MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 100 Predecessor

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The capital of the Golden Flag Empire, Randall, is also the holy city of the Light God. It is one of the most prosperous cities in the world and one of the safest and most sturdy cities in the world.

Some even said that because Randall is so rich and prosperous, the Light God will choose this place as a holy city.

In fact, just a few decades ago, the holy city of the Light God was still in the Snow Blade Kingdom – and of course it was the Snow Blade Empire at the time. Why did the Guangming God teach the relocation of the Holy City? It is not only the civilians who do not know, but even many nobles are not very clear.

Some people say that the snow-blade empire is too unlucky. The dark abyss is just in their country. As a result, when the demon king was born, they became neighbors with the devil. They also beat the devil, and the coalition forces of all races hit the present in the north. It’s just a draw, so how can the bright gods put the holy holy city on the snow blade? Therefore, the Guangming God religion has moved.

Some people say that Guangmingism is not such a timid religion. They must have a reasonable reason to withdraw from the snow blade. The snow blade is really too different in these years. When the great prince Ryan was so loved, he did not become an emperor - now a king - when the king of the Snow Blade Kingdom was his brother, the guy who was known as mediocrity when he was a prince, he was a good man. After that, it was impossible to check the nobility, and as a result, a lot of jokes were made. Of course, the light gods did not want to mix with them.

There are many people who believe in these two statements. I believe that the former are people who are dissatisfied with the church. The more devout believers will believe the latter.

In the past few years, in order to sell their poems better, the poets have nonsense a third statement. He swears that the Light God, the Snow Blade Empire, and the Dark Lord Rohikek are related. In order to make the increasingly powerful and disobedient Snow Blade Empire stop, it is decided to resurrect the Devil to suppress the Snow Blade. As a result, the devil was born and the six parents did not recognize it. After splitting the snow-blade empire into kingdoms and attacking the church, the church had to retreat to the Golden Flag Empire.

- As a result, it is conceivable that after the daring poet wrote such a story, the water meter was checked on the day of the issue.

People sneered at this, thinking that this year's troubadour poet is really disregarding for selling the book, and it is obvious that the arbitrarily made things are dare to write.

But what no one knows is that among all the speculations, only the plot made by the troubadour has touched the slightest side of the truth.

The prince who was eye-catching in the past was the devil who can now scare the child.

This kind of thing is estimated to be even the biggest poet in the world.

In the holy city of Randal, the bright gods live a well-ordered life every day. Where civilians have civilians, nobles have aristocratic areas, everything seems to be in harmony.

The weather is fine today, it is very suitable for going out to play. There are not a few really poor people living in the Holy City. The beggars on the street may have more money than the rich people in the border towns. The pubs and bars are all open, and the bards play their banjo, telling new stories.

These stories are all related to a brave named Xu Wei.

The brave, there is no difference between the mercenary and the adventurer mercenary, but the title is a bit more handsome. Even the three-year-olds in the world know that the brave is the group of people who specialize in challenging the devil. Almost every fairy tale book will write a story about the brave. Eight of the ten books are after the brave kills the demon. Married to the human princess.

But what the three-year-old child knows is not true in the eyes of adults. The group of brave people is mixed, and there are people who have three religions. When there was a brave man twenty or thirty years ago, everyone liked this group of people who seemed to be righteous, but now they know it, they claim to be The brave people are basically ordinary adventurers, and the character may be even worse.

"Human hero brave Xu Wei, when he was eight years old, in order to protect his companions, he dared to fight with the fur dog.

He is full of justice, and he has made a name for himself in many areas. He has driven the griffins for the townspeople and challenged the bullies for the citizens of the city.

As a brave man, his life goal is the God of War.

Stepping through the hottest volcano and swimming through the deepest ocean, he placed the golden sword on the neck of the Dark Lord. ”

This poet is not local to the Holy City. He had no fame before. I don’t know why he suddenly got the qualification to play in the best golden string bar in the holy city, but he didn’t know how to sing. Whether this story poem is written by himself or from an excerpt from a popular novel.

In short, it is a boring and clichéd story of the brave warlord _(:зゝ∠)_

But people listened with full concentration, no one yawned, and no one whispered.

The young bard covered his half face, his voice was low and melodious, giving the story a different interest.

...... "--" You have been fighting for many years, can you think that there will always be a day of death?" His good friend, His Highness, asked.

However, the brave Xu Wei, he looked at his friends with blue eyes, he remembered the running in the sunset and the youth without regret, just a slight smile. ”

Unknown troubadours plucked the strings and left a meaningful tail to the story.

People applauded, they only thought the story was very vulgar, but the content was really good. The brave Xu Wei is different from any other brave man in the past. He is brave and strong and kind and generous. He never takes the things of the villagers' homes, and often helps his grandmother cross the road. He is a good young man!

Not only that, but he also has the strength of a hundred battles, can fight against the fierce lions and wolves, but also the robbers and thieves who robbery in the village.

The bard's singing is good, the story is well written, and the brave person Xu Wei's past is carefully outlined, leaving many people with a perfect brave image, making many other eavesdropping in the pub. The poet was also nervous, and they all wrote down the story with a pen, and prepared to change it and sing it.

After all, they don't pay much attention to copyright.

When the bard arrived at the time, he smiled mysteriously: "This story comes from a real person event, and the brave man Xu Wei is a real person."

"——哗!!!", the whole bar was blown up.

There is no advantage in the holy city of Randall. There are so many people, and there is any fun word of mouth. What happened in the first day, the next day, even the mice in the ditch can know. The golden string bar has come to a bard in the field. This singer has returned to his hometown after a day of singing. This is not a big deal, but the story told by the bard is big.

