MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1 Rebirth

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Chapter 1 Rebirth

The vast stars and stars are a little bit.

In the void, countless figures are like a meteor, and the sound of breaking the air is endless.

These figures, some huge incomparable, see the beginning without seeing the tail, and some spread their wings and cover the sky.

They have one thing in common, that is, the momentum is strong and fierce, and the momentum is just enough to make the ghosts retreat.

"The Buddha's lord's sacred Buddha appeared in the sky. He is the strongman of the Mahayana realm. There are also several strong Buddhists around him." Some people exclaimed.

"Look at it! The patriarchs of the three sects of Sindo are all here, all of them are strong in the Mahayana realm."

The five major sects of Magic Road also sent top-ranking powerhouses, each with strong strength, and the whole world must be shocked.

The ancestors of the dragons sang for nine days, and the ancestors of the golden-winged Dapeng soared...

More and more people of all ethnic groups appeared, and they surrounded a teenager.

The teenager looked as usual and even smiled.

His momentum is very weak, compared to the strong people around, it is simply a banyan tree.

He can't even fly in the air, he can stand in the void, relying on the flying charm on his feet.

"Kid, hand over the roots, spare you not to die!"

"God root is mine, no one should fight with me, as long as you surrender the roots of God, my **** dragon family will keep you well."


The teenager still didn't talk, smiled, and looked at more and more strong people around.

Not long after, there were tens of thousands of strong people from all walks of life. These powerful people are not the top figures in the Galaxy world.

Seeing those strong, the teenager exclaimed: "I think Xuanyu, peerless, but unfortunately, there is no spiritual root, can't cultivate. Now I am fortunate enough to get the root of God, can open the way of my cultivation, but you are blocking. In this case, I have Xuanyu with so many families and factions, and I have died without regrets."

"Kid, you are not only practicing in the training period, but also wanting to go with us? Haha..."

"Ha ha..."

The strong man present, no one can afford to see him, they all laughed wildly.

Suddenly, there are many charms in the void, there are five Lei Fu, burst, poison, sword, fire, ice...

These charms are overwhelming and detonated together.


The void vibrates, and the surrounding meteorites and stars are shifted.

Tens of thousands of strong people have become embarrassed, blowing their beards and anger.

The strongest of the Shenlong family, the scales of the body are a few pieces, the feathers of the golden-winged Dapeng are flying all over the sky, and the golden scorpion of the heavenly Buddha has become a rag...

After the violent explosion, the teenager's face was pale, and he stood proudly in the void. He did not escape and he was very clear that he could not escape today.

"I hate! With my peerless talent, I can't cultivate! Even if there is a waste root, give me time, I can also stand with you, killing you like a dog." Xuan Yu looks blank.

Heavenly Buddha's hands are closed, sacred: "I am compassionate, I must destroy these enchanting!"

"Xuan Yu, surrendering the roots of God, this is your last chance." The strong dragon of the Shenlong family came out.


Xuan Yu did not pay attention to them, took out a piece of jade from his arms, and looked decided.

"Take my blood as a guide, God will punished the heavens!" The young boy squirted a blood, and saw a piece of jade bursting out of the momentum of the sky, drowning the strong people present.


The body of Shenlong began to become nothingness, and the speed was very fast. The wings of the Golden-winged Dapeng disappeared first. The golden-winged Dapeng screamed and fell from the air, but it had not yet fallen, and the rest of the body disappeared.

Other strongmen are even more unhelpful, and they are simply unable to resist the divine power of the gods.

In an instant, everything is turned into nothingness, and even the surrounding stars are turned into powder.

Yu Fu had a crack, but it was not broken, and the roots disappeared into the space crack caused by the explosion.


Shenwu mainland, the three worlds that have fallen.

The most remote warring states in the southwest of Shenwu, the capital of the capital, the generals.

The Tuoba family is one of the five major families in the Warring States, and the family has served as a major general.

The current owner, Tuo Xiongxiong, is the general of the Warring States. He is also a victorious general of the Warring States. He guards the southern wilderness and makes the barbarians of the Southern Wilderness stunned.

Tuo Xiongfeng servant, just rushed back to the General of the Gods.

The Tuo family has a direct line, and it has been single-generation for three generations. Tuo Xiong’s son Tuojie Jie is 18 years old, and now he is 30 years old.

The child of Tuojie Jie was born and was already known as a warring country.

Situ Tianlong, the king of the Warring States, chartered Tuo Xiongxiong from the South, and watched his grandson come out.

Tuo Xiongxiong knows that Situ Tianlong is a crowd of people, but still grateful.

"Father, this is all day long, why haven't you been born yet?" Tuojie is anxious.

"Shen, you must hold your breath, how can I educate you?" Tuo Xiongxiong did not say anything, but his heart was more anxious.

Some of the collaterals of the Tuoba family also came to the scene. They did not come to blessing. They refused to let Tuojie’s wife give birth to a daughter.

Some are more vicious, seeing children have not been born for so long, and even cursed there: "Difficult to produce! Difficult to produce!..."

The Tuoba family has a lot of power. Only the Tuo Xiong and Tuojie are the ones that can be directly attached to the same line.

Tuojie Jie did not have to let the people of the side branch see the hope.

But now that the children of Tuojiejie are going to be born, they certainly don’t want to have a baby boy.


I fell to the ground and cried.

