MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 145 Most afraid

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Emperor Kailis of the Golden Flag Empire: "This thing can come out at noon, but the two boys in my family have to mix in and say that they have to learn to do things when they grow up. It’s only now that I’ve got things clear.”

When he was young, he was too ridiculous to be hollowed out. He had no children and no women. Essenmir King: "..."

Because it is a clergyman, the single old dog who can’t get married, Daika Pope: "..."

What else can they say? However, Emperor Kailis never let go of a chance to show off her children. Now she shook her head and said: "This group of children is really disobedient. I don't dare to think that they will be more chaotic when they grow up. Oh, you know it. I also have a little daughter named Anna Lia, who is also a naughty sperm. When she is older, she is more difficult than her brother."

King Essenmir and Pope Dyka looked at each other and there were 10,000 MMPs who wanted to give this old man in front of him.

Hehe children, you are very happy, waiting for you to die, your good children are fighting for power, it’s not so good, we still have to applaud →_→

After the Emperor Kelly sat down, he looked a little embarrassed. When he spoke, he began to say that he had "sick down" a few days ago.

"That's straightforward. I didn't get sick. That day was the first sacrifice of the Sea Snakes to come to me and said something."

"As with any race on the mainland, I am full of resistance to the Sea Snakes and the Devils. The behavior of the Sea Snakes is annoying, but their strength is not strong, at least not powerful, and the Devils are more than The sea snakes are much better, but these guys once dominated the mainland on 10,000 years ago, and believe that every long-lived intellectual race has that terrible memory."

He said, it seems to start from the historical background of a long time ago. The Pope’s pout, the Sea Snakes are currently not big, but if they are more powerful than the second priest’s first ritual, it’s just a matter of development.

The territory of this continent will change sooner or later. This matter he warned everyone after the last fight, but whether it is Essenmir or Kailis, they have lived a long and stable life, actually It will be a matter of orc, and human beings will intervene.

- Say what is not easy to intervene, just want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Essenmir asked while peeling the nuts: "What does this have to do with the Sea Snakes?"

Emperor Kailis looked at the nuts distressedly, thinking that the mother of a chicken is expensive. You don’t know how to eat the fat pig, you can’t eat it. "The sea snakes and demons used to live in the deepest part of the world, but the deep sea and the gods of the sea snakes lived in a smooth frame, while the **** and the ground of the demon family were separated, only the dark abyss and the ground. Connecting, living in a relatively similar place, let the Haizu people know more about the devil family."

"They said that the Sea Snakes decided to go ashore 30 years ago because the seabed was covered by a thick black fog and killed a lot of sea snakes. Their first sacrifice found that the environment in the shallow sea and on the land would be much cleaner, so it was decided. Going up. The dark fog disappeared in a few years, and the sea snakes did not take this matter to heart. When they learned the prophecy in April this year, they saw the dark fog again from the dark abyss. It is the power of God to roll out the power to destroy this continent."

When the Emperor Kelly said it, he paused: "The first sacrifice of the Sea Snakes said that this power is pure and evil, with the devil's taste, and it is likely to be related to the legendary **** of darkness. We must unite to fight the devil together. After the fighting conference has passed, they will immediately send people to the northern battlefield, hoping that humans will be able to agree to their support."

The original words of the first sacrifice of the Haizu people are not so official, but they are even more touching and touching. They are not like the cold sea snakes can say. Of course, the Kelly Emperor did not even believe in half of the story. However, it is of course a good thing for the Sea Snakes to resist the devil with human beings. He is also happy to see it.

That is to say, from the mountain view to the tiger fight into the mountain view three tigers.

Oh, of course, there is a snow blade that is blended in. After all, the border is the home of the northern battlefield.

Essenmir is only a little stupid. When the king has been so many years, he is not really able to help the wall. He will understand when he listens to the Golden Flag Emperor, but he is too lazy to debunk the other side’s thoughts: "Do you really believe?" What does this have to do with your illness?"

Emperor Kelly’s face is not red: “The Sea Snakes also demanded to fight against the demon family at the Fighting Congress. This time the rules are not fixed if the people can play, and the lesser devils are suffering. They hope that 'all the right races' unite against the devil. I promised, and this time I also said to His Majesty Princess Deka, and you have no objections, so I decided directly."

