MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 387 , I have the information! (Please give me a monthly ticket.)

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 Chapter 387, I have the information! (Please give me a monthly ticket...)

Glenda likes to read books, so naturally she has read books or stories of this type.

He asked curiously: "When the time comes, I will really soften my heart and forgive him. What will you do?"

 “What can I do? I hope you feel more comfortable next time you are killed.”

Granda changed her position again and said: "Don't worry, what you said will only appear in romance novels. If you help me, he will not be as good as you if he is really alive today."


 The two of them were chatting.

 Xiaoxiao flew back from next door.

   said: "I'm back."

 “How was the chat with your mother?” Wu Heng asked.

“It’s good. I’m much fatter than before. Thank you uncle for taking care of my mother.”

 “My family should do it.”


Wu Heng stood up and ordered to Kalema, "Leave here with me."

Kalema stood up and followed him.

Wu Heng put away all the books on the desk.

  Go back to the top of the building, get on the Skeleton Dragon and leave.

 Return to the mall.

Wu Heng arranged for Kalema to stay in his room and continue reading.

  The second book I chose is [Dead Corpse Battlefield], both of which are skills for transforming corpses.

The reason why I learned [Bone Slave Technique] in advance is because it is a prerequisite skill. If you don’t learn it, you can’t release it in the ‘Battlefield of Dead Corpses’.

 Get settled in Kalema.

Wu Heng continued to call Qi Hancai and talked about some things about the development of the factory area.

 Then go through the gate and return to Treasure Island.


 Go downstairs from the fourth floor.

 When you walk to the third floor, go directly into the room where the radio station is placed.

Picked up the record book and looked at it, then directly picked up the phone and said, "Philippa, are you there?"

Soon, Philippa's response came from the other side, "Here, what's wrong?"

 “Why didn’t I contact you yesterday?”

"I didn't hear you. I can't stay here and chat with you every day. I'm a captain, but I'm very busy." Philippa said a little proudly.

Yesterday, he tried to contact Philippa, but there was no one on the other side.

 Almost thought something had happened to the other party.

“You can arrange for a skeleton to stay by the radio station and make some records, so you can know whether I have contacted you or not.” Wu Heng suggested.

“Okay, I’ll arrange one at that time. Do you have anything to do with me?”

Wu Heng continued: "I told the deacon about your matter, and he promised that you can provide three level three wanted information. If the information is successful, you will be allowed to join the association and become a member of the 'Secret Whisperers'."

 “Wow! It’s true.” Philippa exclaimed, and then asked: “What is the Whisperer?”

"The association is an organization that is responsible for collecting intelligence. Some people will be assigned to join the team in the association, and some are like you who act as eyeliners among various forces." Wu Heng explained to the other party what he understood.

 “Oh, what are the benefits of joining?”

"This means that you are already a member of the association. Some things are easier to deal with. Even if there is any danger in the future, you can go directly to the local association to seek asylum. The most important point is that when you stop being a pirate in the future, you can more easily distance yourself from the pirates. In short, there are advantages and no disadvantages to the relationship between them." Wu Heng thought for a moment and said to him.

 “Give me money?”

"There are settlements every month. I didn't ask how much I would give. I'll wait until you join."

 “Oh, that’s fine too, give it to my mother then!”


"Then I join the association and we are members. Will you still take care of me?" Philippa's voice suddenly became softer.

 Sounds like she is still somewhat dependent on him.

Think about it too.

 The association may not be able to support an informant in such a way that it pays buckets of money.

Wu Heng said: "You are still responsible for me. Joining the association will also make you safer in the future."

“Then tell my mother, I’m now a member of the association and I’m getting ahead.”

“You are not yet a member of the association. You will be considered a member of the association after completing the three wanted notices.”

 “Yes, I have information now.” Philippa said suddenly.

Wu Heng frowned, "What information?"

“While selling the cargo you gave me, I heard that the ‘Black Crocodile Pirates’ will stop at Horseshoe Island for a few days. You can go over and kill them!” Philippa said.

Wu Heng opened the tablet and checked the location on the island.

  Found the Horseshoe Island she mentioned in the south.

 An island that doesn’t look too big.

 The distance is a bit far. It takes about two days to travel from Treasure Island.

“I’m going over now. It will take two days at the earliest. Will they stay there?”

"Probably, they are planning to rob the caravan there. If you go directly, you will most likely encounter them." Philippa said, but his tone was not too confident.

  It is difficult to control the behavior of pirates.

It is also the most difficult point to capture.

Wu Heng thought for a moment, then agreed, "Okay, I'll go over and have a look as soon as I'm ready. If I can kill the target, it will be credited to you."

