MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 120 Want to fall in love

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Xu Wei turned his eyes, thinking that God TM is fat, and the weight fluctuation is one or two pounds. It is a normal good cut, so something is fussing, are you not usually called?

He kicked Roshenko's calf with his foot. Rohike's knees clenched the clumped feet together. When he didn't meet, he asked the weight of the guilty feelings and instead slammed it: "Don't move, the carriage is not enough for you to rush."

Xu Yucai turned his eyes: "Okay, your car is more spacious than the emperor."

At least one man who can fit in more than one meter and nine can still install another one meter. The mother said that she was angry, one meter nine, and grew up.

In Randall, the carriages of the nobles can be as expensive as possible, but due to the strict regulations in the city, the aristocratic carriage can only be one and a half meters wide. The Prince and the Princess of the Prince can have two meters. The King and the Pope can ride. A three-meter-wide luxury carriage can also have four horses driven by the front.

Therefore, the carriages that Xu Wei had seen before, although the outside looked very expensive, but the space inside was very narrow.

But it doesn't matter, because going to this kind of banquet is mainly about drying the car. Some big families can't wait for the special car to be equipped, and pull all the luxury cars in the house out to show off.

In particular, there is a car. When passing through Xu Wei, there is a hand in the window that is more than a gesture of a thumb-down gesture. It seems that there are two people talking. So small car, sitting inside, how crowded it is.

but! The Dark Lord is completely different from them! Although this guy did not arrogantly take a three-meter-wide emperor's car in Randall, Xu Wei discovered that he had drawn five space inscriptions in his car!

This... this technique... the material needed for this inscription... How did he search for it in the treasure house of the devil!

It may be that his eyes are too obvious on the inscription. Rohic Enke looked at his eyes and said: "The inscription on the high space, using three jars of silver magic dust -"

Then in the eyes of Xu Wei’s “Enchanted”, he continued: “—All are stored in the pool of dark abyss.”

Xu Wei: "Why tell me this =-="

Rohikek exaggerated his eyebrows. He is generally used to being expressionless, so he will also give people a kind of high cold pressure. At this time, he has a little more breath of life, watching people... more afraid. _(:зゝ∠)_

If the Lord of the Ice is present, watching the expression of their "humanity" under the demon king, you may have a brain hemorrhage on the spot.

However, Xu Wei was not afraid, and he was even more filthy. He looked at Rohike's arm and thought for a while. He felt how it was wrong: "What is this for you? Your silk underwear?"

Well, the two are considered to be old friends. I haven’t seen each other for a long time. I’m just looking at the weight of underwear. Rosie Enke’s experience is the feeling of Xu Wei before. How can you say that this person can have no emotion? !

"That was buried in the ground with my body, and it was contaminated by the elements of the earth. Now it is letting the warlock clean." He said faintly, but suddenly stunned, and when he saw Xu Wei, he found the expression of this guy. It is also awkward.

Yes, they sit face to face, a peaceful and friendly look, but in fact they are undead enemies before.

The brave man of justice challenges the evil devil, which seems to be a long time ago.

Now, they are sitting in a carriage, and both of them are gradually relaxing. When they return to the body of Rosinck in the past, the kind of temperament that occasionally talks about each other seems to be At that time, it was not the same, and there was a warmth.

“The elements of the earth and the dark elements seem to be able to fuse. I remember that it will increase the defense against the dark elements, and at the same time promote the user’s control over the land. The spar is the product of this effect.” Xu Wei slaps "When you go back, you can go to your treasure chest to see, so you don't lose the good experimental products."

Rohike Enke's eyebrows are soft, and he can't see Xu Wei through the eyes of the crystal ball and the bone bird. The flying eyebrows, the mouths of the opening and closing, the teeth touched and revealed the tender red tongue. When it came to the alchemy material, it seemed to be excited and immediately wanted to come to the scene, and he took his hand with pleasure.

Ah, took his hand.

Rosienk then used his palm that was a little bigger than Xu Wei to envelop the other side: "Yes, you are right, you have always learned a lot."

- Now, if he says this, his conscience will not hurt.

The carriage of the dark devil Roshenko is as conspicuous as Randall’s red and green. Now the whole city is very festive. The most amazing thing besides him is the totem carriage of the orc shaman. Down the earthen buns shaman, actually put the demon stone statue with the pleats on both sides of the carriage on the top of the carriage! What is this? This group of shaman - hehe! pagan!

