MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1188 Breakthrough in battle

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The first one hundred and eighty-eight chapters break through the battle

"I really can't think of it, Tuoyuan is so powerful." Moyu shocked.

The sword sighed infinitely: "Yes, we are really old, and now it is the world of young people."

Long Chen said: "If Takuya is willing, I really want to hand over the city to him, and I have to go out to travel."

Shadow Hua is somewhat worried: "Ono is no problem."

Shan Fengyang laughed and said: "Don't worry too much. Since Takuno swears to swear with the Holy Path, he is sure to be sure."


Takino wilderness cast a boxing method, and the result was not the holy road, but also fell to the disadvantage.

He immediately took out the ruin of the sky, urging the destruction of the heavens and the holy road.

The Holy Path has long seen the power of ruining the heavens. He is very cautious, and it is not easy to destroy the heavenly seal to hurt him.

Takino’s continuous attack was costly, and he did not even pay attention to himself.

The sacred sacred scorpion continually lured the Takino wilderness and consumed the power of Takino.

In less than an hour, Takuno’s divine power was exhausted, and some support could not continue.

"Haha... Takino, your power is almost exhausted. It seems that I am also fighting back." The holy road laughed.

When the voice just fell, he launched a storm, the same is the heavenly holy punch, more than double the power of the previous.

Takuya is indeed very expensive, he has no way to continue to attack, and he hastened to display the body of the demon, first seeking self-protection.

However, the attack on the Cause of God is too fierce, one after another.

After a while, the body of the demon collapsed and Takuno was hit hard.

After all, compared with the Holy Path, he is still tender, and this will happen.

"Too Takino, this time you are dead, I will never let you leave alive." Holy Road cold shouted.

"Dement, soul, soul, soul."

Takino wildly took out the soul-killing horn, and at the same time spurred the soul of the scorpio, and displayed the strongest attack.

His own power of God's mind can kill the strongest of Jinxianjing's peaks, cooperate with the soul-killing horns, and the soul of the scorpio, and it should not be difficult to deal with the strongest of the early kings.

However, whether he can deal with the Holy Path is still unknown.

"Ah." The holy road screamed out.

He has a powerful soul defense fairy, and the soul is still hurt.

It is very painful to hurt the soul.

Takuya had a role in the fight and finally won the respite.

Today, his body of demon is destroyed and his body is hit hard.

In this case, he can't care so much.

He immediately refines the body's twelve chaotic chaos, and breaks and stands behind to repair the flesh.

Otherwise, the battle can't continue, he will die.

He ordered the magical day, the five elements of the beast, and the frosty dragon to hold the holy road for a moment, giving him time to quickly restore the physical strength.

Although the chaos of the gas is only twelve, how powerful, all of a sudden refining, the body of Takuno is somewhat unbearable.

He did not dare to neglect and quickly began to cultivate the body of the Buddha.

He used to cultivate the body of the gods and Buddhas, and there were some unsmooth places. With the power of chaos, all became unimpeded.

The soul of the holy road was injured. He took the elixir and soon he was fine. He saw that Takino had a thoughtful mind and a smile.

"Takino, I have to say, you are the strongest young man I have met, and the person who is the most qualified to be my opponent. Unfortunately, you are still too young. I saw it last time, your ruin It is powerful and can be consumed too much. I just took advantage of this to be able to hit you. Now, you are ready to die." The Holy Path is very proud.

"Ono, don't." The shadows screamed out.

She was anxious and couldn't wait to rush to the top and replace the wilderness.

However, Longchen stopped her and said: "The shadows, we can't intervene, because they have already sworn. If we intervene, the holy road will have an excuse to kill us all. At that time, we will let Takino is distracted."

"Shadows, you see that the powerful beasts in the wilderness have protected him. He is not in danger for the time being." Shan Fengyang also said.

The five elements of the beast and the frosty dragon listened to the order and indeed protected the Takino.

They all know the power of the Cause, knowing that they are not opponents, or that they are not returning to the front and stopping in front of the Cause.

The Holy Path saw the five elements of the beast and the frosty dragon, and said coldly: "Don't think that I want to conquer you, I won't kill you, you'd better let go."

The ice thunder is cold: "Too Takino waits for me as a predecessor, but also saves the frost. If we die, we must block your attack."

The five elements of the beasts did not speak, and they had deeper feelings with Takino, and they would not leave.

"The five elements are in one."

"Ice field."

They have made moves and tried to delay some time.

The magical sky and the warm jade holy ganoderma lucidum also shot, countless vines stretched out and entangled the holy road.

The sacred attack of the warm jade holy ganoderma also brought some trouble to the holy path.

The Holy Way naturally knows that Takuno has no words, and there are no more than ten strong people who come out to help Takuno.

Since there is no violation of the oath, the Holy Path cannot say anything, but he is very angry.

"Since you are looking for death, you and I will kill you first."


The holy road shows the heavenly holy punch, and the vines of the magical sky all collapse.

The vine is the body of the magical sky, breaking so many vines, the magic of the sky was hit hard.

