MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 129 See unknown

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Legend has it that the hungry ghost path is created from the ignorant behavior of all beings, overlapping with the human world, but the human beings cannot see the hungry ghosts, and the hungry ghosts can't see the human world.

However, there may be a gap between the hungry ghosts and the roads under certain circumstances. This is why the former Xishan ghost mother and Yu Zhengdu said that there used to be a ghostly ghost.

Obviously, this trekking freighter was mistakenly entered into the gap that should not have appeared, so it broke into the sea and entered another world. It is no wonder that such a big ship would suddenly disappear without a shadow. Trace, even the signal can not be found.

Although the hungry ghost road is in the human world, the coordinate points of the two worlds are not one-to-one correspondence, but they are constantly changing. Therefore, even if it is a business, it is generally impossible to find someone in the hungry ghost road.

What's more, it is on the boundless sea of ​​the sea.

But the luckier thing about this freighter is that it just happened to be a hungry ghost and a big infrastructure, and it happened to be where the signal could be covered.

Zeng Xin’s eyes were straight at this time, and he quickly confirmed to the team members in the intercom: “Is there a signal from the freighter? Can you locate it?”

The response is still exactly the same as before, no signal, no positioning.

Zeng Xin was watching the red dot moving on the mobile phone: "How did you locate it?"

Yu Zhengdu is still the same sentence: "The technical principle is different."

Zeng Xin was silent, and spit out a sentence: "Your company's technology is really advanced."

Yu is arrogant and laughs, but only to see Shang.

With accurate positioning, Shangyu can naturally save the freighter back.

Shangyu identified the location of the location on the mobile phone, and then walked to the bow of the ship, facing the vast and deep sea, closing his eyes.

The sea breeze roared, the passenger ship swayed violently, Yu Zhengdu and Zeng Xin and others had to hold the railings and pillars to stand still, but the Shangyu did not move, as if the gods in the sky, there was nothing in the world to knock him down.

The lights on the passenger ship vanished, and the deck instantly fell into the boundless darkness. Only the stars in the sky remained, dotted on the black curtain, a group of people accustomed to the light in front of a black, briefly lost the ability to see things, the deck There was a small commotion.

Zeng Xin frowned: "What happened?"

"Don't worry, in practice, normal interference." Yu Zhengdu Shen channel.

Zeng Xin: "..." She also knows that most of the people who Peng Peiran invited are taking the metaphysical route.

But the problem is that she just accepted the setting of a high-tech company...

In the darkness, Shang's right hand stretched out toward the sea, his palms up, and a black French seal appeared on the palm of his hand. Then his palm turned over, and the French seal changed into a black long sword.

Shang Yang grasped the hilt and made a stroke toward the empty sea. When the tip of the sword pointed out, the sea suddenly surged and rushed to the sides.

The long sword was hidden from the void, and the lights on the passenger ship lit up again. The rescue team saw the sight in front of them, and then everyone's eyes could not be controlled to the maximum.

Just as far as I can see, the waves of the sea and the star-studded black scorpion are connected together. The sea level at night is not very clear. The sky and the sea blend together, like a huge black curtain.

Now, the huge curtain is like a sharp weapon that has broken a long hole from top to bottom. The slender mouth has a terrible blood red, and it looks like it is like a night. Wounds, sticky, stinky blood will flow out at any time.

The vanishing freighter slowly drove out of the crack.

The scene was so strange that the people at the scene thought that they were looking at their eyes. They rushed forward and leaned forward on the railing, trying to see the picture clearly.

The speedboats scattered in the four seas seem to have noticed the distant scene, and they have turned their way to the huge freighter.

But the distance is too far, the night is dark, and the blood red is firmly restrained in the slender gap, and it is blocked by the giant wheel, so that they can't distinguish clearly if they open their eyes.

As the giant wheel sailed out, the **** wound behind it gradually healed. When the hull completely left the crack, the gap was completely closed, and the sky and the sea returned to the darkness. This strange scene seemed to have never appeared before.

"There is a signal! There is a signal!" the rescue team shouted.

