MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 329 final task

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All night long, all the policemen in Longcheng did not sleep. The members of the task force gathered downstairs in a cafe called "Island of Imprisonment". The owner of the cafe was a woman in her twenties who looked very beautiful. It's already early morning. According to the lunar calendar, today is New Year's Eve, but the cafe has not closed, and the owner has not gone home for the New Year.

Everyone drank cup after cup of coffee, and Yuan Jun was almost paralyzed on the table. The rest were also drowsy, only Jiang He and Shao Lao, who were still looking at the big square outside through the glass window.

Jiang He stared blankly at the square, as if his mind hadn't let up for a moment.

At this time, Shao Lao was chatting with the boss.

"Aren't you going home in New Year's Eve?" Shao Lao looked at the proprietress and asked.

"I finally escaped, why do I want to go back? I haven't gone back for three years." The boss said: "Every New Year is a day for everyone to reunite. People like us probably see the sunset from the sunrise and then go back again. Wait from sunset to sunrise."

"Prison Island Cafe." Shao Lao said: "In fact, many times, I regard myself as a prisoner and think that I am an island. When I was a little older than you, I also thought so, and I learned later that you will sooner or later. You will meet that person who makes you feel like you are not an island."

However, the boss snorted at Shao Lao's words: "I don't believe in **** love. After this cafe makes money, I will go to a strange city and open a prison island bar. Now the bar is more than Cafes make more money, my goal in life is to make money, and nothing else is in my consideration.”

However, Shao Lao laughed: "It would be good if it was like this, the problem is that for thousands of years, whether it is health or disease, whether it is a prince or aristocrat, or a merchant, a man or a woman, who can escape this? What's the matter?"

"Old man, have you met such a person?" the boss asked.

Shao Lao nodded: "I met when I was young, but at that time I always felt that I had no car, no house, nothing, and couldn't take responsibility, so I always avoided it. But later my fiancée died, I just Think clearly, love is love, even a short-lived happiness is much better than a lifetime of regret. You are still young, I hope you understand, but I don't want you to understand, because understanding this kind of thing is often an experience Something bad happened."

The boss seemed to have some insight, and she asked softly, "What's your name."

Shao Lao replied seriously: "My name is Shao Shilin, and I am a criminal police officer."

"I named myself Rouge," the boss replied.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, there are only twelve hours left in the countdown.

The clock on the square chimed twelve times, awakening everyone who was dozing off in the cafe.

At this moment, Guan Deng said, "I'm here for a text message."

The crowd shuddered and gathered in front of Guan Deng.

"Dear Guanden believers, I think you must have waited a long time? Please come to Weiyang Road before three o'clock, and someone will tell you what to do. Remember to put on our clothes, the new world will start from the new year."

Jiang He glanced at Elder Shao and said, "The crime advisor has finally assigned a mission to his most loyal followers. It looks like a team of two. I'll go to this place right now to see what the crime advisor wants to do. "

Mr. Shao said, "Now that you're gone, before the case is over, we probably won't be able to meet like this. Jiang He, you're a smart person, and you're much better than me in adapting to changes. I don't have anything to tell you. Yes, there is only one thing, I know that you have always wanted to catch criminals, and you don't care about your own danger, I only have one request, come back alive, we still have to celebrate the New Year."

Jiang He nodded as he took out the set of equipment from the schoolbag he was carrying.

Mr. Shao informed everyone through the headset that a "target" would pass by the cultural center in a while, and everyone should not take any action to ensure that Jiang He could successfully reach the destination mentioned by the crime consultant.

Guan Deng pointed to his cell phone, then to his computer, and said, "GPS positioning."

Shao Lao understood what Guan Deng meant, and asked, "You mean, we can always know Jiang He's location, right?"

Guandon nodded.

Shao Lao was silent for a while, and then said to Rouge on the side: "Boss, it seems that we want to use your store as a temporary command post. Through the glass, it is just opposite the Cultural Square, which is indeed a good location. , is the rent for a year a lot of money?"

Rouge shrugged: "You can do whatever you want. Anyway, I didn't pay for the rent. You can do whatever you like."

Jiang He had already put on his clothes and mask, and he simply said, "I'm leaving."

