MTL - Necromancers Are Frantically Stationing Troops In the Apocalypse-Chapter 359 , Skeleton Drifter

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Chapter 359, Skeleton Drifter

He and Sheila Gui went to their office and study together.

Took out the space ring obtained from the dwarf.

This time, Shiragui and other teams were involved in the capture of the dwarf, and several people were slightly injured.

 The spoils of war still have to be divided up.

 Every item was taken out.

 Two big-headed puppets, three human-shaped puppets, some material parts, carving tools, daily necessities, gold and silver coins, a book [Detailed Explanation of Ghost Puppet Types and Runes], and a space ring.

 “Are these puppets worth anything?” Wu Heng asked.

 Two big-headed puppets, one can spray oil and the other one can spray fire.

 The attack method is rather strange, and in the parts on the side, you can also see the device for releasing the crossbow.

 “Well, thank you very much, deacon.”


 The deputy captain and some important members of the fleet were brought to the association for investigation.

This dwarf puppet master also has a lot of money.

Even if there are a lot of members participating, everyone can get some share, which is more than the bounty for ordinary wanted criminals.

  Should be replaceable.


The team that went to capture Captain Ewald came back.

  Lift off the outer layer of armor.

 The merchant group's ships were also temporarily detained and were not allowed to leave their posts.

As expected, people disappeared.

 If you really do this, it’s easy to fall back into it.

“Puppet controllers are relatively rare and may not be easy to sell. You can give them to the association in exchange for some merit.” Sheela stood up and checked the structure of the puppets.

  That’s right, the work was not in vain.

 After the spoils were distributed, Sheila Gui left directly and continued busy with her own affairs.

 The body has been in the morgue for several days.

 It is also a profession that requires practical skills and high intelligence.

“Deacon, are you looking for me?” Wu Heng opened the door and walked in.

Imiro put down the document in his hand and said: "We haven't found that person. If he either escaped or was silenced, he will appear on the wanted order and it will be difficult for him to pose a threat to you."

“After the investigation is completed, the murder of Manager Buck will be closed, and the body will be returned to their business group.”

 The structure inside the puppet is really complex, unlike the skeleton, which has a simple skeleton.

 It’s like disappearing from the world.

 Divide it into several portions according to value, and then distribute them to each team together.

The person has been killed by Kalema. Unless Wu Heng kills him and interrogates the body, it will be difficult to find out where the person is with the investigation methods in this place.

 Relatively rough.

Imiro said: "At that time, I will have people investigate his family and some background, and assassinate the deputy deacon of the association. It does not mean that it will end when the person is not found."

 Deacon's study.

 The two gathered the remaining items together.

Of course, this person will definitely not be found.

 It’s time to send it back.

 The other three humanoid puppets should be imitating "Wu Heng" to kill the merchant group managers.

 One of the long-handled hammers is made of wood.

 Continue to check below.

Imiro behaved very strongly in this matter. If he really found the captain, he would probably kill Wenzhi directly.

“Let’s ask the team then. If no one wants it, we can exchange it for merit.”

 Sheela Gui also nodded in agreement.

"It all depends on the deacon's arrangement." Wu Heng said, and then continued: "I want to investigate some of the background of 'Ewald', and I am very curious about his purpose of harming me."

Wu Heng would not do this either.


 On the puppet frame, etched runes can also be seen.

  This person was not found either in the tavern where he lived or on the boat.

"I have no opinion."

“That’s it for now. I’ll let you know if there is any progress on this matter.”

 “Okay, then I’ll go back first.”

Imiro nodded, "Go back!"

Wu Heng walked back out of the deacon's study.

On the way, I happened to meet Sheila Gui.

 “Why are you going?” Sheela asked.

 “Go home, have you just finished your work?”


Wu Heng thought for a moment and said, "How about I treat you all to dinner tonight as a way of thanking you."

“The association is quite busy right now. Going out to celebrate together will have a bad impact.” Sheila Gui said directly.

 “Then let’s wait for another day, when we have time.”

 Sheila Gui nodded.

Wu Heng continued to ask: "When will Kalema leave?"

“I just heard from him and the deacon that it’s a boat ticket for tomorrow.”

 “Oh, I thought he was going to live from here.”

 “I don’t like him very much either.”

The two of them walked and chatted, and Shiragui returned to her study.

Wu Heng left the association directly and walked towards his residence.


 Return to your residence.

 Minnie and Andwyll came out of the room to welcome him.

Minnie asked: "Master, how are you today?"

Wu Heng said: "It's okay. The investigation has cleared up the matter. Wei'er can return to the association tomorrow."

 “Good master.” Anderweil nodded.

Minnie held his arm and asked, "Where is the bad guy who framed you?"

 “There is no longer a threat.”

 “Are they former enemies?” Minnie continued to ask.

"I don't know. The captain of a merchant group is probably related to the secret order or pirates." Wu Heng said.

