MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 65

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——You are here, how about her?

Under the woman's eager questioning, Song Nianying looked astonished, who are you? Who is she? Did you mean her?

After hesitating for a moment, the woman narrowed her eyes. She looked at Song Nianying seriously, her eyes wandered over her body, and finally landed on the jade finger on the fingertip.

Half red like blood, half transparent like tears;

If others see it, they must be impressed by the ingenuity;

But the woman was silent for a moment when she saw it, she looked into Song Nianying's eyes: "You sealed yourself after all."

Song Nianying:? ? ?

At this moment, the herring that was stepped on by her swayed violently, causing rushing waves to set off. The woman squinted her eyes, "Someone dares to kidnap people in the South China Sea."

South China Sea?

Song Nianying, who had been in a daze, came back to her senses. She stared at the woman. Could it be that she is from the Dragon Clan?

Without giving her an answer, the woman waved her sleeve and set off a barrier-like stream of water. She glanced back at Song Nianying, shook her head, and disappeared into the lake.

Ripples appeared on the surface of the lake, covering up everything.

The spider in leather pants stared at the lake in a daze. It raised its head to look at its sister in a daze, with question marks all over its face.

Song Nianying stood where she was. She lowered her head, looked at the jade wrench on her fingertips, rubbed it lightly for a moment, "Let's go."

Some things, although like a fog, make people unable to figure out.

But it seems that this time in the South China Sea, it may not be true that they don't know everyone.

Song Nianying had just arrived at the hotel when she heard laughter coming from the room.

She frowned, opened the door and looked, and was stunned.

On the sofa, there was a sweet-looking little girl jumping happily with her two soaring arms, and beside her was the crazy Zuo Die.

Song Nianying:? ? ?

Didn't she go to kidnap?

Gu Yuechi stood at the side speechlessly, without speaking, Hua Bairou looked at the two bouncing people with a smile, she never thought that the shrimp soldiers and crabs in the South China Sea would be so easy to tie, according to Zuo Die who went deep into the front line, after she went there, , and Black Snake and White Snake had just opened their pockets when the waves started to push a little girl who looked like white jade over. Without saying a word, she happily jumped into the bag and looked at Zuo Die happily: "Sister, Take me away! I'm going to see the outside world."

Zuo Die and Er Snake, who were originally sneaky, froze and looked at her.

The little girl is very good-looking, with big grape-like eyes that seem to have light in them, flickering, red lips, a neat nose, and chubby cheeks, it seems that she is not very young and has not experienced much in the world.

Zuo Die tentatively asked: "Are you from the South China Sea?"

The little girl nodded vigorously: "My name is Lingxue."

This is probably the most beautiful kidnapping Zuo Die has ever done, no need to talk nonsense, the other party is very cooperative.

After being tied back, she didn't cry. After drinking a bottle of Wangzai milk, she even kept calling Zuo Die "sister" and "sister". I am very curious about everything, and everything I see is new.

Even just now, when Zuo Die turned on the TV and played cartoons for her, she was so excited that her little hands turned red.

Song Nianying stood there and looked at the little girl, "What kind of fairy is she?"

Looking at her like this, she can't be a fish who just succeeded in cultivation, right?

When the little girl heard the voice, she turned her head to look at Song Nianying, her eyes lit up, and she smiled and called, "Little aunt!"

Song Nianying: ...

This child's small mouth is not very sweet, she calls everyone her sister, and bringing Song Nianying here is her little aunt.

A few people were staring at the child. Over there, Yan Chuyu walked in slowly. She changed into a tulle blue dress, her hair was loose, her makeup was as light as water, and her eyes were picturesque.

She felt Song Nianying's gaze, raised her head, and smiled at her.

Song Nianying turned her head abruptly.

"This is--"

The Holy King's eyes fell on the little girl, who turned her head to look at her, her eyes were amazed, and she covered her mouth with one hand: "Auntie!"


The Holy King's face changed, she looked at Zuo Die: "Where did you bring it back? Nonsense!"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, what happened? Didn't you agree to tie up a shrimp soldier and crab general first?

Shengwang's entire aura was fierce, "Do you know who she is?"

Although she is young, the aura she carries is unmistakable.

The little girl jumped and danced together, patted her belly: "Do you know who she is?"

Holy King: ...


ten minutes later.

The little girl happily ate Wangzai Snow Cake with mouthfuls of "wow", swinging two chubby legs, sitting on the sofa watching the bears come and go.

And in the living room.

Yan Chuyu looked at Zuo Die coldly.

Zuo Die drooped her head. She never dreamed that she would tie up a little dragon by herself. Well, not only did the mission not complete, but she also lost her wife and lost her army.