Tuo Xiongxiong said: "Okay, the voice is so loud, it must be a bad person in the future."

"Father, I finally have a post! There is a post!..." Tuo Jiejie has some incoherence.

"Go, go see my grandson." Tuo Xiongxiong couldn't help himself, and he ran away.

Seeing Tuo Xiong's anxious appearance, Tuo Jiejie showed a smile of the heart, and kept up.

"Don't be a baby boy..." The neighboring tribe was restless.

"Congratulations to the generals, General He Xi, you are a grandfather." The maternity woman is full of faces and laughs, and the reward is indispensable.

"Kid, is it a thousand dollars?" Tuo Xiongxiong could not wait to ask.

"It’s a little boy!"

Tuo Xiongxiong took over the baby and was pleased to say: "Housekeeper, reward!"

The mother-in-law’s eyes couldn’t be laughed at: “Thank you for the general!”

When Tuo Xiongxiong saw a baby boy, he even smiled.

The baby boy has a big face, sharp and angular, full of wild, eyebrows, bright and clear eyes, high nose, and chubby little hands waving, as if to say hello to Tuo Xiong.

"Father, give me a hug." Tuo Jiejie reached out and hugged.

Tuo Xiongxiong turned and avoided: "Boy, what are you worried about?"

"This is my son, can I be in a hurry?"

"This is still my grandson. Let's go see your wife first?" Tuo Xiongxiong is not letting Tuojiejie hold.

Tuo Xiongxiong looked at the baby boy and muttered to himself: "The eyes and temperament are full of wildness, and later called the extension of the wild."

In this way, the name of the baby boy was fixed.

Tuo Xiongxiong, a newborn baby, has an adult's thinking and memory.

Xuan Yu, with the help of blood to seduce the gods, to annihilate many great people, his body is also ruined, the soul enters the root of the gods, enters the void with the gods and jade, and eventually becomes the baby.

He retained Xuan Yu's memory, so he was wild in his eyes. In his previous life, he was an unruly person.

Tuobao heard Tuo Xiongxiong speak, afraid that he would see the clues, he would close his eyes and sleep, in fact he was checking the condition of his body.

The world's galaxy world in which the wilderness was in the past is a six-practice world, and there are countless ways to do it.

He is keen on cultivation and has collected a lot of cultivation methods. Because there is no spiritual root, he only relies on the spiritual roots, and he has barely cultivated into the training period, and he has never been able to enter.

However, those who practiced the law, he remembered it, including the method of internal vision.

He hasn't practiced yet. It's hard to say if he can look inside. He tried it and he was able to look inside.

The sacred jade symbol is hidden in the sea of ​​gods, but there is a crack in the jade symbol. At the beginning, he got the **** root and the sacred jade, the **** roots languid, and the sacred jade symbol also has eight cracks, and now a crack has been added. .

I found the **** of punishment, and the mood of the wilderness was set.

God's penalty jade is with the **** root, naturally it is not a product.

His past life was only the strongest person in the period of training. He used the blood to spur the gods to punish the jade, and killed the top ten powerful. This power is unmatched.

Moreover, there is also a cultivation method in the gods and jade, and it has been discovered that he has the root of the gods.

The cultivator must have a spiritual root, the cultivator must have a sacred root, and the cultivator must have a sacred root.

Once you have a **** root, it is very easy to become a fairy. God has a foundation, which is much easier than others.

Shengen triggered a **** case, which directly caused the world of the Galaxy to fall from the six-fidelity world to become the world of five-fidelity.

Tuobaye began to look for the roots of God, and the roots of God are more rare than the gods.

He found that there are two spiritual roots in the body, a colorful spiritual root, a golden spiritual root, and the golden spiritual root should be the root of God.

The single attribute of Linggen is the best, and the balance of multiple attributes of Linggen is the worst root of the root.

God does not say that the colorful root of the wild body is the root of the five elements of equilibrium.

"It is much better than the past!"

To unravel the wilderness of the past, and to get rid of the roots of the spirit, this world is at least a waste of roots, not to mention a hidden god.

He is still very easy to satisfy, as long as there is a spiritual root, you can cultivate, even if the speed is slower, it does not matter.

He had no spiritual roots in his previous life, and relied on the spiritual roots to upgrade his cultivation to a hard-working period, which is a miracle.

Nowadays, the conditions for cultivation are sure to be much stronger than the past.

Both the gods and the gods are in the body, and the wilderness is full of confidence. They want to take out a sky and even want to kill the world of the galaxy and find the love of his past life.

In the past life, he had a childhood friend, he did not even have a waste of roots, but the other party was a single pure root, peerless talent, and cultivated for a thousand miles, and was enlisted by the big sect.

In order not to lag behind his girlfriend, Xuan Yu painstakingly studied the path of Fu Xi, and achieved something.

It is a pity that everything has become a smog. He is now born again. It is not the original world. The space is different. I don’t know if time is chaotic.

In any case, Tuobao wants to return to the galaxy world and find love.

Whether he is still waiting for him, he will not take care of it.

Whether or not love is alive, he does not want to pay attention.

He did not return to the idea of ​​revenge, because the strong who want to **** the roots of God are dead. To say hatred, I am afraid that all the big factions in the Galaxy world have hatred against him, and I can’t wait to kill him.

The driving force behind his return is to find the love of his past life.

Read The Duke's Passion