MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 89

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After formally communicating with Madam, Hua Bairou discussed with the Holy King, "Since it's a trial marriage, should we let Madam come to our side? Or should you go over there?"

Although, countless big banners have fallen to Song Nianying now, but Hua Bairou still hoped faintly in her heart that their family's sage king stood up and said domineeringly: "How can I pretend to be a backdoor? Let her come!"

Sheng Wang thought about it for a moment, impatient in her blue eyes, and under the expectant eyes of Teacher Hua, she said coldly: "Of course I will go there."

Hua Bairou: ...

Although the ice sculpture castle is her territory, there are many vampires around, how can human beings live in peace.

The feeling of being on the top of my heart and worrying about gains and losses was revealed by Shengwang in just a few days.

Halfway through, the Holy King pretended to take a book to browse outside the castle with a cold face, while Hua Bairou called Song Nianying.

Madam has an obsession with cooking that becomes more and more courageous. It has been thousands of years, and the craftsmanship has not improved a bit, but she is still full of enthusiasm for this matter. On the other side of the phone, there was the sound of oil pan cooking.

Hearing something in Hua Bairou's words, "Well, the Holy King is still the same, let's live with the madam first."

Song Nianying smiled, "It just so happens that I'm learning how to cook noodles. This time she comes, I will never cook instant noodles for her. In the evening, you and Zuo Die also come over and eat together!"

Hua Bairou was silent for a while, and Song Nianying laughed brightly, "What are you afraid of? No matter how bad it is, Chu Yu can cook."

After hanging up the phone, Hua Bairou walked out with a heavy heart, and saw the Holy King reading a book indifferently, with his ears stretched out so long, she kindly reminded, "Holy King, the book is upside down."

Just as Yan Chuyu was about to lose his temper, a ray of black light flickered in the sky, and a guard landed in front of them, "My lord, it's not good, the capital has changed!"

As soon as Jin Zhi was gone, her guardians and dead servants were full of ambitions. They were masters who walked sideways in the group before. They were not afraid of heaven and earth, and only the cruelty of King Shura could suppress them.

But now, once she was gone, the one who came up to take over was Hua Bairou, an unknown young man whom they once looked down upon.

Who can believe this?

Hua Bairou's Wan Hua Fen has been practiced very skillfully, fighting alone, none of them is her opponent.

It's just that, compared to "sinister and vicious", they are more than Hua Bairou.

A few Deadpools came over to make trouble habitually, Zuo Die looked at them coldly, turned into a giant bat, and guarded Hua Bairou. Its red eyes were weeping blood, and white gas was sprayed from its nostrils.

"Why? Why do you take over the vampire family?"

"Just one Wan Hua Fen?"

"We don't accept it!!"

Hua Bairou was still patiently telling them that unity is strength, and the people below were making a fuss, their aura was not good, and some vampire civilians and subordinates outside were watching the fun.

A blue light rolled around the ground and moved at a high speed. The surrounding vampires all avoided and exclaimed.

"The Holy King is here!"

"It's the Holy King!!"

In everyone's tone, there was admiration and anticipation, but also panic and fear. Some vampires even picked up their children and ran away.

Once the Holy King came, it was like a wolf coming.

After the Holy King entered the castle, he didn't talk nonsense, and he didn't listen to Hua Bairou's saying that unity is strength. She kicked the deadliest servant who made the most trouble at the front to the pillar with a flying kick. Without knowing who did it, someone strangled him tightly by the throat.

The Holy King pinched his neck with one hand, staring at him with a pair of cold eyes.

The dead waiter's ability is power, but now, he is pushed against the wall by the holy king, like a chicken cub being strangled by the throat, unable to fight back, and soon, his body began to turn white It was so cold that even the eyelashes were frosted.

The Holy King looked at him indifferently, raised his hand, and there were two "bang bang" sounds, as if playing bowling, his two arms were ripped off and thrown in the middle of the castle.

The dead waiters next to him gasped.

Shengwang turned his head to look at them, and said indifferently: "Do you want to go together?"

Hua Bairou: ...

Zuo Die: ...

An hour later, in the messy city of Shura, Gu Yuechi shook her head and sighed as she picked up the messy limbs. She counted them together, and the little apprentices behind her were trembling with fright.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to be more careful? This is Daying's arm, how did it get to Luo Ran?"

