MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 107 Scientific positioning method

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A group of people finally managed to cross the landslide and enter the resort on the top of the mountain.

The Siling Resort is built on a gentle **** near the top of the mountain. Because of the high-end concept, all villas with small gardens and swimming pools, because the previous storms washed away a lot of infrastructure, the resort was completely powered off, the mountains were dark, only no An emergency light was hung in front of a villa in the distance, and it was gently shaken in the night.

Ming Pei-Ran raised a flashlight and asked: "Masters, what do you find?"

The masters kept plotting with the compass and other methods, but they never found anything. When they got here, they still had nothing to gain. They frowned and shook their heads heavily.

Ming Pei-ran reveals a strange look: "Is it because the drought has left the Siling area?"

“No.” Mu Daochang shook his head. “The water level in Siling is still falling, and there is no drought in other places. The drought and flood should still be in Shiling.”

Ming Peiran did not understand: "But we have already checked all the places in Shiling. There are no traces of droughts and floods everywhere. If there is no mountaintop... How can this be explained?"

Mu Daochang’s look suddenly became heavy: “That can only show that the repair of this drought has exceeded me.”

Other masters nodded and looked serious. "This mission is not easy."

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified, and Ming Pei-ran did not show a retreat, but calmly continued to ask: "What should we do?"

Mu Daochang: "Nature still has to find a way to locate the location of the drought."

Ming Pei-ran looked at the masters who were holding the implements but they couldn’t help themselves. They frowned: "How can we locate?"

Everyone looked at each other and Mu Daochang thought a little bit: "You can only try to open the altar."

This is already no way. Ming Pei-Ran is about to ask the staff to prepare things for the practice. He suddenly said: "I think the drought and flood should be on the mountain."

Everyone turned around and looked at him. A monk announced the Buddha number and said: "The small donor, this matter is of great importance, and it must not be decided."

Although other people did not speak, they all had similar suspicions in their eyes. In fact, they did not blame everyone. The main reason was that they were all behind the road, and they did not do anything else except playing mobile phones. I haven’t used any implements or calculations. Can’t I rely on intuition?

Ming Peiran is cautious and asks: "What do you find?"

"Hey, there are some." Yu said to spread the palm of his hand, and there were a few pieces of cockroaches in his hand. "This is the leaf I picked under the mountain."

He took a flashlight and looked around the ground. "You look at the grass here again."

Because I was looking for a monster like a drought, everyone went all the way to focus on the compass, although I also observed the situation around, but I didn’t really look so fine, and the sky was dark, but I only noticed whether there were monsters or not. Careful to see the flowers and plants at the foot.

When Yu Xingdu talked about it, everyone was unclear, but he still subconsciously took photos of the grass. He was slow and asked: "Is there any problem?"

"Yes." Ming Peiran pulled a blade of grass from the ground and placed it on the hand of Yu Zhengdu. Compared with the leaves on his hand, everyone suddenly lost.

The leaves that Yu Xingdu picked from the mountain were very embarrassing, but at least they were still green. They were still struggling to survive, and the turf on the mountain had completely turned yellow.

Everyone was dissatisfied. Someone raised an objection: "This can only show that the drought has occurred in the mountains. Maybe it has already left?"

Yu Wei swayed his hand: "I compared the geological monitoring data and plant samples sent to you by the Ming team. The plants on the top of the mountain are not like this in the afternoon."

Because of the sudden drought, the situation is wide and serious, the relevant departments have allocated a large amount of resources to conduct real-time monitoring of the various areas of Siling, and the monitoring results are updated to special departments at regular intervals, but everyone is nervously staring at the localities. The situation of the water level has not been seen so carefully.

Because the report was not updated in real time, Ming Peiran did not notice it for a while.

At this time, Yu Yuran reminded me that Ming Pei-ran quickly opened the report and looked at it. Sure enough, the plant samples on the top of the mountain in the afternoon were quite different from this time. His spirit was alive: "Yu’s analysis makes sense. Come, we have to work at the top of the mountain."

