MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 84

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When Song Nianying woke up, she was surrounded by Chu Yu who was covered in blood, her body was trembling and hot, but her hands were still tightly clutching the corner of her clothes.

Song Nianying turned around, she looked at Yan Chuyu, Yan Chuyu let out a soft breath after seeing her wake up, her body spread like a tight flower, "You woke up..."

There was hot and viscous liquid on her hand, Song Nianying raised it up and sat up all of a sudden, she hugged Yan Chuyu's waist: "What's wrong with you?!"

Chu Yu leaned on her neck, sniffed the mint scent on her body, and closed his eyes tiredly, "Nian Nian, I'm free."

From this moment on, she does not belong to the Dragon Clan, does not belong to the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court, she only belongs to Song Nianying.

Without the dragon tail and the dragon ball, she is no longer a member of Nanhai, and her family can never go back.

Just now, at the moment when the seventh princess crushed the dragon ball, the light that illuminated Song Nianying suddenly disappeared in the sky.

Yan Chuyu hugged Song Nianying, looked up and took a deep look at the Dragon King and Dragon Mother.

Her eyes were full of reluctance and parting.

As parents, both the Dragon King and the Dragon Mother understood. Thirteen cried to save his sister, but was dragged back by the whip turned into the Dragon King's hand.

The Dragon King turned around, put his hands behind his back, and said bluntly: "From today onwards, take back the seven princesses' dragon surname, and expel the South China Sea. From now on, there will be no Long Chuyu in the South China Sea."

If she doesn't belong to the dragon clan, she will be free from the jurisdiction of the heavenly court. From then on, the sky and the sea are open for her to soar.

It's just... where else could a body like her go?

In the sky, there is a faint light flickering, as if the eyes of heaven and man are watching all this.

Thirteen looked at his father with tears streaming down his face, "You... Father, no, sister Seven is seriously injured, save her, use the Dragon Ball to save her."

Now, the only one who can save my sister is my father.

But Shisan didn't know that the Dragon King's Dragon Ball had already been shattered at the time of God's punishment.

The dragon family is born noble, but at the same time shoulders a mission.

Why isn't the Dragon King like this?

Why not his descendants?

After this battle, Shenying's identity is known everywhere, how can she survive in the sea with her flesh and blood?

If they don't leave, even if Yan Chuyu is cured, what awaits her is still endless disaster.

The greed that the world will have, the Sea Clan will also have.

If it is said that Shenying is destined to experience all kinds of hardships, it is better to say that it is the greed of all beings that hurts her time and time again.

The Dragon King took a last deep look at the crescent moon jade pendant on Song Nianying's waist. With a wave of his sleeve, before everyone noticed, he shot a beam of light up, and then a gust of wind swept them away.

"From now on, there will be no Seven Princesses in the South China Sea."

"Everything about her, past and present, will be erased."

"Only when she died in this great battle."

The beloved son of the parents has a far-reaching plan for it.

Song Nianying hugged Yan Chuyu tightly, feeling her body cooling down a little bit, she cried and cut her wrist to save her.

Chu Yu shook her head, she grabbed her hand: "It's too late..."

Without the dragon tail and dragon ball, the primordial spirit in her body has collapsed, and even the blood of the **** shadow can't save this empty body.

What is the difference between the current her and the cramp-stripped Longaoba?

But, she couldn't bear it, she just got her freedom and could stay with Song Nianying forever.

"No... no... there must be a way. Apex blood, use apex blood..."

Chu Yu shook his head, and grasped her hand weakly: "It's useless..."

She was breathing weakly, hanging on with only one breath.

Song Nianying fumbled for the scimitar at her waist with trembling hands, but accidentally touched the cold crescent jade pendant. In an instant, many images flooded into her mind.

——If one day, you encounter a crisis, just crush it, the ends of the earth, no matter where you and I are, I will rush to you as soon as possible.

Yan Chuyu could only cover her weak eyes, she watched Song Nianying pick up the crescent jade pendant, and looked at her hesitantly.

She gets her mind.

