MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1181 Sanctuary

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The first thousand one hundred and eighty-one chapter holy guard

"My ancestors, I am the 129th generation of the Shadow Demon family. My name is Shadow Flower. The Shadow Demon has ceased to exist. Most of the people are destroyed. Only a few people have escaped. The Yi people only have me. And Chen Guilong." Shadowhua said that the sad place, shed tears.

"Tell me, tell me, ... who did it?"

Takuya's seeing shadows and shadows are the same people, so I don't worry.

He sat down and began to deal with the lack of film.

The shadowless release of the film is extremely overbearing, and the poisoned baby can't be swallowed for a while.

Shadow flower 妃 silence for a moment, said: "Old ancestors, I really can't bear to tell you, but I have to tell you, see you shot against Takino, I know that you are a saint, and destroy us The enemies of the Devils, the holy saints of the Holy Day, the Holy Sepulchre of the Holy Land is obsessed with the Holy Family of the Holy Immortals, so the Holy Family is the greatest enemy of our Shadow Devils."

The shadow is stunned, and he does not accept it.

The Holy Way has grace for him, but he has destroyed his people.

Let him face the Cause, even he does not know.

"Shadows, you are telling the truth." After a long time, the shadow asked.

"Old ancestors, if you don't believe it, you can ask other people, they are all here," Shadow Hua said.

He immediately contacted Chen Guilong and let Chen Guilong come to see him.

After Chen Guilong arrived, he saw the film at a glance and then asked: "Who is he?"

"He is the shadow of the thirty-seventh generation of our Shadow Demon family. He has something to ask you," said Shadowhua.

The film looked at Chen Guilong and asked: "Chen Guilong, the shadow magic family is a genie, who is doing it."

"St. Zonggan, in order to revenge, we have been secretly dealing with the Holy Family, entering the Holy Immortals these years, we have assassinated many of the strong of the Holy Family." Chen Guilong said.

"Sheng Zong, Sheng Zong, ..." Shadow muttered to himself, then suddenly disappeared and disappeared.

"What happened to the ancestors." Chen Guilong did not understand.

The shadow of the flower buds is very difficult to read. He said: "The ancestor is a saint, and he can't accept it for a while."

She suddenly remembered the extension of the wilderness, and quickly said: "No, Xiaoye has a shadowless murder of the ancestors, should let the ancestors help Xiaoye detoxification."

Recently, I have often been with other powerful powerhouses. The shadow flower is not called Takuya's ‘little husband’. She is worried about sweeping the face of Takino.

"Lord, you are fine." Chen Guilong asked.

"Don't bother with Ono, he is dealing with no film poison, blame me, forget to let the ancestors detoxify."

Takuya is fighting fiercely with the lack of film, and there is no reason to think about it and Han Guilong.

The other women were anxious and there was no way to comfort them.

The shadowless poison can kill the late Jinqiangjing strong, and the poison is extremely incomparable.

There are a lot of shadowless poisons in the wilderness of the wilderness. If he did not cultivate himself, he would have died.

Now he is urging the poisonous baby to devour all the poisons. If the shadowless poison can be swallowed up, the poison of his poisonous baby will become even bigger.

He has no thoughts on his mind. The most urgent task is to swallow up the shadowless poison. Only in this way can he save his life.

The shadowless poison is just awesome. Takuya wilderness uses the power of the gods to cooperate. It takes a few hours for the poisonous baby to consume the shadowless poison.

Takuya did not want to worry about her woman, stood up and said with a smile: "I am fine."

A few women jumped up in joy, and there were tears in their eyes.

They are extremely dependent on Takino, and if Takuno is really in trouble, they don't know what to do.

"Ono, I am not good, it is the people of the Shadow Demon family who are dealing with you. It is also our ancestor, the name is Shadow."

Takuya smiled and said: "Sister, don't blame yourself, I don't blame you. I can see that the film is definitely a person who is very trustworthy. If you can convince him to join us, then we can understand the holy. More things are going on."

Shadow Hua sighed: "I also want to convince him to deal with the Holy Family, but he disappeared and disappeared. We can't contact him at all."

"Sister, don't worry, the shadows will definitely appear in the predecessors." Takuya wild bamboo is in the chest.

I haven't seen the tribe for a long time, and I finally saw the shadows, and I will definitely look for them.

"Ono, you can rest assured that as long as the ancestors appear, I must persuade him to deal with the saints." Shadowhua said.

In the night, the shadow found the shadows.

"Old ancestors, you already know that the biggest enemy of our Shadow Magic family is the Holy Family. What are you going to do?"

"I just want to tell you, I will help you to deal with the saints. Since the saints have destroyed our shadows, then I will not care about any kindness."

He is a killer and he was originally a very cold person.

He remembered that he had been a thief in his fatherhood and had done so many things for the Cause of God. He wanted to commit suicide because he felt sorry for his own people.

However, he also knows that he must not die like this. He also seeks revenge for the Holy Path.

"Old ancestor, Ono asked me to ask you, do you know the bottom of the holy road?" Shadowhua said.

"What is Xiaoye?"

"Old ancestor, Ono is the person you want to kill. He is called Takino, and it is also my husband. With the help of him, we have destroyed the holy sacred land of the Holy Land," said Shadow Flower.

