MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 74 Hungry ghost road

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The big eyes of the hungry ghosts of the needles began to take out the black water again. A pair of small short hands like Tyrannosaurus tried to wipe the tears on their faces. "呜呜" cried: "You are too much, actually laugh at me!"

Yu Zhengdu did not expect this ghost to be so fragile, and quickly said: "No, I don't mean this, I just worry that you want to eat me."

The hungry ghost stopped the tears, looked at him for a while, and suddenly asked: "Are you a ghost from outside?"

Yu Zhengdu: "How? Do I have a foreign accent?"

"Not this." The hungry ghost said, "When you come from outside, you will be worried about being eaten. If you are a local ghost, we don't eat."

"I am so hungry." He said, he began to cry again. His eyes "Come on," he said, tearing away his tears and not staring at the milk tea that Yu is arguing. "I am really hungry, I want to eat, but I Can't eat! Hey-"

"Don't cry, don't cry." Yu Zhengdu found that this ghost is like a child, his mind seems to be too mature, and he is busy trying to comfort him.

He thought for a moment, put a cup of milk tea into the straw and handed it over: "This is a drink, or can you try to drink it?"

"Can you drink?" The needle was hungry and squinted and blinked. He took the letter and took a sip of milk tea.

The next second, Yu Zhengdu saw a starlight in his big eyes: "Hey - it's too good, my wife is too good, I have never had such a good drink -"

Yu Zhandu looked like a little tea that had not been reduced. He asked in confusion: "Are you sure you have got it?"

The needle was hungry and nodded hard: "Although only a little bit, it is so sweet, so sweet, is this the jade pulp in the sky?"

Yu Zhengdu: " describe it a bit exaggerated, this is milk tea."

"What is this?" The needle was hungry and chewing on something. After a while, spit out a black thing, and the eyes were sad. "This chews are fun, but unfortunately I can't eat, I am good." Sad, I want to eat!"

"This is a pearl." Yu Zhengdu looked at the needles and the hungry ghosts sucked on the milk tea. I was afraid that I would say that I couldn’t stop talking. I quickly asked the situation, "Yes, what is this?"

The needle is hungry and blinking: "This is near my home."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." This ghost IQ is not enough?

Yu is arguing and waving: "I asked, where is the specific address here? Which city is the city?"

"I can't understand your problem." The hungry ghost scratched his head. "We don't have an address, and I haven't been to another place."

Could it be a house ghost?

Yu Zhengdu continued to ask: "Where do you live here?"

As a matter of urgency, it is still necessary to find a place where people are traced before they can figure out their position.

Hungry ghosts have a confused face: "Who? We have no one, they are ghosts."

Yu Zhengdu finally caught something wrong, frowning and asked: "Wait, no one? How did the ghost come?"

Hungry ghosts: "Of course it was born, don't you?"

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Of course not. The normal ghosts are the ghosts of the dead after the death of a living person. He has never seen a ghost born.

Yu’s heart was suddenly a cold, and there was a faint guess. But I was not sure, just asked: “What about other ghosts?”

"I don't know, they don't listen to their mother's words, they ran away, don't know where they went." The needle was hungry and stunned his head. "You have a lot of problems. If you want to ask my mother, she knows a lot. answer you."

"Your mother?" Yu is arguing for some precautions. "Is it your birth?"

"Yeah." The needle was hungry and nodded. "She told me a lot of stories about other places. Maybe she knows what address you are talking about."

Going to see a ghost who doesn't know what ghosts are, and Yu's contending for the heart is rejected, but he has no choice but to carefully explore: "Is she friendly to the outside world?"

Hungry ghosts took him along the Heihe River to the depths of the woods: "Friendly, she likes to invite ghosts from other places to eat, and I must be very happy to see you."

Yu Zhengdu sighed with relief: "Your mother is quite hospitable, how did those foreign ghosts leave here?"

"I didn't leave." The hungry hunch looked at him and said very naturally. "They didn't like to eat what my mother did, and they were shredded by my mother."

Yu Zhengdu: "...?!" Lying!

Yu argues that he will turn around and he wants to run in the same place, but he hasn’t had time to move, and his shoulder is pressed by the small short hand of the hungry ghost.

Hungry ghosts: "It's here."

Yu Zhengdu was pressed for a slap, and was trying to find a word to quit, but it was too late. The other hand, the hungry ghost, raised his hand and waved and shouted: "Mom, I am back."

In the depths of the woods, a woman’s hoarse voice came with a little disappointment: “The needle? I am not asking you to hide in the water, don’t you show up? How come you sway again?”

The needle was hungry and shook his head: "I came across a ghost from a foreign country. He has questions to ask you."

"Is the field coming?" The voice of the woman was excited at once. "I look."

At the same time, Yu Weidu, who was held down and could not go, had to look at the direction of the hungry finger.

Over the layers of branches and leaves, I saw an open field in the depths of the deep forest. Half a moon hangs over the open space. The moonlight shines out of the underground scene. It is a huge black lake. There is a black river in the middle of the lake. There is a small island in the middle of the lake. The island is covered with a thatched house. In the wildfire that jumps around, the smoke from the chimney of the thatched cottage is faintly visible.

