MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 66 Death

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The test of the life planning app was carried out in an orderly manner. The Luofeng headquarters was in close contact with the users of the internal testing and collected a lot of feedback. The programmers in the future, Yu Rudu, Zhao Ruola and the Egret also followed the test progress and repaired. Some loopholes.

Seeing that the internal test work is coming to an end, the date when the life planning app is officially launched is getting closer and closer. Zhao Ruola is busy checking and filling out the gaps. Yu is rushing to communicate with the users in the underworld and report the progress to the merchants.

On this day, he was at the Luofeng headquarters and the business meeting. Lu Lingxi suddenly knocked on the door and called him. He said: "Xiao Yu, there is a new beta user outside, saying that his app has serious bugs, we also Don't understand, or do you want to see?"

Yu Yudu heard this, the nerves suddenly tightened up, the app was on the line, and there was a serious bug at this time, but he turned his head and looked at Shangyu: "Go here first, let me see the situation."

Shanghao nodded.

Yu Zhengdu got up and went to the reception room with Lu Lingxi. As the company's business flourished and the app was released, Luofeng's headquarters office space was gradually insufficient, and the upstairs office was rented out. Finally, a new one was opened. Specialized reception room.

However, because it is not a one-time rental, the Science and Technology Park does not have to rent them to neighbors every time. So now the headquarters and the subsidiary company’s future office are east and west, scattered in the Science Park. In the building, it is not very convenient to communicate.

Yu Zhengdu walked and thought in his heart, according to the company's current development speed, and soon after, it is estimated that it is ready to find a new office building.

When I arrived at the reception room upstairs, Yu said that when I entered the door, I saw a young man in his twenties sitting on the sofa next to his colleague who often used his eyeballs.

I saw their bubble colleague holding a glass, the eye already has an eyeball, and he is buttoning the other eyeball, while deducting and saying: "Look, just like this, the angle of the finger is slightly tilted. It’s about seventy-five degrees, don’t be vertical, it’s easy to insert it into the eyeball when it’s vertical...”

The young man nodded seriously.

Bubble eye colleague: "Then you dig up faster, use your fingertips, don't use your nails, or you will scratch your eyes | cornea."

With his words, the eyes in the remaining eyes fell out, and he caught it and threw it into the cup. "Do you understand?"

The young man applauded and applauded: "I will go back and try."

Bubble eye colleague: "Well, you have to practice hard, practice makes perfect."

Yu disputed his mouth and took a moment: "What are you doing?"

The bubble-collar colleague lifted the glass, and the eyeball in the cup looked at him and said, "Oh, he asked me to teach him to dig his eyes."

The young man also looked up and showed a silly smile: "I just died, a lot of basic skills to do ghosts, I will study quickly..."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

I don't know if I want to remind him. This is not the basic skill of doing ghosts.

Yu argued to go over and reached out and shook him. He said, "Hello, I am the technical leader of Luo Feng."

"Hello, hello." The youth quickly reached out. "My name is Fan Li."

He said that he had been arguing for a fight and then exclaimed: "Wow, you are like a person..."

Yu argues calmly and calmly: "Because I am human."

Fan Li: "...??"

Yu Zhengdu explained it briefly and provoked Fan Li to be amazed. "It seems that the development of the underworld is also very fast. I just died. I have a text message to inform me to download the life planning app. I can also self-recruit. It's too convenient."

Yu Zhengdu: "You just died?"

Fan Li nodded: "Yes, the body is still dead in the morning."

In order to ensure the universal adaptability of the app, the quota of the internal test is distributed to different groups proportionally. The new dead ghost naturally has a lot of places, the purpose is to test the acceptance of the new ghost for the technology of the underworld. Usage.

He looked at Fan Li, this new soul looks very young, and it is not a normal end of life, it comforts: "The festival is sorrowful."

"It's okay." Fan Li scratched his head. "In fact, I was scared before I died. I told you that I was seriously ill last night. I was really nervous. I felt particularly uncomfortable when I was lying in bed. I was afraid. I died, I didn’t expect to have a soul after I died, so I am in a very calm mood now."

His eyes are full of curiosity just making ghosts. "Ha ha" smiled: "And it's quite fun to get used to it. Like I come here, I don't have to give money on the bus."

Yu argued that he nodded and understood his situation. After confirming that he was well-adapted to the environment, he asked: "My colleague said, are you coming because the app is heavy?"

