MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1171 The great emperor's great evacuation

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The first one hundred and seventy-one chapter

Takuno did not waste time on the site of the joyful party. He went after the saints who escaped.

In total, a total of 10,000 people who escaped from the sacred sects were basically the strongest of the above-mentioned celestial beings, and the sacred fairy sects occupied 2,300.

His idea is very simple, that is, to leave all the saints strong, and never let them escape.

If he can conquer these strong players, the strength of Tianyu League can be enhanced.

You must know that before the war of the bone witch battlefield, he also received less than 2,000 Xuan Xianqiang strong.

The sacred fairyland who escaped from the sacred ancestor surpassed 2,000 people. If they were all suppressed, the strength of Tianyu League would indeed be greatly improved.

Tuo Yeye tracked all the way, and when the Shengzong strong was tired, he rested and he started to work.

In order to suppress all the saints, the extension of the wilderness first laid a large array around to prevent the saints from fleeing.

All of this was done with the help of Magic Heaven, without disturbing the Holy Power.

The big squad did not open, and the sages were not aware of it at all.

After the big array was arranged, Takuno opened up a large array, and then sent a large number of strong players into the big battle, and started the work of the holy strong.

At the same time, Magic Sky also shot, and began to suppress the Holy Power.

Those saints who are strong are the birds of horror. They are so tired that they are half dead. They have not received enough rest and have been attacked. Not only did their strength not return to their peak, but their morale was lower.

At the beginning of the battle, the saints were in a mess and did not organize effective counterattacks and defenses.

These strong men of the saints were besieged, and the two golden fairy powers hidden in the shadows could not sit still and prepared to rescue them.

Takino had already sent four gold fairy power strongmen, waiting for the two golden fairy powers.

Before the Holy Sepulchre, they lost the Golden Wonderland. They saw that the situation was wrong and immediately withdrew. They did not enter the battlefield of the Witch with the Tianyu League.

They got the order, and even if they gave up their hands, they couldn’t get stuck in it.

In the end, the Golden Wonderland is the most important. If you die, you can quickly replenish it. If the Golden Wonderland is gone, you need to be able to cultivate it.

The Jiujiu Jindan is extremely rare, and Shengzong estimates that he can't get much Jiujiu Jindan.

In the last few thousand sects, there was no rescue. In less than an hour, they were all taken by Takuno, and a few died, and others were suppressed.

Don't underestimate the thousands of strong people, including 2,300 Xuan Xianqiang strong, too important for Tianyu League.

In addition, before the Shengzong and the joyful wars, the Xuan Xianjing strong and the heavenly powers were suppressed. This time, Takino had suppressed 2,400 Xuan Xianqiang strongmen and 20,000 Tianxianqiang strong.

The reason why there are so many mysterious and powerful people is that the strong and powerful people of the sacred celestial beings have also been used, and the sacred fairy sects have had very few deaths, and they have all been suppressed by Takino.

This harvest is also beyond the expectations of Takino.

He was very happy: "It seems that this is too much value. I will go to the Purple Moon School and try to suppress some strong people."

If the saints lose a lot in a row, I am afraid that they will shrink their strength. As a result, there will be no chance for Takino.

Therefore, he must now suppress as many strong as possible, strengthen the strength of Tianyu League, and prepare for the final battle.

At the time of the decisive battle, the five major denominations were not up to date.

The strength of Tiancheng City and Tiandan City is limited, so Tuobaye must find his own way and continue to strengthen the strength of Tianyu League.

A few days later, he appeared in the Purple Moon School, and went to the place where the Ziyue School confronted the Shengzong.

The Ziyue School is similar to the joyful faction. It is also constantly sending out strong harassment, and does not really start with the Shengzong strong.

The order received by the saints is to contain the purple moon, and of course it will not be a slap.

The purple moon faction did this to make the excuse for the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City.

If they don't play, Tiancheng City and Tiandan City can break the supply of Xiandan and Xianzhao. The Purple Moon Party will have big troubles, and they have to do so.

With the previous experience, Takuno quickly let the Ziyue School fight with the Shengzong, and it is a fierce battle.

He has many means to make the holy and the purple moons have the same momentum.

However, he still has the bottom line. He did not use the method of being too mean, but only let the purple moon ‘carelessly’ destroy some of the strong people of the holy.

The saints are so proud, so can't be alive, of course they will not agree.

The saints of the saints counterattacked and then destroyed the strongest of the purple moon.

The hatred of both sides is deepening and, in the end, it cannot be resolved, and it is necessary to really fight.

What's more, the news of the joy to send the victory over the saints is spread, and after the purple moon knows, there is nothing to worry about.

They mobilized 300,000 strong men and besieged the saints.

There are less than 200,000 people in the Shengzong strong, and less than 3,000 in the Xuanxian strong.

Compared with the Purple Moon School, the strength is indeed a lot weaker.

However, the Shengzong strong is indeed powerful, clearly at a disadvantage, but caused a lot of casualties to the Purple Moon.

If Takuno and Moto are secretly helping each other and suppressing many of the saints, I am afraid that it is not easy for the Purple Moon to win.

This war lasted for a longer period of time. In the end, the Holy Family escaped nearly 20,000 strong people, the Purple Moon sent a disastrous victory, and the Purple Moon School lost nearly half of the strong.