The staff on the passenger ship immediately acted in a well-trained manner. Zeng Xin did not care about the situation and discussed the situation. He quickly turned around to direct the rescue work.

After a while, someone shouted nervously: "The doctor is ready, there is an acute myocardial infarction on the cargo ship and needs to be rescued."

Zeng Xin’s spirit suddenly tightened and asked: “What happened?”

The staff replied: "It is not clear, it is said that the colleague happened to take a break. He used to play the mobile phone in the cabin. He didn't know what happened and suddenly yelled, then he shocked..."

“Quick and fast, there is not enough emergency equipment on the cargo ship!”

"It seems like shock has been around for a while, I don't know if I can save it."

As he said, the people at the shipping company suddenly turned their heads and looked at Yu’s arrogance. His face showed a strange expression: "The colleague of shock, that is, the ‘even if you die, you have to surf the Internet’...”

Yu Zhengdu actually guessed the situation when using Luo Feng's system to locate the crew.

The mobile phone of the living person is unable to search and connect to the network of the underworld. The crew member can connect to the wifi of the hungry ghost. Most of the things are gone, but I didn’t expect the first thing that the person hangs to continue playing the mobile phone. It can be seen that his mobile phone id is not just playing.

Because it was expected that when the staff member came over, Yu Zhengdu was also prepared to fully return with a surprised expression: "No?"

His acting skills were impeccable, and when the staff saw it, it was estimated that it happened to be a good one, and they quickly returned to continue their work.

The rescue team and the freighter were in close contact, and the two ships quickly came together.

Yu Zhengdu and Shangyu followed the rescue team to board the freighter and rushed to the cabin under the leadership of the crew. There were two accompanying doctors who were giving first aid to a crew lying on the ground.

The crew of the shock closed their eyes, and there was a lack of sleep under the eyes. The five senses were tightly twisted together, seemingly frightened before fainting.

There was a fellow crew member who was explaining the situation to the rescue team: "...he played the mobile phone whenever he had time. He took a break today and was wanted last night. Is it too tired?"

This person is still euphemistic and does not directly say that he is dying.

Yu Zhandu listened to the explanation while sweeping the cabin. The position of the crew of the shock was leaning against a window, and there was considerable speculation in the heart.

The crew’s lack of rest and poor mental state may lead to a lower fortune. In this case, the eyes may see the picture that the mortal should not have seen, and he is facing the window...

Yu Zhengdu finally set his sights on the body of the shock crew, where there was a soul that the rescue team could not see.

The face of the soul is exactly the same as the crew lying on the ground. At this time, he is sitting on the side of his knees, his hands are mechanically pressed against the mobile phone, and his face is fascinated, but his eyes seem to be a little sluggish, and he has no reaction to the sudden arrival of the brigade.

Yu disputes some doubts: "What is this?"

Shangyu looked at the soul of the soul and said faintly: "Exceeding too much, the soul is not stable."

People have three souls and seven scorpions. In the case of intense shock, there may be situations in which the soul is unstable. At this time, there may be three souls leaving, and the seven squats are still there.

At this time, the person actually has not really died, which is usually called the "fake death" phenomenon, and the soul of the living is incomplete because of the insufficiency, the consciousness is also in a state of chaos, and only instinctively do something mechanically.

Yu is a moment of speechless speech: ... This instinct of the buddy after the soul is actually playing mobile phone!

Yu Zhengdu asked Shanghao: "Do you need us to do it?"

Shang Yang: "No."

As I spoke, there was a cheering cheer in front: "Wake up!"

With the addition of the rescue team doctors, new medical tools were also brought in. Several doctors worked together to give the crew a heart-recovery and finally let him wake up.

Yu Zhengdu looked up again, and the soul of the chaos next to it had disappeared, and it was about to return to the body of the crew.

The crew slowly opened their eyes and saw a bunch of heads in front of them. They slammed for a while, and then they suddenly woke up, screaming and screaming with their hands and feet, shouting: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what!"

"There are all blood in the sea, and there are so many hands, squatting on the window!"

