MTL - Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)-Chapter 865 Plan 2

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Henry hurried forward, respectfully. He has reached middle age, his hair is bald, his fat is full, and his face is oily. From the appearance, he has already lost his temperament when he was studying hard as a mage.

"You're here, Master Malfuria." His tone was naturally charming, and he didn't care about the huge age difference between the two sides.

He knew that the boy in front of him was not an ordinary character, but a powerful genius mage who could be compared with the legendary natural bloodlines and higher races.

This is the top big man in the future, and it is possible to create a strong existence of a family lineage independently.

So there is no shame in lowering the attitude.

Seeing Henry's low profile, the two coquettish female apprentices around him also hurriedly bowed their respectful greetings.

Lin Sheng nodded arbitrarily, holding the black metal staff in his hand and slowly walking towards the lake.

"You said you were in trouble before, let's hear it."

Earlier, Count Willie had already ordered it for him in advance, so Lin Sheng didn't go around and raised it directly.

Mage Henry quickly followed.

"That's it. Recently, because many temple strongmen have passed by here and gone to the violent forest, the law and order are better than usual.

However, in recent days, a rather strange disease has suddenly appeared on the territory. "

"Strange disease?"

"Yes, an emergency that I named Fusarium. As soon as an infection is found, it will take less than two hours, and the infected person will quickly lose weight, and then the whole body blood will disappear like nothing, the skin will be pale, the fever will not return, Died on the spot. "Henry frowned.

"Blight?" Lin Sheng's eyes narrowed. "Have you ever found a priest?"

"Yes, the priest of the Forest Temple has seen it, and even spent a lot of money. I asked a senior priest to check it, but it was useless, and nothing was seen."

"Is there an example? Take me to see." Lin Sheng said in a deep voice.

He had a sense of intuition and a passive bloodline ability of a prophetic nature.

With his level of strength at this time, he can still feel wrong. Obviously, this blight is not a simple problem.

"Yes." Henry quickly found a black diamond-shaped crystal from his pocket and threw it out.

Then he said something in his mouth.

A thin black light flashed.

Suddenly, in the open space in front of Lin Sheng, there was a man whose body was as thin as a wood, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were dead.

The corpses were dressed in the clothes of ordinary travelling merchants, with thinning hair, and seemed to be middle-aged.

Lin Sheng frowned.

He faintly felt a strange breath of power from the corpse.

An ordinary human corpse is actually involved in the level of divine power?

Lin Sheng was slightly surprised.

He approached, squatted down, lowered his staff to the ground, and examined the corpse carefully.

"Please be careful not to touch it, or you will be infected!" Mage Henry reminded quickly.

"No ... no, this is not an infectious disease." Lin Sheng looked up suddenly after making a test.

"Not an infectious disease?"

"Well, this is a spell! A special, long-range spell that has appeared a long time ago."


Inside the city of Verna.

Bei Tansi looked at Captain Shu Ya with a stunned look.

"You said he was releasing a spell?"

"Well, a wide range of special rare spells, only effective for ordinary people, known as doom stripping, is a special way to blaspheme priests to supplement the fallen power." Shu Ya calmly replied.

"And it looks like this Bishop Wilson doesn't seem to be doing it for the first time." She stared at the gray robe man not far away.

"What will happen with this spell?" Link whispered.

"The whole body's blood will be drained, and life will die," Shuya replied.

"It's vicious .... The Temple of the Sea is a powerful temple that has always been known for healing. Who could have thought that the bishop was actually such a virtue." Lin Ke sighed.

"Wait, Captain, you said Wilson wasn't doing this for the first time? How did you see that?" North Tans suddenly felt a little bad.

"It's very simple, because he still has a lot of resentments and souls that have only recently been entangled. Although he has been stripped and purified, there are still a lot of residues. My ability allows me to see these clearly. Shuya answered calmly.

Hearing that North Tans's face suddenly became unsightly.

To know that this neighborhood is his home territory, Wilson has only recently released a range spell, so the subject is undoubtedly likely to be the people of the Willy Territory.

"Damn!" He clenched his fists fiercely. "No wonder my dad said that Master Henry had a problem with my brother for consultation, maybe it was this!"

"Eighty-nine is inseparable from ten. Well, don't get excited, otherwise you'll be caught by Wilson, but you're in trouble.

Now that we are together, we are not necessarily the guy's opponent. You have to be careful. "Shu Ya reminded.

"I know!" North Tans was still very hot.

Although the party was hiding inside Link's special protective bubble, they would not be found by outsiders. But if there is too much movement, it may be found.

Several people slowly fell silent, quietly through the crystal record ball in Link's hand, recording the entire process of Wilson's release of the spell.

This will be future evidence that Wilson is the key to blasphemy.

It was just this quietness that didn't last long.

Just set up the spell magic array, ready to sprinkle material powder, release the spell Wilson.

Suddenly he looked up and seemed to feel something.

His eyes trembled, he stopped and stood aside, waiting a little respectfully.


Suddenly a black-red portal opened in front of him out of thin air.

In the oval portal, slowly came out an old mage wearing black purple jewelry.

"Call me over in such a hurry, what's the matter?" The old mage asked slightly impatiently.

"That's it. Recently, because of the sudden situation near the raging forest, it is no longer suitable as a hunting ground, so I want to apply ...." Stop.

The old mage's eyes wandered around, and then suddenly stopped at Shuya where they were.

"Get out of here !!" He slightly raised his hand, and there was a hint of obscure black mang on the dark five-finger nails.

Five dark, sharp claw prints, more than ten meters apart, emerged out of nowhere, grasping fiercely on the hidden bubbles that Shu Ya hid.


The bubbles burst, and a group of people suddenly showed their figure.

"No, hurry up!" Shu Ya's face changed, and she quickly crushed the precious transmission letter in her hand.

Huh! !!

The transmitted white light suddenly lights up.

A group of Shuya Bei Tansi was completely enveloped and was about to be teleported away.

What they didn't know was that the old mage and Wilson on the opposite side, when they saw North Tans in the opposite crowd.

The faces of both men changed in an instant.

"Hurry up!"

Without saying anything, the old mage rushed to the previously opened portal.

Wilson did the same.

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