MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 134 End of the text

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"I saw it, they are still there." The Emperor of the capital looked at the Luoqi Mountain and the Qidu ghost town in the void, and slowly smiled. The smile was filled with relief, emotion and unclear sadness.

The power of the majestic Luoqi Mountain was released, and the face of Shangyu gradually recovered, but it was too late for the Emperor of the Judah in the center of the circle.

The Shangyu did not speak, and the right hand holding the hilt was up, and the long sword was turned into a method to print, and the power swayed toward the Emperor.

"You don't have to spare me to save me. I should have destroyed it with the heavens and the earth 50 years ago." The Emperor of the capital raised his hand and swayed the remaining power of Shang Yang. "This is what I owe you."

He slowly closed his eyes and gradually disappeared.

Before he disappeared, he heard the Shang Zheng solemnly said -

"They will be as happy as you are when you are there, and you will live forever."

Luo Qishan Ghost King stood up and looked far into the Luojing Mountain, which was directly connected to the sky. He looked at the hungry ghost road that overlapped with the human world. The power of the chaotic environment and the power of Luo Qishan flooded the circles.

Shang Yang raised his hand, and the French and Indians took off, grabbing endless power and began to reconstruct the enchantment of all walks of life.

Xishan ghost mother, countless hungry ghosts, wildfires, jungles, Heihe and the sea of ​​the sea gradually disappeared from the world.

Hungry ghosts don't forget to say goodbye to the ghosts they just met: "I will always contact you later."

"Must be sure, always go to the forum to communicate."

The Xishan ghost mother still maintains a strange and strange appearance, holding a poor body and being too old to ask for a dispute: "Yu Zong, then I brought this back to the hungry ghost."

Yu fights for a sweat: "Take it with you."

I thought about it and reminded me: "Don't blow it up!"

The needle was hungry and staring at the big bell-like eyes. I regretted it: "I haven't had time to go down the mountain to steal a cup of milk tea..."

Hungry ghosts disappeared.

Yu Zhengwang looked at the Luoqi Mountain in the sky and asked him about his neck: "What about your father?"

Business: "..."

Yu Zhengdu saw his speechless look and tried to guess: "Is it... is it a mother?"

"I am at work!" Shangyu pretended not to hear, explained, "The gap in chaos provides enough power, enough... to build a new Netherland."

This chaotic situation broke through the gap, and Luo Qishan did not know whether it was intentionally or unintentionally connected to the gap. That is to say, Luo Qishan could continue to extract the power of chaos.

Nature can support a new underworld.

Yu Zhengdu listened to the summary: "Perpetual motion!"

Business: "..."

If he raises his hand illusoryly, the new enchantment begins to form, and the Luojing Mountain in the sky gradually disappears.

The new Netherland was born.

The overcast clouds have dissipated, and the original light has been restored. The Shangyu has also restored its usual form.

Yu Zhengdu looked and became the same size as himself. He was wearing a daily dress and discussed: "Can you keep the corner?"

Shang Shi Shiran said: "When you tell a story, you can."

This is the next turn of Yu Yu is speechless.

At the peak of the impasse, the sleeping masters woke up and looked at each other blankly. "What happened just now?"

"How did you fall asleep?"

"Is the law successful?"

Ming Pei-ran rushed up from the mountainside with the team, and hurriedly asked: "Masters, how is the situation?"

He and the members of the special department originally pulled the warning at the halfway up the mountain to ensure the masters’ ceremonies. I didn’t know what happened. They all fell asleep. When they woke up, they found that the floating city was a red dress and it was red rain. Now the official is burning. Thinking about how to explain to the public.

He couldn’t tell why he was here. I was afraid that the masters would have three long and two shorts and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. What I didn’t expect was that the masters just woke up...

Then again, Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu are actually there too?

Ming Pei-Ran was puzzled and was about to call them. He heard the commotion coming from the front: "No, how did Luo Xiaogong’s son faint?"

"What happened on the back? How did it burn like this?"

Ming Pei-Ran’s eyes are a hop, and Luo Fanxiang said that he is a high-ranking person. He is not only a high-ranking person. He also has a status as a young son of the Roche Group. Which identity is expensive, this is if there is a confession at the Fa Conference. Three long and two short, they can't explain.

Ming Pei-Ran did not care about the metaphor and the merchants. He took two steps and rushed to help Luo Wanxiang. This time suddenly shocked him.

Luo Wanxiang's back can be said to be terrible.