Princess Longqi used to be so proud and arrogant, and the noble and reserved nature bestowed on her made her never disdain these cold objects.

Isn't even Prime Minister Turtle beside her considered dirty by Luo Ranfeng?

If she is rescued by such a dirty thing, then become her...

Even if Chu Yu died, he wouldn't agree.

"I would like to..."

With a tear in the corner of his eye, Yan Chuyu murmured, "I am willing."

She couldn't bear it.

She couldn't bear to leave Song Nianying just like that.

Let her wander alone in the world, helpless and bullied.

She said that she would protect her forever, even if it fell from the clouds, even the most humble existence, as long as she could be with her, she was willing.

The moment the crescent jade pendant was crushed by Song Nianying, Yan Chuyu's long eyelashes fluttered, and the moment she lost consciousness, all the scenes of living in the Dragon Palace since childhood were in her mind.

there is none left.

no more...


She could no longer hear what Song Nianying was saying, she could only vaguely feel her crying and Luo Ranfeng's soft sigh.

Immediately afterwards, something sharp fell into her neck.

Her body began to change, the already cold blood seemed to be ignited, and her whole body was burning hot and painful. At this moment, tens of thousands of needles pierced her weakest body, even the pain of severed tail and Dragon Ball, Not so much.

Luo Ranfeng wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, glanced at Yan Chuyu, and shook her head gently.

She felt sorry for them, and sighed.

Obviously, when she left, they were still so happy.

Song Nianying was crying. She looked at Yan Chuyu and asked, "Sister, can she wake up?"

During these days of wandering outside, Luo Ranfeng also gradually found a way to survive, and met some of her own family. She never killed innocent people indiscriminately, and saved some dying people. She also understood that the transformation of a vampire is not that simple.

Not everyone can survive such pain and such new life.

Either, have strong perseverance, or have deep obsession.

"She will."

Luo Ranfeng looked at Yan Chuyu, she had both.

What's more, she came in time, this jade pendant seemed to have been tampered with.

When Luo Ranfeng heard the summons thousands of miles away, no matter how fast she was, she couldn't arrive within a day, but a door with blue light suddenly appeared in front of her, as if she could teleport, and she left Go in, it's perfect in an instant.

Luo Ranfeng didn't know that it was the last thing the Dragon King did for his daughter.

She looked at Song Nianying in a mess, "Are you hungry? My sister will cook you something to eat. You should change your clothes too."

Song Nianying's eyes were only on Yan Chuyu, she shook her head and shrank by her side.

She has nothing to do, as long as Chu Yu wakes up.

The transformation process was long. Although Yan Chuyu was calm on the surface, the inner changes, the tearing pain, had made her endure thousands of times.

The next day, before the sun rose, Song Nianying huddled in Yan Chuyu's arms in fear of the cold. Before, when she leaned against her arms, she could always absorb warmth, but now, she felt as if she was leaning on Yan Chuyu's arms. On an ice cube, getting colder and colder.

As if sensing the warmth and the scent of flesh and blood, Yan Chuyu suddenly opened her bright red eyes, she turned around almost instinctively, pressed Song Nianying, her teeth instantly bit her neck, and was about to sink into it.

"Chu Yu, Chu Yu..."

After she woke up, there would be changes, Luo Ranfeng told her all about it, and suggested that she stay away.

After all, Yan Chuyu is different from others. Even if she cut off the dragon's tail and destroyed the dragon balls, she is not an ordinary person transformed into a vampire.

Newborns are inherently difficult to control, with the strongest strength and stamina, and the greatest thirst for blood.

The blood of the **** shadow is what the world desires most. Even now, Luo Ranfeng, who can control herself with ease, has to keep a distance from Song Nianying.

However, how could Nian Nian leave Chu Yu?

She had just lost her life and lost her home. She woke up enduring the pain and suffering alone.

The dripping scars are still there, and she can't leave her.

She believed in Yan Chuyu.

Chu Yu's body was trembling, and the strong desire made her want to bite down, her long hair was fluttering, her eyes were scarlet, not the clean pure blue before, in the eyes of others, maybe it was from the coffin Like a horrible devil crawling out.

