MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 31

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Shiba stared blankly at Hua Bairou, with complicated emotions in his eyes.

There are doubts, shocks, inconceivables, relief and joy.

Hua Bairou lay weakly on the bed, with her snowy arms drooping, and asked feebly: "Tell me, why are you staring at me? Are you in love with me?"

The two of them have been in the world for so many years, and they have long cultivated revolutionary feelings.

"What else can't I accept now?"

She has been tempered into steel for a long time, even if King Shura kills her, she will not bow her head.

Shiba looked at Hua Bairou and shook her head, she suddenly raised her head and stroked Hua Bairou's sweaty hair.


Hua Bairou's body froze, and she quickly grabbed the bed sheet next to her to cover herself, "You don't really like me, do you? You also know that this girl has always played around in the world and will not show mercy."

She made Shiba laugh like this.

Shiba looked at her and said slowly, "That's great."

She closed her eyes, fluttering her long eyelashes, and said with a hint of regret in her voice, "If it's possible, I really want to see that day."

Her speech has always been so ambiguous, Hua Bairou is used to it, and seeing her expression and tone, she knows that something good has happened, she hooked the corners of her lips: "Could it be that King Shura despises me, an ant, and is willing to let me go in the end?" Me?"

Shiba looked at her deeply.

She never imagined that one day in the future, she would be the king of all flowers.

Thinking of how young and immature the two of them were when they were wandering around the world, Hua Bairou complained to her more than once, "Hey, you said that we are vampires who have no ability or ability, so we can only come to the world to be vampires." It's a panacea, if only I have a little bit of your ability."

Who can imagine.

She will be the supreme king in the future.

Such an aura... If it wasn't for the foresight, Shiba really couldn't believe it.

Hua Bairou looked at her face: "Your expression changes at the 18th bend of the mountain road can make a TV series. Oh, yes." She is naturally optimistic, and as soon as this heart-biting pain passes, she will have I was gossiping, "I always feel that you are weird recently. By the way, I haven't asked you. You have seen so many futures, but haven't you seen your own?"

Shiba's body froze, and a trace of obscurity flashed in his eyes, "I must have seen it before."

She got up and looked out the window, unwilling to say more: "Your holy king is coming back, why don't you hurry up and get ready?"

This is the first time for Sheng Wang Guisheng to visit the bazaar in the world.

She originally thought that Song Nianying would take her to a quiet place with few people, but she didn't expect that he would directly take her to the busiest place.

She stood there in astonishment, looking at the aunts around the pile of vegetables who were crazily reducing prices, looking at the old man with a puppy wholesale cabbage, looking at the pots and pans on the floor, down to the melons, pears and peaches. The watertight booths around the road, and the dense black heads, froze in place.

Zuo Die also followed behind inconceivably, Madam actually brought the Holy King to such a place? Didn't it mean that at the beginning of a relationship in the world, both parties are very good at pretending, and intend to improve their "level"?

Song Nianying: "When I was in a bad mood, I always came here."

It is also wonderful.

Many times, she always feels lonely and depressed in her heart, as if with depression, feeling abandoned by the world, alone, and no one can understand her.

She's here to get down to earth.

Apart from the crowded markets, the park is the place she often goes to.

Watching the old people singing and chatting, and watching the square dance of the aunts can make you feel better.

But only slightly better.

She often feels wronged for no reason, as if she has been abandoned by someone, and she will cry inexplicably, no one can understand, even Song Nianying herself does not understand.

It's not that she hasn't thought about suicide.

This kind of world is a burden to her, but somewhere in the dark, there is always something that makes her wait, and wait.

She just waited and waited, but she didn't expect that someone she really liked came along.

In the past, Song Nianying couldn't buy much food when she came here. She lived outside alone, so she was too lazy to cook as much as she could eat, and she didn't have the mood to do it.

But now it's different, she has a wife and a home of her own.

Sensing Yan Chuyu's restraint, Song Nianying took her hand and asked softly, "Do you not like it?"

After saying this, the uncle who was surrounded by Tai Chi turned to look at her with a teasing smile in his eyes.

What a young man.

Song Nianying's face became hot, and she held Yan Chuyu's hand tightly: "Follow me closely, don't get lost."

