MTL - Non-Human Seeking Re-employment-Chapter 101 Lost reason

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The night is heavy.

In the darkness of a thick, the players can only see two white lanterns hanging on the tree sill, shaking gently with the wind. Sitting on two tables below, their faces looked like dead people under the candlelight.

Doctor: "I applied for a personal class."

For this player who plays in accordance with the rules, the game has a great patience: [You don't have the anthropology skills, the chances of failure are great. 】

Doctor: "Go."


The scorpion fell and the scorpion made a turn and slowly stopped where the players couldn't see it.

[Unfortunately,] the game said, [You have failed. 】

Shen Dongqing asked: "What is anthropology?"

The doctor said: "You can check the npc in front of you to see if they are human or something else."

Shen Dongqing said: "Not a ghost."

The doctor has some doubts: "Why is this so sure?"

It seems that this group of aborigines is not normal?

Shen Dongqing: "The ghost does not have to eat."


Is the decision so simple?

The sound of the game rang coldly: [The distance between the two sides is too close, and a lucky check is performed every three minutes]

[Failure will be discovered by this group of aborigines, success can sneak into the hall]

[Detective, successful verification]

[Photographer, successful verification]

[Doctor, verification...failure]

The group of aborigines who were sitting down on the round table had to raise their heads, twisted their necks and turned to the doctor. Their eyes were hollow and reflected a white light, but their lips were unexpectedly bright red. They stiffened their lips and smiled, like a mask on their faces.

The doctor is a newcomer. I have never seen this battle. I can’t help but scream and go backwards.

At the same time, other people's verification success has also come out.

[Zhou Wenyan, successful verification]

[Shen Dongqing, verification... big failure! 】

A big failure is more unlucky than a doctor.

The game schadenfreaked: [You see the old lady in the center of the hall sitting up, the white paper covered on her face fell in the terrain and revealed a rotten face. She has turned into a smashed rotten meat with a half-worm on her eyelids, but even so, she stretched her arm toward you, screaming with the gold jewelry hanging on her wrist, and giggling in the mouth. sound】

[sense verification, success, deduction...]

Shen Dongqing strode over and picked up the white paper and took it on the face of the old lady. After the old lady twitched, she lay back peacefully.

The game feels that this reason can't be deducted.

The group of aborigines also discovered Shen Dongqing. On the premise of a big failure, they ignored the doctor and chose to stare at him.

Shen Dongqing raised his hand and said hello: "Hey--"

The aunt in the crowd feels a little cold inexplicably.

The aborigines whispered together.

"Where is this coming from?"

"Why is he here?"

"Hurry up and drive him out!"

Game: [You can have a persuasion]

Shen Dongqing: "Over."

[convincing success]

[Please start your performance]

Shen Dongqing:?

What do you say when you persuaded you to succeed? Do you want him to perform a big mourning hall on the spot?

Fortunately, someone appeared in time and interrupted his whimsy.

The doctor who had just been scared was cast a rational test, deducted 2 points of reason and began to suffer from epilepsy.

She closed her eyes and closed her eyes, and raised her hands to her chest. She sang a song in her mouth: "Girl, girl, sixteen, seventeen, married, eighteen, like a flower, girl, good girl, she is good. girl--"

Shen Dongqing commented: "Singing is much better than before."

It seems that the game will still learn from experience to improve, it is worthy of praise.


After the doctor sang, he collapsed and fell down softly, and was supported by the photographer.

The aborigines over there also heard the song, and his face was stunned, and he looked at this group of people indefinitely.

It may be that Shen Dongqing’s persuasion of the scorpion was successful. Even without explanation, the aunt naturally stood up: “This is my guest.”

The aborigines heard what the aunt said, and the expression became meaningful.

"It's your guest again? It's a coincidence."

"Since it is your guest, then you can bring people back, don't let them run out again."

"That is, it is not good to disturb us to do funeral."

Aunt nodded straight: "Hurry up and go back."

Now the doctor has fainted, the players have reduced one and they have been discovered by the aborigines. They can only choose to return to the hotel and make plans.

At this time, Zhou Wenyan showed his identity card: "This is my grandmother."

The aborigines stopped their movements and looked at him. Then one person said, "No wonder it looks so familiar. It turned out to be Zhou Aqi's son!"

"Don't you move out early? How come suddenly?"

Zhou Wenyan explained: "After someone sent me a letter saying that my grandmother was sick, she came back."

Someone asked casually: "Who sent you a letter, this is too late, and now we all use mobile phones, very fast."

Zhou Wenyan: "It’s my aunt Zhou Aying."

As soon as the name came out, the expressions of the aborigines who were present became weird. After a moment of silence, they bluntly turned the subject.