The masters who were still preparing for the altar practice looked at Yu in a complicated mood and silently took the compass and the implement on his hand back.

It makes sense that they have been used to the use of instruments and tactics for ghosts and evils for decades. It is the first time that they have encountered such a scientific method of judgment... Although they are not reconciled, they have to say that it is really reasonable. .

However, there is also a traitor among them. The Yuanqing Trail is full of praise: "At the critical time, technology still has power!"

Yu Zhengdu laughed and said: "It is not the case, but it is easy for everyone to think about it."

"Right right." Yuanqing chicken nodded like a glutinous rice. "So it is said that the monasticism can not only be done according to the old method, but it is necessary to strengthen comprehensive learning and open up thinking!"

The masters heard a **** face, some people couldn't help but move, and they really wanted to refute two sentences, but after all, they couldn't say anything.

Mu Dao said: "If the drought is still on the mountain, it will be much easier. We can open the altar and bring it out."

Ming Pei-ran was familiar with the work flow of the masters. He nodded and said: "We have arranged the place in advance. Please come with me, take a break and start the game again."

Yu Zhengdu looked at a moment, the only villa with an emergency light, and sure enough, Ming Pei-ran led everyone to go there and said: "The mountain is now shut down and power is cut off, and the transportation of materials is not convenient. We only prepared this villa, please let me know."

Mu Daochang waved his hand: "It's all right, everything else is trivial."

Soon after, I arrived at the villa. The fenced door of the small garden was open. Everyone went straight in. The flowers and plants in the garden had all withered, and the swimming pool did not have any water.

In front of the main house, Ming Peiran took out the key to open the door, but the key was inserted and turned for a long time and did not turn away. He wondered: "Weird, how can I not open it? Is it the wrong key?"

"I'll give it a try." A staff member took the key, but it didn't open, but he was more sensitive. "It seems to be anti-locking?"

"Anti-locking? How is it possible? There are no ones on the mountain." Ming Peiran waved his hand. "It seems that it can only hit the door."

Just said, the door "Oh," opened, and a young woman in a blue dress poked her head out: "Who is outside?"

Ming Peiran stepped back and asked, "Who are you?"

"I lost my way, I saw a light here, and I came over." Tsing Yi female responded and looked at a group of people outside. "Are you the owner of the house?"

"Lost?" Ming Peiran did not respond to her words, but looked at her in disbelief. "What do you do when you go up the mountain?"

Tsing Yi female blinked: "I have not gone down."

"Isn't it going?" Ming Pei-ran frowned, only to notice that the clothes of Tsing Yi were crumpled, and they were stained with a lot of dirt. The eye sockets were also sunken and black. It seems that the rest is not good, so I guess. Asked, "Are you a tourist trapped in the mountains by the storm?"

When the rain was heavy, many tourists were trapped. Many tourists who went out at the time almost lost their way. Later, after spending a lot of time on search and rescue, they found the person back. Is there a fish that leaked the net?

The Tsing Yi woman thought for a moment: "Yes, it’s so heavy, then I am lost."

Ming Pei-Ran looked at the Tsing Yi women up and down and determined that there was nothing unusual. This said: "This villa was requisitioned by us. We are going to rest now."

"Yes." Tsing Yi opened the door and said depressedly, "but there is only a light outside, there is no inside."

"You don't know where the emergency lights are." Ming Peiran directed the staff to go in and found the emergency lights prepared in advance to open. The Tsing Yi woman was happy at once. "Great."

Ming Pei-ran saw her appearance, only to see that she was not thin, not only the eye sockets were depressed, but also the cheeks were very thin. The whole person looked dry and dry, and the exposed skin had small scratches, but it was very In line with the image of the trapped mountain for a few days, he gave birth to a sympathy in his heart, and he said, "Don't worry, wait until tomorrow, I will find someone to take you down the mountain."

The Tsing Yi woman showed a happy smile: "Okay."