Ming Pei-ran is a black in front of him. Fortunately, at this time, Luo Wanxiang finally woke up, his face was extremely pale, his breath was extremely weak, and he slowly looked around and said weakly: "You don't have to worry, I am fine. It is."

Next to a master is the abbot of the temple he practiced. He saw the palm of his hand and the eleventh worship. He asked: "Vientiane, this Fa Conference... can it be successful?"

The masters received a notice this time, knowing that Luo Wanxiang saw an extremely difficult future. They also exhausted their life in this puja, but the final result is only visible to Luo Wanxiang.

Luo Wanxiang showed a gratifying voice on his face and whispered: "Success, please rest assured."

Yu Zhengdu is also asking Shangyu: "This algorithm will succeed?"

"Yeah." Shanghao nodded.

Without the joint efforts of the religious circles in the world, the Emperor of the Bengbu could not successfully start the Faction with his own power, which led to the power of chaos. Even if the Emperor of the capital finally sacrificed himself and the Shangyu, it would be useless to use the power of the Luoshan Mountain.

All of this is the result of the joint efforts of all.

From this point of view, this praying blessing will be crucial.

Luo Wanxiang’s words made everyone on the scene a long sigh of relief. The abbot looked at the burn on his body and frowned. “Why did you become like this?”

"This is the price," Luo Wanxiang said. "But the result is finally good."

He slowly raised his head and looked at the metaphor and discussion outside the crowd.

Just as the metaphor and the Shangyu are also looking at him.

Yu Zhengdu asked some doubts: "He is...?"

"The real Luo Wanxiang." Shang Hao said.

The body of Luo Wanxiang was invaded by the Emperor of the Great, but the soul was not destroyed. Instead, he was imprisoned in the heart and grew up with the flesh. Therefore, although he had no flesh and freedom, he experienced with his own body. These twenty years have been clear about what happened in these twenty years.

Now that the Emperor of the capital has died, his soul has finally taken back the control of the flesh.

"Thank you two." Luo Wanxiang showed a tacit smile to Yu Yudu and Shangyu, and leaned over to worship them deeply.

Luo Wanxiang is a birthplace with the eyes of the Buddha. It seems that he is born with the transparency and indisputy of Buddhism. He has nothing to say about his own experience in the past 20 years. The lines are impermanent, the laws are without me, everything is Bitter, Nirvana is silent.

Or, it is because he has such a Huigen that he will become the chosen person.

Luo Wanxiang’s sudden gratitude for the dispute and the sudden enthusiasm of the merchants made the surrounding circles somewhat awkward. In fact, everyone has noticed the inexplicable appearance of the two Luofeng companies, and they are also curious about this, but the horrors of Luo Wanxiang Got everyone's attention.

Now he mentions that everyone has asked the doubts of their hearts.

"This law will be successful, thanks to the two of them." Luo Wan said with a hint.

However, when Qi Yudu and Shangyu went up the mountain, what did they do, but no one knew.

However, Luo Wanxiang will not lie. Since he said so, it must be true.

Ming Pei-ran has handled a lot of special events. He also knows that many things are unclear and unclear. Many times it is not convenient to explain. Therefore, it is not very entangled. He commanded the team members to quickly protect Luo Wanxiang’s downhill treatment before he himself Special thanks to Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu: "This time I am bothered."

"It should be." Yu Zhengdu said with anger, "This is the duty of every socialist successor."

Ming Pei-Ran is awe-inspiring: "Yu is always a high consciousness, it is a model of my generation."

"That is not because the compulsory education in the motherland is doing well!" Yu Zhengdu once again expressed his gratitude to the motherland and then asked, "But there should be bonuses this time?"

Ming Peiran: "...Yes."

After this battle, Luo Feng’s position in the religious and special departments has once again risen.

Yu Xingdu skillfully exchanged business cards with the newly-recognized masters, and then went down the mountain with Shangyu under the arrangement of Ming Pei-ran.

Along the way, Yu Zhengdu was also very unbelievable about what happened on this day.

"I was thinking..." Yu said, "Is this going to be planned by your father a thousand years ago?"

Shang Yang: "Well?"

Yu Zhandu took out the position of the detective and began to analyze: "For example, your father has already known the truth about the collapse of the world, so it is very prescient to send you to the chaotic environment, sinking into the ground to retain strength, and waiting for the time to mature, you Chaos comes out, and by the way, the enchantment of chaos..."

Business: "emmm."

Yu Zhengdu: "How? Do you disagree?"