But Song Nianying was not only not afraid, she also gently stroked her back with her hand, and murmured: "Chu Yu, Chu Yu, it's me... Nian Nian..."

As if she couldn't hear, Yan Chuyu pinched her neck tightly with her hands, pressed her nose against her body, sniffing the most delicious temptation in the world.

Under Song Nianying's thin skin was the galloping blood, the blood of the gods that the world longed for, and under her palm was a beating heart.

Take a bite, as long as you take a bite, you will feel comfortable all over, and it won't hurt so much.

Yan Chuyu started to tremble, Song Nianying was still gently stroking her back, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm here."

Comforting her, Song Nianying's tears flowed down unconsciously.

The Seventh Princess, who was so dignified and self-sufficient in the past, has now become like this.

Did she ever regret acquainting her?

If it wasn't for her...Chu Yu is still the invincible God of War of the Dragon Clan, and is revered by the people, how could he be in such a state?


Cold tears fell on Song Nianying's face. Yan Chuyu cried. She looked at Song Nianying with her dark red eyes, raised her hand, and touched her face. A sobbing sound came out from her throat indistinctly, "Nian Nian ——?”

Song Nianying was heartbroken, she held her hand, "It's me."

Yan Chuyu turned over, far away from Song Nianying, and Luo Ranfeng who was not far away had already walked over, holding a bowl of blood in her hand, "Here."

This was what Yan Chuyu needed most, and it was what made the former Seventh Princess the most shameless.

That is human blood.

Luo Ranfeng took it from the beheaded prisoner.

Although not the freshest, it was enough to restrain the desire in her body.

Yan Chuyu bit her lip desperately, she looked at the bowl of bright red blood, her fingers tightly grasped the door frame, leaving scratches.

no, do not want…

She doesn't want to fall.

Song Nianying watched her cry like this, she stepped forward, picked up the knife at her waist, and slammed it on the palm of her hand.

Luo Ranfeng and Yan Chuyu turned their heads at the same time.

Song Nianying looked at Yan Chuyu, with tears welling up in her eyes, "Chuyu, you are my wife, and I am willing to support you."

Memories, began to become fragmented fragments.

Song Nianying looked at the split screen on Dragon Ball.

Because he became a vampire, the Dragon King's control over his daughter was no longer so comprehensive, and the pictures he saw were not complete.

When she first became a vampire, Yan Chuyu was depressed and lonely. Although she didn't say it, Song Nianying could feel it.

However, love is a painful and great existence in this world.

It destroys all and heals all at the same time.

On the Dragon Ball, Song Nianying hugged Yan Chuyu, leaned her head on her neck, and teased her with a smile: "Look, you can bear me approaching you so close now, you won't hurt anyone Human."

It was the appearance of many vampires surrounding Yan Chuyu, calling her "Holy King", and bowing down to her sincerely.

It was Song Nianying who embraced her and whispered in her ear.

"How about being a dragon? How about being a human? How about being a vampire? Identity doesn't matter, what matters is how you do it."

Who said that vampires are destined to be cold and cruel?

Her lover, even if he is a vampire, will definitely be the one who is respected and admired.

For thousands of years, they have saved many sentient beings, and the group of gods and shadows has grown stronger, and Yan Chuyu has finally been revered as a holy king.

They got their wish and built a small hut by the sea. When they were free, they would go back and live the life that couples in the world should have.

Hand in hand, they walked on the polar glaciers and watched the penguins with a smile;

They lay on the vast and endless grassland, looking up at each other and looking up at the dazzling aurora;

They snuggled up in the sea of ​​wisteria flowers, sniffing the fragrance of flowers, interlocking their fingers...

Most of the time, Song Nianying would accompany Yan Chuyu back to the group to handle affairs.

She designed, she drew sketches, and the Holy King built a pure and flawless ice castle for her.

Song Nianying was laughing inside. She secretly made two sets of red dowries, stuffed them playfully into her closet, and set up a barrier. Apart from herself, even Chu Yu couldn't open the door.

Yan Chuyu pampered her helplessly, but always wanted to sneak in to see what good things she had hidden.

