MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1120 Magic dragon

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The first one hundred and twenty-two chapters of the dragon

Many people tend to complicate matters. The three sons want to destroy all the ice bears. It is naturally difficult to come up with a solution.

This time, Takino decided to no longer remind them.

The three-way army has not lost many people. If they go to the depths of the magic cave together, it is not conducive to the extension of the wilderness.

Anyway, he did not like the flow of the three sons, let them lose some of their talents.

The three sons negotiated for a long time and finally made a decision to divide the team into small teams and kill the ice bears.

The ice bear is very strong, and it is more appropriate to divide it into small teams to deal with the ice bear.

Just fighting the ice bears is not good for them.

Takuya was too lazy to speak, and he followed the team.

Finally, a team of three people, Yuzhuwei, Tuoyeye, and Seven Girls, did not form a team with others.

They can't reveal their identity. The best way is not to mix with other people.

What's more, their strength is not weak, and it is no problem to deal with the ice bear.

"Kill." With the orders of the three sons, more than 20 strong men, three or five people, and dozens of people, a team, killed the glaciers, launched an impact on the ice bear.

Those ice bears were alarmed and they were not happy. They were very angry when they saw so many humans rushing to them.


The ice bear patted his chest, roared, and opened his mouth, revealing **** teeth.

These ice bears have just rushed to eat some practitioners, and it seems that they are still unfinished.

The cultivators were killed together with the ice bears, and the situation was very fierce.

Those ice bears are thick and thick, and they are really difficult to deal with.

Even if the practitioners deal with the ice bears, some teams are destroyed by the ice bears, mainly the ice bears that suddenly emerged, which makes people invincible, often causing great casualties to the practitioners.

There are also some teams like Tuoba, who are not entangled with the ice bears, but are moving fast, trying to avoid the ice bears and not fighting hard with the ice bears.

Takino wilderness is fast to the extreme, even if it encounters the ice bear, it will not be entangled with the ice bear, and the jade bamboo blame will directly shock the ice bear, and then they will continue to run.

Soon, some strong people saw it, and they also had the same kind of learning, trying not to entangle with the ice bear.

Unfortunately, most of the strong have already fought with the ice bears, and it is impossible to get out.

The battle was extremely fierce and it was difficult to kill the ice bears at a time.

The three sons also clamored: "Fast, get rid of the ice bear as soon as possible, and cross the glacier as fast as possible."

They are not blind, and naturally know what methods are best.

The awkward pace of the ice bear is hard to catch up with the practitioners.

Of course, there are also some bad luck practitioners who encountered a sudden appearance of ice bears during the running and were killed by the ice bears.

You can quickly cross the glaciers, after all, the casualties are much smaller.

Under the protection of the cronies, the three sons also quickly passed through the glaciers. As for others, they could not get rid of the entanglement of the ice bears.

The three of the Takino wild are deliberately behind, not running at the forefront, so as not to be stared by the three sons.

Anyway, there is the power of the gods in the wilderness to check the situation, to avoid the hidden ice bears, there is no danger at all.

When the three sons led some of the strong men to pass the glaciers, they reached the glaciers.

The three sons saw a lot of people flying away from the ice bear, and did not see who led the way.

What's more, thousands of strong people have already passed through the glaciers before the Big Three, and they are even less concerned with the three people who have crossed the glaciers.

Then there were strong people who got rid of the ice bears and crossed the glaciers.

However, there are still many strong people who have stayed on the glacier forever and become the food of the ice bear.

When no one crossed the glaciers, the three sons each counted the strong men, and lost a total of more than 50,000 strong.

Knowing that so many powerful people have been lost, the faces of the three sons are very ugly.

If they make the right decisions at the beginning, they will climb the glaciers as quickly as possible, and they will not lose so many strong people.

After all, they are still incompetent.

They are eager to find out who is leading the galloping over the glaciers. Unfortunately, no one can make it clear who is taking the lead and not entangled with the ice bears, just to react to the glaciers.

Can not find people, the three sons can not help.

Seeing that everyone's mood is somewhat low, the illusionist sings: "You, we have been through the customs, and have passed through many difficulties. I believe that the end of the magic cave is not far from us. I hope that everyone can cheer up and strive to explore the magic cave in one fell swoop." ”

Ming Gongzi smiled and said: "There are many powerful monsters in the magic cave, indicating that there are a lot of treasures in this magic cave. The treasures are in front of us, what are you waiting for?"

Under the instigation of the three sons, many powerful people have ignited their fighting spirits, and they have asked to move on and explore the caves.

"You, don't worry, or explore first and see what other monsters are there."

The three sons discussed it and sent a spy again to explore what magic objects were in front.

Because I had to let Takino go to explore the road in a row, this time, the illusionist didn't have the meaning to continue to let him explore the road, and the extension of the wilderness would be free, and of course he would not take the initiative to explore the road.

A total of 300 strong people were organized and went together to explore the road.

