MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 47

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There was a ripple in the soup.

This is the sweetest and bitterest pear soup that Yan Chuyu has ever had, and she will never forget it.

The reason why she went to drink was not for herself.

She also has to go to the mansion of the wolf clan to get the fairy flower to replace the madam's blood.

The blood of the **** shadow is extraordinary.

After Yan Chuyu drank it, his body changed. There was no **** smell of ordinary people, but a hot and warm air surged from his dantian to his limbs.

Song Nianying looked at her from the side, watching her eyes change from blue to dark red, and then from dark red to dark blue.

The way she looked at herself was sometimes full of love and compassion, and sometimes full of gluttony and forbearance.

She knew that the desire for blood is the nature of vampires.

He also knew that Yan Chuyu must have restrained himself and endured it when he was with him.

After a long time, Yan Chuyu's back was covered with cold sweat, she let out a breath slowly, her complexion recovered a lot, even the color of her lips improved a lot.

Song Nianying breathed a sigh of relief, she pulled out the chair and sat across from her and asked, "Is it really that effective?"

Yan Chuyu: ...

Why does Madam seem very curious?

She nodded slightly.

very effective.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people rushing forward and rushing upwards knowing that there is a dead end.

Song Nianying raised the corners of her lips, then she could often add some ingredients to Yan Chuyu's soup in the future, but the Holy King didn't want to, so she frowned slightly, staring at Song Nianying, "Don't do that."

She felt bad.

Song Nianying was surprised: "You can read minds?"

Yan Chuyu shook her head, her eyes fell on Song Nianying long and long: "Maybe it's because I have a good heart, I always feel like I can perceive your thoughts."

Not specific thoughts.

It's the kind of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

Just like if Song Nianying is happy, she will be happy too, and if she is sad, she will also be sad.

She can always see her emotions at a glance, but others can't.

Song Nianying's curiosity was aroused: "Then besides what they said about controlling all liquids, do you have any other abilities?"

Yan Chuyu: "I can dream."

fall asleep?

Song Nianying's face was a little hot when she heard that, she grabbed a strand of hair to play with, and looked at Yan Chuyu with a half-smile: "Have you ever been in my dream?"

Yan Chuyu nodded, not hiding anything, "I am in a dream, but the other party has no memory."

Song Nianying's heart skipped a beat, she bit her lip, looked at the table leg, and asked lightly, "Then... what did you do in my dream?"

This tone, if an adult, must be able to understand the ambiguity in it.

But straightforward as a holy king, she replied like a good baby: "Take you to sit on the moon."

Song Nianying was startled when he heard this, and blurted out: "No wonder! After I woke up one day, I always felt that you and I really wanted to ride the wind on the moon together."

Yan Chuyu shook his head: "Impossible, if I hadn't manipulated it, no one would have remembered my dream."

The Holy King still has this confidence.

"You wait." Song Nianying ran into the bedroom in a "squeaky" manner. She opened the drawer at the head of the bed and took out the pendant she made a few days ago. "Here, look."

what is this?

Yan Chuyu took it, and she put it in her hand to read.

This pendant is extremely exquisite. It shows two little girls sitting on the moon and rippling together, laughing happily. Their long hair is blown by the wind. Just looking at it will make people feel good.

"Look, is this from a dream?"

Song Nianying pointed at her pendant swearingly, which meant that she remembered that dream.

But the Holy King's mind was not on this, she secretly clenched the pendant with her hand, and asked in a low voice, "Is this for me?"

...? ? ?

Song Nianying raised her head, facing Shangyan Chuyu's smiling and happy eyes, her face immediately turned red, and she gritted her teeth: "No, give it back to me!"

How could she give such an expensive gift to an ordinary friend? !

The Holy King refused, put one hand behind his back, and teleported two steps, Song Nianying jumped to nothing.

Song Nianying looked at Yan Chuyu in shock, "You...are you bullying me with supernatural powers?"

Yan Chuyu looked at her, under the bright moonlight, she tapped her chin lightly.

Song Nianying: ...

She was so angry that she quickly chased after Yan Chuyu, even though her feet were already moving beyond the range of human beings, Yan Chuyu had already calmly avoided, holding the pendant tightly in her hand, while hiding Question: "Is this pendant the token of love you mentioned earlier?"

Song Nianying: "Give it back to me! It's mine!"

Yan Chuyu: "But I'm on top of it."

Song Nianying: ...

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! She was going to be **** off.

She took a deep breath, crossed her arms, looked at Yan Chuyu with raised eyebrows, and changed the subject: "Apart from that dream, you didn't enter my dream to do anything else?"

When Song Nianying said this, her eyes were a little charming, with a little bit of seduction.

Yan Chuyu hesitated for a moment, then asked stiffly: " you want to?"

"Of course I'm—" Song Nianying replied with a smile, halfway through speaking, she jumped up, Yan Chuyu could actually dodge, but there was nothing behind her, Song Nianying jumped so hard, she would fall and hurt herself.