She doesn't care about titles like Holy King, she just gradually understands the meaning of practice and what it is.


All kinds of things later, good luck tricks people.

That was what Yan Chuyu had seen in the fantasy world set up by Fan Yi.

Although vampires are powerful, they can finally fall asleep.

Song Nianying watched as he kissed Yan Chuyu in front of the crystal coffin, watched her weeping, gouged out her heart with a knife, and drew out the blood from her heart.

All of this should belong to her memory.

But at this moment, what she saw in Dragon Ball was Yan Chuyu's mood.

She watched her painfully trying to stop everything, but unable to do anything.

Watching her turn into that tear, wandering and wandering with her for a hundred years, when Song Nianying put on a jade ring finger and jumped into the sea, how did that tear call fish to surround her and protect her? of.

She never left.

Yan Chuyu really did as she said, it turned into a tear in the corner of her eye, and was with her forever.

Song Nianying's tears kept flowing, and the jade ring on her finger was hot, but she couldn't care less, she bit her lip and looked at the man who looked like a dragon king and an ancient **** king, "Who the **** are you?"

The man looked at her and was silent for a moment. He appeared in the body of a dragon, "I should have fallen in the great war thousands of years ago."

Although Song Nianying's blood and Chu Yu's dragon tail saved the entire South China Sea, his dragon ball was already damaged and could not last long.

After he rectified the South China Sea and arranged everything, he went out to look for his daughter.

He was hanging on his breath, and he should have been buried in the clan's tomb long ago.

He found the Ancient God King and asked him to help take care of his daughter.

He gave dragon blood.

Dragon blood, that was the only thing he had.

In exchange for this.

After absorbing the dragon's blood, not only can the ancient **** king's ability be greatly improved, but he can also possess all the spells that the dragon king mastered during his lifetime, becoming the most powerful existence.

What the Ancient God King let her see was just the phantom of the Dragon King, his obsession, and the promise between them.

This is also the reason why Long Lingxue refused to be called Dragon King no matter what.

Song Nianying stared blankly at the man who had turned into the Dragon King. The Dragon King looked at her and smiled softly: "My child, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

After waiting for too long, he was afraid that he would not be able to hold on to this obsession.

"Now, only you can save her."

Song Nianying lowered her head, she looked at the cold and hot jade ring finger in her hand as if she had a premonition, and slowly groped up with her fingertips.

"So, the unnamed vampire guide that Ruxi kept at home is also left by you."

The Dragon King nodded, "Yes."

It once recorded all kinds of vampires, and Song Nianying was most impressed by that sentence.

——If a vampire has suffered a severe injury, and his body is close to the verge of death, and he can no longer hold on, on a full moon night, he can die both physically and mentally. Pray for the blessing of the moonlight and give him everything for rebirth, so he is also known as the "child of the moonlight". After waking up, the Moonlight Child was like a newborn for the first three months. After three months, he gradually recovered and became stronger. It's just that none of the living beings in the group can endure the pain of death in the body and the pain of death in the heart, and they cannot inspire the gift of the moon god.


How could she bear it.

The Dragon King seemed to be able to read minds, he looked into Song Nianying's eyes, and said slowly: "You are reluctant, but Chu Yu has made up her mind that if you are well, she will pass away in three months without any regrets. "

She arranged for Gu Yuechi, Hua Bairou and Zuo Die to guard her side.

Looking for Leng Yuezhu for her, and wanting to get Xiandihua for her.

They were all afraid that without her protection, Song Nianying would be bullied and homeless again.

She had done so much, but she never imagined how Song Nianying would survive if she was gone.

Song Nianying bit her lip, feeling a sense of grievance and anger in her heart.

Since she has recovered her memory, why not tell her completely.

If it is true that there are only three months left and there is no reversal, shouldn't they stay together and not leave regrets for each other?

It has been thousands of years, and she has taught her countless times, why is Chu Yu still the same?

Does she know what is life and death Qikuo?

The Dragon King took a step forward, and he smiled lightly: "Shouldn't you treat her as her own way, and teach her a profound lesson?"