 “Oh! I thought it was my former enemy!”

 “Probably not.”

 The three of them entered the living room together.

Minnie brought some fruit from the kitchen and said, "Can I go out and buy something tomorrow? It's not good to ask Sister Shannella to help."

Wu Heng nodded, "Okay. When you go out, take the skeleton attendant with you. If there is any danger, just run back."

 “Hey, I got it!” Minnie smiled, picked up two pieces of cut fruit, and put them into his mouth.

 The crisis is resolved.

Wu Heng and the two women also felt much more relaxed.

 Otherwise, there was always a sense of crisis in my heart.

A few people chatted for a while about what to eat for dinner to celebrate.

The two women were getting ready, while Wu Heng walked upstairs.


Passing through the third floor, Wu Heng entered the radio station’s room and took a look.

 After confirming that there was no news from ‘Philippa’,

 Go directly to the fourth floor.

 After simply freshening up, he opened the door and headed to the zombie world.

 Go out of the dormitory and go directly to the backyard.

 Take out the body of 'Kerimu', let the skeleton untie the straw mat, and take off the armor on his body.

 The armor on Kerimu also looks very good.

  However, the breastplate was hit by the sword of ‘Imiro’, leaving a gap.

 Looks like it's scrapped.

 After all the equipment was taken off and put aside.

Wu Heng directly released [Bone Slave Technique].

Necromantic magic wrapped the corpse, the flesh and blood began to fall off, and the white bones were slowly exposed.

 Then, the blue soul fire rose from the eye sockets, and the skeleton sat up from the ground.

  【Skeleton Drifter (Level 17)】

 Level 17!

  Not level 16.

 One level short of reaching level 18.

 No wonder he was so rampant and causing trouble everywhere. Once he reaches level 18, even if he kills himself, he may be pardoned for some reasons.

 But now he is his own skeleton attendant.

 My own strength can be considered to have been improved to a certain extent.

    Waiting to come out of the minced meat.

Wu Heng also began to check the attributes of the skeleton.

  【Skeleton Drifter (Level 17)】

 【Attributes: Constitution 33, Strength 35, Agility 38, Intelligence 22, Perception 34, Charisma 12.】

  【Characteristics: Hollow skeleton, intermediate soul, war dancer. 】

 【Feats: Leather Armor Specialization (Advanced), Single-Edged Sword Specialization (Master), Basic Sword Specialization (Intermediate)…. 】

  【Ability: Disarming Sword Technique, Precise Strike, Agile Speed, Sharp Brilliance, Intuitive Dodge, Ultimate Killing. 】

Wu Heng looked at the skills of the entire profession.

He raised his eyebrows slightly. From the overall attribute point of view, the Drifter is an agile melee profession.

Characteristics: high agility, low strength and low perception.

 In terms of ability, Wu Heng opened it and took a look.

 In addition to various combat abilities.

  Focused on [War Dancer] and [Intuitive Dodge].

  【War Dancer】: Agile movement, swift and precise sword skills, proficient in conventional sword weapons, agility +5, perception +3.

 Increased Agility and Perception.

  【Intuition Dodge】: Use intuition to detect danger and dodge.

 Whether it was his own machine gun fire or Anderweil's sniping from a distance.

 Keranmu can even dodge subconsciously.

Especially the sniper attack from a distance. Although he did not avoid the bullet, he also relied on his movements to avoid key positions.

 Dodging sniper bullets is something you don’t even dare to do in movies.

 Wu Heng is quite satisfied with the attributes of the skeleton.

 Just the ability to get tattoos and the ability to release clouds are gone.

“From now on, you will still be called ‘Keranmu’, put on your armor!” Wu Heng said.

 Keranmu walked aside and began to put on the armor that had been taken off.

 After putting it on.

Wu Heng took out the Ningwu Evil Sword and handed it to him, "You use this weapon."

 The skeleton took it and held it in his hand.

Wu Heng looked at it for a while, confirmed that nothing had changed, and then walked back with it.

  The side effect of the evil sword is that it affects the user's psyche.

Logically speaking, skeleton attendants do not have these things.

 And when the evil sword touches the water mist, it can flash behind the enemy. Let’s see how to match it.


 He returned to the courtyard with two skeleton attendants.

 Qi Hancai also walked over from not far away.

 Looking at Shou Kerimu, there was some curiosity in his eyes.

The one he carried before was a double-sworded skeleton, and his fighting style was quite brave.

 Now the bodyguards have been changed.

He glanced at it several times before looking away and said: "People from the military came yesterday and sold us a batch of military supplies."


Wu Heng frowned.

 The price of military equipment in the old factory area is relatively low. The other party has tried to negotiate with this company several times before.

 I want to increase the proportion of grain exchange.

It’s just that Wu Heng has been busy with other things recently and hasn’t paid much attention to this matter.

 This is a batch sold?