"No." Shang Xiao coldly said, "Can you change the name of Luo Qishan?"

Yu Zhengdu: "...So is it really a mother?"

Business: "..."

Shang Hao said from his own anger: "You can call the father-in-law or the mother-in-law directly, whatever you like."

Yu Zhengdu clap a hand: "Then one or three is called the father-in-law, the second and fourth is called the mother-in-law, and rest on Sunday."

Business: "..."

He smiled helplessly, and his eyes were full of relief. He looked at Yu Zhengdu: "In the future, we don't have to worry about being separated?"

Yu is not able to understand.

Shang Zheng said: "Luo Qishan recognized you. From then on, you will share the life with me."

At this moment, the Luofeng staff group once again madly jumped:

Kang Jin: [嗷 - finally nothing! ! ! The system is also normal! 】

Kang Jin: [Scared to death! 】

Zheng Yan: [Pay attention to words, you are already dead]

Kang Jin: [I can't die repeatedly? 】

Zhao Ruola: [Wait... our server? 】

Zhao Ruola: [Yu contends for business, what happened? Our server is being taken over? 】

Shang Yang: [Don't worry, it was taken over by Luo Yishan]

A group of people were shocked: [Luo Lushan? ! ! 】

Shang Yang: [Well. 】

In fact, the six reincarnations originally belonged to the underworld, but because of the collapse of the heavens and the earth, Shangyu had no choice but to open the land to the human world, and the server that supported the life and death book system with the mana's mana was also a small hidden danger, which was equivalent to letting the six reincarnations and Businesses coexist.

Whether it is for the underworld or for the individual, it is not a small pressure.

Now that the server of the life and death book is taken over by Luo Yishan, then the six roads can truly coexist with the world.

Of course, only the server is taken over by Luo Yishan. The maintenance and daily work of the system still needs to be carried out by the company. Since the development team of the system is still all programmers in the Yang Dynasty, it can be as many as hundreds of years. Feng will continue to operate in the human world and be a good enterprise that pays taxes according to law under the management of socialism.

Similarly, the business of the subsidiary that maintains the company's financial health will continue.

Yu Zhengdu: [Let's be a real old company! 】

Shang Yang took his wrist and finally had a luster in his eyes: "I will take you to see... the real Luoshan."

The author has something to say: [End of the text] Sahua! !

Thanks to all the friends who have followed the road to the end, the comments sent 1000 small red packets, thank you again.

There are still a few stalks that I want to write. I originally wanted to put it in the text, but the timeline is not right, and I will put it outside. The update volume may not be so big. Let's take a look.

Readers who like my text remember to collect new pits: "The scum story causes comfort" and "Beat the Princess, greet the Dragon King".


It was very hard to write for five months, but I was very happy.

Thanks for all the texts, reviews, genuine purchases, recommended for me, nutrient solution (thanks to send me on the list) and throwing the King's ticket (the friend who has been embarrassed to mention the king ticket in front, because spending money I am very grateful to see the genuine friends, so I am a little embarrassed to let everyone else spend the rest of the fee, so I will give it a one-time thanks.)

In short, thank you very much for your interest in this article. I have written a long time in this article. In fact, there are still many shortcomings of this kind. Thank you for your tolerance and encouragement. I hope that I can continue to improve and write better and happier texts.

Attach all the reference books in this article:

栾保群: "Talk about ghosts", "Speaking of the soul", "Ghosts in the rivers and lakes"

"Yangyang Miscellaneous", "Shan Hai Jing", "Sou Shen Ji", "Zi Bu Yu", "Dong Ling Xiao Zhi", "Buddhist Common Sense Question and Answer"

Tencent Product Law, "Tokyo Dreams"

There are also a large number of reference materials from Baidu, Douban, Zhihu, Taoism website and other online channels.

Finally put the pre-received copy, welcome to collect:

"Defeat the Princess, Welcome the Dragon King":

In the family, there is the second generation of the East China Sea Dragon King to be inherited by the throne. In order to better manage his waters after graduating from university.

Being sent by the elders of the family to the most well-known group companies in the human world to learn advanced management experience - starting from the intern

In the company, there is another suspected mixed-race interns in the same period.

Mixed-race intern: Actually, I am a dragon knight. My goal is to defeat the dragon and welcome the princess.

Dragon II Intern: Oh


Mixed-race intern: My goal now is to defeat the princess and welcome the dragon

Overbearing President Dragon II: Do not think that you are a dragon knight, you can really ride a dragon!

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"The scum plot causes comfort"

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