Immediately afterwards, he opened the door of the cafe and walked out, leaving behind a gust of cold wind blowing in.

Jiang He's special outfit attracted the attention of many people, but it didn't cause much of a stir. I don't know if everyone was used to it, or if they didn't realize the meaning behind this outfit.

Jiang He took a taxi, and the driver was not surprised when he saw Jiang He's clothes, but said with interest, "Are you guys having any song and dance performances tonight? Without people like you, where are you going? You don’t need to play the watch for the New Year’s Eve.”

Jiang He said, "Just go to Weiyang Road. What about the others? Are the others going to Weiyang Road?"

The driver shook his head and said, "This is a lot. Every time the place is different, I'm still curious. I don't know what you are going to do."

Jiang He's mind was running fast. The crime advisor was indeed a person with extremely strong anti-reconnaissance ability. He scattered different believers to different places, probably to avoid undercover agents from infiltrating, and to catch all the believers. The driver was still talking nonstop, but Jiang He almost didn't answer.

When he arrived on Weiyang Road, Jiang He saw someone wearing exactly the same clothes as him from a distance. He hurriedly asked the driver to stop, dumped a fifty and got out of the car.

Jiang He came to this man and said, "Did you also receive the text message? What are we going to do next?"

It was a rude male voice, and he said, "Don't ask anything, we will do whatever the sect master tells us to do. Come with me now, I have something for you."

Jiang He followed behind this person, looking at this person, but in terms of appearance and clothes, this person was exactly the same as himself, and he couldn't see anything at all. Jiang He had no choice but to follow this person and keep walking. After rounding the corners, he came to a small alley. The man pointed to a broken cardboard box in the alley and said, "It's this thing, don't worry, I'll put it on for you first."

Saying that, the man took out what looked like a necklace from the alley beside him, and was about to put it on Jiang He's neck: "You put this on first."

Jiang He took this thing and looked up and down. It was slightly heavy at the start, more like a black collar. At the front of the collar, there was a small square box that looked like a buckle.

"Is there anything in this box?" Jiang He was still wary.

The other party stood motionless in front of Jiang He, as if waiting for Jiang He under the mask. After a while, he said, "Are you questioning our leader's decision? If you can't accept it, take off your clothes and leave immediately. You don't deserve this dress at all."

The other party was even a little excited, and Jiang He saw that this person was already wearing this black collar around his neck.

Jiang He knew that the only way to find a drop of water in a glass of water was to turn himself into water. Without any hesitation, he put the collar on his head, and then pushed his hands forward, and the collar was tightly stitched around Jiang He's neck. Jiang He subconsciously grabbed it with his hands, but it was easy to put it on, but it was difficult to take it off. It seemed that, from the very beginning, it seemed that this design was not intended for people to take it off.

At this moment, Jiang He suddenly smelled a faint smell of gunpowder, exactly the same as what Jiang He smelled on the mask that day.

Jiang He's mind was spinning, he was sure that these things must belong to the criminal consultant, because the criminal consultant had a smell of gunpowder from beginning to end.

"Hand over the phone." At this time, the other party said again.

Jiang He knew that Guan Deng's cell phone had GPS. If he handed over the cell phone, he would no longer be able to contact Mr. Shao and others.

Jiang He asked back, "What about your cell phone?"

The other party took out his mobile phone, threw it on the ground in an instant, and smashed his mobile phone into a smash. Jiang He also took out his cell phone and threw his cell phone on the ground with a ruthless heart, smashing it into pieces.

Jiang He continued to ask, "The cell phone is broken. If the teacher contacts us, what should he do?"

The other party said: "You don't need to worry about this, the leader naturally has his own way."

Jiang He nodded. The other party had already bent down and picked up the box of things. As he walked towards the cultural square, he said, "When the time comes, we will spread out our actions. As long as you are a believer, you can let him wear this collar. There is GPS in the collar, and the leader can see where we are and who are disobedient, we will kick them all out, and those who stay must be believers who listen to the leader."

"But I still don't know, what exactly are we going to do?" Jiang He then asked.

The other party suddenly stopped and said firmly: "We are about to create a new world."

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