Human beings are better mixed races in all things. Of course, there is a sense of superiority for the orcs who are particularly uncoordinated, so when you look at the orc’s slightly rough carriage and decoration, you can’t bring some Disdain. Later, I saw the orcs walking barefoot. There were leathers around the waist, and there were tattoos directly on the face. The pride of the civilized people in the heart did not know where to burn.

But this time the Divine Grace Festival, the most "bright" turned into a black horse carriage that did not know what race came out, did not know who was driven by.

Compared with this one, the orc shaman's totem carriage is the difference between a child's play house and a thriller horror film.

No one knows where this carriage came from, but everyone has reasonably speculated about it.

Even many young people who saw this mysterious carriage still slammed their chests and gasped, not knowing why, but they felt very excited, as if they were witnessing the opening of a new era.

——The driving of such a arrogant car, the safe and unrestrained Mercedes-Benz in Randall City, is certainly not an ordinary dark **** believer.

- There is only one person, only one person does it.

- Dark Lord.

People are afraid of demons, and they are also full of evil feelings for the undead, but if the other party's status is elevated to the level of the devil, they will not be able to give birth to any other emotions other than awe.

"Young Master! Xu Yujin entered the black car! I saw it with my own eyes!"

About a hundred meters ahead of Xu Wei and Rohionk, a slow-moving Saobao carriage was posted on the side of a low-level knight riding a horse. The chest was not worn by the Knights’ badge. The clan of a family.

In the carriage, there was a general voice of the juvenile male duck scorpion: "Can you see who the carriage is?"

The lower-level knight did not speak, because another teenager in the carriage answered the question: "Stupid! Then use it?! I will tell you that it is definitely the devil! Dark Lord Rohich!"

"Crap," the former teenager stalked his neck and replied: "Why did the devil come to Randall?"

"Looking for Xu Wei!" The young man who spoke after seems to be very excited, just like the grandmother who spread gossip: "Now the whole world is saying what brave man Xu Wei defeated the story of the Dark Lord, I told you that I have already Knowing that it is going to be bad - if the demon king hears this story, he can't be mad at him? If I were him, I would have to kill Xu Wei... He is definitely looking for Xu Wei!"

The teenager who spoke at first seemed to be moved, but wanted to return: "Siegel, don't talk nonsense, how can a big man like the Dark Lord be like you..."

The boy named Sig immediately took him: "What's the gadget! Let's think about it, Ima, if you have heard that you are rumored that you are being stumbled by the last idiot of the grade." You can't go to the field?"

Although I want to continue to oppose Sieg, I haven’t left the second-year-old Ima boy to think about it. It seems to be the truth.

If he encounters such a thing, he will certainly personally smash the guy!

So - Rosink Devil must come to see Xu Wei!

The junior knight did not dare to listen more, and let the young master let him report and leave quickly. There are only two teenagers in your discussion of my sentence. Their carriage has just passed through Xu’s home, just to appreciate that the brave horse has been stolen.

Humph! In this way, the courage to dare to pursue the Holy Lady!

Then the noble and beautiful Highness of the Virgin of Ayr, will condescend to walk into the small broken house of this brave! They saw it! They all saw it! They were sitting in the opposite library and copying homework!

At that moment, ah, how many teenagers broke into slag!

All this blames Xu Wei, blaming him, he must have abducted the Virgin's Highness!

Imam and Siegel, two aristocratic teenagers in the second and middle stages hold their fists tightly. At this moment, in the gorgeous but narrow carriage, they are squeezed knees and knees face to face and squat, while In my mind, I imagined that I had defeated the picture of Xu Wei, the brave man who was a strong man.

At the same time, the Golden Flag Empire emperor, who had already prepared for the welcome and speech at Storm Castle, was in vain.

- Say good leaders to enter first? Good leaders of all countries understand this rule?

——Why did you come early in the abyss lord, the devil? What is the Dark Lord Rohemiak?

In the heart of the Emperor of the Golden Flag Empire, it was called a bitterness. I thought that you obviously didn’t say that. Do you still let the bone bird send a letter saying that God’s grace will come to the scene? This is very nervous, but it is short. The entire holy city was cleaned up within a short three days. All the bards who had told the story of Xu Wei vs. Devils shouted and criticized the education.

The result is that you are not here now? Let your department down? This person officer? !

The emperor who consciously lost his face succumbed to the calmness of his face, quietly looking at the abyssal lord Sear, and asked his eyes about his devil's condition.

The smile of the abyss lord Sear is decent and elegant: "You must ask for your forgiveness. The human emperor kneels down. We kneel and say that he is still young. I don't want to come over with a group of old men so early. He goes to the young people to communicate. It is."

Golden Flag Empire Emperor:? ? ?

Read The Duke's Passion