MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 609 I'm a pirate, destined to wander

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Emma nodded happily, but before she could leave, another fisherman who was a little older got off the boat.

"Wait a minute, little girl, we can let you ride in the carriage, but each one has to pay a silver coin."

The old fisherman glanced at Emma and Andy and others on the other side of the beach, and said solemnly.

"Oh, uncle, you can't do this, they are also poor people captured by pirates."

The young fisherman exclaimed. He looked at his uncle in amazement, not understanding why he acted like this.

"But they are also nobles! Slater, go and pack up those sea fish, you idiot, there is no business for you here."

The old fisherman glared at the young fisherman, Slater, then snorted and glanced at Margaret on the beach.

"I know the lady. He is Lord Townsend's daughter, so each of you will pay me a silver coin."

The old fisherman is not greedy, he knows that even if he wants gold coins, the lady can pay for it, he just doesn't like those nobles, that's all.

"Okay, sir, your request will be honored."

Andy came over from the side. He just looked around and found no trace of the soldiers.

"We will leave on time at one o'clock in the afternoon. If there is no accident, we can arrive before midnight, and our goods will be sold before the early morning, so you can leave by yourself, or you can go to the town first for the merchants and their One night at the tavern prepared by the guards."

"As for now, you can walk around here. This beach is where fishermen organize their harvests. It may be fishy. If you can't stand it, you can choose to go there."

The old fisherman glanced at Margaret again. Obviously, in his understanding, Margaret should not be able to stand this stench.

After the old fisherman finished speaking, regardless of Andy's answer, he jumped on the fishing boat and put the lively fish into the wooden barrel, while Slater glanced at Emma and wanted to say something, but was caught by the old fisherman. pulled over.

"really weird."

Emma shrugged and glanced at Andy, and went back to the beach with him.

"Tell the fishermen to take a horse-drawn carriage to a nearby town in the afternoon. We can arrive at our destination in about midnight, which is very close to the port of Buno. After arriving, we will rest there for a night and try to find a way to enter Bueno tomorrow. Port Noah."

After Andy finished speaking to the two, he found a clean beach and sat down.

"If you're bored, you can go around the neighborhood. The fishermen here look good and there shouldn't be any danger."

After Andy finished speaking, he closed his eyes and lay on the beach, covering half of his face with his hat.

The three women looked at each other, and they felt that the weather was a little cold, so they found a leeward place and sat down.

The time soon came to the afternoon, and the fishermen put all the harvested sea fish into wooden barrels and sealed them. They could get a silver coin as a reward for such a barrel of sea fish.

With the weather getting colder and colder, the schools of fish near the sea are almost invisible, which is the fish they have caught from the far seas at the cost of their lives.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to leave."

The voice of the fisherman Slater woke Andy. He stood up, put on his hat, and walked towards the fisherman with the three girls.

The fishermen looked at the barrels. They had to leave the beach and go to the fishing village. Then they filled the barrels and took a horse-drawn carriage to the small town of Crete.

I have to say that the old fisherman was still very careful. Perhaps out of fear of Margaret's father, he finally vacated a clean carriage, so that Andy and the others didn't have to endure the salty smell of the sea.

Of course, without those four silver coins, the old guy wouldn't be so kind.

The road from the fishing village to the small town of Crete was very bumpy. If it was the former Margarita, there might be a lot of noise. But after so much, Margaret has completely transformed.

As for Mira and Emma, ​​they are children of poor families, and they can still bear a little bump.

It was the young fisherman Slater who drove the carriage for Andy's four. He seemed to want to say something to Emma, ​​but maybe he was embarrassed, and in the end he couldn't say anything along the way.

Andy and they discussed about Mila and Emma in the carriage. Andy didn't want them to stay on the pirate ship because he thought that the life of a pirate would defile these two girls full of dreams.

In the end, Andy decided to buy a small estate for the two girls outside Port Bruno, just like in Viking Harbor, the difference is that Port Bruno is safer than Viking Harbor.

Because after Andy leaves, there will no longer be any pirates in the Sea of ​​Storms capable of attacking Port Bruno.

A small manor that can raise two cows, a few hens and two dogs, a few hundred gold coins is enough, and this gold coin is nothing to Andy at all.

In the middle of the night, the speed of the carriage gradually stopped. Margaret, Mila and Emma were already falling asleep relying on each other. Andy was sitting in the listening to the noise around him gradually. The voice, he knew, they had entered the town.

After a while, the carriage stopped.

The old fisherman got down from the carriage in front and came over.

"You have arrived at your destination. There is a tavern not far ahead. There are a few thieves here, specializing in unfamiliar faces. You have to be careful."

The old fisherman talked to Andy, and beckoned his partners to move the barrels down. They had to occupy a good place as soon as possible so that they could buy them to merchants while the fish was still fresh, and sell them at a good price.

Andy woke up the three of Margo and went to the pub to open two rooms.

They're going to rest here overnight and go to Port Bruno tomorrow.

Margaret was in a daze and didn't sleep well in the carriage, so she fell asleep without taking off her clothes when she got to bed.

After dozens of minutes, Andy opened his eyes, and he heard footsteps stop at his door.

Not a thief, it sounds like it came out of the next room.

The man seemed to be very nervous, pacing at the door constantly, Andy had already determined that it should be Emma, ​​this silly girl is cute.

Andy stood up from the boat, walked over gently, and opened the door.

Emma was startled, her fingers entangled with each other, biting her lip tightly.

"Andy... After tomorrow, are you leaving again?"

Andy was silent for a while, then nodded.

Emma lowered her head and stared at her toes by the moonlight, without speaking.


Emma took a deep breath, seemed to gather up her courage, and raised her head.

Andy hugged her gently and kissed her on the forehead. Emma's hair was very fragrant, with the smell of sunshine and jasmine.

"I am a pirate, dirty, vulgar, destined to wander, but you are different..."

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