MTL - Noble Wife Wants No Love-Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Xu Xinyi held Mr. Yi into the study with tears in his eyes, and cried while persuading: "Grandpa, it's so late, I'd better help you go back to rest," she said with tears in her eyes, easy to raise, and looked down timidly. "I There is nothing wrong with being wronged. "

Mr. Yi pricked his cane and patted Xin Yi's hand, "Grandpa will know for you if he knows this!"

He looked up at Yi Yang, "Yi Yang, what's going on, why did you start bullying Xin Yi again?"

Yi Yang got up from behind the desk and helped the old gentleman to sit on the sofa. "Grandpa, why are you still sleeping so late?"

Mr. Yi Lao glanced at the time, "It's not too late, it's not too late. Tell me about it first, Xin Yi is your wife, how can you remain indifferent if you are bullied?"

"Grandpa, I ..."

Xu Xinyi cried and interrupted Yi Yang's words, and his grievances could not be added. "Grandpa, it doesn't matter. I can resolve this myself. If the company refuses to terminate the contract with me, I will sue the company. The lawyer said that if it wins, it will go smoothly. Cancellation. If I lose, I can also cancel the contract by paying a little compensation. "

He raised his hand and wiped his tears. "I'm just a little sad. After so many years in the company, the company broke the contract and gave the script I signed to other actors, and said that they would block me from hiding."

Yi Yang: "..."

Mr. Yi looked at Xin Yi's eyes more and more lovingly, "You child, why have you been so grieved in the company, why didn't you tell your grandfather earlier? And you, Yi Yang, what happened to you? What happened to Xin Yi? Why isn't her husband unable to help? "

Yi Yang took a deep breath. "Grandpa, Xin Yi said that she can solve it by herself, and there is no problem for her to have a lawyer to act for her."

"Yeah grandpa," Xu Xinyi forced a smile, and meant to bear the burden, "I can solve it myself."

Mr. Yi does not think so, "She is a girl who contacts a lawyer and negotiates with a treacherous company. She is faced with some well-thought-out old foxes. If you don't help, look at her. What should she do if she loses?"


Yi Yang sneered, just like Xu Xinyi's temperament, can she suffer a little? It's a blessing to not ask someone else something.

"I don't care about this, you solve it for Xin Yi."

-"Don't you say you don't help? I see what you say now."

"Okay, grandpa, I watched this for Xin Yi. Xin Yi, you gave me your lawyer's phone number, and I asked the company's lawyers to take over your lawsuit. They are all experienced lawyers. They will be able to do so within three months. , Do it for you. "

Yi Yang emphasized the words 'within three months'.

Xu Xinyi was furious.

-"Three months have passed since the crew turned on, what else is wrong with me!"

"I do n’t need my husband, I really do n’t need it. Mr. He is also a very experienced lawyer. With him, I will definitely win the lawsuit, but unfortunately, I prepared the script for a month and memorized the script lines for half a month. It took a lot of hard work and was a bit reluctant. "

"What happened to that script? Talk to Grandpa."

After speaking, Xin Yi said with a strong smile: "Yes, the company gave the show to another actress. I have found a director, and the director still recognizes my strength, saying that as long as I can solve the problem with the company before starting Disputes can help me go to the investor to fight for me as a girl, but Yi Yang also said that the lawsuit will take at least three months. Three months later, the crew started up early. "

"So it is ..." Mr. Yi Lao thoughtfully.

"Grandpa, this is just a trivial matter. It really isn't worth your trouble here for me. It doesn't matter. There is no chance in this drama, and there will be a lower drama."

"Oh, you have a big heart. If you are bullied, you have to swallow it yourself. In this way, Yi Yang, you can handle Xin Yi, have you heard it?"

—— "Have you heard? Grandpa asked you to do it for me. If you have the ability, you will refuse. I dare not sue if I can do it!"

Yi Yang looked at her coldly.

Xu Xinyi pretended to have his eyes pretending to be empathetic: "Yi Yang, if you think this is too troublesome, I don't care."

Mr. Yi Lao said, "This is not a big deal. Don't worry, he will definitely help you get this done, rest assured."

"Is that so?" Xu Xinyi thanked you for your surprise, "Yi Yang, thank you, trouble you."

"No, you are welcome." Yi Yang said.

"Yes, my husband, you said, you want to give me your accessory card, do you give it back?"

Yi Yang squeezed a word from his throat, "Here!"

Mr. Yi Lao nodded with relief.


Not to mention, this matter is easy to handle, Xu Xinyi didn't know what kind of hegemony he used, and on the third day, he received a call from the boss of Tianyu.