In order to ensure the safety of the strongmen who explored the road, the strongmen they sent were all strong and powerful, and the combat power was not weak. Even if they encountered powerful monsters, these strong players also had the strength to escape.

The exploring team set off, others continued to rest and adjust their status.

Suddenly, there were screams and roars in the depths of the magic cave. I don’t know how long it took, everything calmed down.

"I don't know what happened. It seems that the spy has encountered the monster, and many strong people have died." The singer sighed.

The face of Ming Gongzi changed slightly: "The spies have been going for a long time and have not returned yet. They have all been eaten by the monsters."

Desperately said: "The situation is not good. The roar of the monster is terrible. We feel so guilty when we are so far away. I am afraid that such a powerful monster is not something we can deal with, or we will return."

The illusionist shook his head and said: "No, we will go back like this. Nothing is caught, and we have lost so many strong people. Besides, we have to translate the glaciers. We don’t know how many strong people are going to die. If there is no gain, we are really losing money. And the shame is also thrown home."

"Unbelievable son, you are not always very courageous. Let's go and see the situation together. Even if we encounter a powerful monster, with our three golden fairy powers, there should be no problem with self-protection."

They have not thought about the lives and deaths of other people. Anyway, their own lives are guaranteed, and they have nothing to worry about.

The discussion of the three sons has been fixed, and it is not waiting for the spies to come back. They will order the team to open and continue to go deep into the cave.

"The son, the snoring of the singer is very strong. I am a little scared. It is estimated to be the best of the golden fairyland, even the top monster of the demon level." Yuzhu blame is somewhat worried.

"The next thing we face is really strong. We are going to be behind, so be careful." Takuya nodded.

His induction is very sensitive and he has already felt dangerous.

With his cultivation, he can feel the existence of danger, and he is definitely the leader of the Golden Fairy, even the demon level.

However, he is not afraid, the more powerful the magic inside the cave, the greater the possibility of existence of the passage, no matter how, he must go to the end of the magic cave to see the situation, otherwise he will not give up.

The brigade set off, and the three people in the wilderness were deliberately behind, and slowly reached the end.

Even if there is danger, the former strong will suffer, and they will have at least some time to react and protect themselves.

I don't know how long it took, they went to the depths of the magic cave.

The depths of the magic caves are empty, as if there is nothing. Except for a huge dark cave, they really have nothing to discover. Even the strongmen who explored the road before disappeared without a trace.

The illusionist reminded: "Everyone is careful, maybe the monster is in the cave."

"Oh..." Suddenly, a huge dragon was drawn from the cave.

Only half of the body of the dragon appeared outside the cave. It has been up to a kilometer, the body is huge, the blood basin is wide open, and one can swallow dozens of practitioners.

The dragon is very excited: "Oh... I really can't think of it. There are so many practitioners who are going to die. If I eat you, I will be able to restore all my strength. When I get out of trouble, I will go out."

When they heard the magic dragon talking, everyone changed their face.

The biggest difference between the monsters and the World of Warcraft, the Fairy Beast, and the Beast is that they don't have too much wisdom, and they are bloodthirsty and have no sober reason.

The dragon in front of you is sober, indicating that he is not a monster, but a powerful Warcraft.

The dragon is very powerful, and it is cultivated above the guardian of the Golden Fairy of the three sons.

Listening to the meaning of the dragon, he has not recovered all the repairs, and is now trapped here.

This is good news and bad news, indicating that the dragon is terrible. Once they get out of trouble, I am afraid that no one can leave to live.

However, in the eyes of the three sons, they all want to be the dragon warriors, and it would be even better if they could tame the dragon.

Whoever can tame the dragon will be the first of the eight sons.

They have completely forgotten the danger, and they want to kill the dragon or tame the dragon.

The grandson of the illusion: "On, everyone together, the dragon is trapped, we kill the dragon."

"Chong, kill the dragon, we will be rich, the dragon is a treasure, there must be a lot of treasures in his cave." Ming Gongzi tempted.

The unrequited son is also very excited: "You, the dragon is trapped, our opportunity is coming, as long as we kill the dragon, we become the warriors of the dragon, and there are a lot of treasures waiting for us to get."

The words of the three sons are still very lyrical, and many people are eager to rush to the dragon.

"Ha ha..." The dragon laughed: "Several little dolls want to kill me. It’s just too ridiculous. I used to be invincible in the world of the immortal world. If not many immortals, I would be trapped in this place."

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you."

After the magic dragon finished, Zhang Da had a big mouth and a horrible suction came.

The dragon's suction is too strong, and hundreds of strong people rushing to the front, flew into the mouth of the dragon, very fast.

The magic dragons did not chew, swallowed the strong ones directly, and did not spit out the bones.

The digestive power of the dragon is amazing, and the dragon's belly squirms a few times. It is estimated that the strong person who has just swallowed is digested.

"It's delicious, I haven't enjoyed this kind of delicious food for a long time, haha..."

The sound of the dragon is terrible, making people feel cold.

Read The Duke's Passion