However, he desperately injected some venom into the body of the Holy Ghost, and the souls that attacked the Holy Path in those venoms could weaken the power of the Cause.

The warmth of the Ganoderma lucidum is also very powerful. The soul of the Holy Path was injured, and it was attacked again. It hurts and hurts.

"Ah..." The holy road roared and launched a storm.

He was in the middle of a boxing, and suddenly there was a bottomless hole in the ground.

Fortunately, the magical day saw the situation is not right, with the warm jade holy Ganoderma lucidum fled.

The magical sky and the warm jade holy ganoderma escaping, the holy eyes are red, and the five elements of the beast and the frosty dragon become the object of his venting.

The Five Elements of the Beast and the Frost Dragon have been fully resisted, and they are still against the Holy Path.

They all flew out and were not hurt.

If it weren’t for the sacred words, it’s estimated that they were not dead and were seriously injured.

The five elements of the beast and the frosty dragon stood up and rushed to the holy road.

Because Takino is still practicing, they can't see death.

"You don't know how to be too embarrassed, don't blame me for being mad."

He shot again, this time using all his strength.

The five elements of the beast and the frost dragon all flew out, this time they were all hit hard, breathless, and even screams could not be made.

They have done their best, but the gap between the strength of the Holy Path is too great and there is no delay.

"Too Takino, your helpers are gone, let it die." The Holy Path attacked Takino.

"Don't." Shadows broke away from Longchen and rushed over.

There are also Qin beasts, they have also flew out, to rescue the Takino.

They don't care so much, anyway, they can't look at Takino to die.

However, they are far away, and when they arrive, they are definitely too late.

The cultivation of Takino is at a critical moment, and the last level of the body of the Buddha is also the most difficult level, and it is impossible to rush.

He knew what was going on outside, he was anxious, but it didn't work.

He had no choice but to mobilize the steadfast scorpion, while at the same time urging the gods to fully mobilize the power of the gods to resist the attack of the Holy Path.

The attack of the Holy Path fell on the Takino wilderness, and the Takino wilderness did not resist, but guided the whole force and guided the power of the Holy Grail to help him rush.

The Holy Path is full of blows, and the power is amazing.

With the help of his strength, Takuya suddenly broke through the entrance and cultivated the body of the Buddha to Xiaocheng.

If you change someone, you can't do it. It must be both human and powerful. It is not for everyone.

Otherwise, the power of the Cause can be enough to destroy everything in an instant.

The body of the **** Buddha was small, and Takuno said with a big smile.

"Haha... Holy Road, I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the way to cultivate the body of the Buddha." Takuno laughed.

At this time, there is no time to give him a solid realm. If he does not stand up, they will be close to them, and they will be able to stop their sacred roads.

Takino stood up, and they immediately stopped their footsteps and retired. They had self-knowledge and would not become the burden of Takuno.

"Ono is okay, it's great." Shadows sighed.

The Qin beast smiled and said: "I know that the Tuoba brothers are the most powerful and will never be easily knocked down."

The Holy Way did not look for the Qin beast and they were in trouble. Seeing that Takuno was not only blocking his attack, but also breaking through the cultivation, he was unbelievable.

"You are a freak, I am called a freak myself, but compared with you, I am far away." Shengdao exclaimed.

Even if Takuno had broken through the cultivation, the Holy Path still had the confidence to kill him, so the Holy Path did not care too much.

"Holy, you are too prized. Without your help, I have no way to practice the body of the Buddha so quickly." Takuya smiled.

Indeed, he had already broken some power from the porch, and as a result the attack of the Holy Path came, and he mobilized the power of the Cause.

How violent it is to attack the Holy Path. If he did not cultivate the magic of the devil, if he did not cultivate the power of God, he could not call the power of the Holy Spirit at a critical juncture.

Now that the body of the Buddha has broken through, Takuno has surprisingly discovered that his power has increased dramatically, reaching 2,800 million pounds.

His divine power was repaired, and it was enough to compare with the strong man who was cultivated in the late period.

The divine power is improved, and he has the confidence to fight the holy road.

"Too Takino, all this is in vain, I will kill you."

Immediately, he launched a fierce attack again, and he made all his efforts, and the power was shocking.

Takuya hastened to display the first-style hand of the sacred palm and the martial arts martial arts to fight with the holy road.

Before that, Takuno was overcast, and this time he dared not use the ruined sky.

It’s too much power to destroy the sky.

In the face of such a close opponent as the Holy Path, the destruction of the sky can not win in one fell swoop, but will waste power, which is not conducive to a lasting battle.

Anyway, his divine power has been restored, and he tries to tremble with the holy road and consume the power of the Holy Path.

After all, the holy road has been fighting for so long, and the consumption is not small.

Takuya also wants to count the holy road, consume his power, and then deal with him.

The sacred road was very embarrassing, and soon I saw the idea of ​​Takino wild, and coldly said: "Too Takino, you want to learn from me, I don't think you think about it."

"Tiandao holy punch, the heavens are destroyed."

In order to make a quick decision, the Holy Path will display the strongest attack.

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