MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 150 Start of battle

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Two reporters and sisters interviewed Xisai, but they haven’t had three sentences. They were suddenly taken out by Xu Wei and they took their attention. It’s like their boss didn’t collect the money from the snakes. Really won't hurt? !

However, there is no way, even when Hsiese sees Xu Wei and his party, they will inevitably have a flash of their eyes. This equipment is really... it is too luxurious! ! !

And half of it is for dark creatures! What the hell! I don't know if you want to go to the Devil's Dry Frame!

If the Sea Snakes can have such good equipment - if the Sea Snake warriors can wear such good things, they may not be crushed by Craken for so long, and have a chance to kill him when Clarken just rises. .

This world is really unfair.

Did not leave a chance to the sea snakes.

But even wearing such good equipment has not been used so far. Hessie and his first sacrificed ones looked at each other. The first sullen eyelids revealed an indescribable maliciousness. It was like a poisonous snake that had lived for a thousand years. Hessian only felt a more exhausting sorrow in his heart. .

Humans can't run away, and their sea snakes are just as hard to escape. It’s just that you’ve got the thief ship of the Dark God sooner or later. What good is the common wisdom race to deal with God? As a demigod, Craken is already ferocious and terrible. As a **** of darkness that existed in ancient times, where would it be? Or, what attitude do people treat ants, and what are the attitudes of those powerful gods to them.

Can ants rely on humans to survive?

He rarely thought about this kind of problem before, but recently he thought more and more frequently, probably because after coming to Randall City and preparing to start this final plan, he had an unreal feeling of confusion.

This is not because this fighting convention is very dangerous, and it is very likely that it will be dead. As a member of the orc clan, such as the Sea Snake, he was educated to be a clan and not care about his own life. The survival of the individual is not important. - Now, looking at the first ritual adult who has fallen into enthusiasm, he suddenly feels that the continuation of the Sea Snake has encountered difficulties.

However, he paused, he still did not speak, but his heart was somewhat vague. As a warrior, it is ok to sway some things, but you can't be smart.

The first priest of the Haizu nationality did not feel the mood of his first warrior. He just yelled at Xu Wei’s tongue: "Hey, when... I must ask the grown-up, give this equipment to you. ""

Hese looked at his self-confident expression of the priest's honey juice, and his heart was bitter: Xu Wei was obviously dedicated to dark creatures. Why did the first priest adult think that the **** of darkness would be willing to give him this equipment? ?

The other tribes were also flashed by Xu Wei, and the better-known Sha Yi people could control themselves. As for the first soldiers of the Xiong Xiong and others, the saliva was about to stay: "This brave is Put the national treasury on it!!!"

"It seems that the human emperor really values ​​this fighting convention!"

"The first place is not ours!"

"Don't you see it? Just the old goods of the Sea Snakes, have you just said that the human emperor does not pay attention to the fighting conference, this time they have the opportunity to win the championship? How? Face!"

The first sacrifice of the Haizu nationality: "..." Mom, he sneered in his heart, this group of mouth-stricken guys have to pay the price sooner or later!

"The Fighting Conference is now starting now, and the Fighting Conference is now starting. Please enter the players."

Someone was holding a big horn and Xu Xiao smiled and put the two reporters and sisters aside and took the lead. Going to the entrance, my eyes lit up. The National Flags Arena of the Golden Flag Empire is very HTC from the outside, but it is only inside that it is known how magnificent this vicissitudes are.

It is completely different from the layout of the holy city of Randall, and is even completely different from any building in the world. Xu Wei has been to many places, the extravagant and gorgeous Snow Blade King City, the neat and solemn Randall, the chaotic and arrogant dark city, the original orc tribe... the various styles of buildings, he has seen too many, But when he saw the Golden Flag Parade, he couldn't help but feel a shock.

Primitive, quaint, cruel, indifferent, the auditorium and the venue of the competition are completely separated. The auditorium is made up of eight different colors. Different races or family forces can choose seats that meet their own badges, as well as VIP seats and players. Everything is in order.

However, there is a little **** smell in the air. It is not human. It should belong to a kind of beast. There are yellow sand, grass, pool, bushes and other layouts on the ground to simulate some scenes in nature. It is quite true. Xu Yining went to see and found that many places on the ground were also stained with blood.

The whole venue is very large, much bigger than the football field. People are a small group inside. No wonder everyone in the audience is squinting with the eyes of the gnome. Kasbind whispered to Xu Wei: "In order to inspire the enthusiasm of the players, the blood lion will be used to start the fighting conference every year."

The blood lion snow lion is a word that is completely different. A blood lion is not a lion, but a huge worm that survives by phagocytizing animals. It usually grows to one meter long, like a giant cockroach. But it is not white, but blood red. After the animals are swallowed, they will digest them until the victim's body is turned into a **** liquid in his stomach.

This kind of liquid energy is very rich, and the blood lion can relax after a bulging belly like a python, and does not need to hunt for a long time. However, the blood-like liquids they produce are more awkward than blood, and they remain in the air for a long time. Many warriors like to use this liquid as a trap.

Artificially raising blood lions is generally to take the blood in their bodies, can be made into a stimulating agent, or can be made into a fighting agent that makes people eager to fight, and Xu Wei used to make some tame herbivores before the task. It was also used to make expulsion drugs using the blood of blood lions. The long thing is really ugly, not so much as it is like a otter, there will be a psychological shadow at a glance, but Xu Wei did not have any money at the time, can not buy materials, had to go hunting and take blood.