Just listening to "Oh--", the door of the thatched cottage was pushed open, a woman with a short stature, wearing a cloth around the apron came out, across the lake, a pair of eyes slid down on Yu Zhengdu, eyes There is a clear excitement: "There are really guests, come and come, come to the house."

Yu said that there was some accident. He thought that the ghost image of a ghost of a hungry ghost should be terrible, but the fact is that this woman looks ordinary, just like the women everywhere in the village.

He was about to say hello, and he listened to the hungry ghosts coming over and said quietly: "My mother is dressed as an adult. She must ask you to eat. You remember to join the game, or you will die."

Yu is stunned and looks at him: "Isn't this your mother's way?"

"Of course not." The hungry ghost "snacked" and said, "Do you think this way can give birth to a ghost like me?"

Yu Zhengdu no expression: " are right."

Women waved at them: "Hurry up."

Yu Zhandu looked at the huge black lake in front of him. He wanted to refuse because he couldn’t swim. He saw the hungry ghost jump into the lake and pointed to his thick back: "You come up, I Carry you back."

Yu Zhengdu: "You are so polite."

"Should." The needle was hungry and stunned and widened his eyes and put the milk tea on his head. "You gave me this too."

Yu can not be able to cross, can only sigh, slowly climbed to the back of the hungry ghost, he carried it, smashed through the Black Lake, in the process of passing through, Yu Zhengdu discovered that the lake below It’s a quagmire, no wonder it looks so dark.

When I arrived at the small island of the lake, the women smiled and led Yu to enter the house and asked: "How did you come here?"

"I don't know." Yu Zhengdu told the truth.

"Oh, that's lost." The women didn't seem to care very much, let Yu Zhe sit down at a simple table and take care of himself into another house. "Although it is very remote, there will be no time from time to time." Be careful of the ghosts coming in."

Yu Zhandu retells the old saying: "Excuse me, where is this place?"

The women laughed with a little bit of sensation: "You don't know?"

Yu Zhengdu did not answer.

"Don't say this, you should be hungry, do you want to eat something first?" The woman came out of the house with a tray on her hand and three bowls and two bowls on the tray. She smiled and said, "I just happened. Have a meal, come and try my craft."

The tray was lowered, revealing three dishes and selling things that were terrible and completely invisible to raw materials and two bowls of rice.

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

It’s no wonder that the hungry ghost said that the foreign ghosts who came before did not like to eat what his mother did.

I saw the red face of the hungry ghost. The blue face was green. The woman picked up a bowl and stuffed a bowl of vegetables into his hand: "The needle, you also eat."

The needle was hungry and staring at the big eyes, pointing at his needle tip and weeping: "Mom, have you forgotten? I can't eat."

"That will give me a smell!" the woman screamed fiercely. "This is the new dish I just researched today. You give me a hard look."

The needle was hungry and shook hands and took the bowl. The committee succumbed to bow down and began to smell the food.

The woman put another bowl of vegetables in the hands of Yu Zhengdu: "Come, you also taste."

Yu Zhengdu took over the meal and felt that the whole ghost was not good. This thing, let alone the taste, he suspected that he would go down and be poisoned on the spot.

"Come on!" The woman stared at him intently, seeing him hesitant, his face was getting weaker and lighter, his fingers kept turning and creaking. "How? You are not good at what I am doing." ?"

"No, no." Yu said that he had set aside the dark things and forced him to calm down. "I am curious, what is this dish, I have never seen it before."

"This is a smashing squid, not in other places." The woman looked at him sullenly. "It’s fresh from the mire, you dare not eat?"

“He said, we don’t dare to eat the ghosts of China.” Yu Zhengdu began to talk nonsense. “But our modern ghosts are a bit high, and my doctor confessed that I don’t want to eat anything.”

The woman narrowed her eyes: "What is the three high?"

"It is hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure and high blood sugar." Yu Zhengdu said, seeing a woman's face confused, she gave her a scientific concept of the three high, and finally said, "...probably this way, now the ghost pressure It’s too big. If you die, you can’t relax your vigilance. You have to pay attention to your health.”

"I didn't expect to have so much attention to ghosts now." The women felt a bit, and they sneaked into the metaphor. "But how do I feel that you are fooling me?"

This ghost is not as good as a hungry ghost!

Fortunately, Yu has already had a calculation in his heart. Immediately, he calmly took out his mobile phone and opened it: "I really don't, you see this is the reference recipe that the doctor gave me. He told me to strictly enforce it, don't mess around."

According to his plan, it can be dragged and dragged, but it can't be fooled. If it is too big, it will really take a bite of the dish she made. Anyway, it is a death.

Fortunately, the food recipe ppt that he had done before the torture of Fan Li was still in the mobile phone. He opened the ppt and asked: "You said this ghost... sneaky? What animal is it? ”

Women and needles are hungry when he takes out his mobile phone and lights up the screen. The women said: "It is a fish."