"Oh, yes." Fan Li handed over his mobile phone, first click on the page of [Ghost Information]. "My death time is wrong. This year is not 2018, but the above shows 2078. This is too much..."

After that, I opened the second page: "There is also a problem in the value of good and evil. I have looked at this "Life Story". I have not done many things, and I am just twenty-nine years old this year. Where are you? Things after the age of thirty..."

Yu is arguing over the past, sliding Fan Li's "Life Events" page, and at first glance, he knows that it is a bug.

Because the page shows a lot of things after 2018, the next pull, even lasted for three years, that is, 2021.

Fan Li pointed to the last item of the interface and said with great regret: "Look, this also arranged for me a wife. My mother and baby are single for twenty-nine years. If this is really good, this Jin Yue who is it?"

The last item of Fan Li’s memorabilia shows that in July 2021, he married a person named Jin Yue.

Yu argues that he is confused in his heart, and clicks on the interface of [self-service reincarnation], but sees the above items are displayed: not arranged.

"It should be a bug." Yu Zhanfu frowned, and it was still a serious bug. Otherwise, there would be no problem with so many contents. He said sorry to Fan Li, "Please wait a moment, I Go check it out."

"Okay, nothing." Fan Li's quality is quite high, and there is no impatience at all. He said, "I will practice the buttonholes here."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."


Yu Zhengdu took Fan Li’s mobile phone back to his own station in Luofeng and contacted Zhao Ruola. The two men checked the system code carefully and sent the problem to the group of the development department to let the whole development. The programmers of the department checked together and unknowingly spent two hours.

When Shang Yu went to the side of the station, he saw that his brow was locked and he stared at the screen.

"What's the problem?" Shang Hao asked, Yu Yuduo technology is excellent, and he knows a lot of industry amnesty. Now there is Zhao Ruola joining, the technical problems are mostly experts and he discusses, rarely show So heavy.

Yu argued and turned to look at him, slowly said: "No problem."

No problem, this is the biggest problem he faced.

He said Fan Li's situation and his face was not very good-looking: "I and the development department thoroughly checked the code and found no problems, but Fan Li's app information is indeed wrong..."

"I'll take a look." Shang Yan reached out and took Fan Li's cell phone over. He only glanced at it and his eyes cooled. "He hasn't died yet."

Yu Zhengyi said: "What do you mean?"

Shang Hao handed the phone back. When he looked at him, his eyes softened: "Your technology is no problem, the program is no problem, it is the death of this person. He should live until 2078, eighty-nine years old. It’s only time to die.”

"And his life story here, one of the functions of the book of life and death is to carry on and off, according to a person's past and present life to interpret the fate of his next life, thus allocating his reincarnation and fate. In theory, the book of life and death can be based on one The predecessor of man's predecessor, the future fruit of the world is calculated, but the world is changing and the humanity is complex. Everyone's fate is separated from the calculation of the birth and death book from the moment of birth..."

"And he should actually be alive, so in his life, it can be shown that three years later, this is the limit of the life and death book calculus."

Of course, this is only a speculation made under the assumption that it is completely ideal. In reality, what a person is going to happen is often changing rapidly.

Yu Xingfu thinks of the computer system of life and death books, does cover a part of the model of fate prediction, can not help but marvel: "Wow, this is not big data fortune telling?"

Shang Yang: "..." He summed up scientifically...

After thinking about this, Yu Zhengdu is even more puzzled: "But Fan Li is dead in the morning..."

Shang Shi said: "He was replaced by someone."

Yu Zhengdu suddenly opened his eyes: "Change?"

"Yeah." Shang Hao nodded, reaching out to the palm of his hand and gently stroking it on the screen of the mobile phone. A layer of faint light passed over.

Yu Zhengdu looked down and saw that the information on the mobile phone interface has changed.

[Ghost Information]

Name: Fan Li

Sex: Male

ID number: *****************x

Dead time: 2018 x month x day x

Cause of death: malaria

Place of residence registration: No. 6, Sanchang Road, Bailu District, Fucheng City

Graveyard: not buried

Look at the [good and evil value] one, the events recorded in the life events have completely changed, and then take a closer look, Yu Yudu directly took a breath of air.

This name is also called Fan Li's people, and there are many bad things to do.

He opened the background on the computer, called out Fanli's good and evil value data to view, the app client can't view the good and evil value data, but the background can be displayed.