Yan Chuyu obediently followed behind Song Nianying, and she let her pull herself into the bustling crowd, hearing the hawkers' cries, she only had Song Nianying in her eyes.

Song Nianying noticed that Yan Chuyu didn't like to eat too greasy food, so she bent down and squatted down at a lotus root stall, looking down to pick and choose.

A little coffee-colored teddy next to her saw her, wagged its tail, and moved closer to sniff her feet, but felt a chill all over its body, stomped its fur, and looked at Yan Chuyu with its teeth bared.

Yan Chuyu also bared her teeth at it, and her eyes instantly turned blood red.

Go away, this is her wife.

Teddy screamed, drooped his tail, turned his head and ran away.

Zuo Die, who followed far behind: ...

Song Nianying took Yan Chuyu to look from stall to stall, bought a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, and turned to look at her from time to time.

Yan Chuyu behaved calmly, as if she was not interested in what she bought, just like the little white lotus who didn't fit in here.

Does she not like it?

Song Nianying thought about it, and let go of her hand.

"You forgot to hold my hand."

Before taking two steps, Yan Chuyu spoke, with complaints and unhappiness in her voice, Song Nianying was startled, and asked, "Do you not like places with many people?"

Yan Chuyu shook his head, then nodded again, "I don't like crowded places, but it's fine if I like being with you."

Places with a lot of people smell bad.

It was unbearable for the holy king who was obsessed with cleanliness.

Song Nianying smiled, and she held her hand tightly: "I've almost bought it, so let's go home, don't I owe you a big meal?"

Yan Chuyu looked into her eyes: "You still remember."

She has complained many times in her heart.

Song Nianying coughed, "I thought you forgot."

Yan Chuyu looked into her eyes quietly, "I will never forget what you said."

Song Nianying: ...


What's the matter with this lady, why does she have to talk and tease herself all the time, but she still shows a simple and cute expression of "I'm telling the truth"? ? ? Are you really not afraid of her being a beast and throwing her down?

Song Nianying is an adult, as the saying goes, women at thirty are like tigers and wolves, and she is almost at this age, do you have any other ideas?

After buying good food, Yan Chuyu, who had a fit of cleanliness, seriously took out the wet wipes and alcohol.

She first carefully wiped and disinfected her hands, and then looked at Song Nianying.

Song Nianying smiled charmingly, and she raised her hand, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Yan Chuyu nodded. She has read the book, and knows that husband and wife should take care of each other, hold the hand of the child and grow old together, even if it is sickness and suffering, she must never leave, but she thinks that the noble shadow should not Will be sick.

Thinking of the word "spiritual shadow", the Holy King inevitably thought of what Gu Yuechi said, a woman who could protect her by being by her side.

Her expression was a little cold, and she wiped Song Nianying's hands one by one, like wiping the blade of a knife.

Song Nianying was amused by her appearance, "Wiping is so serious, do you want to use it when you go home?"

Zuo Die in the front row froze.

Ma'am...Is this okay?

She is a driver, is she worthy of listening to the yellow paint conversation between husband and wife?

Yan Chuyu gave her a strange look, "Of course I have to use it, don't you cook when you go home?"

Song Nianying: ...

Any simple and rude words would be abused into scum in front of the Holy King, Song Nianying was used to it, she shook her head with a smile, and took her hand again.

The two walked home all the way, and when they passed a cotton candy stand, Yan Chuyu suddenly stopped moving.

She watched curiously as the old man put the sugar into the machine, turning it into cotton-like white fluff little by little, and then into various shapes.

One of the holy king's hands was behind his back, and he waved it lightly. Whatever shape the old man changed, the clouds in the sky would change into whatever shape he had.

Zuo Die: ...

Song Nianying's attention was on Madam, she asked with a smile, "Do you want to eat?"

Yan Chuyu looked at her and nodded.

Song Nianying looked at the price list, the old man is good at craftsmanship, from the simplest clouds, to all kinds of small animals, to the ones that can be customized for real people, the prices are different.

Song Nianying naturally wanted a custom-made model, so she asked the old man, "Can you make it look like us?"