Mom, it’s sour, I can remember for a lifetime.

However, professional warriors do not need such things to help, Xu Wei slightly understands that the role of these blood is not necessarily to provoke the blood of the players, may still want to improve the audience's viewing experience?

Since these viewers will spend a lot of money to buy tickets, people just want to find excitement, what if they don't get bloody?

Young people like Keke, although they have been on the battlefield many times, but the first time they came to the fight conference, there are some obvious influences at the moment, sucking the nose and smelling the right smelling, the same dog.

Xu Wei looked at the child's eyes and was fascinated. Suddenly, he understood that the former elders hated the iron and did not make a hard feeling. He shot a slap on him: "Calm down!"

Keke took a breath and woke up.

Xu Wei did not know that when he beat Keke, more people were observing him. An easy-to-blood opponent is always more difficult to deal with than a calm and rational opponent. He is not affected by the blood of the blood lion, which is even more fearful.

In the same way, because today is the first melee, the players who want to be in the league have also measured.

Underneath, there are people who have made explanations. The two masters each shouted with a megaphone: "Now we are coming to the human team players Kasbind and Xu Wei! Let us warmly welcome!..."

The humans in the audience gave a deafening cheer.

Xu Wei: Mom's shame.

As a UP master who never opened a video camera, he has not been so enthusiastic in his life. _(:зゝ∠)_

Going to the field, but also waving to the top, even the always serious and low-key Cassbind has been swayed twice, but it is not like the players are greeting the audience, more like the leadership to inspect.

Xu Wei looked at Kasbind with amazement, and Caspbind whispered to him: "The Toloman family also sponsored the fighting conference, and I want to be a good example."

The daring lover still comes to support the family business.

Xu Wei’s face was awkward, thinking when Cassbind’s kid would do the same thing, and saw someone in the audience holding a sign of Cassbind Toloman, thinking about his thick eyebrows. The big-eyed did not expect to be a rebellion revolution as an idol.

Suddenly Caspend touched his elbow: "Be careful, someone is watching you."

Xu Wei looked up and looked at him with his gaze. He found that it was... sitting in the middle of the VIP table, accompanied by the Pope and the Emperor, Rohike Enke.

Rohic Enke was condescending, his eyes were deep, his eyes were on the body of Xu Wei, and he was particularly serious. The Daika Pope and the Golden Flag Emperor are slightly nervous around him. It’s really a dog. This demon king can really pay attention to Xu Wei. How do you do this? Can you still be better in the future?

Oh, if it doesn't work, Xu Wei will quietly send away the meeting at the end of the conference. When the wind has passed, let him go.

- It’s hard to find such an example. It’s also an example for the ordinary comrades. It’s also suitable for stabilizing some adventurers, brave people, mercenaries, and the inner brave. They also want to let the children go to the country to give a lecture. The cynical warriors spread the peace and spread the love, and now they can't use it.

How can you say that this demon can be so stingy?

Only Xu Wei knew that Rohic Enke looked at what his eyes represented.

Because of the need to prepare for the war, Xu Wei could not have any physical burden on these two days. So don't say that it is some intense bed behavior, Rosinck can't even drink some broth, Xu Wei does not matter, but he keeps saying that the demon is a dark creature, dark creatures will have an impact on human health, although only Some minor influences can even be used as fun, but now it is special and can't be careless, etc. It can be considered two days.

Rohic Enke’s seemingly superficial eyes are meant to be expressed: Wait until the past two days.

Xu Wei eyes: Waiting for you, come here~

The age of the two is not too small, but after determining the relationship, they are childish like children. Noisy, provocative, and boring, and getting used to it at home every day, I will take it out inadvertently when I go out. Xu Wei didn't notice it at first, but also rushed to Xienke to throw a wink, and when he realized that it was not at home, but on the court, when he was staring at thousands of people...

Old face red.JPG

But fortunately, Xu Wei’s eye-catching technique is not enough. It’s more like a slap in the face of Rohinch’s, but it’s not suspicious. It’s just that the old face of His Majesty the Emperor and the Emperor’s face is even more ugly.

The referee rushed into the sky and fired a gun: the dwarf produced the gun that was specially used to give orders. There was no fighting power, but the sound and sound ratio was one that taught people to shake their hearts.

The entire site changed. At the beginning of the official launch, a translucent round film was radiated from the surrounding edge to the center of the air. It was a lot of colorful when illuminated by the sun. This is a kind of magic enchantment. After opening this enchantment, there are two worlds in and outside the stadium. They don’t interfere with each other. The outside of the province has low audience quality and throws rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes. The player picked up the elemental storm and flew the audience.

For this magic enchantment, you need four strong masters of the Master level to support together, but also spend countless magical alchemy materials, so the degree of sorrow is even worse than Xu Wei.

It is a world-class event.

It is also no wonder that the family of Toloman needs to sponsor it.

Xu Wei shook his head in his heart. His family Roheenke was a defeated mother (?). I didn't expect that there would be more defeats in the world than this. For this fight, this would cost millions of gold coins?

Kasbind looked at Xu Wei's look a little embarrassed, thinking that it was a young man, and he would like to see the big scene. Just about to shoot him, Xu Wei was a flash and disappeared.

He only left one sentence: "First ask for self-protection."

Caspbind immediately propped up the shield, protected himself and Keke, and Keke also raised the shield. Behind them, a white bear orc with a smaller body than the ordinary bear man held a dagger and was kicked off by Xu Wei. The dagger fell to the ground.

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