MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1266: Successfully opened! Breakthrough is in sight!

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At the moment, Yangdingtian uses large space technology to try to open a space door between two energy bodies. Oh,

There is no doubt that he has failed.

Then, Yang Dingtian opened a door to the Void Fire, and still failed.

Then, Yangdingtian will gather the door of the hollow fire and the space-time door.

Although it is difficult to do so, Yangdingtian is still reached.

First of all, he opened a space door in the door of the Void Fire.

After the failure, he opened a door to the void in the space door.

All failed, and all his attempts failed.


Naga Frost said: "French, this energy body is far more complicated than we think. How to open a door into this energy space, perhaps completely in accordance with the taboo of the mainland."

Yangdingtian remembered that in the taboo of the mainland, two flying castles had two energy probes, and then madly spit out energy for impact.

Moreover, the two energy in black and white is that the penetrating energy body meets in the middle, and finally a door that enters the interior of the energy body is produced.

Yangding Tiandao: "In the illusion, the two huge energy castles that fly, although very similar to the dark castles inside, are not the same after all. Moreover, there are no energy probes in our dark castles. ”

Naga Frost said: "There is no energy probe in the dark castle, but there is inside the Emperor."

Then she looked up at the top of the temple.

A huge probe, from top to bottom, is only a few hundred miles long. It doesn't know how much it is bigger than the probe in the illusion.

Yangding Tiandao: "But, Tongtian Emperor has only one probe. It is colorless and transparent."

Naga Frost said: "The husband, this heavenly emperor is far more complicated than you think. In fact, it is not just what we are showing now."

Yangding Tianguangguang shrank: "How do you say?"

Naga Frost said: "Because I have the second-level control of the Dark Throne, so I know more about Tongtian Emperor than you."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, now, is there a way to get the second energy probe out?"

Naga Frost said: "No. In fact, the yin and yang double-column temples are separated, including the energy probes of the Yin and Yang dual systems."

Yangding Tianyi, separated?

"Although the entire temple of the sky looks black, it is because of the background of the dark empire. In fact, it is colorless. It has a combination of yin and yang, but it can be separated from the yin and yang." Frost said: "But it is a pity that splitting the yin and yang of the Cangwu Hall is the highest authority of the Dark Throne. I can't do it. Only one person can do it."

Yang, he really knows nothing.

Yangding stayed in the sky and suddenly fell into hesitation.

For the position of asking the sky, Yang Dingtian is now no doubt. However, he used to be the spirit of the Temple of the Soul, so Medusa is likely to leave a mark on his mind. Even Medusa can't control the will of the day. But it is possible to explore his vision.

In that case, ask everything that the day has experienced. It will be known to Medusa.

Asking Tian is also worried about this, so I will freeze myself early, I don’t want to give Medusa any chance.

Now, do you want to wake up to ask the sky? Do you want to take risks?


Naga Frost did not speak, but quietly waited for Yang Dingtian’s decision.

To be honest, she does not care at all. Although she wants to break through the gods, she does not care about the safety of the remaining human beings.

It’s just that it’s been a long time with Yangding’s mind.

Therefore, she can feel the same feelings about Yang Dingtian.

"Frost, you said Medusa can ask the sky. See everything?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Naga Frost said: "My husband, my opinion is like this. Medusa can see everything through Ximen Ningning, and she can directly control the will of Ximen Ningning. Because they are mothers and daughters, they also share energy. Their mother-daughter relationship is not the same as our husband-and-wife relationship, but in some respects it is the same. However, they are the same, and we are completely shared."

Yangding Tiandao: "You go on."

Although, Yang Dingtian only needs to explore with his heart, he can immediately think of what Naga Frost is thinking.

However, Yangdingtian rarely does this, he prefers to communicate with each other. Instead, Naga Frost, like to read the mind of Yang Dingtian directly.

Naga Frost said: "Ask the day and the spirit of Medusa, so Queen Medusa will leave a spiritual mark in his brain. This is beyond doubt. These spiritual imprints are like hiding in Trojans in the brain can steal stealth memories and consciousness."

It seems that Naga Frost has read almost every inch of Yang Dingtian's memory, even the computer Trojan knows.

