MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1108 Dive into the underground chamber

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Chapter 1 108 is sneaked into the underground chamber

Yuzhu blame still has some doorways in Luotiancheng, and soon the news was returned.

"The son, I carefully inquired, did not find the seven girls, I heard that some people today stunned a beautiful woman on the street, maybe it is seven girls."

"The idea of ​​someone playing the seven girls is simply looking for death." Takuya wild anger.

He personally went out and showed his power to see all the places in Luotiancheng, looking for the traces of the seven girls.

He did not find the seven girls, but found that there are several houses in the underground secret room, and even the power of God can not find a specific situation.

He also based on the information provided by the Yuzhu blame to find out that the seven girls were kidnapped near the mansion.

"Yuzhu strange, immediately rushed to the storm house." Takino wild contact Yuzhu strange.

"Gongzi, I am getting to know the situation nearby, I can immediately go to Fengbo." Yuzhu said.

"Then you look at the situation first, don't be amazed by the grass." Takuya said quickly.

The beautiful woman who kidnapped the Seven Girls will definitely be stared.

Only the Fengbo House is very close to the place where the Seven Girls were kidnapped. The kidnappers can quickly bring the Seven Girls into the mansion, which will not cause much movement.

Therefore, Tuoye has a great grasp, and the seven girls are hidden in the underground secret room of Fengbo.

It was just that he was not aware of the situation in the underground secret room of Fengbo. For the time being, he did not dare to move, worried that the seven girls were hurt.

After a while, Takino went to the outside of Fengbo and met with Yuzhu.

"The son, you suspect that the seven girls were brought to the storm house." Yuzhu blame asked.

"There are not many houses in Luotiancheng with underground secret rooms, and Fengbo is far from the place where the accident occurred. Other houses with underground secret rooms are far away. Those who have kidnapped the seven girls cannot take them far away. Fengbo is probably their den," Takuya said.

"You son, you are really amazing, so quickly understand the situation of Luo Tiancheng." Yuzhu blame admire.

Takuya said: "This is nothing. We are still keeping an eye on the storm house, seeing where the entrance and exit of the underground secret room are, and then looking for opportunities to sneak into the underground secret room to rescue the seven girls."

"These people are too bold, even the seven girls of the demon king dare to move." Yuzhu strange surprised.

Takino said, "I don't know that these people don't know the identity of the seven girls. They kidnapped the seven girls. It is probably directed at me. I killed Li Tianqi. I believe that the strong people under the days of the gods will not give up. It is very likely that their people are working."

He thought about it carefully, and he couldn't think of other enemies because he had just changed his status and could not have other enemies.

As for the seven girls, they rarely walk outside. If it is not because of Li Qiang, it is impossible to offend people.

Why the other side wants to kidnap the Seven Girls, in fact, better explanation, mostly want to find out his details.

He is a brand new identity, and with the entourage of the jade bamboo monster, the enemy does not dare to move, you must first understand the situation.

"The son, after rescued the seven girls, do you want to destroy them all." Yuzhu asked.

Takino wildly indulged for a moment and said: "These people know that I have your helper and dare to start with the seven girls. Obviously it is well prepared, we are still careful."

"The son, even if the other party has a strong mid-term in the golden fairyland, it is not your opponent, what is so scary." Yuzhu is puzzled.

Where does he know that Takuya does not want to expose strength.

The reason why he conquered the jade bamboo monster was to solve the trouble for him and try not to use his own men.

In addition to the magical day, his masters will start to cause big troubles, because they are not the magic people.

The magical sky is a sacred object of the devil, and it can't be exposed. Otherwise, what will happen is unpredictable.

"First save the seven girls and say it again." Takuya wilderness.

He had already checked the situation of the mansion, and there were several people who were strong in the fairyland.

He did not know the situation of the underground secret room, so the powerful character of the other party is likely to be in the underground secret room, and it is still unknown.

If he encounters a powerful person with the other side, then he only has to do it. He is not afraid of any opponent.

Tuobaye and Yuzhu blame were monitored outside for two days and two nights. Someone finally walked out of the underground secret room, and also let Tuoyuan find the entrance and exit of the underground secret room.

The entrance and exit of the underground secret room is very secret, and there are large arrays of obstacles. However, these are difficult to extend the wilderness, and he can easily enter the big battle.

However, he is still unclear about the situation of the underground secret room, so he did not act rashly.

"Yuzhu strange, I want to find a way to seize the strong people who have just come out of the underground secret room, I have to know the situation of the underground secret room from his mouth." Takuya said.

"Gongzi, you can rest assured, a mysterious fairyland strong, is definitely hand to come." Yuzhu strange did not care.

"Attention, don't stun the snake, it is best not to start near the storm house." Takino said.

The strong man who walked out of the underground secret room quickly went out of the house. Obviously, it was too long for the underground secret room to go out for a long time.

Takuya continued to stare at the storm house, and the jade bamboo monster quietly followed.

In less than an hour, Yuzhu blame brought people back, and people were already in a coma.