"Under your feet, be careful, isn't that a finger? I can't restore it without one."

Vampires are immortal, as long as they don't burn them completely with flames, no matter how severely injured they are, they can gradually recover their bodies by patching them together.

With one hand behind her back, the Holy King looked at Hua Bairou and lectured her with a cold face.

Hua Bairou drooped her head. This was the first time the Holy King preached to her after waking up.

"For my family, aggressiveness, ruthlessness and cruelty are in nature."

She looked at Hua Bairou, "I know you want to be kind."

Hua Bairou looked at the Holy King with tears in her eyes, knowing that the Holy King was about to start comforting her, and sure enough, the Holy King was still good to her.

The Holy King looked into her eyes, "But you are not worthy now."

Hua Bairou: ...

Zuo Die: ...

For their group, kindness is based on a strong foundation, and weak kindness is not enough to deter the strong who are gathered around King Shura.

Only if they are stronger than them, they will first succumb, and then they will be willing to feel that kindness.

Otherwise, in the end, it will only cause the ethnic group to fall apart.

Hua Bairou's ability is still a lot weaker. If she continues to paddle like this every day, in the future, there will be no bones left that will be dismantled by her subordinates.

After training Hua Bairou, the Holy King looked at Gu Yuechi sternly, and urged: "Hurry up."

Gu Yuechi winked at Hua Bairou in fear, what's the matter, the Holy King still has arrangements? After waking up, the Holy King had plenty of time, either reading a book or lying down every day.

Hua Bairou shrugged her shoulders, and they looked at Sheng Wang together, and saw that she took out a book "Learn to Cook Home Cooking with Mom" ​​from her bosom.

Hua Bairou: ...

Gu Yuechi: ...

Really, in this world, only the madam can make their holy king change from a ruthless murderous **** to a petite jiaojiao in a second.

At night, on the way to Song Nianying's house, Hua Bairou looked at the Holy King and said slowly, "Holy King, I know that you are not afraid of anything and you are omnipotent, but...the relationship between wives and wives does not depend on Bravery."

The Holy King looked at her indifferently.

Hua Bairou got used to her appearance, and continued: "Ma'am, she will be your pillow from now on, and I can tell that you like her."

With just such a sentence, the Holy King's cheeks turned pink.

That's the bad thing about Renbai, he can't hide even a little thought.

Hua Bairou looked at her pink face, her voice softened, "If you have something in your heart, you can tell her gradually, you don't have to be so strong in front of Madam."

She knew the arrogance and dignity in the Holy King's bones, and she also knew that this could not be changed overnight.

But for thousands of years, they have suffered so much, and they always have to learn to change.

If not, why would Madam be so angry with her?

After hearing this, the Holy King put her hands behind her back, looked at the bright moonlight, and said flatly: "Take care of yourself."

Hua Bairou: ...

Entering the house, no surprise, the kitchen is full of smoke.

Hua Bairou made excuses and left. When Yan Chuyu went in, she saw Song Nianying's pale face and looked at her helplessly: "No matter how I learn, I will never be able to learn."

Yan Chuyu: "Idiot."

Song Nianying: ...

With a wave of the Holy King's palm, a large mist was brought out, and a fresh breath filled the kitchen.

She looked at the burnt black pots and bowls, and acted disgusted: "You go out."

Although things like memory can be erased at any time, the kind of love in his bones is still there.

Song Nianying was eating melon seeds in the living room and watching TV. In the kitchen, blue lights and shadows flickered. Half an hour later, the Holy King placed a large table of sumptuous meals in front of Song Nianying.

She heard from Gu Yuechi that Song Nianying's health had just gotten better, and her old illness would flare up from time to time, so she should pay attention to recuperation and nutrition, so she mostly used less oil, less salt and less sugar, and she knew her taste. is vegetarian.

Song Nianying swallowed, she stared at the dish with good eyesight, "Oh, it's so fragrant, if it's not that the spider can't come up, I really want to give it a taste."

The Holy King looked at her indifferently, "Why didn't you call that fat spider up?"

The food she cooks is for that spider?

Why not?