The last sentence is to look at the Pope Daika. Well, so it’s just that he’s just right to be sick. It’s not really related to the rules of the Fighting Conference. It’s because you want to express “You don’t want to be so clean. You are not the same as Dinister is sick. For the sake of excuses shrinking in the church → _ → ".

The Pope wants not to bring me and your old liar: "Dinister is not very good all the time."

It’s certainly not the case. The Emperor Kailis is absolutely hiding something, or else I don’t have to open a small meeting before telling them. But he should have released the main information, but why should the Sea Snakes target the devil?

It doesn't matter if the **** of darkness is born or not. This seems to have nothing to do with the sea snakes. First of all, they are no longer living on the seabed. Secondly, on the land, their territory is farthest from the devil, and there is no relationship with the devil. The snow blade is because of the site problem and the devil shouting and killing, but what is the Sea Snake?

faith? It seems that they have not shown how fanatical beliefs?

Still, if the devil is just a primer...

Essenmir spoke slowly: "In the beginning, although you couldn't understand what the Sea Snakes wanted to do, they felt that they couldn't make much noise, and this time the Sea Snakes brought not many people, fighting. Changing the rules of the General Assembly seems to have no benefit to them, so it doesn't matter. But now that the Sea Snakes are very ambitious about the new energy of the Gnomes, they are prepared for them, and hope that we humans unite?"

Emperor Kailis Zheng focused: "I hope we can let go of past stereotypes."

- Regardless of whether the other two people on the scene can put down the so-called prejudice, he can put it down, and he is surprised to find that even Essenmir’s nutcracks are not discarded.

After the three-person meeting, this time the Pope did not insist on leaving Essenmir to go to his hut to continue talking about the heirs. This big man does not have this mood now. Essenmir only wants to report to His Majesty the Rohcek, and to explore the specific relationship between their devil and the Sea Snake.

The Snow Blade Kingdom and the Devil are actually considered to be truce, or to be compared to the daily "war." In the morning, the demon placed two cannons on the human side, and then the humans put back two cannons. This is a day in the past. Both sides now call this "friendship and mutual fire cannon" or "alarm clock."

However, other races are still not very clear about this, because this situation has been going on for a long time, and before the upper level decided to formally cease, the following has been such a sparse battle. Even the orc mercenaries like this day when they only take money and don't desperately. If they live well, no one wants to die.

So now, in this situation, everyone agrees that it is normal, and it is not a "close truce."

It turned out that the news of the snow blade demon truce was suppressed because of the sluggishness of the military. If Essenmir knew it, it is estimated that it should be crying or laughing.

However, the army has been held by some of the big aristocrats in his country, and many news cannot be passed to him.

Essenmir thought for a long time, was to go to the embassy to find the ice lord or go directly to Xu Wei's home to find the demon king _ (: зゝ∠) _ don't look at him just a heart of his big brother, now I really want to see people will be embarrassed . When Rosinke’s demon was still Prince Ryan’s time, it was only a little old-fashioned. He advised him to lose weight more. It’s not too mean. Now it’s ruined. It’s not a face open mouth fat pig closed fat group, last time even It’s terrible to say that “the ability to manage the snow blade into what it is now means that all the food you eat has turned into fat instead of brain cells”.

Does this blame me? ! Isn't this all because of the reason you became the devil? !

Are you pushing me to the demon king? Your conscience will not hurt? !

In summary, he really did not want to see the Rohínk devil, but he was even more afraid of the ice lord and the abyss lord who came together this time. The ice lord is a personal iceberg, and he must freeze him into ice **** at a glance. The abyss lord always likes to laugh at him with a bad smile, and once even ridicules his pregnant woman who looks like a two hundred pounds.

- Nonsense, pregnant women do not have two hundred pounds.

- But he himself really has two hundred pounds of QAQ

Thinking about it, I finally got the courage to decide to face the big and horrible big brother. Then how he and Rohike Enke are a little familiar, the other party will not slap him for a little thing, but The laughing abyss lord like the fox may not necessarily QAQ

With courage, Essenmir sneaked to the back door of Xu Wei's yard, and shouted twice through the call crystal that Rohike Enke had given him.