Naga Frost continued: "But this spiritual imprint is the same as the Earth Trojan. After stealing the information, it is only through networking that it can contact the hacker and pass the stolen information to its owner. The so-called networking, it should be that these spirits enter the energy base of the Soul Temple. Not every place can be connected with the Temple of the Soul."

Yangtou said: "It makes sense."

Naga Frost said: "This is just my guess. I can't guarantee it completely. I decided to do it."

Yangtou said: "I know, I have already made a decision. You open the energy door to ask the secret room."

"Yes!" Naga Frost was on the throne of the darkness, opening an energy gate.

Yangdingtian flew straight out and entered the secret room where Tiantian was!


Let the non-freezing water dry, and then untied the spirit of the day to ask for help, Xuanmai imprisoned, and the sea is imprisoned.

Soon, I asked the day to wake up.

When he saw Yangdingtian, he couldn’t help but say, "What?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Need your help!"

Ask Tiandao: "Are you sure? You should know that there is a mark left in the mind of my soul."

Yangding Tiandao: "I know, but it must be."

Asked the sky to get up immediately. Road: "Okay, go!"

Then he flew directly to the temple.

Of course, he knows that there is only one thing that Yang Dingtian has to help him, that is, to use the highest control of the Dark Throne. Because for Yang Dingtian, this is the biggest role of the day. It is also the only role.

After entering the temple, Naga Frost has left the temple.

Asked the sky to fly directly to the dark throne and sat down.

Yang Dingtian opened his mouth and told the story.

"No, don't tell me anything." Ask Tiandao: "You just need to tell me what I should do."

Yang nodded.

Asking the day is very cautious, for confidentiality, and this is also a kind of trust.

Yangding Tiandao: "Please use the highest power of the Dark Throne. Separate the yin and yang of the Great Hall of Heaven."

Asked the sky to shrink, said: "The energy consumed can be very, very large."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is no way."

Asked the day and nodded: "Good."

Then, his whole soul and consciousness are fully integrated into the dark throne.

Use the highest control on the throne of the darkness to separate the temple, the yin and the yang.

Then, Yangdingtian saw a spectacular. It is also a very strange scene.

The entire hall of the sky, and the huge energy probe. The yin and yang are separated little by little.

Just like Yangdingtian sees the separation of the hollow flame, from a transparent flame, it becomes a black and white.

The entire hall of the sky, as if it had become a shadow.

From colorless to black and white.

It is like the shadow of the black and white hall. Originally completely overlapping, they are now separated. Therefore, it became two halls of the vast sky, but most of them are still overlapping at this time.

A little bit, a little separation.

Yangdingtian can be clearly felt. The whole Tongtian Emperor turned faster and faster.

There are more and more requests for energy from a few continents, and more and more.

Even Yang Dingtian can feel the yin and yang mirror, the magic domain, the ice and snow change overturned.

The vast halls of the sky are getting faster and faster, faster and faster.

And Yangdingtian and Naga Frost, as if they were completely third-party, are not in the black sky hall, nor in the white sky hall. It floats in a void.


The yin and yang double shadows of the Cangwu Hall are separated in difficulty.

Time passes by.

A few minutes, a quarter of an hour, an hour, an hour, an hour...

Finally, two and a half hours have passed.


The separation of the yin and yang double lines completely ended.

Then, Yangdingtian saw two vast temples, two huge probes.

Face up, it is the white masculine temple, the huge energy probe, also white.

The face that faces up is the black vaginal sky, the huge energy probe, which is black.

The sinister halls of the yin and yang are black and white, but share an intermediate floor.

And this ground is still colorless. Yangdingtian and Naga Frost stood on the ground in the middle.

Ask Tiandao: "The yin and yang doubles of the Cangwu Hall have been separated, what do you do next?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The yin and yang probes are close to a distance of only 19 cm."

Ask Tianzhao to do it.

Two probes are constantly approaching and close.

Finally, the distance is only 19 cm.

The two probes are hundreds of miles long and 19 centimeters in the middle, which is almost completely tied together.

In the whole process, in order to keep secrets, ask the sky to be closed, not to see any pictures.

