MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 52

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Song Nianying had never met King Shura, and she learned all about vampires from the three around her.

Hua Bairou and Zuo Die's fear of King Shura had already been ingrained in their bones, let alone talking about King Shura, even if they mentioned it, they would not mention it lightly.

As for Yan Chuyu, she was cold by nature, except for Song Nianying, let alone words, she would not give anyone a look.

Therefore, Song Nianying's understanding of King Shura was blank.

The woman in front of her was just a thin and thin woman with tired eyes.

After getting acquainted with Yan Chuyu, Song Nianying had already recognized Yan Gou's identity. Now, seeing such a strange vampire dressed in black, not only was she not afraid, but she also had a hint of curiosity in her eyes.


King Shura looked at Song Nianying in surprise, she wasn't afraid of him?

how many years.

Standing aloft in front of all her subjects, the supreme status and cruel methods of slaughter have made her used to every vampire or other clan trembling when she sees her.

But the woman in front of her was not only not afraid, but looked at her curiously?

"Who are you?"

Song Nianying's tone was flat. Before, she still had a strong repulsion towards cold creatures like vampires, but because of Yan Chuyu, she had a good impression of the entire race.

King Shura stared at her with a pair of eyes, and always felt a little familiar about her. After a moment of silence, she looked at Yan Chuyu and said, "My name is Jin Zhi."

Eighteen looked at King Shura in disbelief.

King Shura stared straight at Song Nianying, as if he was looking at her or at someone else.

Song Nianying nodded after listening, "What kind of official are you?"

The aura emanating from her body is quite different from Shiba's attitude towards her.

Eighteen felt goosebumps on her back. She had never seen anyone who dared to talk to King Shura like this. She was afraid she would die?

King Shura frowned slightly, staring at Song Nianying's eyes.

She has a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, slender and attractive eyeliner, long eyelashes, in the blink of an eye, peach blossoms seem to be blooming in them.

King Shura stared at her blankly for a moment, and said, "I am King Shura of the clan."

King Shura? ? ?

Song Nianying heard this, grabbed a strand of hair to play with, and asked Shiba with a half-smile: "Among you vampires, how many kings are there?"


"You came to see me so late, what's the matter?"

Song Nianying leaned against the wall and asked, she yawned, but she didn't walk out of the barrier, her face was calm and casual.

King Shura stared at her, and said slowly, "I haven't come to congratulate the Holy King's happy event yet."


This was the first time she had seen her lying by the side of King Shura for so long.

Her temper is that she wants to get what she wants immediately, and destroys it if she doesn't get it.

But now, she actually had such a peaceful conversation with a human being.

This kind of daily routine not only surprised Shiba, but King Shura himself was not surprised, and he didn't know why. The person in front of him clearly didn't have a trace of a sister's aura, and his aura was completely incomparable, but there was a feeling of déjà vu.

This feeling made her nostalgic, made her fascinated, and had a moment of longing.

Although Song Nianying didn't have the vampire's ability to read people's minds, she could feel the turmoil in her heart when she looked into King Shura's eyes.

She frowned.

If it was in the past, she wouldn't care about such eyes, but now after going to the ice sculpture castle, she doesn't know what to do, especially annoying that others are looking at her, but what she wants to look at is another person.

It doesn't feel good to be a stand-in like this.

"It's too late today, Chu Yu and I can't entertain you, and it's not convenient for me to take you upstairs without her."

The constant injuries over the years made Song Nianying feel alert. King Shura looked at her and curled the corners of his lips. When she raised her hands, her voice suddenly became hollow.

——No need to go upstairs.

At that moment, her two hands seemed to push aside the calm water, and under the little ripples, the two of them sank together like a swamp.

Song Nianying stood on a piece of green grass, looking at the magnificent ancient buildings in the distance, as well as the people in ancient robes who were shouting or walking by, full of surprise.

"Is this a dream?"

She once heard from Chu Yu that she could fall into a dream.

She is the Holy King, and Jin Zhi is the Shura King, so she should have such abilities, right?

Jin Zhi raised his eyes, put his hands behind his back, looked around, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes: "This is the hometown I used to live in, and what I brought you here is from the depths of my memory, and it's all illusory. You won't be hurt in any way."