"Then, since you are back, let's send the old lady together."

"The time is almost up, you guys from outside the country have to leave here, or we are welcome."

The detective and the photographer left with the doctor, and Shen Dongqing stood there.

The aborigines said impatiently: "You go faster, this is not the place you should stay!"

Shen Dongqing hugged Zhou Wenyan's arm: "This is my boyfriend."

Aboriginal people:?

Excuse me, the aborigines who grew up in the mountains have never encountered this situation.

[Please conduct a persuasion check]

Shen Dongqing persuaded him in a serious way: "His grandmother wants to see him become a family before he dies."

[Convince... Great success! 】

The aborigines quickly accepted this setting, leaving both Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing, and they were going to prepare for funeral.

Probably because Zhou Wenyan grew up outside and didn't understand the customs in the ancient town. The aborigines did not let him participate in the funeral activities, but let the two people be on the side of the team.

The old lady's body was put in a thin shackle. I didn't expect this place to be buried, with a thin layer of gold inside, and then the four aborigines picked up the coffin and walked toward the back hill.

According to the custom of the countryside, there should be firecrackers and paper money during the funeral process. It can be unusually quiet here. Everyone is bowing their heads and saying nothing, even if the movement of the coffin is as small as possible, for fear of awakening some terrible presence.

Zhou Wenyan and Shen Dongqing fell behind the team and watched the aborigines pass through the adobe house where the old lady lived. After a semi-derelict girl temple, she finally came to a small waterhole halfway up the mountainside.

The aborigines did not have any exchanges. They placed the coffin on the edge of the small water pool, and bowed to the coffin. Then they turned away and did not want to put the old lady into the ground.

Before leaving, Shen Dongqing looked back and didn't know when the lid of the coffin was opened. The wind blew and picked up the white paper covered by the old lady's face.

The white paper was light and thin, and it was blown into the small pool and floated slowly.

The funeral is over.

It was already late at night after returning to the hotel.

The aunt walked in and opened the lights in the hall.

The orange light sprinkled, and the aunt seemed to be alive, and the expression was vivid, and it turned into a savvy middle-aged woman. She wore a gold chain on her neck and hands and glowed under the light.

Aunt yawned: "Go to bed early-"

Zhou Wenyan said coldly: "We have made a wish."

The aunt was scared and almost couldn't get up with her chin. She held her chin in one hand and said vaguely: "Wish? What will you wish?"

On the shoulder of Zhou Wenyan, Shen Dongqing said with a squint: "Girl temple."

When the aunt heard these three words, the sleepiness in her eyes suddenly dissipated. She looked around vigilantly. When she was sure that no one else was there, she said secretly: "The time is wrong."

"There is responsiveness, where is it so simple."

"September 18, when you go back on September 18, keep your heart and mind!"

"This is what I told you about your father's sake. I want to cough with my father that year..."

After that, the aunt twisted away.

The 18th is definitely a key day.

Su Xiaoying disappeared on September 18, and according to the aunt, it is only possible to go to the temple for a wish on September 18.

Shen Dongqing was on the bed, his feet swaying in the air. He looked out the window. From here, he could see the girl temple located halfway up the mountain. It was just too dark now, and nothing could be seen clearly.

"I think it is the town people who believe in evil-teaching, worship the evil spirits, and treat Su Xiaoying as a sacrifice." He shook his head. "Feudal superstitions must not be!"

Zhou Wenyan squeezed his cheek and smiled: "Feudal superstition?"

Shen Dongqing took Zhou Wenyan’s hand and said for a while, “I’m not a feudal superstitious person, I like to be a human being.”

Unfortunately, this silly - forced game does not match.

If you can return to the real world, Shen Dongqing must be a good person, and absolutely do not engage in feudal superstition.

Zhou Wenyan squatted and lay down together.

After a while, Shen Dongqing suddenly said: "I remembered some previous things, how about you?"

As long as he returns to the ghost town, he has a hunch that as long as he returns to the ghost town, the puzzles in his past can be solved and he will find his identity.

The same is to lose the past, what about Zhou Yan?

Zhou Wenyan bowed his head and confronted a pair of black and white eyes: "Hey...not too important. I used to be a rich second generation in an ordinary family."

Other sporadic memories are really less important.

Zhou Wenyan can remember that he once had a bad relationship with Shen Dongqing. The rest, just leave the game and you will know.

Shen Dongqing closed his eyes, and when he was asleep, he suddenly said: "The ghost door is opening soon."

It’s not far from the days when ghost towns are open.

It is estimated that the copy of this game will end and you will be able to enter it soon.

Zhou Wenyan patted him on the shoulder: "Sleep..."