The old man looked up at them and smiled: "Girl dolls are all beautiful, I can only try to make them."

Song Nianying nodded, she was scanning the QR code to pay, and when she turned around, she couldn't help laughing.

Standing beside Yan Chuyu were a few children wearing yellow hats who had just finished school. They stood on one side with Yan Chuyu, and they all had the same curiosity on their faces. went.

White, black, red, all kinds of cotton threads danced in Yan Chuyu's eyes, and her mouth even "wowed" along with the children.

Song Nianying felt itchy in his heart when he saw it, he really wanted to go up and pinch Yan Chuyu's fair and tender cheek, twist it, and kiss his little friend.

After the cotton candy was finished, the old man handed it to Yan Chuyu.

If you don't pursue details, just look at it from the outside, it's quite decent.

They are all in Q version, and the children next to them saw the collective "wow" praise, Yan Chuyu was so happy that she almost tiptoed, and couldn't wait to take a bite, it was so sweet.

Beside her, several children swallowed their saliva watching.

Song Nianying bought another one for each of them, and walked out holding Yan Chuyu's hand. Yan Chuyu turned her head frequently, looking at the children who were jumping happily holding marshmallows, and muttered: "Theirs are not as good-looking as mine."

Song Nianying: ^0^

Being with Yan Chuyu, she felt that her mentality seemed to be young. To Song Nianying, she didn't have any childhood. In that accident, her past seemed to be washed away, and she didn't remember at all. up.

Sometimes, when colleagues would get together to talk about their childhood, she would pretend to do something else, or just leave.

It's not that she is cold, but that she has no childhood and doesn't know what to say to them.

"Give you a bite."

The fluffy cotton candy was brought to Song Nianying's mouth, and she raised her head to look at Yan Chuyu.

Yan Chuyu didn't want to look at her like that. Every time Song Nianying showed such a lonely and melancholy look, her heart would feel uncomfortable.

Song Nianying stroked her hair, looked at the marshmallow that she had bitten off in half, and said with a smile, "How can I eat one? If it's not enough, I'll buy it for you."

She watched Yan Chuyu hide the other one behind her back, and she tilted her mouth, "I want to treasure this."

Song Nianying: ...

The one Yan Chuyu ate was herself, and the other was her cartoon version.

Seeing her like this, Song Nianying also became childlike, she put away the cotton candy that Yan Chuyu ate half, "Then I won't give it to you either."

Zuo Die, who was far away, fell into shock.

Oh my!

Are these two together six years old?

When we reached the end of the market, there were actually people trapping.

An old woman with a stooped back was standing there with a smile, and the sign next to her said - ten yuan and four circles.

Yan Chuyu stood still, watching curiously.

There are many types of prizes.

As small as toys, washing powder, milk express, clay dolls, beer, cigarettes, glass teacups.

And in the center, there was actually a white kitten. It seemed to be just born, shivering, and looked around with blue eyes.

It should be often brought out by the grandmother for "business", and it flew around in circles. It dodged skillfully, its body trembled slightly, and its tail drooped.

Song Nianying saw that Yan Chuyu was curious, bought a handful of rings, and asked with a smile, "Will you throw it away?"

Yan Chuyu shook his head.

She saw that everyone was throwing it, but too few hit it.

"I'll teach you." Song Nianying bent slightly, as if teasing a child, threw his arm and hit a pack of cigarettes in the front row.

The people next to her looked at her in surprise, there was no need to warm up, and she was hit right away.

"Have you learned it?"

Song Nianying looked at Yan Chuyu, Yan Chuyu nodded, and she took the ferrule Song Nianying handed over.

"Don't be nervous, try to throw it."

"Don't be greedy, just get the small ones first."

Zuo Die knew it was going to be a disaster when he saw the peaceful appearance of the Holy King.

Sure enough, in the mid-air of "Swiping, Swiping, Swiping", I saw several circles flying, without any hair, and the Holy King took out the posture of snowball fights again, throwing one after another.

When the last one landed on the little white cat's neck, the cat looked dazed, the collar around its neck was still shaking, and it looked at Yan Chuyu blankly.

Song Nianying: ...

Granny: ...

