MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 121 Buy a house

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The Luofeng Annual Meeting's plan was quickly settled. The merchants simply read it again. After a few amendments, they were confirmed directly, but the re-leasing of the office was still overwhelming. The main reason was that the employees of Luofeng were formed. on.

Although every prosperous company has a dream of working in cbd, Luofeng headquarters is a ghost, and working in the city center is not a particularly good choice. The most suitable location is actually a new development area, and most of the new area. The supporting facilities were relatively incomplete. Lu Lingxi ran all the office buildings in the right location, but still did not find a suitable one.

When Luo Feng went up and down into a group, the company headquarters suddenly received a notice from the district government, saying that the company was rated as a regional excellent enterprise by the superior department, and allocated a small amount of bonuses.

After receiving the news, Yu Chengdu and Shangyu are very inexplicable. Luo Feng has never applied for any government support funds because of the special circumstances of the company, and has not participated in any corporate evaluation. How can he get such a reward for no reason?

However, Yu is very cautious. He did not directly expose his inner doubts to the district government. He only carefully confirmed the information of the awards. I did not expect that the prize money of this award is particularly high. It is actually a special grant from the province. The bonus is also directly dialed by the Provincial Department of Finance.

Luo Feng's contact with the relevant departments has not been very close, but this award is not too small, Yu Zhengdu carefully pondered, and then dialed a phone to Ming Peiran.

This is the only person in Luofeng who has dealt with the government department with a relatively high level.

Sure enough, Ming Pei-Ran quickly picked up the phone: "Yu, I am trying to give you a call, have you received a reward notice?"

Yu Zhengduo laughed and said: "Is it really what you sent?"

Ming Peiran: "That is, the last time in Shiling was thanks to your company's help. This is rewarding, but you also know that this matter is sensitive. You can't give you a bonus in this name on the bright side. The general religion is directly sent in the form of subsidies. Your company's situation is quite special. We have also studied for a long time before giving this special award."

Yu Zhengdu: "Understand."

This is precisely the company's labor costs. Yu will not deny it, but I still thank Ming Peiran for a moment. The two chatted about the situation. At the end, Ming Peiran said: "Yes, Yu, you and Does the business owner have time in the next month?"

Yu Zhengdu: "Is there anything?"

Ming Pei-ran: "There will be a large-scale praying blessing in the mountains of Ledu in the next month. The masters of the temples in the major temples of the country will attend. If you and the business are free, I will apply for you two. Places."

Yu argued that he was sweating: "This is no longer necessary, and our company is not a religious one."

Ming Pei-ran was silent on the phone and seemed to be hesitating. He said after a while: "This is actually not just a religious activity."

Yu disputes some doubts: "How do you say?"

Ming Peiran: "Rowan will attend the Fa Conference at the time... No, it should be said that this Fa Conference was initiated by Luo Wanxiang."

“Rowan!” Yu Zhengdu felt that the name was a bit familiar. After thinking about it, he reacted. “Is the genius of the Buddha’s genius?”

Ming Peiran: "Yes, it is him."

The so-called fetal lining refers to the mother can not eat cockroaches in the mother's womb, and he began to eat vegetarians in his life, generally think that the fetal ginseng is a person who has a relationship with Buddhism, even the reincarnation of sorghum, such as the Journey to the West The Tang Yan in the story is the tire.

The name of Luo Wanxiang mentioned by Ming Peiran is not high in the domestic people. Yu is also arguing because the name has been heard recently in contact with the religious circles. However, in the religious world, Luo Wanxiang is famous because he was born. It is the fetus, Luo Wanxiang is considered to be a Buddhist monk, he was sent to the famous temple by the family since he was a child, and he himself has indeed shown a near-genius Huigen. It is said that he can preside over the theory when he is five or six years old. When he was a teenager, he became famous. He was once considered to be the Buddha's reincarnation. He went to Asia for further study ten years ago. Now he enjoys a high reputation in the Buddhist world.

If it is not officially a monk, it may be true that the leader of the Buddha is also uncertain, and such a character, this year is only in his early twenties.

Yu Zhengdu still does not understand: "What happened to Luo Wanxiang?"

In his view, since Luo Wanxiang is a Buddhist disciple of Buddhism, it is normal to participate in religious activities. On the contrary, the attitude of Ming Pei-Ran is so serious that it is not normal.

Ming Pei-ran said: "Luo Wanxiang made a major breakthrough in his practice last year. Although he did not say it clearly, Buddhism thought that he was likely to open the Buddha's eye."

Yu is amazed.

Because Luo Ruo, vice president of Luo Feng, has a glance, he has specifically understood the concept of Buddhism's five eyes before Yu.