He said that there is a brave man who killed the devil! Also said that this brave and the Son of the Light God is a good friend! He also said that this is a real thing. This brave is a real person! ! !

For the next two or three days, the streets and alleys of the city are pulling this matter. From the civilians to the nobility, there has been talks, and the name Xu Wei has become very famous. It is a household name, surpassing the new generation of aristocratic knights, Ngaida, who took the first name in the Magic Wu contest.

Almost everyone is asking, who is Xu Wei? Is his real name called Xu Wei? He is a good friend with His Son of the Light God. Is this true?

- After all, the devil is too far away for ordinary people, and the Son is a saint of mankind.

The main hall of the Light God Church, walking all the way from the front hall of the church, passing through the center garden of the cross, entering the temple, going down two floors, and then opening the secret door, you can reach an absolutely safe place where no one will go. This is called the dark room.

The place that predicted the elders to make prophecies was also called the dark room, and it was also a quiet place called absolute security, but in fact everyone knows that this is only on the bright side.

The Pope has their own territory, and the Presbyterian Church also has a place for the Presbyterian Church.

When Danist came here, he was overwhelmed by the heavy pressure. Although it is two floors underground, it is usually cleaned up so that there is no suffocating smell in the ground, which makes Denis's discomfort in the room.

The Pope of the Light God, Dexia.

There is another person in the room, but it is a crystal ball in the middle of the year, and almost a stupid prophecy elder.

"...How is the elder? Is it better?" Dinister asked softly.

Pope Daka did not speak, predicting that the elders made a small whisper of silence, and whispered something "devil" and "retribution." Dinister’s heart sank. Predicting the elders is probably not good. Before he was not very normal, but he could still speak normally. After Xu Wei succeeded in killing the devil, Dinister thought that the elders could restore their health. I didn’t expect things to be one month. Suddenly, they suddenly turned sharply and hit them one by one.

After returning from the Light Ghosts, Dinister horse and Narr came to the Holy City without stopping, just to face the face and his adoptive father, the current Pope of the Light Gods reported a peace. This peace is of course the peace of the world, the peace that the devil has died.

For a time, I was really cheering, although Xu Hao, the great hero who killed the devil, is the good friend of his brother, and will be biased towards the pope in the future, but after all, this is a good thing for the whole world - at least This is the case on the bright side - so the Presbyterian Church can't pick up any problems.

But predicting the elders is always very scary. He feels that things are not so simple, and they must make another prediction.

This is really a problem.

The crystal ball that has been showing the death of the demon has appeared in a new picture.

The dark devil Roshenko was not dead, he was alive, and he lived well. At that time, the picture on the crystal ball was really shocking. Fortunately, only the prophet, the pope and the Dinister were expected to see it. Otherwise, it would be estimated that a lower psychological quality would be scared.

Rosinck sat on his high throne, but his face was not covered in the dark fog as he used to be. He couldn’t see it anyway. This time it’s revealed, he can see that he is extremely handsome and very Tough, black eyes, gazing at him is like gazing at **** below the limit.

And he stood still in front of him, blonde in leather, with a bronze epee on his back and a dagger on his waist. This person is also very familiar with Dinister.

He is Xu Wei.

Xu Wei faced Roshenk, but did not shout and kill, but stood quietly. Rosink devil did not move. After a while he seemed to reach out, and then the picture was blurred, and a black smoke appeared.

It was as if I had waited for a long time in the end, and the result was not finished until the end of the picture. There were four big characters on the screen, "To be continued."

No one knows what the Pope is wearing, but his face is already expressive. Dinister is completely forced: Why is his good friend Xu Wei in the crystal ball look familiar with Rohike Enke? ! Is it – will they become friends in the future? !

Lying in the trough? ! ! !

Xu Wei, why are you so embarrassed! ! !

"Ah-!!! He is not dead!!! He is back!!!" Just in Dinister's cranky thoughts, he has begun to wonder if he can ask Xu Wei to ask the devil to sign a signature... Prophecy suddenly Hold your head and make a terrible scream.

"Don't come over! You are dead! Don't come back!!!" He waved his hand, as if he was standing in front of a monster, squinting his eyes outwards: "Go to Essenmir! Go find your Majesty! They are doing it." !!! Don’t come over, ah ah !!!

Essenmir is the current king of the Snow Blade Kingdom.

Why did you predict to find "Essenmir" after the news that the elders were scared by the news that Rothenk was not dead?

Dinister is silent, he knows that he is in contact with a big secret.

After that, the Pope sighed and sighed to the story of the genius Holy Knight Ryan Prince. Originally it should have appeared in a fairy tale, the prince who appeared in the legendary book. He was actually the reincarnation of the devil. After discovering this, the former emperor and the current king of the Snow Blade Empire also used the Prince Ryan to do a lot. Things, and when Prince Ryan really lost his role, they abandoned him, despised him, and killed him in various ways.

Prince Ryan at the time only showed his dark attributes, but his strength was not fully motivated, he was still very easy to die.

But he did not die, he survived, and he was born again as a devil.

There is no Prince Ryan now, only Rosh Enke.

Through this story, Pope Dyka also wants to tell Denist not to believe in the royal family of the Snow Blade Kingdom. They are a group of unbelievable villains.

But in this sad story, Danist is able to find the shadow of the Light God.

There is also a light **** who uses and abandons Prince Ryan.

This is the place where Denist is really suffering.

"The city suddenly began to tell the story of Xu Wei, saying that he killed the devil." Dinister entered the darkroom, so he reported to the Pope.

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