Everyone went into the villa in turn. It is a high-end resort. Although the water is cut off, the decoration in the villa is still very advanced. Everyone walked for a long time and the road was too tired. They also refused to be polite. They rushed to the sofa one by one. Rest on the chair, not enough place to sit directly on the carpet.

Ming Peiran found a person to register the situation of Tsing Yi women, and informed the rescue team at the foot of the mountain, and directed the staff to distribute food and water to everyone, while discussing with Mr. Mu Daochang and other people.

Yu is not good and the predecessors grab the chair, they sit on the rug with their legs crossed and look at the phone from their own feet.

After a while, Ming Pei-ran had arranged almost there, and he said loudly to everyone: "Everyone rests for fifteen minutes, adjust it. What is going on with me? If there is no problem, wait for us. I started working."

Everyone should be good, the masters began to close their eyes and meditate.

Yu Zhengdu had hesitated for a long time. At this time, he finally made up his mind and got up and went to find Ming Peiran. He handed him the things on his mobile phone and said, "Ming Captain, I think, you may have to talk to the top, the relevant departments. It is best to thoroughly investigate the religious beliefs of Siling."

Ming Pei-ran looked at the video on the mobile phone, and the brow suddenly wrinkled: "What is this?"

Yu Zhengdu: "Where is my mother?"

Ming Pei-ran did not respond for a moment: "What?"

Yu Zhengdu: "The variety videos distributed by the various village committees of Siling may actually be these things."

"What?" Ming Peiran was shocked. The video was played on the video and recording of some strange scriptures, and then pulled back. There was also a man who could not see the face telling some strange teachings.

Yu Zhengdu: "I suspect that Si Ling is not without religious beliefs, but has moved underground. It is probably because the things they believe cannot be known by the outside world."

Ming Pei-ran watched the man on the video repeating the words of piety, offering, concentration and secrets. He only felt that the back was cold. The content of this video really matched the characteristics of the cult communication, but it was not the cult that shocked him. In itself, if the metaphor is true, then it is likely that the entire Siling has been under this cult, even the cadre units are involved, and it may have been a long time, what is it like? A power?

“What religion is this?” Ming Pei-ran looked at the video. Their special department had an understanding of various cult organizations across the country, but the one mentioned in the video was completely unrecorded.

Yu Zhengdu shook his head, just as Mu Daochang was next to him. He followed the video for a while, revealing a confused look: "They worshipped like the North Emperor."

Yu Xingdu Emei: "Northern Yindu Emperor?"

"Have you ever asked me about Luo Qishan?" Mu Daochang said, "The capital of Luodu is the master of Luoqishan, the supreme ruler of the entire underworld."

Historically, there are many records about the Emperor of the Northern Yin Dynasty. It is said that he is the master of the ghost town of Luoqi Mountain, and he is in charge of the entire land of the underworld. His men lead the ten temples and can command the ghosts.

Yu Zhengdu had already learned about the history of Luoqi Mountain at the beginning of his work in Luofeng. Naturally, he knew that the former Luojingshan master was said to have collapsed in the heavens and the earth, and the Emperor and the Tenth Emperor of the Ten Dynasties also fell, and therefore, nowadays The work will be taken over by the original Ghost King.

Mu Daochang said, but also revealed the incomprehensible look: "Siling this area has never worshipped the gods since ancient times. It has always been enshrined in the capital of the Emperor and the Tenth Temple. It is said that there is no need to make such a mystery?"

Ming Peiran listened to the fog: "Mu Daochang, do you mean that Si Ling used to worship the Emperor?"

"Yes." Mu Daochang explained. "The former National Religious Congress, Siling, has sent people to participate. The gods they worship are the great emperors. Later, the religious circles encountered some turmoil, but after the order was restored, everyone also Still according to the old situation, only Si Ling did not appear again. Everyone thought that the Siling area had abandoned the original belief, but if so, they have actually been offering it?"

"There must be a demon in the abnormal situation." Ming Pei-ran said, "When I have dealt with the drought, I will report it immediately."