Shen Dongqing used his forehead to squat the person next to him and fell asleep.

Woke up the next day, Zhou Wenyan intends to go halfway up the mountain and turn around, then go and pay respect to the old lady's legacy.

The detective raised his hand and said that he would go together.

As soon as the photographer heard the words "old lady", her face was white. Obviously, the psychological trauma caused to her was quite serious, but she still insisted on going together.

Needless to say, the doctor experienced one night yesterday, and she couldn’t wait to find clues and joined them.

So the group of people went to the mountainside in a mighty way.

When their backs disappeared into the ancient town, one after another appeared on the empty streets. They pushed the door open with a light hand, and floated out like a wandering soul.

There was a whisper in the street.

"Eighteen years..."

"I finally waited for this day."

"Thirteen years, we can get rid of..."

According to the memory of last night, the group of people successfully came to the side of the small water pool, where there was a thin slap, and the coffin cover was opened.

The photographer and the doctor did not dare to go, even the detective swallowed and decided to give herself some heart building.

Shen Dongqing was the most courageous and walked over without any scruples and looked at it.

The coffin is empty, nothing, leaving only the gold for the funeral.

The old lady disappeared out of thin air.

Golden gold is fascinating, but it has no use for players.

Only the doctor saw a gold bracelet hanging on his feet. It was so delicate that he sneaked up and squatted in his pocket.

Shen Dongqing: "Cheats?"

But I was able to lie in the coffin last night. Is it because the coffin is too hard to sleep and get up and change to sleep?

The doctor said with a blank face: "We have all been investigating, saying that we can't find anything."

[Detective verification success]

One is a good start.

The detective pointed at the traces on the ground and said: "The body was towed away."

Others looked at him in the direction he pointed.

Around the small pool is a sandy beach with a long trace on it, which seems to be left when the body is dragged.

[Doctor verification failed]

[Zhou Wenyan's verification failed]

[Shen Dongqing verification failed]

[Photographer verification... great success! 】

The doctor took a breath: "Great success!"

The detective cheerfully asked: "Isn't big success not good?"

The doctor tangled and said: "Great success means you will see some..."

The words were not finished yet, and the photographer turned over and softly fell to the ground.

The game began to describe it: [You saw the decaying body lying in the coffin, the silence in the night, the wind blowing, sending out the sound of the cable]

[The sound was not sent from the trees. A tentacle squirmed, climbed out from the shadows, left a pool of mucus in the passing place, and slowly climbed the coffin with the tentacles. It rolled up the one. The body slowly slowly retracted into the darkness]

[The top of the tentacle grows with a series of sarcomas, red and purple, with red, like grapes that are too mature. On the way to carrying the corpse, the sarcoma is squeezed and squirted, and the juice splashes, "噗-" is the same The grapes are squashed]

This picture is disgusting, not to mention the photographer who faced the original scene.

She immediately passed the sensible check, but fortunately it was a big success. She only deducted 1 point of reason, otherwise she could go crazy on the spot.

Doctor: "I don't want to eat grapes anymore..."

Shen Dongqing: "The game description is quite delicious. I want to eat grapes a bit."

Other players looked at Shen Dongqing with a horrified look and silently opened the distance with him.

Detective: "Voice - what is that thing?"

Shen Dongqing: "Octopus?"


Not only the grapes, it seems that he doesn't even want to touch the octopus.

Zhou Wenyan: "The evil spirit."

The detective instantly remembered the leaflet “Away from Evil-Teaching” posted on the hotel wall.

Zhou Wenyan: "The ancient people of the ancient town worshipped an evil-god every 18 years."

The detective suddenly reacted: "So the Su Xiaoying I was looking for has been a fart?" He was a little frustrated. "So how do I bring people back?"

Shen Dongqing: "There is no life to say dead."

The game didn't say how it was a form of "Su Xiaoying", even if a part of the identity was returned or a group of ashes was taken back.

After the detective figured it out, he immediately resumed his fighting spirit: "Go, let's go to the evil spirit!"

The doctor pointed to the photographer lying on the ground and said, "I will stay and take care of her."

The photographer is unconscious and can't do it in the wild.

Only one person can be left to take care of her.

The doctor thinks that it is very dangerous to go to the evil spirits. It is better to stay and fish, and quickly ask for this.

Fortunately, other players did not think of this, they agreed.

Detectives have investigated the past, and with the addition of people and skills, his luck is not bad, and he can basically succeed.

In this way, according to the traces of the ground, more and more deviated from the path of the mountain, the grass is wild and wild, almost no place to settle.

The detective went very hard. He had a few strokes on his face, and his body was bitten by mosquitoes. He looked back and was unbalanced.