At the same time, Yan Chuyu, who was standing next to Princess Dragon Thirteen, looked at the cold moon bead glowing with a cold blue light, and remained silent for a long time.

She realized what it was.

Princess Long Shisan looked at Yan Chuyu, said with red eyes: "Seventh sister, you and Song Nianying saved Nanhai back then, how could Nanhai forget you? This is the cold moon bead that has been condensed by all the people's hard work for a hundred years."

The giver must be the giver.

Although it was only half, the shape of a crescent moon was enough to bring Yan Chuyu back to the South China Sea.

Princess Long Shisan looked into her eyes: "Choose again, sister seven, come back, don't wander outside anymore, stay in the sea, this is your original root, the spirits of your ancestors are guarding, you just need to stay Here, the heart-biting Gu will not attack. After a thousand years, the cold moon pearl will fuse with you and grow the other half."

Yan Chuyu covered her chest with her hand, she looked at Princess Long Shisan.

No wonder, since entering the sea, she has never suffered from angina.

The Leng Yuezhu seemed to be sentient, shaking and shrinking until it shrank to the size of the inner alchemy, floating in front of Yan Chuyu.

Chu Yu hesitated for a moment, she stretched out her hand, and the cold moon bead landed in her palm.

Faintly, there was a cold blue light.

The Thirteenth Princess: "She is a divine shadow. No matter how painful or tortured she is, she is a celestial being and will never die. For her, death is just the completion of the catastrophe and the beginning of another new life. Why don't you just let her go and let each other go?"

If there is no force to stay at the beginning, let Song Nianying go.

My sister wouldn't wander like this for thousands of years, falling asleep after becoming a vampire, isn't it a painful reincarnation?

On a castle thousands of miles away.

Song Nianying stood under the moonlight, and a large number of crows flew up desolately. She looked at the jade ring finger that she had worn with her for half a year, and murmured, "You said it, don't let me leave."


She wants to find herself.

The waning moon is like blood, and the wind howls.

Song Nianying returned to the forest with the ancient **** king.

There, the lush and lush jungles that used to be there are gone, and the nature that has been damaged by humans has dried up and withered.

However, there were vaguely descendants of the gods and shadows, smelling the smell circulating in the blood, slowly coming from all directions.

They have waited so long.

They were all waiting for the moment when Shen Ying returned.

A hundred kilometers away in Nanming Mountain, Purple Wolf looked at the waning moon in the sky with a pair of green eyes. It raised its head and let out a long wolf howl.

It quickly ran into the ancient formation of the ethnic group.

Inside, there are five wolf kings guarding the fairy Dihua at the feet of the clan Yueheng.

They were also the oldest guardians of this forest.

Hearing the sound, all five wolf kings stood up, looking at the purple wolf with deep eyes.

And on the stone platform behind them, the emerald green fairy flowers are braving the cold air at this moment.

The purple wolf nodded. At that moment, the five wolves turned and moved forward together, and their right paws fell at the same time, shaking around Xiandihua.

At that moment, the dust stirred up, and the Xiandi flower slowly floated up and spun rapidly.

The purple wolves, including the wolf king, were all prostrate on the ground, as if doing some kind of prayer.

A moment later, under the golden brilliance, the fairy flower turned faster and faster, and finally turned into an emerald green jade flute, which slowly landed in front of the purple wolf.

The purple wolf held the flute in its mouth, and looked back at the five wolf kings. The wolf king who had been guarding here had completed his mission, his spirit dissipated, and his body seemed to be hollowed out, turning into countless circles of light.

And in that circle of light, there were vaguely the shapes of elk and python. When they left, they turned their heads to look at the purple wolf.

The purple wolf turned to look at them, a large tear fell from the corner of his eye, and the waning moon in that tear had, at some point, turned into the shape of a full moon.

Under the protection of the ancient **** king, in the valley where the shadow of the gods once fell.

Song Nianying's right hand exerted force, and her body leaped into the air, and she finally took off the jade ring finger that had witnessed countless tears and injuries.

Read The Duke's Passion