MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 170 Wind blows

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The red fox clan, Akasaka, asked Akagi again what happened in the past two days. Where did she go, the most important thing is that she went out on her own, or who was induced.

The former is almost impossible. Although Chi Ji is a little childish, she is not going to run around in this section. She is a shaman heir. The spells she learns are also half-hangers. How can I slip away from life and death.

Chi Ji originally didn't think of it. When she was reminded, she remembered: "I did come to see me that day, and it was said that our soldiers were seriously injured when they were outside and hunting wolves. I needed to go out for treatment, but I went outside. I haven't found anyone... After that I have been looking north, I don't know how to get to the site of the Sea Snake."

This girl... Her brother is very hard-faced: "You don't think there is something wrong?!"

Chiaki scratched his head and smirked: "It was really... it felt quite normal. Our people have been hunting for the giant rat wolf rabbit for a while. Sometimes they will not encounter elite level or head-level level Warcraft. I have been treated twice, so it is normal..."

Akasaka really wants to slap her sister to forget the dead, and now she is killed, at least not in the hands of the sea snakes. He suddenly felt that his father and the shaman were really wrong. They couldn't protect her so much because of the distressed child, so that the child became a little princess in the ivory tower.

But now is not the time to blame Akira, Akasaka nodded gratefully to Xu Wei: "Xu Wei adults, if you brought her back, maybe we are now in a mess."

The Bai Xiong patriarch was frowning as if he was thinking about something. After a while he said: "Aki, do you remember the person who talked to you?"

Akira shook his head, Akasaka also knows very well: "If the other side wants to lead her out, there will be no gaps left. I doubt that someone has used the strange incense."

The earliest time used to blame and make traps, can confuse the five senses of Warcraft, is also very useful for the five sensitive orcs, because the orc is now gradually increasing its status, so this drug is banned in the battlefield, generally Only the adventurer or the brave is used when killing Warcraft in the wild.

The general scent can only make the orcs slightly squat. If you want to reach the point of completely confusing Akira, the concentration will be high, and the cost of refining may be sold.

Xu Wei is also thinking, if he spent such a big price to do something, and this thing did not succeed, what would he do?

His face gradually became ugly, and while there was a loud noise outside the tent, some people had an unpredictable feeling in the place.

Leaving the leather door of the tent, Xu Wei saw that the Knight of Gur and the first old guardian of the Light God, Abigail, were maintaining order. If Xu Wei is the leader on the bright side, then these two uncles are the ones who can truly lead the "all the army." They are not the same as Xu Wei, and they are very good at commanding the battle. Although it has just arrived at the camp of "Friends", it has not slackened. Instead, it is standing on the open space in the middle of the camp with a group of people. It seems to be standing and resting. Actually, it is observed through the position of this center.

Of course, it is also being observed.

Their relationship with the orcs is not as good as that of Xu Wei. In order not to be too arrogant, there is no requirement to follow up the tent. Human beings are "minorities". In this mixed place, don't take advantage of your strong identity.

Obviously, the number of orcs in this camp is much larger than that of humans. It is about ten to one. The **** smell in the air is not obvious. An orc with a sun pattern on his forehead looked at the main tent that Xu Wei walked in before, and he muttered something. A thin soldier like him was always using the dialect of the northern orc to persuade him, but The orc couldn’t hear it. He waved the big fan-like hand and swept the people around him into a rolling group, screaming and running out of the camp.

The hunter, Zhan Ben, looked at it with a sigh of relief: "The head of the Orc Sun Robbers, Zalong, is eager to make a fuss, but he also talks about loyalty and affection. He is a master-level warrior. He has repeatedly attacked the northern towns of the Golden Flag Empire. ... The overall style of the Sun Robbers is the same as that of their heads. They rely on strong force to sway and do not hear the same characters in the regiment."

Zhan Ben and Xu Wei are a bit like they are going south, but he has already settled in recent years, especially in the past two years, he has been working on lectures at major colleges and encouraged students to buy books he wrote... although at hand The effort has not fallen, but the degree of mastery of the surrounding information is not as strong as before.

Kelly, the only female mage among the three mages, thought about it: "I heard from my students that the Sun Robbers suddenly recruited a 'military division' two years ago. After that, their group's ethos changed a lot, and it was even more low-key. It’s even more embarrassing, and the behavior is unpredictable. The human border guards have suffered a lot of losses... My student is a northerner and his hometown has been harassed.”

The human beings exchanged a funny expression: the orcs are orcs, no matter how strong they can't change their reckless thinking. If there is no human help, they will always be hard.