This is her hometown? ? ?

Song Nianying looked around, the mountains and rivers were beautiful, everyone was smiling and busy, they came directly to a lively alley, vendors were shouting, and children ran out secretly, shaking their hands. The rattle, the adults are chasing after.

Jin Zhi walked forward slowly, her eyes turned red, "I was born here, and my home is in front of me."

Song Nianying followed her forward, and saw Jin Zhi staying in the depths of the alley, in front of a decent mansion, with two majestic stone lions at the door, and a guard at the door handle, on the big plaque in the center, swearing at Fang Qiu The word Jin's house is full of domineering.

Song Nianying: "You come from a wealthy family."

Jin Zhi glanced at her, and she seemed to understand why Hua Bairou, Zuo Die, and Shiba successively had a good impression of this weak human being. She indeed exudes a temperament that is neither humble nor overbearing, which is very attractive.

Ordinary people, who were suddenly dragged into a place of emptiness by her, would have already turned pale with fright, but she not only looked indifferent, but also read the story calmly.

At this moment, a little doll ran out, and behind her was a big and thick servant chasing her. The little doll was crying while running, and her arms were covered with old and new purple and red scars.

Song Nianying looked at the little baby's face, and looked at Jin Zhi in astonishment.

This is indeed King Shura's childhood.

Jin Zhi looked at his little self who was finally caught, pressed to the ground, slapped his buttocks and cried non-stop, his eyes were dazed.

"If it wasn't for giving birth to a loser like you, how could Fengying die in childbirth? You still have the face to run away? Go back!"

At this time, as soon as the sedan chair arrived at the door, the guards stopped, bowed their heads and shouted in unison: "Master."

Master Jin opened the car curtain and walked down slowly from above. When he saw her, little Jin Zhi trembled in fright, and stood beside him shivering.

In Jin's mansion, from the master to the servants, everyone is well-clothed and well-fed, with a splendid temperament.

But his own daughter lived like a little bastard, dirty all over, even if she was being beaten under his nose, Mr. Jin didn't even look at it. sleeves.

"My God, is this the stepfather???"

Song Nianying's eyes were full of disbelief. Shouldn't fathers be furious when they see their children being chased and beaten by servants? How could he do it to such an outrageous level?

Jin Zhi looked at his father, clenched his hands tightly behind his back.

Seeing the master left, the servant beat Xiao Jinzhi cursingly, kicked her staggeringly, her little face was grayed out from crying, and she wiped the corners of her eyes with dirty hands as she sobbed, she was already so sad , her eyes were still chasing and looking inside at her father.

In the side room facing the main entrance, a little boy wearing a purple robe and a gold crown and jade belt stumbled out, calling indistinctly: "Daddy."

Master Jin was afraid that he would fall, so he stepped forward quickly, picked him up, and lifted him above his head.

The little boy laughed and put his arms around his father's neck. He found Xiao Jin Zhi who was standing behind him and was watching them secretly. He frowned, "The wild species."

Master Jin turned his head and glanced at Jin Zhi, turned around indifferently, and carried his son into the wing.

Song Nianying's three views were about to be shattered, she stared at King Shura, and King Shura said flatly: "He was born in a poor and humble family, and he couldn't even pass a township exam after taking the exam several times, and then he fell in love with my mother's family." Prestige, racking my brains to get close to my mother."

Although the Feng family is noble, they have a good family style and integrity, and they will not look down on the other party just because they are from a poor family. As long as the daughter is willing, they will agree, but the grandmother does not agree with anything, "Marriage must pay attention to family, What is he? Can he be worthy of my grandson?"

At that time, Mr. Jin was not as mighty as he is now. He laughed with him and didn't care about his grandmother's sarcasm. On the contrary, he was more kind to his mother.

In order to marry a wife as soon as possible, he racked his brains and tried his best, and even came up with a dirty method of cooking raw rice and cooked rice.

Many things, from the moment they first came together, were doomed to tragedy.