Although Mu Daochang explained some of the contents of the video, the doubts of Yu’s inner struggle were even heavier. As Mu Daochang said, if the Siling area was the most enshrined in the ancient times, there is no need to suddenly go underground.

He thinks of those cold sores that are related to those things? However, Shanghao has not returned yet. He is not sure if this thing should be told to Ming Peiran.

Yu Zhengdu is pondering, and suddenly there is a voice from the uninitiated people: "Hey, isn't this the prayer of the Emperor?"

Yu Qudu turned his head and looked at it. He found that there was no Qimin who didn't know when he sat next to him. He was watching the mobile phone screen that the other people did not pay attention while secretly eating the soil and probed the metaphor.

Yu Zhengdu looked at him: "Do you know this?"

"I don't know, Si Ling has always been dedicated to the ghosts of Luojing Mountain." Wu Qimin responded with a mouthful. "But it is not very specific. When I first arrived at Shiling, they were still enshrined in the Luoqi Mountain Ghost King. Later, the Ghost King was After the three circles joined forces to seal, they began to turn to the Emperor of the capital and the ten kings."

Yu contends to jump into the temple, grabs the finger of the mobile phone slightly and tightens, and continues to ask quietly: "I used to enshrine the ghost king of Luojing Mountain?"

"Yeah, at that time, Luo Qishan's ghost king was more prosperous in the world. He said that there are no two in the limelight, but it is normal. The ghost king is born out of the suffocation of Luo Qishan. It is born with no mana and can collect 100,000 evil spirits. The real 'son of Luoshan Mountain', it is not surprising that Si Ling is dedicated to the ghost king."

Yu Zhengdu: "Then you said, what happened to the ghost king being sealed by the three circles?"

He remembered that suddenly disappeared from various legends thousands of years ago, and the ghost king of Luojing Mountain, which has never been recorded in the world, has been sealed.

"That's not clear." There is no Qimin's hand. "The decision made by the mighty, how can I know a small civilian?"

Yu Zhengdu language with doubt: "little civilians?"

"No Qi nationals are ordinary civilians!" Wu Qimin said with reasonable reason, he scratched his head. "Hey, I usually live in a cave, and I am not very clear about human affairs."

Yu Zhengdu slightly indulged: "If you think about it, if you can think of it, I will teach you a way to be able to eat the earth in the future without being used as a monster."

"There is still this way?" Wu Qimin instantly widened his eyes, and seriously thought about it.

At this time, the Tsing Yi woman also accepted the cross-examination, turned around in the house, and finally looked at the only Wu Qimin who wore a skirt like her, and did not hesitate to sit next to him.

"Ah, ah, can't think of it!" No Qimin grabbed his hair with irritability.

Yu Zhengdu Shi Shiran said: "Continue to think."

"I really don't know about the ghost king of Luojingshan." Wu Qimin's eyes turned and turned. "So, I can tell you a horror story at the time, do you want to hear?"

Yu is squinting at him: "The horror story?"

No Qimin smashed his arm: "Yes, especially horrible! Oh, now I think of it, I still have goose bumps."

Yu Zhengdu saw that he had something to do, hesitated and nodded: "Yes, then let's talk."

Wu Qimin was close to a little, whispered: "I was on the mountain shortly before the ghost king of Luojing Mountain was sealed. I didn't notice me at the time. He didn't notice me at the time. Wow, I almost didn't scare me to death... You know, he has a face on his leg."

Yu Zhengdu’s face changed instantly, and he looked at the innocent people silently.

Wu Qimin patted his chest and subconsciously took out a piece of soil to chew.

Yu Zhengdu was about to ask, suddenly heard the Tsing Yi woman curiously asked: "What are you eating?"

Wu Qimin was still trapped in the cold, and did not think about it at all. He handed a piece of soil to Tsing Yi: "Do you want to try it?"

"Okay." Tsing Yi took over the clods carefully selected by Wu Qimin. They bite two, chewed and swallowed, and then commented: "I don't think it is delicious."

Yu Zhengdu:? ! ! !

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