They were unable to chase down the saints, and finally they took out the wilderness.

Those who are strong in the saints who know that they are going to deal with the joyful faction are killed on the way to escape, and they are prepared.

It’s a pity that the magical gods are gone, and those who are holy are still trapped.

Takino will not be polite to the saints. As with the last time, most of the saints are suppressed, and only a few are killed.

After all, so many strong people fight, it is normal to die.

In the end, Takino’s inventory was harvested, and a total of 2,100 Xuan Xianqiang and 22,000 Tianxiangqiang were suppressed.

In the two wars, Tuoye did not spend a lot of effort, and the result was the most beneficial, especially the suppression of more than 4,000 Xuan Xianqiang strong, so that Tuoqian is excited.

The sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect was destroyed, and the strongest who escaped disappeared without a trace. After the sect of the sect of the sages knew it, it was known that some people had made a ghost.

"The sovereign, we must withdraw the strong sent out, or I will probably die."

"The Sovereign, obviously someone is under the black hand of our holy sage, our golden fairyland powers want to come forward to rescue, and the result is met by the Golden Wonderland, they have to come back."

The sacred face is a bit ugly, and sighs: "Too Takino, I really looked down on you. It must have been shot by Takino. He secretly provoked the contradiction between our people and the joyous and purple moons. He took advantage of the opportunity to get the benefits. The people we fled should be destroyed by Tianyu League. Until now, I am sure that Tianyu League has at least four gold fairy powers, and there should be only a lot."

"The Sovereign, Takino in the dark, is very unfavorable to us. We must find a way to destroy Tianyu League and Tuoye, so as to deal with Tiancheng City, Tiandan City and the five major denominations."

"It is not easy to destroy Takino and Tianyu. It is necessary to think long-term and think about the best policy." Shengdao said: "Now I ordered that all of us should be withdrawn and set up defense lines on the peripheral sites of the Holy Family. I believe The seven forces of Tianqicheng, Tiandancheng, Jianxianzong, Ziyuepai, Xiaoyaomen, Xuan Mozong, and Huanxipai will not give up such opportunities. They will definitely send troops to deal with us. We will wait for them and wait for them. Sent to the door."

"The lord is wise."

As soon as the command of the Holy Path came out, the remaining five roads of the Holy Family were all evacuated, and even the saints who were near the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City left.

They dare not stay there again because they are worried about being counted.

The saints have lost seven or eight hundred thousand strong people before and after, and the losses are extremely heavy.

The casualties of Tiancheng City and Tiandan City are not large. Instead, the Huanxi and Ziyue factions are more casual.

If the Shengzong strong man does not withdraw, then the other five-way army is also likely to return, and it is not a greater loss.

Therefore, they were helpless and had to evacuate.

Originally, Takuno wanted to suppress some of the saints, and as a result, they got the news of their evacuation, and they rushed back to the city.

"Xuanyu, Huanxai, Ziyuepai are all pushing you up." Longchen asked with a smile.

"Or the master knows me. I see that they have no fighting in battle, so they helped them." Takuya said with a smile.

He is very happy, but fortunately this time, otherwise you can not conquer so many strong.

"Xuan Yu, this thing has done a beautiful job, so that the saints have been evacuated. Next, we should mobilize the army and kill the site of the saints." Long Chen was obviously a little excited.

Takuya said: "Master, you think we have to deal with the Holy Family, how much is a chance."

"Not less than 50%, don't look at the loss of so many strong people in the Holy Family. In fact, they have not hurt the roots of the Holy Family. Their golden fairy powers must be hidden a lot, and the strength of the Holy Path is unfathomable. Deal with it." Long Chen sighed.

"In this case, then the matter of attacking the saints must be long-term, we must not worry, now we should be anxious about the saints, not us." Takuya wild laughed.

He has conquered so many people, and his master's cultivation time is not long.

If he can drag on for a while, he will have more breakthroughs in his efforts, and the strength of Tianyu League will be stronger.

In particular, the top seven beasts, now taking the second ninety-nine Jindan, have not yet broken through.

In other words, he still needs time to prepare, not eager for a big battle.

The holy side is different. I certainly know that he has been messing up and definitely wants to destroy him and Tianyu League.

If he and the strongest of Tianyu League are concealed and retreat, the Shengzong strong can't find anyone, and they will definitely be anxious.

Let the enemy be anxious, better than worrying.

Long Chen thought about it and said: "I will call the high-level, five sectarian high-level leaders, and everyone will discuss it, and then prepare for it."

"Master, I will not intervene in these matters. I have to retreat for a while and try to make the repairs even further." Takuya said.

The things that deal with the five sects have always been done by Long Chen and Shan Feng Yang. He is too lazy to intervene.

Moreover, he does need time to cultivate, and there are still many things to prepare.

He has so many cards, and many of them have not used them. He has to sort them out and forget them when they are free.

At the same time, he also wants to see what the reaction of the Holy Family is. He believes that the Holy Family will not be willing to give up.

The saint has lost so many strong people, and he must revenge. He knows that the most wanted of the saints to destroy is not the Tiancheng City and the Tiandan City, but he and Tianyu League.

Read The Duke's Passion