MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 181 Honeymoon

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The **** of darkness was wiped out, and the first and second priests of the Sea Snakes have also been confirmed to have died. Their patriarchs have had many problems with the regulation of political affairs and the military because of their long-term "squatting". He only needs to listen to it on weekdays. The words of the priests are good, but now suddenly there is something that can’t be adapted.

The Sea Snakes can still support for a while, but the collapse of the whole line is also a matter of time.

They have been too long on the seabed to communicate with other ethnic groups and have no foreign threats (Clayken is different from monsters and foreigners), so they don’t know how to live in peace with other people, and in the old priests and gods of darkness. Leading and flicking with too many races, before they had a backing, and they were beaten by others. At first they tasted a lot of sweetness. Now they are all dead, and other races are gradually reacting. They have to swallow. The consequences of self-made.

Xu Wei’s feelings that the war has always been the unfortunate person of the above-mentioned people, the sea snakes civilians may not do much bad things, but they must die together. He always thinks of some weak stupid things at this time. If it is before, the devil will definitely laugh at the stupid kindness of the brave, but now Roshenk can't help but feel his dog's head comforting: " don't want to participate This kind of war, we just can't escape."

Not only Xu Wei, he does not want to participate.

He has done a lot as a demon. The invasion of darkness is the common responsibility of all races in the whole world. It is not his own business. He does not want to marry this hero. He defeated the **** of darkness, which has already given his dark reputation a layer of gold - this may have been designed by Thor, and after discovering that he could not resist the **** of darkness, he has been doing this with his last life. The design of self-sacrifice, of course, Rohemiak can not live up to.

Everything is for the continuation of the devil, for the devil this race can stand firm on the gods continent.

Because of this, he could not continue to use his own power to suppress the sea snakes, but sent a demon army to support humans and other races and begin their expedition.

In this case, the demon will have casualties, but the living people can stand up and claim to be a part of the gods.

And other races such as humans, they can not find a good reason for cruel devils, and the good name against the **** of darkness can at least protect the devil for ten years.

Of course, in the past ten years, there will still be small border frictions, and there will still be contradictions between some small forces. However, both sides cannot get on the table, and they cannot take these things to say things. In this way, the devil will gradually eliminate the bad reputation of "Hell creatures" and stand in the sunshine.

How many years still need to be? ten years? century?

One day, he and Xu Wei can see such a grand scene together.

With such a feeling of sorrow and sorrow, Rosienk was a privileged dog. He did not immediately rush back to the Dark Abyss to preside over the matter, but let the Ice Lord lord go back to work. I don’t know what the ice lord lord is, but if he let the other party and him and Xu Wei go all the way... Estimated mood is even worse.

So let the men go back first, and the devil is so generous.

After sending away the lord of the Icefield (the same as the mother-in-law), Rohic Enke began to think about what he had been thinking about before, and Xu Wei’s proposal. Although the demon family does not have the money to go to the wedding, he is not in the mood to hold a celebration, but the relationship is always good.

... In particular, it seems that Xu Wei’s popularity is getting better and better, and more and more magical creatures are attracted...

The orcs who didn't know where to run from now did not say that Xu Wei even had to transplant the dark plants here!

Well, the reason given by the brave is very justified. He thinks that the plants that should have lived in **** will stay on the ground for a long time. The attributes should be very different from those in hell. Maybe the juice on them can Make new medicines.

Xu Wei has always had a research spirit. For him, alchemy and pharmacy are as credible as his own strength, and he has saved his life many times. Now that there are such good research objects, how can these plants be used? Place it here?

So in these few days, Xu Wei has already communicated well with the plants. If he has the opportunity to leave, he will take them with them, but they need to provide juice for later research. The plants are just ignorant and not really stupid. The biological instinct urges them to also leave this dark energy but not pure place. When they hear Xu Wei say they will take them to the dark abyss, the planters’ tentacles Shake it up.

Rosinck was very dissatisfied with this group of stupid plants. When he saw that there was a plant with a thick tentacles, Warcraft, when he began to use his tentacle to wrap around Xu’s waist, his dissatisfaction could almost Turn into a flame and spray it out.

However, his dissatisfaction does not have any eggs _(:з)∠)_

When he left, he even had to bring Xu Xuan to the group of plants, and watched Xu Wei and the orcs attacking and swearing: "I will take you to a safe place."