Song Nianying's arms were soon filled with prizes. Yan Chuyu was very happy. She held the cat in her hand and gently stroked its soft fur.

Seeing that the old woman's painful waist was about to straighten up, Song Nianying stuffed her with a few hundred yuan bills, which made the old man smile.

"Have you thrown it before?"

Song Nianying struggled to hold the prizes, Yan Chuyu shook her head and looked at her smiling happily: "No, you taught me."

That smile really made Teacher Song ashamed, she looked at Yan Chuyu: "You are really amazing."

This time, it must not be her illusion.

She always felt that Yan Chuyu was not an ordinary person, how could ordinary people have this level? Could it be that he was a killer before he lost his memory?

The two returned home with a lot of spoils, and sat in the back seat. Song Nianying was still teaching Yan Chuyu how to use the phone, "You don't have to flip through books now, it's time-sensitive and laborious. Think about it If you know anything, you can Baidu it anytime.”

Yan Chuyu looked down at the phone seriously.

Because she needs to look at her mobile phone, her body is very close to Song Nianying. In the middle of playing just now, the Holy King took advantage of Song Nianying to pack up the prizes, and she secretly ate four blood fruits. Now she is full. powerful.

In the past, she was the one who avoided Song Nianying.

Now, such a distance made Song Nianying unbearable. She looked down at her fiancée who was close at hand. Her hair was so fragrant, her neck was so fair, and even her exposed ears were so cute.

Really want to...bite down and taste the flavors...

It's over.

Song Nianying closed her eyes.

Could this really be turning into a vampire?

Along the way, Song Nianying was a little absent-minded, and the Holy King's attention was on her prize. After getting off the car, she didn't forget to tell Zuo Die: "Take it back to the company and take care of it."

Zuo Die: ...

This holy king really made things difficult for her.

She is best at turning into a mouse. How can she change after raising a cat?

Yan Chuyu and Song Nianying walked home one after another. Song Nianying took out the key from her pocket and went to open the door. Because it was locked before she left, her mind was on Yan Chuyu again, and she twisted it several times absent-mindedly. Not unscrewed.

Song Nianying became irritable, and exerted strength in her hand, and the key instantly bent into scrap iron in her hand.

Yan Chuyu was still looking at her cotton candy, and didn't seem to notice this side.

Song Nianying's palms began to sweat, and her heart beat faster, so she didn't use the key at all, and turned the door lock.

The entire door lock was unscrewed violently.

Song Nianying: ...

After entering the door, she poured Yan Chuyu a glass of water, changed into her slippers, and sat on the sofa in a daze, her heart beating faster.

What the **** happened to her?

When she was in the studio tomorrow morning, when she grabbed the ancient tree, she didn't react at all...

Why is it possible now?

is there any difference?

Song Nianying was smart, she sat on the sofa, analyzed and compared little by little, while Yan Chuyu was drinking water, staring at Song Nianying.

She knew that her fiancée had another idea, but she didn't know what she was thinking, and was quite frustrated.

Song Nianying pondered for a long time, her frowning brows slowly relaxed, she raised her head, and her eyes fell on Yan Chuyu.

Yan Chuyu really likes blue. After she came back, she changed into a lake blue nightgown, which she called a nightgown. With her slim figure, she wore the nightgown as if she wanted to go on the catwalk.

Long legs, thin waist, long hair.

She looked at Song Nianying: "When can I eat?"

Song Nianying: ...

This kid has a really good memory.

"Oh, there are still a few seasonings that I haven't bought, I'll go buy them first."

Song Nianying shook her head without changing her expression, Yan Chuyu nodded as she looked at her without doubting him, just in time, she also wanted a separate space now.

The door was closed.

Song Nianying went out to buy groceries, and behind the Holy King, a pink shadow appeared.

Hua Bairou lowered her head: "Holy King, what are your orders?"

Yan Chuyu held the marshmallow in her hand. On the way back just now, she had been lightly iced and could be preserved forever.


Hua Bairou looked at Marshmallow: ...

Yan Chuyu: "Put it back in the storage room of the ice castle."

Hua Bairou: ...

After a moment of silence, Teacher Hua asked with a smile, "Is there anything else you need to ask me?"