"Scare me - don't believe it, look at yourself -"

The crew said as he shivered and turned to look at the direction of the window, then: "...hey?"

Outside the window, the black sea is no different from any previous night.

The doctor concluded: "There should be no rest, the hallucinations caused by mental overdraft."

"No, I think it's real!" the crew said reluctantly, then scratched his head and whispered. "And I seem to have a dream, dreaming that I have a strange wifi. Calling milk tea... what is milk tea... ah, 'milk tea is best to drink'!"

"What else... Hey, can't you think of it?"

Other people: ==

The ship and the rescue team’s boat were parked in the angry harbor. Everyone was relieved. The rescue was finally shocking, but no one could tell what happened to the cargo ship. Yu is naturally unable to tell the truth. It’s just a vague saying that it’s confusing.

The people in the port and shipping companies wanted to inquire more, but they were all sent away by Zeng Xin. This time they used the relationship of Ming Pei Ran. Many things are not what they can understand.

Zeng Xin was smashed by Ming Peiran in advance, and he did not ask too much. He only expressed his gratitude to the rescue team on the dispute and the Shangyu. The follow-up banner bonus is also inevitable.

After explaining the basic things, Zeng Xin asked: "Yu, the general manager, you are tired of being busy for a night, or will I find someone to arrange a place for you to rest?"

"No." Yu said to wave his hand. "We still have things. You should be busy with you first."

Zeng Xin asked a few more words and determined that they did have another arrangement. They did not reluctantly. She had to go to direct her work and she did not continue to stay. She said, "If you have anything, please contact me."

Yu argued and nodded: "Okay, thank you."

When Zeng Xin walked away, Yu Zhan took a look at the time and said: "Now go to the desolate mountain?"

Shanghao did not answer, but turned and took him: "Look at the sunrise together."

At this time, the sky was bright, the black sea gradually turned dark blue, and the sea breeze slowed down.

Yu Zhengdu smiled and said: "Okay."

The two stood side by side at the edge of the pier, watching the distant sea level slowly turn red, the sun revealing its outline, the red glow of the sea covered the sea, the sea water stained with **** rust.

The whistle sounded, and another ship slowly sailed out of the port, sailing to an unknown distance.

The face of Yu Zhengdu suddenly changed, and he shouted unclearly: "It is the sea of ​​the sea!"

His voice was frightened, and the merchants quickly looked at him: "What happened?"

"I remembered!" Yu Zhengdu's breathing suddenly rushed, his hands twitched and took out the bell scorpion mask to his face, through the eye of the mask, his eyes with violent uneasiness, "I remember what I saw that day!"

City collapse, the sea, the ghost town, the giant shadow...

Shang Yan brows up: "What are you talking about?"

Yu Chengdu actually remembers that it is not particularly clear, but perhaps it was when he jumped over the official night that he gave him enough mana to protect himself. Perhaps it was the ritual of jumping over the official to let him gain the power of the moment, or perhaps reappear. The Nether Sea reminded him... But it doesn't matter at this time. What matters is the picture that I saw that day.

Even if the memory is somewhat broken, it is enough.

As Yu Zhengdu talked about the scene he saw that day, Shang Xiao’s face gradually became dignified.

"What the **** is going on?" As the memory reappeared, the feeling of trepidation once again hit the heart of the metaphor. His arm could not contain a layer of goose bumps. "Is it just an illusion?"

Shang Hao asked him: "Are you sure that the collapsed city is a floating city?"

"Yes, what happened?" Yu said.

Shang Yan looked at him and looked deeply: "You know, why did I set Luo Feng's headquarters in the floating city?"

Yu argued that the subconscious shook his head and then slammed the meal.

"Because... Floating City is the place where the ghost city sank a thousand years ago." Shang Yu said that his tone is very light, but his eyes are very heavy. "The mountains of Luojing Mountain traverse the entire Netherland, where the main peak is. The location of the desperate mountain now."

Yu is arguing for a trip.