“What did you exchange for?”

“Radio equipment, communication headsets, and some bulletproof vests, helmets, etc., the prices are all set externally. If they come to exchange, they will be exchanged normally.” Qi Hancai explained.

 The military ones are definitely better than the civilian ones.

 But in large quantities, they are of little use.

 “Do you know why they sell so much to outsiders?”

Qi Hancai thought for a moment and said: "It feels like they are leaving here. In addition to exchanging food with us, they are also recruiting a few shelters for people with supernatural powers. During the chat, they also vaguely expressed that they can provide a safer place. Ask us if we want to join.”

 Evacuate? Before complete road closures in winter?

 After listening to Qi Hancai’s words, Wu Heng thought of this instantly.

 This is entirely possible.

 Find a shelter more suitable for survival, or join the main force.

 They may choose to leave.

 This means exchanging all the unused or surplus things for food.

 Fortunately, I agreed to give more food before.

 Otherwise, the other party is afraid that they will all come to our side.

Wu Heng continued: "You can ask them for some information first. As for joining them, there is no need. Our side is relatively safe and stable, and we don't need to talk about the situation on his side."

"Well, I'll ask around then." Qi Hancai nodded and continued to ask: "Are you ready to clean up the zombies?"

 “Just these two days, I’ll see when I have time.”


 The two of them walked around the factory area.

 After confirming that there were no problems here, Wu Heng returned to the dormitory.

 Qi Hancai also went to do his own business.


 Treasure Island.

Wu Heng walked downstairs.

Minnie’s eyes widened and she pointed at the skeleton following behind her, “It’s him, the one who killed Bloody Hand.”

 The appearance characteristics of Keran wood are very obvious.

Even if there are no facial features, one can recognize them immediately by looking at their body shape and appearance.

Andwyer also looked up and recognized the skeleton.

Wu Heng nodded, "After killing it, it was transformed into a skeleton, which just filled the position of the **** hand."

"Oh!" Minnie walked around in a circle, "This can be considered as atonement for the previous behavior."

“Yeah! Minnie can still speak well now.”

 Minnie smiled, raising her head with pride on her face, "I've been reading recently."

Anderweil also said: "They are all novels."

 “Go, go! Sister Wei’er is so annoying.” Minnie said dissatisfied.

 Soon, dinner was served.

 In order to celebrate Wu Heng's reinstatement, preparations were more abundant.

 Have had dinner.

 The three of them went to the courtyard for training and then returned to the room together.


 In the bathroom.

 Steam rises.

Wu Heng soaked comfortably in the tub and exhaled heavily.

 Lying on the edge, he couldn't help but think about the remaining things.

 “Only Kalema remains!”

The only person involved in this matter is the inspector’s envoy Kalema.

 During the day, I even apologized to myself.

 Looking like he didn't know anything about it.

At that time, I wanted to tell his story and let 'Imiro' directly check his space ring. Maybe the body was inside.

 “Still pretending to be with me!”

"No, does he know that the ghost is following him, and he is not afraid of breaking up with me!"

Thinking about it this way, it’s really possible!

 A mage on the other side, who is also the association's special envoy, may not be able to stop the ghost from following, but it is very likely that the ghost will be discovered.

 Be prepared in advance and don’t be afraid to speak up yourself.

 “Old fox!”

 “It depends on which ship you get on tomorrow.”

 The bathroom door is open.

Minnie and Andwyer walked in directly, wrapped in bath towels.

 Beautiful arm collarbones and straight calves are exposed.

“Master, we haven’t washed together for a long time.” Minnie came over and hugged her neck from behind.

 “You can wash it together at any time!” Wu Heng smiled.

Andwyer also leaned over and gently rubbed his arms.

 Waiting for a while to wash.

Wu Heng said softly: "Weier, come in!"

Anderweil's face turned red, she nodded slightly, stepped into the tub, and sat looking at each other.

 Sitting in the tub, the towel floated up, revealing a large area of ​​skin.

Wu Heng grabbed her ribs and moved her in his direction.

Anderweil also lay on top of him.

Minnie smiled and asked curiously: "Sister Wei'er, are you comfortable?"

 “Stop talking nonsense!”

 After a while, Wu Heng pulled Minnie in again.

 It’s almost done washing.

  Hold the rabbit girl wrapped around him and walk towards the bedroom.


 The next day.

Wu Heng and Andeweier went to the association together.

 Anderweil has to work as an assistant again.

Wu Heng wanted to send Kalema off the island and at the same time confirm which ship he was on.

 Arrived at the association.

Wu Heng never found anyone to say goodbye to.

  directly knocked on the door of ‘Sheila Gui’’s study room.

After opening the door, Shiragui looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

 “Aren’t you going to see Kalema off today?” Wu Heng asked.

Sheila Gui said: "Let's go. I changed my plan temporarily and left the port early this morning."


 (End of this chapter)

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