She usually laughs and hides the one you love to answer, and kindly invites her over the phone to discuss the termination of the contract.

Xu Xinyi took the lawyer and Anya slowly to the company that afternoon.

As soon as I entered the boss's office, I saw Director Zhao also.

The boss's surname is Gao. He is a middle-aged man of fifty years old. He wears gold silk glasses, possesses the shrewdness and fairness of a businessman, and is an old fox.

Xu Xinyi sat on the sofa with a polite look at Director Zhao and smiled: "It's a coincidence, Director Zhao is also here, come in a hurry. I wonder if you can trouble Director Zhao to pour me a glass of water?"


"It should be." Director Zhao made a cup of tea for several people and sat with the boss opposite Xu Xinyi.

"Xin Yi, this is the case. In the last two days, President Yi talked to me. He said ..."

"I'm not interested in knowing what he said. On the phone, you said you were looking for me to cancel the contract. This is my lawyer. What's his surname? He will have full authority to handle my termination. How about it? The contract is ready. ?"

Lawyer He nodded in greeting.

Mr. Gao pushed his glasses and smiled, "Look at me, I said there was a misunderstanding. Any cancellation is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding?" Xu Xinyi teased and looked at Director Zhao with yin and yang strangely: "Director Zhao didn't say that if I didn't want to transform, I had to hide me and kill me? I'm a little star, how dare to fight against such a big company ? "

Director Zhao apologized with a grin. "Miss Xu, sorry, I didn't cover it at the time, and I didn't figure out the boss's intention. The boss didn't let you transform. It was another female artist in the company. It's yours, no one is grabbing. "

"No one rushed? How did I hear that the company stuffed Li Hanxing in?"

"It's stuffed in, but she's not the first female, the third female."

Xu Xinyi suddenly realized, "It was a misunderstanding from beginning to end?"

"Of course it is a misunderstanding. You are cultivated by the company. How can we block you?"

"In this way, we will never mention the termination of the contract. This time, let's pass it. How about it?"

"Past?" Xu Xinyi smiled. "I can spit it out when I eat it, but I can't pour it out when I hear it in my ears. All right, don't say it. I know why you guys came to me today and cancelled the contract. Take it out, we signed it, and that's it. "

Mr. Gao chuckled, "Xin Yi, in fact, the company still needs an artist like you. Your departure is a huge loss for the company, and we have arranged a lot of large-produced scripts for you, and wait for you to sign. If yesterday ’s thing offended you, then Director Zhao will pay you a crime, and it ’s over, okay? ”

If this matter is so simple, what kind of vicious woman is she?

She glanced at Anya with helplessness. "It seems that Mr. Gao didn't come to discuss the contract with me today. In this case, I still have something to do, and I will return today."

"Wait," after saying the good words, he couldn't get Xu Xinyi to change his mind. General Manager sighed. "Okay, since you insist on terminating the contract, let's call the meeting room."

Xu Xinyi was contented and gave way, "Mr. Gao, please first."


Three hours later, Xu Xinyi and others came out of the conference room.

"Mr. Gao, thank you for taking care of these years, goodbye."

Mr. Gao smiled and shook hands with him, "Miss Xu is polite, I wish you a bright star, and have the opportunity to invite you to a light meal, goodbye."

Xu Xinyi could not agree, and left with his lawyer and Anya.

When Xu Xinyi left, Tianyu's staff were stunned.

Since the beginning of this year, the company has successively canceled many stars, each time they either met with each other or met in public. The two sides shook hands and settled.

Director Zhao stunned the fire today, "Mr. Gao, this Xu Xinyi ..."

President Gao gave him a cold glance, "You don't need to worry about Xu Xinyi's affairs anymore, there will be a new director in two days, and you will be transferred to another department."

Director Zhao was shocked. "Mr. Gao, I ..."

But Mr. Gao obviously didn't give him a chance to speak, and turned around and left.


On the way back, Xu Xinyi stepped back from the total of Gao just now and thought it over again, still puzzled.

"Strange, although Yi Yang is rich and powerful, but Mr. Gao is also the owner of Tianyu. Why is it so abnormal today?"

Anya asked her, "Don't you know?"

Xu Xinyi asked, "I don't know what?"

"Sky Entertainment recently suffered heavy losses and is investing in Latin America."

"What are the investment and Yi Yang ..." Before he finished, Xu Xinyi seemed to understand, "Investment? He used investment to hold back?"

"if not?"

"How did you know?"

Anya laughed. "I said I had a traitor in the company, do you believe it?"