The Holy King glanced at her, shook his head mercilessly, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket with a "swipe", opened the Baidu interface, and showed it to her: "Madam said that she won't ask Baidu if you want anything. Much faster than you."

The disliked Teacher Hua was startled, and then it started to rain in her heart, oh my god, did the Holy King start to dislike her family before she was officially married?

Shengwang lowered her head and typed earnestly. She still struggled to use the mobile phone and had to concentrate on it. Hua Bairou squinted her eyes and peeked at it. Goosebumps all over her body after just one glance.

——Why did Madam kiss me outside and stop after I got home?

God! !

Song Nianying had been meditating since she went downstairs. She walked a long way, until she reached the gate of the community, but she couldn't see the windows of the house.

She stood by the red wall, took a deep breath, and tentatively tried to twist the handle of the iron gate of the community.

Not moving at all.

She gritted her teeth and tried harder, but there was still no change at all.

The old gatekeeper frowned: "Girl, what are you doing?"

What, trying to steal the door right under his nose?

Song Nianying: ...

Failed again.

Is what she guessed true?

Is it true that only when Yan Chuyu is by her side can she have such "divine power"? Otherwise, why hasn't she experienced such a "mutation" in so many years? But it happened after Yan Chuyu appeared?

What is the reason? Could it be that there is some magical power in Yan Chuyu's body? But...if it has such an effect on her, wouldn't it also have this effect on everyone around her?

Reminiscing about everything, Song Nianying rubbed her chin. Her fiancée was indeed different from normal people. When she was puzzled, Zuo Die just came from a distance with the cat in one hand. She muttered to the cat: " Don't think that I dare not beat you. Are you a cat? Dare to run after me? Be careful that I will bite off your ear."

It doesn't look normal.

Song Nianying: ...

Her confusion deepened.

Upstairs, Hua Bairou came down, wearing a pair of big sunglasses, holding peanuts in her hand, like an acrobat in a circus, throwing one by one into her mouth without interruption.

Song Nianying: ...

Sure enough, it's not normal.

Song Nianying is a straightforward person. If it wasn't for that day when she said in the car - what are you and hurt Yan Chuyu? Song Nianying's hurt eyes are still fresh in Song Nianying's memory. She would definitely ask his wife about it. clearly.

But, if it wasn't human, what kind of species would it be, so cute, curious about everything, blushing at every turn, and always looking at her tenderly? But it will be like ginseng fruit, but anyone who eats and smells it will become very powerful?

Song Nianying has seen countless monsters in these years. She compared what she saw in the past over and over again in her mind, but nothing was suitable. Only a few years ago, she once saw a butterfly waving its wings. She said it was a butterfly, but it was someone Its body, a very cute face, did not take her flesh and blood, and even danced for her. It stayed in Song Nianying's house for a while, accompanied her, and told her that he was an elf, and there were not only people in this world Horrible ghosts and monsters, there are also lovely species like elves.

If you really want to say, Madam is somewhat similar to her, but Song Nianying can't be sure.

Fortunately, someone asked in front of me.

Song Nianying stood in front of Zuo Die.

Zuo Die looked at Madam's serious eyes, and she hugged her cat tightly, "What... Madam is going to do?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hua Bairou over there seemed to have grown ears, and rushed over at a trot, "Madam, do you want to ask something?"

Song Nianying was silent for a while, looking at Zuo Die and Hua Bairou who regarded her as a thief, pulled her face, and showed the attitude of the proprietress: "I have something to ask you, you two must tell the truth."

Hua Bairou and Zuo Die looked at each other and looked at each other.

What's going on here?

Could it be that the secret of the Holy King has been discovered? Does Madam know how many of them are vampires?

"If you dare to lie to me, I will let Chu Yu fire you."

Zuo Die: ...

Hua Bairou: ...

The two looked at Madam in fear, and shook their heads together, "Whatever Madam wants to ask, we will never lie."

They believed that the Holy King would listen to the wind and tell them to leave.

Song Nianying folded her arms, her demeanor was lingering, she asked straight to the point: "My wife, what kind of elf?"

Hua Bairou: ...

Zuo Die: ...

Read The Duke's Passion