Yan Chuyu stretched out his arms, wrapped around Song Nianying's waist, took a few steps back, cushioned her, and pushed her back onto the sofa.

The long hair like a waterfall slipped down her snow-white neck, under the orange light, her eyes were so deep, and her red lips were alluring.

Song Nianying was pressed down by her, and her heart was beating "thump, bang, bang", and she was a little stunned for a while.

"Your heart is beating so loudly."

The Holy King, who no longer has to pretend, can say whatever he wants now, and with his supernatural powers, he knows he's starting to bully people.

Song Nianying blushed, she reached out to push her, but Yan Chuyu grabbed her with one hand and pressed it to her chest.

! !

Perhaps it was the first time seeing her so strong, Song Nianying was a little uncomfortable, and looked at her stiffly, now, not only her cheeks, but also her neck and ears were slightly pink, she pushed Yan Chuyu: " Don't bully me."

Yan Chuyu looked at her with a pair of eyes, smelled the mint fragrance on her body, and said softly: "I miss you so much."

She clearly said that Song Nianying's heart was beating so loudly.

Now, her heartbeat was even louder.

Song Nianying also felt it, she suddenly smiled, slender fingers climbed onto Yan Chuyu's neck, gently rubbed her hair, and asked in a nasal voice: "Did you forget what we just said?"

Yan Chuyu bit her lip reluctantly.

If it wasn't for the blood in the soup she just drank, she would definitely not be able to bear it now.

With a turn, the positions of the two were reversed. Song Nianying pressed Yan Chuyu and smiled, "I still like this position."

Yan Chuyu looked at her blankly.

She doesn't know what attack and receive, and she doesn't know what 1 or 0 is.

As long as Song Nianying wanted, she was willing to give it to her.

At the window, two small heads and one big head looked side by side.

Originally, when Song Nianying was pressed down, Zuo Die and Hua Bairou's nostrils were turned upside down, and they were too excited. Look, they are still the holy kings. Don't look at those who can't bear it normally. At critical moments, they will definitely take out the king's In the aura, the spider in leather pants drooped his head beside him, he didn't expect Song Nianying to be such a sister.

But when the situation changed, the spider in leather pants excitedly pressed its big **** on the bodies of Zuo Die and Hua Bairou. Regardless of their shouts angrily, it combined its eight legs in pairs and applauded happily.

The sound disturbed the two people in the room.

Song Nianying and Yan Chuyu looked at each other, their faces were a little red, she stood up, straightened her collar and said, "Go back."

Yan Chuyu pursed her lips and looked at her.

Song Nianying: "Don't look at me like a puppy. It's useless. If you want to chase me, how can it be so simple. I have many suitors."

She looked out the window, alas, it's strange, she saw the little bear at the north gate before, why disappeared?

Yan Chuyu was silent, she secretly put the moon pendant into her pocket with her hand, and said in a low tone, "Then I'll go first."

Song Nianying: ...

Why are you so cute all of a sudden? ? ?

She didn't react until they left.

! !

her pendant! ! It was stolen by Yan Chuyu! !

The majestic holy king actually became a thief who stole a pendant.

The holy king who took the pendant returned to the ice sculpture castle and was very happy. She lay on the bed and looked at the pendant again and again, then covered the quilt directly and secretly smiled inside.

When the holy king was in his arms.

A hundred kilometers away, Hua Bairou, who wanted to go back to the castle, suddenly had a seizure. This time, the time for the poison was brought forward. Zuo Die screamed and watched her body shrink into a ball in front of him, and let out a painful moan. Moan.

From the neck, there was a black tree root-like thread spreading, Hua Bairou grabbed her arm vigorously, her eyes were so red that she was about to cry blood, she breathed heavily, and told Zuo Die with the last of her rationality: " go..."

She has been poisoned so deeply that she can't control it. She doesn't know what kind of monster she will become if she loses her mind in a while.

She had seen Yin-Yang Gu swallow a vampire like that before, burst out from his body, and the body became **** and bloody.

"Sister... sister, uh..."

Zuo Die cried out of fright, she was so cold, her neck was pinned fiercely, her eyes widened suddenly, Hua Bairou's face was full of horror, she was not the sister who would always smile at her and touch her head and say that my child is amazing "Either...go...or...kill me..."

She exerted strength in her hands, Zuo Die was pinched to the point where she was no longer bleeding, she pushed Hua Bairou away with all her strength.

Hua Bairou lay on the ground, her fingers dug into the soil, the most stinking of all, and a vague and uncontrollable sound came out of her throat.

Zuo Die was terrified. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she suddenly turned into a huge turtle, holding Hua Bairou's clothes in her mouth, threw her onto her body and began to crawl.

One step, two steps...

Hua Bairou, who was lying on the tortoise shell, bit her silver teeth in pain, clasped the tortoise shell with her hands, and roared angrily: "You...become...a turtle..."