The five eyes of Buddhism refer to the naked eye, the eye, the eye, the eye, and the Buddha's eye. The Buddha's eye is the highest state of the five eyes. It is said to be the eye that the Buddha has. It can see everything and see the nothingness. It is also called the eye of the sensation. This is an eye that mortals cannot have.

Even if Luo Wanxiang is more genius, it is theoretically impossible to obtain the Buddha's eye.

"We are not sure about this, and he has not admitted it." Ming Pei-ran has a very strong tone. "But he did see more things than ordinary people."

The so-called more things than ordinary people refer to the future, which should have been seen by the Buddha's eye.

Yu said that he had reacted: "Is he seeing anything?"

"Yeah." Ming Pei-Ran responded with a voice, but did not say anything carefully. It was only vague. "Rowan was a foreigner when he was very young. He has not returned to China for ten years. This is his first time in so many years. Returning to China."

Yu is arguing for frowning: "Is it also for this?"

Ming Pei-ran did not deny that although he did not say it clearly, but with this information, Yu Weidu can also guess, it is estimated that it is a very serious matter, he did not know what to say for a while, half a sigh: "I did not expect you will also Believe to predict this kind of thing?"

"We don't believe it." Ming Pei-Ran said, "But just in case, some things are only possible with one in ten thousand, and the result is something we can't afford."

"I understand." Yu Zhengdu did not immediately express his position. He only said, "I confirm the itinerary with our boss."

After saying that he was about to hang up, Ming Pei-ran suddenly said: "In fact, even if you don't pray for the blessing, you have a chance to know Luo Wanxiang is not bad."

Yu is not confused: "Why?"

Ming Peiran: "Don't you know that Luo Wanxiang is the second son of the Roche Group?"

Yu Zheng was shocked: "Really?"

The Roche Group is a well-known comprehensive group in the southern region. The industry is spread all over the country. However, the boss Rosen family has a low-key behavior. There are few online gossips. It has never been understood before the metaphor. It is even more impossible to know that Luo Wanxiang is actually Roche. Two sons.

Ming Peiran: "Of course it is true, otherwise you think why he is so small can practice in the famous brakes? And it is directly followed by the practice."

Yu is arguing for a moment: "Is it because of fetal birth?"

Ming Peiran: "Because of the fetal lining, it is also because his father donated a large amount of sesame oil to the major temples."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Zhengdu immediately sent a message to the gossip of the religious circles, only to know that Luo Wanxiang was really the second son of the Roche Group. It was because of his special origin that he practiced in the temple from an early age and did not participate in family business. Inadvertently inheriting the property of the family, but because of this, the people in his family are extremely caring to him, and he has given great support in his practice. As Ming Peiran said, because of the financial support of Roche, Luo Vientiane was able to obtain resources that others could not obtain from the beginning, including the fact that he could later transfer to other countries and have the shadow of Roche.

Otherwise, even if Luo Wanxiang is more genius, it is impossible to achieve today's achievements at this age and gain such a high status in the religious world.

After listening to the gossip of the gossip, I will send a message to my boyfriend: [The evil people! 】


In addition to the large amount of bonuses, there are also a certificate of honor. The general process is that the company sends people to the government office to receive it. However, the high-tech zone government has a strong sense of professionalism and a high degree of sensitivity. Feng was the only company in the province to receive special approval, so he went to check Luo Feng's tax record and found that Luo Feng had increased his tax payment in the past year.

The high-tech zone is in a period of rapid development. It is much more important than the old district in attracting investment. It is found that Luofeng has great development potential, and it seems that after receiving the attention of the superiors, the relevant departments of the district immediately decided to send the certificate to the door. By the way, look at the development of Luofeng and show your concern for the company.

Luo Feng’s glory in this respect has always been indifferent, but it is always true that the company develops and does a good job of government relations, so it still shows a certain degree of welcome and respect.

On the contrary, the district has become more important. It has directly visited a small study group and held a simple award ceremony for Luo Feng.

A generation of ghost kings, because they registered in the world, had to succumb to socialist management, forced to open a business, and the government representative held a corner of the certificate, leaving a harmonious and friendly photo at the company's front desk, and the photo was also washed. Come out and hang on the honor wall of the company for the visiting VIPs to visit.

After the awarding ceremony, Yu Xingdu led the delegation to visit the company environment, and after the visit, the two representatives sat down in the conference room to rest.

The representative of the delegation said: "The office of your company is somewhat scattered."

It’s just that the office they just visited is in two buildings, and it’s distributed on different floors. It’s said that there are a few small offices in other buildings. Because it’s more troublesome, I don’t have to look at it all.