Zhou Wenyan opened the road in front and broke the branches that had been extended. The weeds on the ground were also stepped on the feet, so that Shen Dongqing, who was behind him, could easily walk over, not to mention mosquitoes. A little oily skin is not broken.

Detective: "Can you change position?" He also wants to enjoy this treatment.

Zhou Wenyan looked at him quietly.

After three seconds, the detective was paralyzed and could only continue to move forward.

Fortunately, I did not take long to reach the destination.

I didn't expect that there would be a hole in the back of this small pool. There is a hidden cave. I can see the "purple grape" falling from the tentacle at the hole, which exudes a smell.

The detective closed his eyes and kicked the "purple grape", which dared to look inside.

The cave is deep and dark, and there is nothing in it.

Detective: "Go in and see?"

None of the three people had a flashlight, and they could only use the light above the screen of the mobile phone to illuminate.

Under the faint light, the fear was slightly dispelled.

The cave is warm and humid and the air is constantly flowing, which makes the detective feel a little better.

Just halfway through, the game suddenly reminds: [A lucky check]

Shen Dongqing and Zhou Wenyan were lucky enough to pass.

Only the detective is unlucky.

After the game announced the failure of the detective's lucky check, he slipped his foot and planted it in front of him. On the occasion of this millennium, his hands waved in the air, and finally caught something, did not fall and broke his head. flow.

"Thank you……"

The detective just thought that he was helped by Zhou Wenyan or Shen Dongqing, but as soon as he looked up, two people stood around and watched him.

So what exactly is he grasping?

The detective raised his hand stiffly and took the phone and took it. Then he saw that a bunch of purple grapes hung on the wall, and the one he caught happened to be a fist-sized purple grape.


The detective was fart--the stock sat on the ground, and he retreated backwards and again, and his mouth screamed and sweared.

It can't be said that the detective is courageous, and in this unprepared situation, whoever hits who is forced.

Shen Dongqing also raised his hand and took the light of the phone.

The purple grape does not grow on the wall, but a tentacle on it.

It may be that people are squatting there, suddenly caught by someone, and scared, and now they are learning to shrink into the depths of the cave.

Shen Dongqing didn't have a game and chased it up.

The deeper the cave, the narrower the passage of the cave, and it can only be allowed to pass by one person. If Zhou Wenyan is taller, he must bow his head.

All the way to the past, they also found that one after another sarcoma fell on the ground, just like the fruit fell from the tree after it matured.

Some fell into a mud, and some still stayed there.

Shen Dongqing squatted down and observed a good one. He found that the sarcoma was covered with a film, and the things inside were like alive, beating and struggling.

Shen Dongqing’s first reaction was to reach out and poke.

Zhou Wenyan reluctantly pulled the man: "dirty."

Shen Dongqing had to give up this idea and continue to go inside.

After about five or six minutes, they stopped.

The innermost part of the cave turned out to be a deep pit, just like the whole mountain was hollowed out. Below is the deep bottomless abyss. The tentacles cling to the rock wall and slid quickly, leaving a secret on it. Mucus.

Shen Dongqing took the phone in the past.

But the following is really too deep, even if the light shines in, it is still swallowed.

Shen Dongqing was thrown down by a stone.

The stone fell and there was no echo.

The detective panted and chased him up: "Is it a detective?"

This rule setting is quite useful, as long as luck is hard enough, everything can be found.

The game starts to roll the dice.

[Shen Dongqing, failure]

[Zhou Wenyan, great success]

[Under the cliff, there is an inexplicable call. You feel as comfortable as returning to your mother's arms. You want to be close, contact... surrender.]

[You step forward and take a step forward. The creature at the bottom of the abyss keeps squirming. It is covered with a mature sarcoma. Its existence is difficult to describe in words. You don't see the whole picture, just a vague silhouette is enough. Let people fall into madness]

[No, maybe it should not be ‘he’, but... ‘hi’’

[Personality check, 1d6]

[Verification failed, deducting reason 6]

Zhou Wenyan closed his eyes and took a step back and returned to the cave.

[A deduction of reason ≥ 6, you will fall into 10 hours of madness, crazy symptoms are extreme paranoia]

[You will be crazy about something or creature, if it is out of your eyes, you will be hysterical, easy to collapse, and uncontrolled]

Zhou Wenyan opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Shen Dongqing. The original light-colored scorpion became deeper. His voice was hoarse and seemed to suppress all the warm emotions.


He wants him.

In various ways, it is best to put him in his arms, blood and bones are one, never separated.

Shen Dongqing, who was still staring in front of the abyss, is not clear: "Ah? What happened?"

He walked over without any precautions, and then he was smashed and held tightly in his arms.

Lonely standing next to the detective:?

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