Shang Hao suddenly smiled softly. "That is why the jade of our company must be purchased in the mountains."

The jade produced in the desolate mountains is not good, the impurities are many, and it is also mixed with a lot of black stone. It can't enter the high-end jade market. In the tourist spot of the desolate mountains, you can buy two jade bracelets for ten dollars.

Luofeng's jade is very expensive, but it has always been the raw material of the desperate mountain. Many people always think that because of the low cost, after Luofeng's customers are more and more, no one proposes to change into better quality. The jade, but Shangyu never agreed.

At this point, Yu Zhengdu finally knows the reason.

Those jade, in a sense, may be the jade that really has the power of Luoshan.

This is also why the ghost emperor will set the blessing law to be in the mountains of desperation.

The Nether Sea is connected to the Hungry Ghost Road, the Human World and the Luojing Mountain.

But even if you know that the scenes that Yu Xingdu saw were the falling floating city, the secluded sea and the ghost town, you can't understand what it means.

The uneasiness in Yu’s heart is more intense, and he asks: “If the ghost towns return to the world, will the entire floating city be destroyed?”

"No." Shang Hao shook his head, which is why he could not explain the pictures. "The ghost town is a different kind of existence for the world."

Just as the mortal people in the world can't see the ghost, even if the ghost town returns to the world, it will only overlap with the human world.

The difference is that when the heavens and the earth are full of aura, even if they overlap with the human world, they can be separated by enchantments and open up different worlds, such as hungry ghosts, but now they have no such possibility.

Shang Yang refused to join hands with the ghost emperor to resurrect the ghost town, not because the ghost town would cause human collapse, but because the two worlds overlap once, it will have a huge impact on the lives of the residents on both sides.

Shang Yan looked at him: "Do you suspect that what you saw is the ghost city returning to the world?"

"It's very reasonable, isn't it?" Yu Zhengdu asked, and it is reasonable to say that what he saw was indeed a picture of the resurrection of the ghost town of Qidu, but the question is, why did the floating city fall?

Shangyu knows that Yu Zhengdu will never worry about it for no reason, and he asks: "What else have you seen?"

"Giant Shadow..." Yu said that he was suddenly surprised. "It is a very evil ghost!"

Shang Yang: "Ghosts of evil?"

"Yes, the evil spirit!" Yu Zhandu looked at Shangyu, "Climb out from the Netherland!"

At the time of the hungry ghost, the Hungry Ghost of Hong Gentou’s birth had once said that the hungry ghosts in the Tao had to leave the hungry ghost road. In addition to offsetting the sin industry into the reincarnation in the karmic report, there is another way to eat. The next thousand ghosts, become the evil spirits, will be able to cross the sea and return to the world.

The torch mouth hungry ghost successfully swallowed a thousand ghosts and turned them into evil spirits, but in the end they failed to go to the secluded sea, but they were burned to death by the infinite amount of commerce, and fell in the Black Lake.

However, the image of the evil ghost still left a big shadow on the metaphor. The outline of the giant shadow he saw was coincident with the evil spirit.

Yu is more and more frowning: "Is it?"

Shang Yang’s gaze became dangerous: “Qin Guangwang has raised more than one evil ghost in the hungry ghost...”

After the hungry ghosts were burned to death, the hungry ghosts were calm, and they left the hungry ghost roads, sent people to engage in infrastructure construction, and never had anything else to do, and gradually forgot the evil ghosts.

Now I want to come, Jiang does not know how long the evil spirits have been raised in the hungry ghosts. Maybe there are other evil spirits who have gone to the Netherland.

"If there is a very evil ghost coming to the world..." The business is dark.

The creatures are coated with charcoal and the city is falling.

Yu Zhengdu finally understood: "What I saw... is the future."

The author has something to say: The introduction of jade and desperate mountains is in Chapter 18, and I think you must have forgotten it.

Chapter 106 also mentions that another part of the Nether Sea is under the Luojing Mountain.

_ (: 3 ∠) _ really does not contradict, when I combed, I found that I also forgot some of the original buried stalks... witly pretending not buried!

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