Yu Zhengdu explained the situation in Luo Feng’s office and said: “But we are already looking for a new office.”

“Change office?” The representative immediately listened to him, and suddenly he got nervous. “Have you seen the right one?”

When many companies change offices, they are likely to switch directly to other districts. If small enterprises are gone, large companies will even directly affect the tax revenue of the entire district once they move away.

Although Luofeng is still not able to affect the scale of the overall tax revenue in the region, but last year's revenue is also very impressive, and is still growing rapidly, coupled with the sudden attention of the superiors, it is naturally impossible for the district to let such a company move. Go, so the representative pays attention to it all at once.

Yu Zhengdu also knows what he is worried about, and his heart smiles and smiles: "I have not been too satisfied to see a few places."

The representative quickly said: "We have opened several new properties this year in the high-tech zone. Now we are renting, you can take a look."

"I have seen it." Yu Zhengdu briefly said their concerns, "not suitable."

This is the meaning that there is no guarantee that it will remain in the high-tech zone, but the concerns he has said are well-founded and have no suggestive meaning. The attitude is sincere.

The representative is slightly addicted: "I understand the situation of your company. Our district government has always attached importance to the development of the company. I also hope to help the enterprise to remove the obstacles in development. So, I will go back and give feedback to the leaders. In short, I will try my best to help you. The company solved this problem."

Yu Zhengdu immediately showed the right gratitude: "That will trouble you!"

With the care of the relevant departments, Luo Feng got a lot more information than before, and he made rapid progress in changing office.

Just in the southeastern part of the development zone, there is a newly completed office building that is inviting investment. However, due to inconvenient transportation and inadequate implementation, the current investment is not smooth, so the rent is relatively cheap.

This place Luo Feng was originally not considered at all, but on behalf of the half-covering half of the cover to Yu Zhengdu revealed a bit of news, saying that the district will have new plans for that piece in the future.

Because the news is still confidential, the specific situation does not say too much.

However, Luo Feng has a system. Yu is now using the system to capture the city planning data of the whole floating city. After another analysis, there is basically a guess in my heart.

In recent years, the floating city has developed rapidly, and the urban boundary has continued to expand to the periphery. The most important point is the planning of public transportation. The news has been announced that the new district will open at least four more subway lines and some bus lines within three years. At present, the plan of the subway line has not yet come out. However, after the Luofeng system combines the planning information of the entire Fucheng Metro and the future policy analysis, it can roughly judge the future direction of the subway line.

The building that represents the recommendation is on the route that the system analysis of the subway line may pass.

If the result of this analysis is correct, the future rent of that building will surely skyrocket. If Luofeng can rent the building before the announcement, it will undoubtedly save a lot of costs.

But after all, analysis is just an analysis. If there is a probability, there is a possibility of mistakes.

However, although Yu is a cautious and risky side, he immediately told his analysis of the results of his analysis. He wanted to see the considerations of Shang Yang. After consulting his analysis, he thought about it and said: "Two days later. Your answer."

Yu Zhengdu is still the first time to see Shangzhen so serious, one thing actually has to think about two days, the heart can not help but feel a big comfort: boyfriend is finally a mature ceo!

Two days later, Shang Yu called Yu Xingdu and Lu Lingxi together to the office, saying: "Leasing."

Yu Xingdu looked at him so arrogantly that he could not help but say: "First talk about how you think about it."

Shang Hao inexplicable: "I did not consider it."

"Don't think about it?" Yu said to jump over the eyelids. "So what do you decide?"

Shang Xiaodao said: "I asked Kang Jin to go directly to the relevant departments of the city and listened to several meetings. They really planned to drive the subway line to the other side, and the subway station was next to the building."

Yu Zhengdu: "..." Although Shang Yang said that it is an understatement, it is clear that it is not normal to let Kang Jin go to "listen", but the way of listening to the ghost world.

Yu Zhengdu could not help but condemn: "Is this illegal?"

"Yeah." Shangyu answered without psychological burden. "If the order management department has the ability, then come and arrest me."

He is clearly in the Department of Threat Order Management!

Shang Yang said that he was too arrogant, so that the dispute could not be refuted.

After a pause, the merchant said again: "Oh, the meeting in the district has also heard, and the investment around the building is doing very well. There will be large supermarkets and large shopping malls in the future."

Yu Zhengdu seriously thought about it and said: "We don't rent it, just buy it."

A whole building can't afford it, but you can try it before buying a two-tier price.

The author has something to say: Xiao Kui: I am in violation of the rules, have the ability to catch me. (righteous

Raise nutrient solution for buying a building today!

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