of Fang Qi.

Fang Qi was scared and almost stunned and reached out to the eldest sister's palm: "Big sister, you let go and say..."

But the big sister didn't respond, and the loose eyes stared straight at the ceiling. Her face was pale and weak, but her strength was not small. She grabbed Fang Qi’s arm tightly and pinched her blue and purple handprints.

Fang Qi turned to ask for help from the little friends outside, and Yu Guang suddenly saw something, and the whole person was there.

The pregnant woman has a big belly. It seems to be six or seven months old. It has already risen high. Now the belly is arched and arched, like something is coming out from inside.

Fang Qi seems to have noticed something, and a familiar "life-saving" blurted out.

Just in time for other people to come, Fang prayed to hear the sound of the flesh being torn in the ear, and then a small **** hand stretched out from the gap in the stomach.


An undeveloped baby climbs out of it. It drags a long umbilical cord with weak hands and feet, but has a fine tooth that does not match its age.

Fang prayed a tremor, and the next life-saving life swallowed back.

The baby looks at his gaze as if he is looking at food. It seems that the baby is born prematurely, the mother is dead, and wants to use other things to supplement the nutrition.

"Nutrition" shouted: "Help -"

The voice fell, and when it was awkward, the door of the kitchen was crowded with people.

Wu Jiahe and Shen Dongqing occupied one side, and the little boy took a different path and drilled in from below. Only Zhou Wenyan stood at the end and did not mix this excitement.

Shen Dongqing: "It's ugly."

Little kid: "It’s ugly."

The two men commented on this little baby, and there is no such thing as respecting the old and loving the young.

Only Wu Jia’s reaction is normal: “What is this!? You are not saying that it is normal here?”

Shen Dongqing looked innocent: "You asked the house, but didn't ask anyone."

The house is quite normal, and it is the ghost that lives inside.

Fang prayed quickly: "Don't say it, come and save me."

Little fart boy: "Can't save, no cure."

Fang Qi:? ? ?

Little fart boy: "The ghost baby is rare in the world, living in the human body, and taking the mother's life when he was born is extremely fierce." He raised his **** and made a stroke. "But it is worse than me."

Fang Qi: Is this something worth celebrating? ?

The little boy paused and continued to explain: "The ghost baby will kill two people, one is the mother, or the person who first saw it. Usually this person is the father. Now it is your turn, unlucky."

Shen Dongqing: "No."

Little kid: "Where is it wrong."

Shen Dongqing: "I think I can still save it."

The hapless party needs to be rescued.

Just when they were jealous, the ghost baby had completely competed for the control of the mother, and all the limbs landed on the shoulders of the pregnant woman's arms, and opened his mouth at him, his face full of malice.


Ghost baby's umbilical cord glimpses, wants to tie the neck of Fang Qi, but he has not touched it, and he is held in his hand.

The ghost baby was vacant, and the limbs squinted in the air, and then the small head suddenly twisted 180°, grabbed the umbilical cord and climbed up, trying to bite the hand that grabbed it.

Shen Dongqing: "Hey, so disgusting."

He took the kitchen knife on the chopping board and took it.


The ghost baby was shot and forced.

No, here are non-human creatures, all of them are attacked by unscientific means. How come you get a physical counterattack when you get here? What is going on?

Can you follow the rules?

Regardless of the rules of the game, Shen Dongqing can directly plug the blinded ghost baby into the pot, and then cover the lid with his hand and clap his hands: "It becomes."

Wu Jia and Fang Qi both face each other.

This is what?


The ghost baby who was locked in was coming back, not very convinced, and desperately hit his head.

Shen Dongqing: "If you hit it again, you will be stewed."

The ghost baby is not afraid, and he is more cheerful.

Shen Dongqing took a spoon and poured a spoonful of water into it, opened the switch again, and soon he gasped in the pot.

Now even the little boy is forced: "Stew, stew?"

He couldn't help but feel pity for the ghost baby in the pot.

A set of tricks, the ghost baby in the pot finally quieted down, I don't know if it was really convincing, or was cooked.

Shen Dongqing picked up the lid and was about to see it. Suddenly a voice came from the door.

"who are you?"

A group of people huddled in the doorway brushed back.

A strong young man stood at the door, carrying two bags of food in his hand, apparently the pregnant woman who came back immediately.

Young asked: "What are you doing at my house?"

Wu Jia and Fang Qi brushed back and looked at the kitchen.

What have you done?

On the kitchen floor, there are people's wives, and the children in the pot are stewed. Now the wife is cold, and the children are cooked, so good for a good family.

Fang Qi was scared of such two sufferings. Now he is too courageous, his mind is flexible, and he turns fast: "We are legitimate defense."

Shen Dongqing pinched the lid and said that he was more confident: "We are being touched by porcelain!"

The pregnant woman lying on the ground twitched, as if to be alive and alive.

Wu Jia saw the owner coming in, another normal person, I don’t know how to explain it, I can only say: "Wait for you..."

The owner did not say a word, went straight ahead, and saw the pregnant woman lying on the ground at a glance.

"You, you killed my wife!" The owner of the room fired.

The ghost baby in the pot had to climb out, and Shen Dongqing smashed back again. After finishing the matter, he said with distress: "Why don't you learn to learn badly, and rush to touch porcelain."

Fang prayed weakly and explained: "When I came in, your wife would be mad."

Room owner: "I don't believe, I want you to pay for blood debt!"


The light bulb on the ceiling suddenly exploded, and the room immediately fell into a darkness, and nothing could be seen.

At this time, other people heard Shen Dongqing said: "Well, let's call the police."

Others: "Alarm?!"

Even the owner of the room stunned.

What is this routine?

Shen Dongqing: "Yes, isn't the crime being done by the police uncle?" He shook his head. "You are still a young man of the new era. You don't even know the police when you have difficulty - especially when you are hit by porcelain."

He said that he pulled out his mobile phone.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who gave me the overlord ticket or irrigation nutrient solution.

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: I can't remember one;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrition solution]:

Mochimochi 50 bottles; 10 bottles in the heart of Taoyuan; give you a bottle of poisonous milk; 1 bottle of black feather night;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network

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