The banquet in the house is over – or the love of Xu Wei and Rohich Enke is over, and the orc shaman priest Naka Witches are fighting like a toad. At first, because Xu Wei was so relaxed, they all relaxed. Now they are nervous, only to find Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in this restaurant.

——The young man in the white dress who is arrogant and dusty is the orc, but his specific identity is actually the orc of the unicorn. The other party did not hold back after eating a very spicy pepper, and the gas field broke out. Expose your own race.

The arrogance of the unicorn family is innate, and the cleansing is also born, and the "bad temper" that is inconsistent with the shape is born.

The red fox shaman sitting next to him carefully moved to the side and moved half a person away.

On the other hand, the little boy who seemed to be dull did not hold back his claws when he ate the last meatball, revealing a pair... the claws belonging to the dragon creature, the sharp nails, the shiny full scales, that ... contains the bones of terrible power, so that the dragon eagle shaman who is silently eating around him almost sat down on the ground.

Mom, dragon...

As for the last one who looked at the unremarkable true horse, the orc also lost the vest, saying that it was moonlight, which made the Satay Shaman, who still had a relatively calm mind, scare the urine.

It is necessary to know that their family had previously robbed the land with the Moonlight Yi orcs, and they also took people to a wilderness where birds did not pull.


Is this still alive?

Only the Naka witches and the mermaid priests escaped because of the relatively limited sphere of influence. However, the two men rushed to eat peppers and ate their stomachs. In just half an hour, they ran three times in the toilet, and eventually they were helpless.

Rosienk was more satisfied with the discovery that these old cats and old dogs were quietly acquainted with each other. Now he enjoys all the favors of Xu Wei and happily takes pink bubbles.

"I want to eat that."


Ah, even the most common radish seems to be sweet.

The several orcs present at the scene looked at each other and felt that the meal was not too much. The dog food was stuffed into the stomach.

After a meal, under the silent drive of Rohinch, a group of people, including two snow lions, were thrown out and smashed on the street. Everyone in their respective ethnic groups is a person with a head and face. However, now they are too disgusted to say a word, and they have to shake their heads and smile.

The former elders of the Snow Lions sang in a round: "Young people want to live in two worlds. Now young people are like this, don't blame them."

The Shayu emperor patted his shoulder: "You are not easy."

They just ate a meal here and they were treated like this. The snow lion elder and the little warrior he brought are said to have lived in Xu Wei for several days. What happened to my mother-in-law? what?

The former elders of the Snow Lions said that this is nothing. At least Xu Wei is very good to them, but it is useless now. Everyone agrees that he is very pitiful. This arduous experience of life and death (?) clearly promoted their relationship with each other, and now even the snow lion elders from small forces are more integrated into everyone.

The original elders thought, this is the benefit that Xu Wei adults bring to them. In the future, they must know how to report.

At least when Xu Wei and the demon are married... they have to prepare more money _(:зゝ∠)_

Rosinck took Xu Wei to the bedroom, but the housekeeper and the maid had a color to hide aside. Jess left the two children and shouted "Children should not" to run, giving the two a lot of room.

Rosinke is more greasy than a dog, and this product is really a devil level in terms of cheeky. It is not his true face to say anything about the outside world, but he has not encountered anything that can stimulate emotions, but in the face of Xu Wei, his body will become very straight, this is love.

Speaking of his body straight, the following is hard, poked Xu Wei's thigh.

"I like the bed in your bedroom, reminding me of being hot and soft when still in your body."

The devil squats and swears in the ears of the brave, and the whole person seems to be a cockroach. He wants to swallow the brave shrimp into his shell, and the two melt into one.

Xu Wei had a fever on his face. I don’t know if it was eaten by a hot pot or stimulated by a person behind him.

"When in my body... When is it?"

He asked with his nose.

The problem of puns made Rosinke's thighs tense, and he had not yet reached the bed, and began to undress at the door of the bedroom. At the top of the tongue, Xu Yan’s ear hole is a kind of action.


Suddenly, the summoning crystal rang.

The author has something to say: Rosie Enke: It’s cool, let the Essenmir dog bring it →_→