"Oh, I have fifty practices of fish here." Yu Zhengdu put the ppt to the page of the fish and handed it to the woman. "Look, the doctor suggested that I only eat sashimi and steamed, fried and fried. Try not to eat fried."

At this time, the attention of women and needles of hungry ghosts has been completely attracted by the mobile phone, and there is no attention to what is being said.

Women grabbed the phone and let go, asked: "What is this?"

The attention of the hungry ghost is completely different from that of his mother. The mouth constantly slams the water out: "Is this all eaten? It looks so good, I am so hungry, I want to eat-"

The woman pushed him away and held the phone again to ask for a fight: "What is this?"

Yu Zhengdu realized that she didn't seem to know the mobile phone. He thought about the surrounding environment. I understand that it is isolated from the world. I am afraid that many new technology products are not popular. Think about this. Yu Yu said: "This is a mobile phone."

Seeing the woman's confused expression, Yu Qudu explained it to her again, and also took a look at the concept of the network.

When he finished, the woman’s face was already in a state of total shock. It seemed a bit unexpected, and it was a bit sad. For a long while, he said, “The original world change in Yang is already so big.”

Her voice is awkward, and I don't know who to say to whom.

Yu Zhengdu caught the key points in her words and tried to ask: "Do you say the world of Yang? So isn't this a place?"

The woman slowly raised her head and revealed a sinister smile: "You still don't know where it is?"

Yu Zhengdu Shen Shen a moment, and finally slowly said the three words: "Hungry ghost road."

When Yu Zhengdu first entered Luofeng, he had dealt with the evil spirits escape event of Fucheng Gujing’s reincarnation point with Shangyu. In the end, Shangyu put the ghosts of the serial killing hunters into the hungry ghosts.

This seems to be the biggest punishment that the government can make to the criminal ghost after the collapse of the heavens and the earth.

Yu Zhengdu also secretly understood the situation of the hungry ghosts.

The hungry ghost road is one of the six reincarnations. The legend overlaps with the human path. There are only wild forests and wilderness, but the eyes of mortals cannot be seen.

The living beings of the hungry ghosts are viviparous. They have a common misbehavior in their previous lives. This world is born of a ghost mother. The life span can last for tens of thousands of years. It has long been suffering from painful reports inspired by poor karma, and it is endured all the time. Hungry torment.

For example, the needle is hungry, he has a big belly like a valley, but the eyes of the scorpion are only so small as pinholes. He can't swallow the best of Shanzhen. He can only smell the scent and burn all the time. Unbearable.

Some hungry ghosts have large bodies and very thin feet. They are hard to bear the weight of the body. Therefore, when they see food, they can only get close, but because of karma, when they are close to food, food But it will become a variety of things that can not be eaten.

More hungry ghosts spurt fire, even if they barely swallow food, these foods can not make them full, but will make the belly burn like fire, very painful.

In the wilderness, the fire that is sometimes seen in the wilderness is the flame of the lingering ghosts.

After Yu Xingdu knew that the hungry ghost was born and was a ghost, there was already a faint speculation in his heart, but it was not until the woman in front of him clearly stated that it was not a yang, and he dared to confirm it.

Then the women in front of us are the ghosts of the hungry ghosts.

What is the identity of that Chiang? Why is it easy to exile him to a hungry ghost? How can he go out?

Yu Zhengdu was deeply pondered, but the ghost mother ignored him. Instead, he stared at the head of the hungry ghost and the mother and son, huddled together and looked at the mobile phone.

The eyes of the hungry ghosts are green: "Mom, this dish looks good, can you do this for me?"

"There is this, this one, hey, all look good, I am so hungry, I want to eat!"

The ghost mother looked at the head and hunted the head of the hungry ghost: "You deserve it, who will make you not good for the rest of your life, or you will not be born here, now let you regret reducing karma every day, you are lazy!"

"I don't want to regret it," said the hungry ghost, holding his head. "But I have no motivation..."

"How come there is no motivation!!" The ghost mother has to squat on her hips. "I am doing it hard for you every day. Isn't it just giving you motivation? You smell the food, don't you get irritated, you want Hurry to reduce karma, so you can leave the hungry ghost to eat?"

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

He looked at the unidentified foods that came from the ghost mother. He could only say that the ghost mother had a very big misunderstanding about his cooking.

Every day you smell the taste of such a meal, it should be less likely to produce the ** you want to eat.

Seeing the hungry ghost staring at the picture of the food on the phone, the saliva kept screaming, crying out loud: "I have motivation now, I want to go to the sun, I want to drink milk tea, I want to eat 50 kinds of chicken. practice!"

Ghost mother: "..."

The author has something to say: Hungry ghosts are mainly from Baidu, and some descriptive descriptions use encyclopedic content.

In addition, other articles related to the introduction of allusions and background knowledge, such as Naihe, Baigui, fake reputation test, etc., some of the descriptions are directly introduced by the information, this is unavoidable, but the direct reference is not Most of the content has been personally processed, and the corresponding sources of information are attached to the story.

Because there are many allusions in this article, here is a special explanation.

Chicken: It’s all the people who did bad things in the past, and what did the chicken do wrong! 2k novel reading network

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