Afterwards, Mr. Jin relied on the ability of the Feng family to cheat. Not only did he pass the Juren examination, but he also met noble people. He was recommended along the way, and his official position became bigger and bigger. , the whole family was implicated, and even Jin Zhi's mother became the daughter of a guilty minister.

She was unhappy.

The terrible thing was that when Mr. Jin was drinking outside, when he was about to give birth, he heard gossip.

They said that the child in her womb was a bastard, not Master Jin's, and that the reason why she got married back then was because she was eager to find a family, so she just let go.

At that time, women were conceived before marriage, which brought shame to the family and was despised by others.

Master Jin is no longer the gentle temperament of the past, and he has forgotten who the culprit is.

He came home drunk and beat his wife who was pregnant for nine months, causing her dystocia and blood collapse, and gave birth to Jin Zhi in nine months, and passed away. Yupei looked at him sadly: "Daughter... daughter..."

At that time, the ancients did not have any DNA testing, and Jin Zhi, who was born less than ten months old, confirmed the outside statement.

If it weren't for the resentful eyes of Xiao Jinzhi's mother before she died, which touched a little bit of humanity in Master Jin's heart, he wouldn't have given her a bite of food and kept her by his side like a dog for so many years.

A family that has accumulated goodness will surely have more celebrations, and a family that has accumulated evil will surely have surviving calamities.

Song Nianying listened to what Jin Zhi said, and walked forward with her.

In the next scene, the scene on the street corner is reorganized, it is still so noisy and prosperous, but the plaque hanging high on Jin's mansion is being picked down by several men in blue robes, the former luxury is long gone, deserted and desolate.

After Mr. Jin became famous, his vanity made him become increasingly arrogant and lawless. Except for the prince of the court, everyone dared to offend, but he unknowingly and unintentionally planted the seeds of disaster for the later period.

He has been corrupt and broke the law all year round, oppressing and governing the people, and robbing the people's daughters, committing numerous crimes.

The newly appointed officials who had had conflicts with him directly participated in the emperor's presence.

The family was ruined, and the unpopular little Jin Zhi was sold several times, and later bought by a hunter couple. It was said that his wife had nothing to do all year round, and he bought her because he wanted to raise her as a daughter.

But maybe it's fate.

Song Nianying and Jin Zhi stood on the country road, looking at the small wooden house surrounded by fences, the hunter couple wept with joy, and hugged each other tightly.

But Xiao Jin Zhi, who was squatting outside, making medicine for her adoptive mother, had eyes full of fear. She didn't ask for the love and affection of her parents, she just wanted to be fed and warm, not to be beaten, and to have a place to live, but...

Children sometimes have a surprisingly effective sixth sense.

After Song Nianying watched the hunter's wife become pregnant, the more she looked at Xiao Jinzhi, the more dissatisfied she became. At such a young age, she not only took on all the housework at home, but was also often insulted.

Xiao Jinzhi gets up before dawn every morning. She has to go to a well a few kilometers away to fill up the water tank.

Song Nianying looked at her thin and small body being so crushed that she couldn't lift it up, and then looked at Jin Zhi in front of her, and understood a little bit why Shiba always looked at her as if she was looking at a tigress.

After going through so much, her body and mind may have long been unhealthy.

Following the rising sun, Xiao Jin Zhi wiped the sweat from his brow, and began to wipe the stool to eat for the family.

When the hunter's adoptive parents got up, the meals were ready, the wild boars behind the house had been fed, and the chickens, ducks and geese raised at home were all full.

Little Jin Zhi squatted aside, watching his adoptive parents eat.

She is not allowed to serve the table together, and she has to watch them finish eating, and the rest is for her to use.

What might be left?

Occasionally, half of the buns are like a holiday to Xiao Jinzhi, she will eat nothing left with the vegetable soup, and will lick them clean with her tongue.

The adoptive mother was basking in the sun beside her, seeing Jin Zhi, who was getting more and more beautiful even though she was young, she was not pleasing to her eyes, "Look at you, go and pickle the dried radish outside the door."

At that time, Jin Zhi was too young. At that time, it was not safe for a girl to wander outside.

