MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 553 Take Margo to...

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"Wow! Andy, look!"

Just as Andy was observing the two corpses at the door, Margaret next to him suddenly screamed and lowered Andy's arm to let him look in the other direction.

Andy looked in the direction Margaret pointed, eyebrows raised.

At the entrance of the town, in front of a double-storey building that looks like a brothel, many pirates are drinking rum in the open-air yard, and sitting beside them are all kinds of women, with complexions ranging from white to white. Black, with bodies ranging from plump to thin.

What is more consistent is that these women are not wearing tops, but are wearing fluffy skirts or tulle on the lower body, looming.

There were also quite a few women coming downstairs, **** like the little girls in the yard.

"Charles said before that the women on Gordonslay Island are a major feature of the Probus waters. It seems that this is the case, ha, it is convenient for those pirates."

Andy shook his head with a smile. Just after taking a look, Andy was still able to pick out a few women with outstanding looks and figures among those women. Such women are also the treasures of a brothel that attracts pirates. Not cheap.

"Let's go and see, shall we?"

Margaret's tone was a little excited and said to Andy.

"Where are you going? Listen, Margo, maybe we can go to the tavern, here..."

Andy was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't know what the **** Margaret was up to. He knew about Margaret's boldness. It was said that when she was in Port Bruno, she always sneaked to the pirate tavern, but Since Margaret began to study witch books, her personality has also changed a lot, and it has not been like this for a long time.

"Let's go and see~ Okay? I haven't been there for a long time."

Margaret pouted and shook Andy's arm.

"Okay, okay, let's go and see first."

Andy couldn't beat Margaret, so he could only lead her to the yard. The outside of the brothel was surrounded by a wooden fence, and a large yard was enclosed in front of the second-story building. There are many tables and chairs, and on the other side is a simple tent made of wood.

It's a quick tent for pirates who don't have the money to pay for their house, and many pirate ports have them.

Seeing Andy and Margaret approaching, a woman opened the fence door with a charming smile. She glanced at Margaret, her eyes flashed with surprise, but she was not surprised.

It can be seen from Margaret's dress that she is a pirate rather than a prostitute like them, and whether it is a pirate or a prostitute, there are many people who are abnormal, such as men who like men, Or women who like women, or both, she's seen too many.

A lot of female pirates also come here to have fun, and these women are willing to host female pirates because most of them are not as rude as male pirates.

Andy and Margaret walked in, just as two pirates picked up their female companions and got into the tent, and Margaret took Andy to the vacant table.

An old woman in full clothes came over with a smile and brought a bottle of rum.

"You two, do you want some rum?"


Margaret nodded, took the rum from her hand, and then pointed a finger, and a silver coin flew out of her fingertips.

The old woman saw the silver coin, the wrinkles on her face deepened because of her smile, she put the silver coin in her arms, and then winked at Andy and Margaret.

"What kind of chick do you like? We have them all here!"

Andy looked at Margaret, holding back a smile, he wanted to see what Margaret would do.

Margaret raised the corner of her mouth and gave Andy a provocative look, revealing her white teeth.

"Of course we want the most beautiful, the one with the best figure. Gold coins are not a problem for us."

Margaret snapped her fingers, and a golden coin appeared in her hand. The old woman glanced at it, her eyes were about to laugh, and she nodded again and again.

"Wait a minute... hey! Get out of the way, you idiots! Stop lining up here! Miley's packed!"

The old woman ran upstairs and shouted to several pirates who were queuing in front of a room. Perhaps because this woman was famous here, the pirates just cursed and left one after another to go to other rooms. Queued up.

Andy and Margaret looked up, the woman knocked on the door, didn't know what to say, and after a while, came out with a woman in a pirate suit, and went with her There was also a woman with a wheatish complexion.

The female pirate kissed the woman, turned and walked downstairs without looking at anyone else.

The wheat-colored woman was wearing a tulle. Under the guidance of the old woman, she walked to Andy and Margaret and sat down.

I have to say that this woman has a very hot figure and smooth skin. I don’t know if it’s because of regular exercise. The muscles in her abdomen and thighs look very tight, and her appearance is also very good, with a hint of wildness in her eyes. .

"My name is Miley, are you two new pirates?"

Miley looked at the two of them and made sure that she had not seen them before, so she asked with a smile. While talking, Miley kept looking at Margaret, and it could be seen that she was also more interested in women.


Margaret snorted softly and poured Miley a glass of rum. To be honest, Miley was still very satisfied with her appearance. She couldn't understand why Miley chose to do this.

But if it wasn't for maybe she was caught on a pirate ship and sold to this kind of place.

Miley took a sip, glanced back and forth between Margaret and Andy, smiling.

"Are you two going to be together? Go upstairs, my bed is still very big."

Miley said directly, she didn't want to chat with two strange pirates underneath, all she had to do was to make money quickly, she was one of Gordon Sly's most popular prostitutes, and there was enough time for small talk. She made some more silver coins.

"Are you in such a hurry? You haven't said the price yet."

Seeing Andy wanting to speak, Margaret glared at him and said to Miley.


The corners of Miley's mouth twitched upwards again. She stretched out her hand, her slender fingers moved, she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, her eyes became charming, her teeth were slightly open, and she bit herself. on the lips.

"It depends on which one you choose. If you want all of them, five silver coins, what I said, is the price of one person~"

Miley finished speaking, winked at Margaret, and walked up the stairs.


Margaret looked at her with deep eyes and turned to look at Andy.

"Andy, together?"


Andy almost spit out the rum in his mouth. He seemed to understand a little. Margaret seemed to have fallen in love with this feeling, but Anna had already faked her death...

"Oh~ this is the life of a pirate~

This water source is like pitch-black ink,

If a pure girl falls into it, she will become full of filth~

This is the life of a pirate~"

At the entrance of the town, a bum-like guy is playing a bagpipe, an old man is chewing a pig's leg, his mouth is full of oil, and he sings a few words from time to time. island.