Hua Bairou saw Zuo Die being so funny and heartbroken, she looked at the Holy King, and said in a low voice, "Holy King, why don't I send this child back?"

In fact, this is not considered to be tied, it is the little dragon who wants to follow back, isn't it?

As soon as she heard that she was going to be sent back, the little girl immediately raised her head and looked at Zuo Die with tears in her eyes: "Woo, sister, I don't want to go back."

Dragon Palace is too boring.

She wanted to come out and play a long time ago.

She is the youngest little princess among the Dragon Clan. She was born after the Eldest Princess married Donghai. Back then, the Dragon Clan was invaded by foreign lands, and the Seventh Princess was damaged under severe injuries. The old Dragon King was very sad and could not comfort him. She washed her face with tears every day, and it was the eldest princess who brought the child back to the father to raise him, which eased a lot.

It's just that he had a difficult heart after all, and he had no intention of taking charge of the affairs of the South China Sea, so he handed it over to the most arrogant and capable Princess Long Shisan among the children.

Princess Long Shisan doesn't know what's wrong. Contrary to the dignified and prudent impression given by the South China Sea Dragon Palace to outsiders, she lives a very extravagant life. It is said that the pampered men and women around her have never stopped.

It's also strange that the old Dragon King, who has always regarded fame as the first priority, ignored it and sealed himself in the old palace, studying ancient books, and never going out again.

This story of the dragon clan was once spread in Jianghu. Hua Bairou said it well, "I heard that the seventh princess who died was extremely beautiful, unparalleled in the world, and very capable. She once made great contributions to the clan. She has always had a high prestige in the Dragon Palace, but after she died, there was no news about her at all, and even the records seemed to be erased intentionally by someone. Everyone said that she was not really invaded to death by foreigners, but—"

Several people looked at Hua Bairou.

The holy king also looked at her with a pair of blue eyes.

Hua Bairou: "Because I did something that disgraced the Dragon Clan, so I was expelled."

The management of the Dragon Palace is very strict, comparable to the Heavenly Palace.

Once the descendants who are expelled by the dragon clan have to hand over the dragon ball and cut off the dragon's tail, they will never return to their hometown forever.

The Holy King pursed his lips, feeling tight in his chest. She turned to look at the little girl who was happily eating Wangzai Snow Cake, "What's your name?"

The little girl looked up, "Long Lingxue."

There seemed to be blue drops of water in her watery eyes, and she pursed her small cherry mouth, and she begged, "Little aunt, can you not send me back?"

Dragon Palace is so boring.

She is taught various books by Prime Minister Gui every day, taught various spells by Aunt Boa Constrictor, and none of her sisters accompany her, she is so boring.

The Holy King looked at her and shook his head: "No."

The Dragon Clan lost Xiaolong, there must have been a wave of waves, and they must send her back quickly.

Long Lingxue curled her lips, she lowered her head, dangling her little feet and remained silent.

The dogmatic education for so long made her no longer know how to resist.

Seeing what little aunt said, she didn't dare to say anything, but after a while, pearls fell on the ground.


Hua Bairou, Zuo Die, and Gu Yuechi were all shocked. It turned out that the tears of the Dragon Clan are really pearls.

Those pearls are crystal clear, and any one is worth a fortune.

Everyone felt sore when they saw it, and they didn't dare to say the holy king, so they could only go to see his wife together.

Song Nianying was silent for a moment. She stroked Long Lingxue's hair. This was the first time she touched a dragon in her life. Her body was cool and had a faint fragrance. She looked a bit like Yan Chuyu. One day, can you take us to see the Leng Yuezhu in your Dragon Palace."

When Long Lingxue raised her head, there was a pearl in the corner of her eye, "Really?"

Song Nianying smiled and nodded.

Long Lingxue quickly nodded her chubby chin, "Okay."

Stay for a day?

Gu Yuechi looked at the Holy King, remembered her resolute attitude, and couldn't help but ask, "Isn't one day too long?"

I'm afraid it's not right.

The Holy King will lose his temper.

Yan Chuyu frowned and looked at her: "Why is it wrong?"

Gu Yuechi: ...


Let alone one day, if Madam likes it, so what if the little dragon stays here forever?

Will she be afraid?

The domineering vigor of the Holy King came again, and with a wave of her hand, a barrier fell around her.

She walked to Long Lingxue's side again, and lightly touched her hair, and the fallen strand of hair turned into a blue halo.

The Holy King walked to the window and threw the circle of light out, it instantly turned into a blue bird, looked back, and flew to the north.


This is to seal the little dragon's aura first, and then use it to lure the dragon's pursuers to the north to look for her when the tiger is away from the mountain.

For his wife, the Holy King is really "cunning".

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she grandly collected the pearls that Xiaolong had just dropped because of crying, and then squeezed them in her palm.