She had sneaked out before, but was caught by her adoptive father, who **** her left and right thumbs with animal ropes, hung her at home and broke a few wickers alive, and when she was let down, The blood on both arms was cold, and if it was later, I'm afraid it would be impossible to keep it.

In their view, Jin Zhi was bought by them, just like an animal raised at home, it is their private property.

In those days, there were no human rights and royal laws.

After two years in **** on earth, something happened.

When Xiao Jin Zhi was taking care of her younger brother, she fell asleep because she was too exhausted. When her adoptive parents came back, she found that her younger brother had run out and slapped her face with several slaps. Piercing, the adoptive parents hurried out to find the younger brother.

After searching for a long time, I finally found my brother by the river.

He sneaked out to play with his friends, almost drowned, but was rescued by neighbors, developed a high fever, and would not retreat no matter what.

By the time Langzhong arrived, it was already too late. Although he was rescued, his throat was burned out due to high fever and he could not speak.

While the adoptive parents were wailing, Xiao Jinzhi thought of running away, but was blocked at the door.

Shura turned to look at Song Nianying, and a Shura mask appeared in her hand. She asked indifferently, "Do you know what I experienced on the last day of my life?"

Song Nianying looked at her, and with a wave of King Shura's hand, her face changed. Her originally ruddy lips looked terribly jagged as if they had been sewn together by something, and her whole face became distorted and terrifying.

King Shura looked at Song Nianying like this, and said with his twisted and terrifying lips, "Every needle hurts."

Song Nianying: ...

The inner turmoil can no longer be concealed.

Song Nianying didn't dare to look at the next scene. How could there be such a demon butcher in this world?

Amid Xiao Jin Zhi's heart-piercing screams and her begging for mercy, the neighbors on the left and right heard it, but they all just watched indifferently, as if they were slaughtering animals, indifferent.

Her mouth was brutally sewed up one by one by the hunter couple with thick needles, like mending animal skin.

Blood, dripping down the ground...

She passed out from the pain, her clothes were wet with tears and cold sweat, her body was covered in blood, and she was thrown into the valley like a ghost.

Some villagers even saw it, thought it was bad luck, and threw her further away.

It was a passing vampire who smelled it.

Jin Zhi looked at the ugly vampire in front of him, and murmured: "If I had to choose, I would want to die."

Everyone is afraid of death, and good people are afraid of death, and they can't bear the warmth of the world;

Bad people are afraid of death and falling into the 18th hell.

But for Jin Zhi, there is no warmth in the world. She has been trapped in **** since birth, with no end in sight.

Perhaps the 18th **** is much better than living now.

In the next scene, amidst the screams of people at the entrance of the village and the sound of yelling "monster" in horror, Jin Zhi is dressed in red, and she bloodbathed the butcher's house.

She sucked up the blood of her adoptive parents without shedding a single drop, while her dumb younger brother was frightened to death looking at the ferocious ghost-like sister.

"So what about revenge?"

Jin Zhi smiled and cried, she touched her uneven cheeks and mouth, "Even as a vampire, I am the one who is the most disliked and bullied."

She has no special abilities.

She is not very old, she looks like a ghost, and she is often bullied by vampires passing by. The most unbearable thing for her is that they say that she has lost face to vampires.

The way she looks...

The world does not stay, and the vampire clan does not accept.

I can't even try to fix myself.

next screen.

It is a deep blue sea, and Jin Zhi walks towards the bottom of the sea step by step. She has no choice but to die. When she was wandering, she heard that there are various monsters in the deep sea, which might be able to tear her into pieces and end her remaining life.

The sea water is so powerful, wave after wave, she was pushed to the shore by something, a line of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, when she lost consciousness, her cheeks were gently stroked by warm hands, who stood opposite her and looked at her? Looking at her, he picked her up.

When she woke up, she was lying on the warm mattress. She was used to sleeping on the firewood pile, and she couldn't adapt to it. She sat up suddenly and looked out the door vigilantly.

The Shura King who had been looking at all the cruelty indifferently, suddenly trembled, she bit her lips tightly, and looked forward greedily, seeing so many cruel pasts, she was not much moved, tears streaming down her face in an instant.

Influenced by King Shura, Song Nianying looked over with her.

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