When Zuo Die crawled out of the forest, she would be dried up in the sun.

After hearing this, Zuo Die quickly changed again, she suddenly turned into a little mouse, grabbing Hua Bairou's feet to carry her.

Hua Bairou couldn't stand it anymore, she lay on the ground, "You go... It hurts me to death... I don't want to be mad at you..."

Perhaps, Zuo Die will make real progress when she really dies.

Zuo Die saw that her sister was really going to die in this posture, it thought for a while, then scurried and disappeared into the night.

Hua Bairou: ...

Running wildly all the way, Zuo Die ran downstairs to his wife's house. The spider in leather pants was playing with counting his toes boredly.

Zuo Die: ...


I can't take care of that much anymore.

The little mouse tried his best, jumped up, and rushed towards the window.

Song Nianying was looking in the mirror in her pajamas, suddenly, she saw a little mouse rushing up like a bullet from the mirror, but was blocked by a blue light, and slapped it out.

She froze and blinked.

Did she read it right? Is that Zuo Die? ? ?

When the spider in leather pants arrived with Song Nianying on his back, Hua Bairou was almost out of breath, and she curled up on the ground, dying.

Zuo Die jumped down, regained her human body, hugged her sister and cried, her nose flowed out, "Wuuuu, ma'am, please save her."

Song Nianying jumped off the leather pants spider, and she also frowned when she saw the Gu poison covering Hua Bairou's body like a black thread.

What's the matter with her?

Hua Bairou almost lost consciousness, lying on the cold ground, with the last tear in the corner of her eye, watching her body turn into a flower and fly away.

fair enough.

Come empty, go empty.

It's just... how much I will be reluctant.

I can't bear to part with the lovely Holy King.

I can't bear the stupid Zuo Die...

At that moment, bright red, dazzling, golden blood fell on her body drop by drop.

Those Gu poisons that had been entangled with her for many days and refused to let go seemed to be burned, and they retreated one after another, moving down a little bit. Song Nianying raised her hand, touched Hua Bairou's hair with one hand, and caressed her with the other. His body comforted softly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Obviously her wrist was bleeding, but she was still comforting others.

Hua Bairou raised her head and looked at Song Nianying who was a little weak due to bleeding. She let out a muffled snort, and at the same time she felt the strength in her body gradually gather, she leaned her head on Song Nianying's shoulder.

At that moment, she had a thought in her mind.

She also likes Mrs.

Just green the holy king.

The Yin-Yang Gu sucked up blood and crawled out from Hua Bairou's arm. It is the most yin and cold poison, it can't bear it at all, and it can't bear such a blessing from God.

It lost its strength and ran forward like an ordinary caterpillar, but was easily pinched by Song Nianying.

Shura city.

King Shura sat on the seat with a gloomy face, looking at the changing black clouds outside the window, "It's useless, how dare you say what kind of **** Gu!"

Song Nianying carefully looked at the Gu worm that had sucked its blood under the moonlight. Zuo Die felt disgusted and took a few steps back.

Song Nianying thought for a while and called out, "Zuo Die!"

Zuo Die immediately responded, "Madam, what are your orders?!"

Song Nianying looked at her: "The toad I transformed into before."

Madam rescued her sister, Zuo Die had long been worshiped as a **** by her, what she said was what.

There is no doubt about him.

Zuo Die turned into a little toad, and it happily "croaked" to his wife.

Song Nianying also smiled at her, and said softly, "Okay, let me hear it again."

Zuo Die opened his mouth wide and went to "croak" again. It just opened its mouth when a fleshy thing was thrown in and slid down its throat.

Zuo Die: ...

A moment, really just a moment.

She felt like a fire was burning in her abdomen. It didn't hurt, but it swelled violently in her body.

Exclaiming, Zuo Die immediately turned into a human body, squatting on the ground, retching "cough cough cough".

Song Nianying smiled and said, "Don't throw up, this is medicine."

Zuo Die: ...

Woohoo, disgusting.

Hua Bairou also woke up at this time, she felt that the whole ghost was different.

This poison... was cured by the madam just like that? ? ?

After finishing all the things that should be done, Song Nianying clapped her hands, she looked at Hua Bairou and asked, "You don't have to think about repaying me, I just ask you a question."

Hua Bairou looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Song Nianying: "If I have a dispute with your holy king in the future, what will you do?"

Hua Bairou pulled her neck and swore: "It must be the Holy King's fault!"

Song Nianying hooked the corners of her lips and nodded in satisfaction. She went to look at Zuo Die again, and asked thoughtfully, "Is your ability to transform into various animals?"

Zuo Die nodded, and looked at Madam in fear.

Song Nianying asked: "You vampires, after the transformation, won't you be naked?"

She thought of the ice fox.

When Zuo Die heard this, she immediately shook her head: "We are a ceremonial nation, how can we be naked? Unless it's on purpose, we will always wear good clothes."