Human beings are really a group of old people.

A lot of human beings are a little "proud" to laugh.

After less than five minutes of chatting, the head of the Sun Knights ran as if they were bloody, and the princess held a thin one in his arms. He opened the hole in the chest: "The Sea Snake! The Sea Snakes attacked The soldiers are all ready to guard!!!"

Hula heard that the entire camp began to operate. Originally, the orc warriors who were slightly neglected by the investigation and patrol in the two days of the camp had reached their position, and the horse thief on the observatory also blew the horn.

It was at this time that Xu Wei and others in the tent suddenly felt that the big event was not good and walked out of the tent.

Zalong sent the body of his army officer to the innermost "mortem room" of the camp, and then hurried out: "Red Flame, Red Flame Shaman, wait a minute!"

He found the Red Fox Shaman and the White Bear Shaman and said his doubts: "It is reasonable to say that there is a rain totem in the surrounding area of ​​three kilometers, it should be safe, but I just exported less than 500 in the camp. The place of the rice encountered a high-level rock worm! There are also sharp snakes! They killed my army! Go to his mother!!!"

The two shamans clenched their staff, five hundred meters from the camp, which is very close. It takes only two minutes to calculate the 500-meter radius of the rock worms. Only one reason for this is that the camp's defensive totem has been destroyed.

With the disappearance of Akagi, it seems that there is a ghost in the camp.

... is not impossible.

The Bai Xiong Shaman Xiongshan passed a restless mood. He felt that there was something wrong, but because things were too urgent, there was no time to think about it.

"Go and see!" Xiong Shan let the Red Fox family Shaman go to the front, and he took Zara into the forbidden area of ​​the camp that had never allowed others to enter. It is just below the level of his tent. It is also the core of the camp, with a defensive totem made by him and Chi Yan.

Yes, the entire camp is a huge array.

Because of the human horse thief, they must confuse the orcs and humans into a small team. Even the accommodation must be mixed together. Some people sigh and feel that this is a difficult person. Why do people live differently? But I don't know that the orcs' bloodlines are very important. They must ensure that there are orcs at every point of the formation, so there can be no small groups of pure humans.

On the first day of the visit, every orc was asked to bleed. The reason they gave was to swear in front of the beast to make sacrifices with blood, but the orcs and humans did not know that this was necessary for the formation. The condition is the blood of the orcs.

The orc's shaman is the most mysterious existence, and it is not much more than the human priest's position in human beings, because they have mastered some strange powers.

"Keep it here, ask for support when necessary." Xiongshan Shaman told several guards. He now feels that the development of things has turned sharply. Even if the defensive totem is not destroyed, a little bit of mistake will become a hole in the fur. The enemy only needs to drill the hole like a cobbler. This leather is finished, their The entire formation is also over.

But when it reached the bottom, Xiongshan Shaman found that the defensive totem was good, and there was no problem at all.

He widened his eyes and pierced his chest from a scimitar passed from behind.

... finally know, the place that he felt very uncomfortable before.

This guy in Zara is a reckless orc who is not too terrible. If he really looks at his own military division being sneaked to death, how can there be that reason to run back and report? But unfortunately, in the past few years, Zhalong has acquired a human army division. His style has changed a lot. He has a longer brain than before, and he can endure it, and subtly changes his image in the hearts of others.

"Zalon has grace for you..." Xiong Shan muttered.

Before he fell to the ground, he saw that the man had a smeared face, and he sneaked a few times on his body. The body shape changed a lot. It turned out that he was not Zalung, not the human army division, but a sea snake. Family? !

This sea snake family must have been planning for a long time, and has been waiting for the chaos. At first, he thought that Akira was "trafficked" would be a good trigger, but a group of humans sent back Akira. So there is no way, I have to wait for everyone to have not completely calmed down to kill Zhalong, and then use the fraudulent potion to exchange the appearance with the other side, and replace the other with the military division: "Don’t make trouble, he is right Where is the military division? You don't know, Zalong and his military division are a pair!"

"Mom's disgusting! How do you like the orcs on the ground like to engage in men! Is the **** interesting? I have been vomiting in order to pretend to be the rabbit sergeant these few days!"

While muttering, the defensive totem was broken, and then a small sounding spar was pulled out.

"The first priest, ah... ah, I am Guan Yu, I have destroyed the defensive totem of the orc camp, let the rock worms start!"

The author has something to say: Sea Snakes: Mom, how do these races on land like men! Fart - stocks are good! Lying in the trough is disgusting!

Devil:, I don't want to appear in the same scene with this vulgar creature →_→

Read The Duke's Passion