MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 555 Victim, Miss Avril

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"Well, Mr Norrington, I thought maybe we could do it and talk."

Seeing the gloomy expression on Norrington's face, Andy knew that this poor fellow who turned from a commodore to a pirate might not live as well as he showed.

Andy pulled Margaret down and sat down. Norrington glanced at Margaret and sat across from her.

"Waiter! Two bottles of rum and roast two lamb shanks for us, oh, I'm really going to starve to death."

As soon as she sat down, Margaret couldn't wait to find a waiter and instructed him.

"One silver and two coppers, sir."

The waiter replied respectfully, although Margaret seemed to be a woman and a very beautiful woman, it seemed that female pirates liked to be called Mr., so it sounded like she would be stronger.

The waiter thought so, with a smile on his face.

Margaret really enjoyed it. She threw three silver coins to the waiter and said with a smile.

"Boil some oysters and scallops, and keep the rest for yourself."

"Thank you for your generosity, sir."

The waiter's smile became more sincere. He could get a gold coin as a tip. Sure enough, a good-looking female pirate was generous and much better than those guys.

"I have to say, Marg, you've changed a lot than before. I should have thought of it earlier. When you threatened me with my voodoo doll, I should have known that you've changed."

The waiter quickly brought the things up, and Norrington took a sip of rum and cut a small piece of lamb shank with a knife and fork.

And Margo glanced at him, tore off a few pieces of barbecue and ate it.

"Mr Norrington, let me remind you one last time, call me Miss Margaret, or Miss Townsend."

A dangerous light flashed in Margaret's eyes, and Norrington's movements were delayed for a while, then nodded and looked at Andy again.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Andy, thank you very much for inviting me to drink, so what do you want to know?"

Andy slowly brought himself a glass of rum. Margaret, as if on purpose, leaned on Andy and fed Andy a piece of mutton. Norrington's expression was a little embarrassed.

"I'm curious about your experience. Why did the Commodore of the Eagle Empire, the captain of the naval ship Intrepid, go to the waters of the Roman Empire and become the captain of a pirate ship?"

Andy looked at Norrington with interest.

"And a very weak pirate ship."

Margaret added a sentence on the side, Andy gave her a doting look and shook his head. Norrington is obviously the kind of person who takes dignity very seriously. He can agree to Andy's invitation tonight, There must be some purpose.

Margaret pouted and snorted lightly. She didn't speak any more, but started her own business of eating and drinking, but she was also ready to listen carefully to what Norrington had to say.

"This matter... Let's start with Port Buno, for the heart of the ocean in the Sea of ​​​​Storm..."

When Norrington said this, he gave Andy a special look. The Imperial Navy made so many preparations, but the end result was that this kid was cheap.

"Because in the Sea of ​​​​Storm, only Pixar's Black Dragon, Zac's Goddess of Despair and Blue Nose are the threats to us, but there is Augustine behind Blue Nose, so we did not choose to attack Blue Nose, but invited Pixar and Zach, release the news that the Empire is going to issue a privateer's license."

"I know about this. I was a member of the Goddess of Despair at the beginning, so I know exactly what happened in Port Bueno."

Andy interrupted Norrington, indicating that he could talk about things Andy didn't know.

"That's right, the plan was revealed without knowing why. Zac and Pixar attacked Port Buno together. Many slaves and some nobles died. Port Buno suffered heavy losses. Even my sea beasts didn't know the reason. Back in the deep sea."

Norrington laughed self-deprecatingly and glanced at Margaret.

"It's all the fault of the Governor of Port Bueno! The shrewd Governor, he reported to the Empire and said that the reason for what happened in Port Bueno was because of me! And what can I do? The family paid a lot of money to get it. The sea beast abandoned me, and I have to bear the anger and pressure of my family!"

Norrington let out a low roar and drank all the rum in the glass, his expression turning a little grim.

"That idiot Jervis! His strength is obviously not as good as mine, and his sea beast was taken away by you! But why did he just drop one level? I'm going to be kicked out of the family? kicked out of the navy?"

"In order to put all the blame on me, the Governor married his daughter Avril to Archduke Statham, ha, a girl of seventeen or eighteen, married by his father to a duke in his fifties, just for the sake of Excuse me from guilt!"

Norrington sneered, his eyes full of disappointment at the Eagle Empire.

"What did you say?"

Margaret's icy voice made Norrington sober a little. He looked at Margaret, but saw that the girl's eyes were full of boundless coldness.

"Avril was married to Archduke Statham by the Governor?"

"That's right, Margot... Miss Ritter, are you surprised? Ha, if you marry the son of Archduke it's fine, but I'm sorry, Archduke Statham likes Miss Avril too much. Well, so... but it's nothing, marrying the Grand Duke Statham or the Little Marquis is the same for their nobles, isn't it?"

Norrington replied, and Margaret took a deep breath, she understood what Norrington meant.

Avril went to the Statham family and was just a plaything for the whole family.

"It is precisely because of Miss Avril that the governor escaped the guilt, and I bear all the punishments of the empire. Fortunately, the Norrington family did not give up on me completely. They supported me and got a new pirate ship for me. Privateer's license, so I came to the Roman Empire, to Probus."

"So, you are now a pirate holding a privateer's license for the Eagle Empire?"

Andy raised his eyebrows and heard the term again, which meant that the Eagle Empire wanted to go to war with the Roman Empire.

"That's right, so all my plundering activities in the Roman Empire waters will be my future glory. The flags of the Roman Empire navy sailboats and merchant ships in my trophies will become the titles given to me by the Empire. basis."

"It's interesting, so your crew members are all navy?"

"Part of it is the retired navy, and part of it is the people I received in the pirate port. To be honest, I am not able to integrate into the life of a pirate very well, so I need someone to help me."

Norrington replied, looking at Margaret, hesitating.

"Also, seeing Margaret here, I think, is a kind of fate, and I have something to say to her."

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