The film nodded: "Takino is a very powerful young man. I often listen to him in the holy way. He has no evil in me. Nothing."

"Old ancestors, you can rest assured, Ono has already resolved the lack of film poison."

"It's really good, I can solve my no-poisoning, and I can't find a few people in the holy world."

"Old ancestors, don't say Xiaoye, or talk about the situation of the Holy Way."

Shake his head and say: "I am the shadow of the Holy Path. It is the closest person to the Holy Path. But I don't know much about the bottom of the Cause. I only know that the Holy Path is very powerful. His cultivation should now reach the fairy. In the middle of the king, what is the specific strength? I really don't know, because he hasn't shot it for a long time. In addition, I know that the Holy Path has trained a Sanctuary. The number is unknown and the strength is unknown. You should be careful."

"Old ancestor, thank you for telling me this."

He does not know much, but he knows more about it than the average person.

The Sanctuary, even the Holy One does not know, shadow at least knows that such a team exists.

"Shadows, you are careful, I will go back first." Shadow said.

Shadow Hua said: "Old ancestors, are you not with us?"

Shake his head and say: "I will wait for the opportunity to assassinate the Holy Path and I will not be with you."

After that, the shadow disappeared without a trace.

"Old ancestors, ancestors... you have to be careful."

Later, after the shadows told him about the situation, he told Takuno, and after Takuno knew it, he was a little heavy.

It is even more difficult to deal with the cultivation of the Holy Path, which has reached the mid-term of the Emperor.

In addition, regarding the Sanctuary, even the shadows only know the name, which is terrible.

According to his understanding of the Holy Path, the strength of the SanGuard is definitely beyond his expectations.

This time against the saints, he is the main force, and he feels a lot of pressure.

It’s going to be a big battle soon, and he can’t do it now.

The time is too short, no matter what it is, it is too late.

"Sister, you have to reserve more strong people, especially the strong man of the mysterious fairyland and the strong man of the golden fairyland. The holy guards do not appear, and the hidden strongmen do not move."

The sanctuary, carefully cultivated by the Holy Path, must be strong and he must be cautious.

As for dealing with the Cause, he only hopes that he will unite with the strongest of the Tianyu League and be able to confront the Holy Path, otherwise things will be troublesome.

Now, they are riding a tiger, if they know the strength of the Holy Way.

He will certainly practice more for a while, at least until the cultivation of the body of the Buddha into the realm of Xiaocheng, and the cultivation of the airflow to the early stage of the Golden Wonderland, in order to deal with the Holy Family.

It’s too late to say anything, and there’s still two days to fight with the Holy Family. He can’t back down.

In the case of the Sanctuary, Takuno did not tell the sword sects, the Ziyue School, the Xiaoyaomen, the Xuan Mozong, the Huanxi School and other five major sects, only told Long Chen and Shan Feng Yang.

He is worried about the morale of many powerful people and is not good for the war.

Anyway, if the Sanctuary appeared, the strongest of the five sects of Sword Xianzong, Ziyue, Xiaoyao, Xuan Mozong, and Huanxi were also unable to deal with it. It was handled by the strongest of Tianyu League. Why bother told them so much, let They are fearful.

Many strong people are in full swing and they are very nervous and excited.

For many strong people, it is absolutely a big thing to be able to destroy the holy sages. It is something that is worthy of their pride for a lifetime.

Therefore, many strong people are excited, but not so afraid of the Holy Family.

This is also because the last time the great defeat of the Holy Family, otherwise they are still more afraid, not excited.

Two days passed and the Holy Spirit was in the battlefield.

This time, the eight forces combined to have thousands of strong people, including Jianxianzong, Ziyuepai, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, and Huanxi, each with four gold fairy powers, plus Tianzhu City and Tiandan City. The strong gold fairyland, a total of thirty-two gold fairyland strong, Tianyu League there are 83 Jinxian Wonderful people, temporarily only sent out 30 gold fairy power strong, other strong people are hidden.

In the case of the Holy Sepulchre, there are five million troops in front of everyone, one thousand and five thousand strong people in the mysterious world, and fifty strong in the golden fairyland.

Before the saints lost so many gold fairyland powers, they were able to dispatch 50 gold fairy powers, which was unexpectedly unexpected.

However, the eight forces temporarily occupied an absolute advantage, and everyone is confident.

The holy road came out and said plainly: "The number of people is really quite a lot. It seems that I have sneered at you. This is also good. Since you have all appeared, I will kill you in one fell swoop."

"Holy, don't blow the atmosphere, can you destroy us, but also see if you have such a skill." Takuya wild voice.

Sword Xianzong, Ziyuepai, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, and the joyful patriarchs did not dare to look at the holy road, because their cultivation was too big for the holy road, and Longchen and Shanfengyang were also pressured. You can't breathe, only the extension of the wilderness is the most relaxed.

"Take wilderness, I really didn't think about it. In a few hundred years, you can actually cultivate to this extent. Your talent is higher than mine. Unfortunately, you should not be an enemy of me. If you are willing to worship me as a teacher, Together with the Shengzong, we can make Shengzong the top sect in a short time.” Shengdao said.

At this time, he is still dreaming, and he can’t bear to kill Takuno.

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