If this is the case, Yi Yang's method is vicious enough to break the road.

Really underestimated him.

Xu Xinyi thought for a while, "Then I really should thank him, and you. It's been a hard time. Please go shopping. I'll pay for it tonight."

Anya raised an eyebrow. "So generous?"

Xu Xinyi took out the auxiliary card that Yi Yang gave her, "I have money."

When flat, Anya did not dare to go shopping with her, this woman had no sense of shopping.

Tonight, Xu Xinyi is crazy than usual.

"Thank you, this one, this one, this one, and this one. I didn't want the few items I said just now, and the others were wrapped in my size."

The clerk smiled. "Okay, Miss Xu, please wait."

Anya pulled her, "What are you doing? Buy so much?"

"I'm happy." Xu Xinyi handed the affiliated card to the clerk. "By the way, these will be packaged and sent to Yipinting."

"Okay Miss Xu!"

When I was a wife of Yi Yang for two years, I didn't get anything. So I had a supplementary card for Yi Yang. Of course, I had to swipe it to let Yi Yang see her amazing purchasing power.

Later, Xu Xinyi returned with a load, she had less things in the car, and bought more for Mrs. Yi and Mr. Yi.

"Mom, I bought you some gifts. I hope you like them."

"I don't lack anything, what do you buy these things for?" Although Mrs. Yi said no, but the spreading smile on the corner of her mouth showed that she was in a good mood.

"This is for grandpa."

Mr. Yi Lao asked in surprise: "I have a share?"

"Of course! See if you like it."

"Like, grandpa likes everything."

"Just like it. By the way, grandpa, is Yi Yang back?"

"I came back early, upstairs."

Xu Xinyi was holding a box. "Then I'll go up first."

Mr. Yi Lao waved, "Go."

Xu Xinyi slipped to the door of Yiyang's study, knocked on the door, and carried the box to Yiyang's desk, smiling and grateful: "Husband, I went to the company to cancel the contract successfully today, thank you for helping me."

Yi Yang glanced at her, "No thanks."

"I still have to thank, I bought a belt for you with my own money, and I have a little bit of a snack, you can accept it." She took out the box with the belt and handed it to Yi Yang.

The huge logo on the box is a brand that Yi Yang has never seen.

Yi Yang took it generously and asked, "Your own money?"

"Yes, this belt is precious, almost 100,000 yuan." The price was deliberately emphasized.

Most of Yi Yang's clothes are arranged by Mrs. Yi, but she also knows a little about the price. It is not unusual to have a belt of 100,000 yuan, but why hasn't he seen this brand?

When the box is opened, a plain belt is not much different from an ordinary belt.

"Thank you." This was the first time he received a gift from Xu Xinyi.

"Thank you," Xu Xinyi said at the opportunity. "By the way, I used your supplementary card today to buy something and spend some money, wouldn't you mind?"

Yi Yang knew that the mobile phone had come to consume text messages, but he was busy all day and had no time to read them.

He casually asked, "How much did it take?"

"Not much, just over ten thousand."

More than ten thousand was nothing to Yi Yang. "I know, you keep the supplementary card, you need to watch and buy it yourself."

"Thank you husband, I'll take a shower first, and you'll rest early."


A text message came from the phone.

Yi Yang opened the phone and took a look.

—— [China Bank XX] Your account with the last number 2411 has completed transactions of RMB 109,5702 at 20:42 on October 20.

Yi Yang: "?"

He read the text message back and forth a few times, and after clearing the number of digits to determine that it was not his wrong reading, he exclaimed: "Xu Xinyi!"

Xu Xinyi stood at the door.

"How much did you spend today!"

Xu Xinyi's face was innocent, "More than ten thousand."

"More than ten thousand? Then how is the consumer text message on my mobile phone ... more than ten thousand?" Yi Yang seemed to think, and asked, "How much is more than ten thousand?"

Xu Xinyi thought about it, "I don't remember much, just remember that it was more than 10,000. Husband, wouldn't you be so stingy? A little money, you can't bear to let me spend it, I will give it back to you."

"..." Yi Yang covered her forehead. "Forget it, go and rest."

Xu Xinyi smiled slightly. "Then I'm gone."

Yi Yang stared at the belt on the table. "Wait," he looked suspiciously at Xu Xinyi. "You said, how much is this belt for me?"

"Almost 100,000 yuan."

Yi Yang asked, "How much?"

"Poor ..." Xu Xinyi dragged his tune and slipped quietly outside the door, "99,97!"

Slip away.

"... Xu Xinyi !!!"

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