This investigation, sure enough, this Fan Li's evil value is astonishingly high.

"Hey, beast!" Yu Zhengdu side of the side of the side of the [self-help tires] column, showing that the time and place have been arranged, cast to the animal road.

"Sure enough, it is a beast!" Yu contends to be cold.

Then re-check the number of the mobile phone and the text message sent by Luofeng headquarters, the new ID number is displayed instead of the original Fanli number.

It’s inevitable that Yu is too surprised: “I didn’t expect this kind of magic.”

"Yes, there were a lot before." Shang said calmly.

Since ancient times, human monks have repaired nothing more than fairy and longevity. To put it bluntly, they are actually spells that compete with death. However, most of the monks rely on personal understanding and human aura, but many also end up. In vain, stealing life with evil spirits.

Change of life is one of these.

In exchange for life, it is called a substitute. As the name implies, it is to exchange one's own life with others. This is divided into a variety of things. The common ones are people who change health, change people's wealth, and even change their wisdom.

There are many similar legends in the folks, saying that someone is going out, picking up a drug pack on the road, and going back to go ill. After the cure, the original healthy body is no longer in the past and becomes weak. In the story, the protagonist has eight or nine | nine is the person who has been changed for health, and the drug pack that is smashed, it is likely that someone who is afflicted with a disease has cast a spell and thrown it on the road.

There are also intelligent people who came to a distant relative in the family. After that, the person suddenly became dull and embarrassed. Hey, but the blunt child in the relatives’ family suddenly opened up and tested the school. This story is often the end. The original intelligent person found the evils secretly hidden by relatives.

There are always people who are lucky in the Yang Dynasty. It is not uncommon to change the life. But like Fan Li, the direct life has been changed. It’s the first time that Yu Zhengdu has come across.

"This is a deadly replacement."

In fact, it is not uncommon for the past and the present to die. Many monks are stalking the magic and making money, and the wrath of the heavens has been counted, and this is not the case. In the underworld, their punishments really begin, but these monks often There is a glimpse into the power of the heavens, so I will do everything possible to avoid punishment from the heavens and the earth.

Finding death replacement is one of the common ones. In the previous prefectures, screening for death is also a common job, which is why in the folk legends handed down, there are so many people who are wrong and wrong. People, then relegated to the story of returning to Yang.

Yu Zhengdu thought thoughtfully: "The story of so many ghosts in the ancient times is not a mistake?"

"Some are mistakes, some are not." Shang Xiao explained, "Have you noticed that a large part of the story of the ghosts catching the wrong person is because the deceased has the same name as the hometown?"

Yu contends with a brow and looks at the app. The name of another person, also called "Fan Li", asks, "Is this the name that was specifically changed?"

"It is possible." Shang Xiaodao said, "If you are lucky, the other party just finds a same name with his own name, and the birth is close to the death. But in most cases, the caster first renames himself and changes his surname. Depression."

Finding someone to lie to the heavens and the earth is a very difficult spell. It requires a very high level of cultivation. After the collapse of the heavens and the earth, there is almost no monk who can repair this realm. Today, Luo Feng Naturally, no one pays special attention to the matter of death.

Speaking of it, this is also a bad luck for Fan Li who is looking for someone to die. If it is a month or two earlier, Luo Feng still sends a text message to inform the ghosts about the reincarnation. The young Fan Li who is replaced will not find his death time and The life story is not right, and it may be confusing to cast a beast for the really **** Fan Li.

Just happened to catch up with Luo Feng app internal test, the ghost can view his detailed information and life stories through the app, let the young Fan Li suddenly see the wrong place.

However, it is also a coincidence that nowadays the local government is the mainstay of the business, and the Luo Wangshan Ghost King has easily broken his blind eye.

"What about the replacement of Fan Li?" Yu Zhengdu said angrily. "He is dead in white? Is it too innocent?"

"How long has he died?" asked Shang.

Yu Zhengdu: "I am just dead in the morning."

Shangyu pondered a moment: "He has not finished his life, and within twelve hours of his soul, his heart is warm and he can still return to the sun."

Yu argues that his fist is a fist: "That hurry, hurry and rescue him."

The author has something to say: The real-name system of the Internet effectively combats the crime of sin.

Today, ask for a little nutrient solution to give Fan Li an eye lubrication. 2k novel reading network

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