Yang Dingtian took out two pseudo-dragon eye energy bodies and placed them between the two probes.

It is just that the diameters of the two energy bodies add up to nineteen centimeters.

The two energy bodies are completely twisted together and connected to two probes. It is exactly the same as that seen by Yang Dingtian in the taboo of the mainland.

Yangding Tiandao: "The third step is to control the yin and yang probes, and to emit energy, from small to large, energy impact."

Ask Tiandao: "Excuse me, it is the yin and yang energy of chaotic property. Or direct yin and yang energy!"

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and recalled the pictures in the mainland ban. The yin and yang energy of chaotic properties is completely different from the direct yin and yang energy.

Of course, the consequences are different.

Direct yin and yang double-system energy impact is basically a result of nothingness.

The chaotic property of the yin and yang double impact. There will be a shocking lightning.

The energy of Tongtian Emperor Jing is so amazing that once the lightning is emanating, the power is absolutely amazing.

"It is a direct yin and yang double system." Naga Frost Road.

She can see all the pictures that Yang Dingtian sees, and she sees it more carefully and clearly than Yangdingtian. Even, you can read the memory of Yangding Tiannao over and over again.

Therefore, she can be sure that it is a direct yin and yang dual-system energy.

This is strange.

The result of pure yin and yang double-system energy impact is basically nothing. Even the space door. Nor is it directly hit by the yin and yang energy.

The humans of the eighth era, with the huge energy of the yin and yang doubles, hit the energy body, which makes it difficult for Yang Dingtian and even Naga frost to understand.

After answering Naga Frost, the question was not immediately executed, but it was still waiting for the command of Yang Dingtian.

Yangding Tiandao: "Direct yin and yang dual energy."

"Good." Ask Tiandao.

For this scene, Naga Frost is not too concerned about it.

then. Asked the sky to control the entire Tongtian Emperor, began to extract a few continents of huge energy.

At the beginning. Use a smaller energy level.

Brewing, brewing, brewing!

Inject the yin and yang dual energy into the two probes.

Then, slammed!


Two powerful energies slammed out of the probe. Penetrate two energy bodies, meet in the middle, hit!


Nothing happened!

The yin and yang double energy cancels each other and becomes nothingness.

but. The door of the energy body is not open at all!

Ask the day, continue to brew energy, raise a level, and continue to hit.


The result of another impact is still nothing, no response.





It has been hit nine times.

There is no result, each time is the yin and yang dual energy, offset each other and become nothing.

Asked the sky suddenly said: "Yangdingtian, now the energy has reached a very large level, if you increase the energy level, it may cause instability of the dark empire, and even the energy supply pause."

Yang, once the energy stops, the inertia of the dark empire will stop, and even some of the remote dark castles will be torn directly.

At this time, there are countless people in the dark castle. Once it is torn, the consequences are unimaginable!

Take a deep breath, Yangding Tiandao: "Continue!"

"Yes!" asked Tiandao.

Then, once again, the energy is condensed and the energy is increased by another level.

Brewing, brewing, brewing!

Brewed to the extreme.

Suddenly, the light of the entire hall of the sky collapsed.

All the dark castles around, the energy is squatting.

Countless energy arrays, countless reaction arrays, all stopped.

The dark empire has reached the limit of tolerance.

Now, it is very, very dangerous.

If this time fails, it is impossible to raise the energy level. The only result is the destruction of the dark castle and the death of countless people.

This time, if you fail, you have to give up.

Yang Dingtian and Naga Frost looked at each Then said: "Father, this is the last time, if it fails, give up!"

"Yes!" asked Tiandao.

Then, the consciousness suddenly moved.


The incomparably powerful yin and yang dual-system energy slams out from the yin and yang probes, violently penetrates the pseudo-Dragon's eye energy body and meets in the air!

"Hey..." A very strange light.

Then, an energy gate appeared.

Among the two energy bodies, a door appears, leading directly into the two energy bodies.

Yangdingtian finally succeeded.

They opened the doors of these two energy bodies and possessed extremely powerful energy.

Breaking through the gods, just in front of you! (To be continued..)u

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