Takino wildly exerted the power of the gods, gave the strong man a soul ban, and then earned it into the Netherland.

"Yuzhu strange, you continue to stare at the storm, I have to ask about the situation." Tuo wilderness with a smile.

Entering the Netherland Palace, Takuya wild wakes the man.

The strong man looked at Takuno wildly in horror and said, "Who are you, what is this?"

"Who is who I am not important, I want to tell you, I have set a ban in the depths of your soul, you are best to obey, otherwise you will have a dilemma."

"What do you want me to do."

"The situation of the underground secret room of Fengbofu, such as how many strong people, how to repair it." Takuya asked.

"I can't tell you."

"Yes, then you should enjoy it." Takino pushed the ban.

"Ah..." The man of the mysterious fairyland made a scream of heartbreaking, and after a few breaths, he could not hold on.

"I said, I said..."

Takuya wild cold channel: "You are already my men, it is best to be honest, now I ask you to answer, don't play tricks."

"Yes, master."

"The Fengpufu underground secret room is closed to a beautiful woman, who was caught three days ago." Takuya asked.


Takuya asked again: "How many strong people are in the underground secret room, how to repair it."

"There are a total of twelve strong people in the underground secret room, all of which are Xuan Xianjing’s cultivation. The highest level is the restoration of Xuanyuanjing."

Takino said: "When can you go back to the underground room?"

"I only have one day off, then I have to go back to work."

"Very good, after a day, don't have anything different, or go back to the underground secret room." Takino ordered.

"Yes, master."

Make arrangements, Takuno asked him to take a break before releasing him.

The man returned to the storm, and did not know that Takino was hidden in the Netherland, and then attached to him, ready to enter the underground chamber with him.

As for the jade bamboo monster, Takuno said that he would stare at the outside of the storm house, and maybe there are other situations.

In addition to stalking, the task of Yuzhu blame is also responsible for the response, not easy.

One day passed quickly and the strong man returned to the underground secret room.

Takino was looking at the outside situation in the Netherland Palace. There were only 12 Xuan Xianjing strongmen in the underground secret room, and there was no strong man who was cultivated above the Golden Wonderland, so he was practical.

Since there is no strong gold fairy, he can do it at any time, control all of them, or kill them all, he can easily do it.

The underground secret room is built with very unique materials, which can isolate the power of the gods and investigate what is happening inside, and the outside world cannot know.

Because of this, as long as they are controlled, they will not reveal any news.

He also saw the seven girls, the seven girls were indeed caught, but it seems that they have not suffered, and he is finally relieved.

Tuo’s control of the strong name is Duan Xiaolang, who has a relatively low status and is responsible for guarding the export of the underground secret room.

It’s just that Takuya must first control the export and not let those people escape.

He suddenly appeared and shocked the little wolf.

"Master, how did you appear?"

"Segmental wolf, hold your breath, don't be afraid, I came in with you, you let me go, I have to re-arrange and trap these people in the underground secret room." Takuya wildly sneered.

He used a bunting array and the speed was so fast.

In order to be safe, he arranged a big array, and it was not so easy for the enemy to break the big one.

The big array was arranged, and Takuno asked the little wolf to enter the Netherland, and he began to act.

There are quite a few rooms in the underground secret room, and the 12 Xuan Xianjing strong people are scattered, which is convenient for the extension of the wilderness.

He quietly entered a room, directly exerted a **** attack, hit a strong man, and then suppressed him.

He did the same, and the twelve Xuan Xianqiang strong people quickly had seven people suppressed by him.

When he suppressed the eighth man of the mysterious fairyland, the result was unintentionally discovered by another person, and he was exposed.


The other party yelled, and the remaining five Xuan Xianjing strong all appeared, surrounded the Tuoye wilderness.

"Other people." Asked the leader of the mysterious fairyland.

"They are gone, maybe they will be killed by him."

"Kid, what are you coming?"

Takuya wildly sneered: "You caught the little seven girls, isn't it to know my bottom?" Takuya wild flat.

"You are Long Yu." Five Xuan Xianqiang strong people are shocked.

"Yes, I am Long Yu, now I know what I am coming to." Takuya said with a smile.

"Long Yu, Yuzhu is not around you, you are looking for death."

The five strong men are only afraid of the jade bamboo blame, and are not afraid of the dragon feathers that were cultivated in the early days of the mysterious fairyland.

They swarmed and launched a storm.

"The konjac fist, if the first palm of the sacred palm is like a thousand hands."

Takuya is still the magic martial art of the show, but with the help of the sacred palm, the nine fists come out.

Five strong players, basically each person smashed two punches, not to mention two punches, even if it is a punch, no one can resist.

Five Xuan Xianjing strong, they were hit into serious injuries in an instant, and even the strong man who was cultivated as the peak of Xuanyuanjing was no exception.

His power is so amazing that he is simply invincible.

Takuya is also for quick fixes, and will be able to display the first hand of the sacred palm. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to get the opponent to open it.

Reinventing the opponent, Takuya wilderness spurred the Netherland, and all of them were suppressed, one did not stay,