Xu Wei may not be clear, this group of orcs are not trying to go to a safe place, they want to follow Xu Wei all the time!

This group of orcs should have been brought here by the Sea Snakes. They are not old enough, their vitality is relatively strong, but their strength is not strong. Their people have all been made into slaves like dead bodies, or they are already dead. They don't care, they may not even get out of the sea snakes' territories.

And it’s useless to go out. With their current strength, they can’t build their own tribes.

In the end, I had to bring this group. The Devil’s heart comforted himself: these people couldn’t turn any flowers, and they were Xu’s team in the future.

So disgusted, I still took them to the present.

However, the following scenes often appear:

The devil squatted on the shoulders of the brave, so that he would not look back. The other hand swept his back in a very powerful way, suddenly blowing a silent wind and sweeping a group of orcs behind him to the ground. , became a group of rolling gourds.

Also behind, the devil does not call Xu Wei to ride him, so Jess is on the verge of unemployment: "..."

Unicorn male straight mouth: What is the virtue of this demon king, really think how much he likes to be close to Xu Wei's ass?

slander! Purely filthy!

He, a noble unicorn, how could he do this kind of thing!

What's even more irritating is that Xu Wei, who is saying "you are my most trustworthy companion now", was forgotten by the demon king! Do you not trust your companions when you come?

However, although he is angry, but his own anger is cured by this group of orcs.

Compared to him, this group of orcs is unlucky.

Also as an orc, he knows more about these unfortunate "compatriots" than Xu Wei, because he knows very well what these orcs are thinking.

Xu Wei believes that the orc is a victim. These unfortunate children who have been sacrificed are more pitiful sympathetic dolls. He also feels that it is not good to put these orc adolescents here, and they want to take them to a safe place.

As for the group of orcs who are not willing to stay on the golden grassland, and want to follow Xu Wei to go further, this little heroic brave also found a good excuse: "They must have been very heavy. Frightened, and they are still small, the tribe may have died... It’s normal to want to leave the golden grassland.”

In this regard, Jess just wants to say: naive!

The orcs are inherently stronger than humans, and for humans, the blow to crushing people may not be a problem for the orcs. Especially the orcs living in the golden grassland, they are born strong and will never leave the soil that raised their own tribes because they were "stunned" or "sad land". They want to follow Xu Wei, only two One reason: their tribes followed the sea snakes to make evil, which made them unable to live in the golden grassland now; they saw the energy and strength of Xu Wei, and wanted him to become the leader of his own setback. A new tribe.

There are even two female orcs who, at the beginning, did not know that Xu Wei had a partner and went forward to concoct, just to make sure that he would never be left behind.

Who said that the orcs are fools?

In the golden grassland, how many of them can survive?

It is estimated that Xu Wei is a stupid white sweet. Before the two female orcs stayed with him every day, he didn’t feel anything. After the devil came, they didn’t dare to come over. He also joked to the devil and said, “How come you come? The girls are scared away."

Jess didn't want to remember how long the face of the devil was.

The devil should be clear about this. He is obviously very uncomfortable when he looks at the group of orcs. It is not a face to look at the female orcs, but he has not made any exception except to occasionally shock the group of orcs. Other behaviors.

...oh, there is a little movement to sweep the orcs away.

Xu Wei and Rohich Enke did not even go back to Randall. They circled a big circle and went directly to a "devil city" on the west side of the dark abyss. The family members of the Xu Wei family and the housekeepers were also sent to the past. This task was finally handed over to the lord of the ice, and was carried out by the leader of the defensive army, Bole, who was sent by the lord of the ice.

The ice lord, Wiese, is almost gnashing his teeth: "Your Majesty said, bring home and servants back."

Bole also asked: "Who is the family and servant?"

Lord of the Icefield: "...Your Majesty and Xu Wei."

Bole: "..."

Mader couldn't keep a dog food.

Afterwards, Bole returned to the DPRK with the demon army, and he could only carefully let Lance and others wait for the carriage in the middle of the carriage. They were escorted back along the way. It was really afraid that they accidentally lost people and went back to their knees. The family servant must not kill him.

He also has a special opportunity to wander around in front of "family servants" and other people, in order to make a good impression, let them be more in front of the demon king ... and the brave Xu Wei in front of a few words.

However, this is not a good thing for the time being, because when they all reached the dark abyss, they learned that the demon king and his brave... are still on the road.

I dare to go home, this is honeymoon!