While everyone was still in a daze, the Holy King raised his hand, and a white circle of light hit Song Nianying's body, and the pearl powder was immediately absorbed by her.


The Holy King thinks they are all blind.

The atmosphere was too weird, Song Nianying looked at them and said, "Let's go, I'm going to rest."

She has been traveling long distances for the past few days, and she always feels very tired.

Everyone nodded, Long Lingxue was about to leave with Zuo Die's hand, when a cold and deep voice came from her ear.

"Kid, can you hear me?"

Long Lingxue raised her head, looked at the Holy King, and nodded slightly.


ten minutes later.

Song Nianying looked at Xiaolong who wanted to stay in the room without saying anything, she had a headache: "Why don't you go to your sister Zuodie?"

Long Lingxue's snot bubbled up from crying, and she grabbed Song Nianying's clothes tightly with one hand: "She's a vampire, I'm afraid."

Song Nianying: ...

Why wasn't she afraid before?

Isn't it good to play?

It was pretty good before, but Long Lingxue was startled by the words of the Holy King just now.

The holy king said that if he didn't stay with this little aunt, he would immediately send her back to the Dragon Palace and take away her snacks.

Song Nianying didn't know how to take care of children, it was really a headache, Yan Chuyu who hadn't left all this time looked at her: "Let me take her for you."

Song Nianying looked at her questioningly, "You?"

She's also a vampire, and dragons would be scared.

She lowered her head to look at Long Lingxue, Long Lingxue nodded her chin forcefully, "Well, this little aunt looks very weak, she won't hurt me."

Yan Chuyu: ...

Song Nianying smiled, stroked her hair, glanced at Yan Chuyu, stopped talking, and went in to take a shower.

There were only two people left in the room.

Yan Chuyu looked at Long Lingxue who had been staring at the TV, "Don't keep watching, you will be nearsighted."

Long Lingxue chewed on the snow cake and shook her head: "The Leng Yuezhu from Aunt Thirteen is very useful. If I can't see clearly, I can recover with her gesture."

Hearing this, the Holy King's heart moved, she looked at Long Lingxue: "Is your thirteenth aunt good?"

Long Lingxue nodded, and proudly said: "Amazing." She chewed on the snow cakes and thought for a while, "But not as good as you, little aunt."

Yan Chuyu looked at her, "How do you know?"

Long Lingxue looked at her seriously, "I just know, my father said, you are my most powerful aunt."

Yan Chuyu's heart skipped a beat, she looked at Long Lingxue in astonishment, "What did you say?"

Long Lingxue tilted her head and looked at her suspiciously, "Isn't it? I once saw a portrait of you, little aunt, in the palace of Thirteenth Aunt. She said that you are the God of War of the Dragon Clan. Let me learn from you. "

At that moment, the heart of the Holy King seemed to stop beating.

Seeing her dazed look, Long Lingxue smiled innocently, she put down the snow cake, pouted, and the dragon ball spit out from her pink lips.

The dragon ball was covered with light blue light, and the periphery was faintly emitting red light.

The dragon ball moved slowly as if it had self-awareness, and moved to the top of Yan Chuyu's head, and the blue-red light fell on her body.

At that moment, the Holy King felt the comfort and comfort she had never had before, and she felt that her body that had been tortured for days was relieved.

Long Lingxue said with a smile: "Look, Dragon Ball knows you, it is healing you."

Just when the Holy King was stiff and shocked by Long Lingxue's words, Song Nianying walked out slowly with a towel in one hand. She was wearing a rose red bathrobe and was about to talk to Long Lingxue when she saw the scene in front of her. .

Seeing his wife coming out, the holy king reacted, walked over and grabbed her hand, trying to bring her under the dragon ball.

Song Nianying pursed her lips, trying to break free, but seeing her anxious look, she couldn't bear it.

She wanted Dragon Ball to heal Song Nianying.

But the Dragon Ball is really as Long Lingxue said, it recognizes the master, and it is only effective for the Dragon Clan. As soon as Song Nianying walked over, the blue-red light was taken away.

Dragon Ball quickly returned to Long Lingxue's side, she opened her mouth and swallowed it again.

She frowned, and the chubby hand stroked her chest, as if feeling a little uncomfortable, she looked at Yan Chuyu: "Little aunt, you are seriously injured, Dragon Ball said you have bugs in your body, you won't be able to survive for three months. "

What is Tongyanwuji.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two people present changed.

Yan Chuyu wished she could go forward and cover Long Lingxue's mouth, but Song Nianying was hit in the head by someone, her heart constricted instantly, and her breathing seemed to be deprived. She turned her head suddenly, and tears filled her eyes for a moment. He looked at Yan Chuyu in confidence.

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