“Hmm, whether I can become a Whisperer depends on your help!”

Wu Heng continued: "There is one more thing, please pay attention to it."

"What's up?"

"Recently, the association has lost an 'inspection envoy'. The deacon suspects that it was pirates. Please pay attention to the relevant information. If there is anything in this regard, remember to report it to me in time." Wu Heng mentioned the matter of Kalema. .

“Who is it? I don’t even know what a special inspection envoy is.”

"It's a position. His name is Kalema. He is a tall and thin middle-aged man. Just pay attention to him."

"Oh fine!"

 “There’s nothing left to do, just be careful on your own.”

“Understood. Goodbye, dad.” Hang up the phone.

Wu Heng reopened the map and took a look.

 He is thinking about the next plan in his mind.

Horseshoe Island is a little further away, but ‘Philippa’ has provided information and cannot ignore it.

 Otherwise, there will be no point in arranging eyeliner.

 Still have to go there.


 Go down the stairs.

 Minnie came back from training in the courtyard. Her clothes were soaked and her skin was covered with beads of sweat.

Seeing Wu Heng, he immediately smiled and said, "Master."

 “Minnie has been so diligent recently!”

"Of course, the master bought me such an expensive prop. I want to use it as soon as possible, and I can help you like Sister Wei'er." Minnie hugged his arm.

 “Minnie is so good.”

 “Hehe!” Minnie smiled happily.

Wu Heng continued to take out four bottles of potions and put them on the table, "You and Wei'er will have two bottles of potions to improve your physique. Watch each other carefully when drinking."

 “Thank you, Master.” Minnie put it away and continued to ask: “Master, do you want to eat?”

"Prepare some for me. I have to go out later. Prepare for two days."

 “Oh, okay!” Minnie agreed immediately and went to the kitchen to prepare food.

 Not long after, the food is ready.

Wu Heng put the space ring away and said, "I'm going out for a trip. If someone asks, they tell me that I'm on the island investigating wanted criminals."

 “Understood.” Minnie nodded.

Wu Heng rubbed her rabbit ears and walked out of the residence with the skeleton.

 Call a carriage and go to the port.

 Take a boat and continue to leave Treasure Island.

 The ship sailed all night.

 The next night, the ship approached the island mentioned in the intelligence.

 Looking from a distance.

 You can see several pirate ships with torches.

 Extraordinarily eye-catching in the dark night.

Philippa's information is still accurate, these pirates are still here.


 Looked at it from a distance for a while.

Granda flew back from a distance and said: "There are three ships in total, and a few people are left to guard each ship. There are more people on the island, almost two hundred people, dancing around the lit bonfire, and dancing It’s ugly.”

 “Are there any defense measures?”

"I didn't notice them. They were all drunk and staggering around. If we just rushed up, it wouldn't be a big problem." Granda said.

Wu Heng nodded, "Shark Tooth, bring the ship closer."

 The approach of the ship also attracted the attention of the pirates guarding the ship.

 But there were no torches lit here, and the outline of the ship could only be seen faintly by the moonlight.

Wu Heng took out the bronze key and opened the boundary gate at the wooden door of the cabin.

 Revealing a large area of ​​skeletons behind.

 Give a direct order, "Come out and kill the pirates on the ship and on the island."


 A large number of skeletons walked out of the boundary gate and jumped into the sea like dumplings.

 Approaching the island ahead.

 While watching from a distance.

Like a colony of ants, they crowded onto the pirate ship.

 More skeletons continue to approach the island.


 Horseshoe Island.

The pirates gathered around the bonfire.

 Sing and dance to celebrate this harvest.

In the distance, the captain was also holding a wine glass and kept pouring wine into his mouth. Beside him were the touting crew members.

 Laughter, shouting.

And the sound of discussions about where to go to have fun after dividing the money filled the surroundings of the campfire.

 Just because everyone is in a good mood.

 When you are immersed in joy.

 Suddenly, three pirates guarding the ship ran over in panic.

Haunted loudly: "The undead, the undead have robbed the ship."

 “Captain, there are souls, many souls.”

 “Damn it, stop drinking.”

 The captain and a few sober people stood up.

 Looking towards the direction where the ship is docked.

 On the deck of the pirate ship, skeletons wearing leather armor appeared one after another.

“Get up, pick up your weapons, and fight with me to take back the ship.” The captain turned around and shouted loudly.

 “Captain, that, over there...” Someone pointed forward, his voice trembling.

 The captain turned back.

 Then he saw the sea rolling, and densely packed skeletons walking out of the sea.

Holding a battle ax in hand, he rushed towards me like an evil spirit crawling out of the abyss.

 (End of this chapter)