Song Nianying raised her head and rolled her eyes at the Holy King, "I used to have a lover, she was very domineering, and marked this area, if it wasn't for her permission, no one would be able to get in."

After hearing this, the Holy King felt a little unhappy, "Did you have a lover before?"

Love makes a fool.

After hearing this, Song Nianying put down her chopsticks, propped her chin with both hands, and looked at Yan Chuyu with a smile.

She thought that the Holy King would ask, why can't others come up, but she can?

The Holy King likes and dislikes Song Nianying looking at her like this the most and least. Whenever she looks at him like this, those peach blossom eyes always seem to be floating peach blossoms, with endless seduction and charm.

"this is me--"

"I know, the eighth warning."

Song Nianying didn't care at all, she looked into her eyes: "I said I had a lover before, are you unhappy?"

Yan Chuyu lowered her head and did not speak. There was clearly a table of brightly colored and tempting dishes, but in front of her was Song Nianying's failed bowl of hand-rolled noodles.

She picked up the spoon and took a bite, without saying a word, but she stopped talking.

She always felt that this bowl of noodles looked familiar, faintly, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Song Nianying knew her character, so she ignored her and listened to music while eating.

Twenty minutes later, after dinner, Song Nianying went to wash the dishes. She just turned on the water when she heard Yan Chuyu behind her, saying sullenly, "I'm not happy."

Song Nianying: ...

The Holy King is really unhappy.

The timeline of the reaction is also long enough.

Obviously, she has heard Hua Bairou say that times are developing, and the feelings and bonds between people are not as deep as before. They are influenced by many things, and there is almost no such thing as a couple for a lifetime.

She shouldn't have fantasies, but for some reason, thinking that Song Nianying once belonged to someone else, she felt faintly unhappy.

"Have you been together long before?"

Song Nianying didn't look at her, but stared down at the bowl in her hand, the corners of her lips raised unconsciously, "Yes, we used to have a good relationship, but she has some principled issues, which made me very angry."

good relationship…

Yan Chuyu's voice became cold, "What is a question of principle?"

The Holy King has always been such a pure existence in front of his wife, and she only has trust in her.

It has been thousands of years, even if the memory is blank again and again, this must have never changed.

Song Nianying curled her lips, with a little smile in her eyes: "It's like, her living environment since she was a child forced her to be strong, to be cold, to hide everything in her heart, and to carry everything by herself. I don't want to do this. I don't like it either."

Being in love is mutual.

In the past, Yan Chuyu always took all the pain and didn't tell her even if his body was covered with scars.

Is that good for a person?

Any party who conceals it in the name of being good to the other party will cause irreversible damage.

The Holy King was silent for a moment, then looked at her: "What kind do you like?"

Song Nianying wiped her hands and looked into Yan Chuyu's eyes: "I like two people together, just say what you want. Whether you are happy or unhappy, sad, painful, suffering, no matter what happens, They all hold hands and perceive each other, rather than being dead on one side."

After saying this, she saw Yan Chuyu bowed her head, with a sad expression on her face.

Song Nianying's words were clearly referring to her predecessor, but the Holy King felt that every word and every word seemed to be directed at himself.

Unable to bear it, Song Nianying sighed softly, and changed the subject: "I heard from Bairou that you went to fight in the vampire capital today?"

Although Hua Bairou didn't say much, from her expression, Song Nianying knew that her family's Chuyu must be killing all directions again.

Yan Chuyu nodded slightly.

This time, she didn't frown or get angry, why did Hua Bairou tell Song Nianying such words.

Song Nianying sized her up, "Then are you injured?"

Her gaze slowly sized up Yan Chuyu, not letting go of a single bit.

Under her gaze, Yan Chuyu's cheeks were a little hot, and a red mist floated faintly around her.

If it were placed on the former Holy King, she would not say a word even if her muscles and bones were broken, let alone injured.

But now, Song Nianying's words are still circling in her mind, Yan Chuyu looked into her eyes, and after a moment of silence, she said softly, "I'm hurt."

Such a delicate and soft sentence melted Song Nianying's heart like an electric current, and she looked at Yan Chuyu in disbelief.

The Holy King pointed to his arm, with tears in his eyes, bit his lip, and said in a low voice, "It hurts."

Read The Duke's Passion