MTL - My Wife Spoils Me Too Much-Chapter 27

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Satisfaction is full, except for the banquet, and other people are full of alcohol. Everyone has a good time tonight.

The head of the group said to a few people: "Everyone goes to the sofa for a while, I will give you some tea to wake up and hang up, saving you a night of alcohol."

Tang Tangfu supported the arm of the banquet and took him to the sofa. He couldn’t help but touch his hot hand and asked him with concern: "Husband, are you okay?"

The banquet was blushing, and the eyes were not clear in the clear day. It seemed to be covered with fog. After watching Tang Tang for a while, he slowly shook his head. "Nothing."

Tang Tang licked his lips, afraid that his stomach was uncomfortable. He thought that there would be no kitchen available after going back. He could only cook him a hangover soup here, and then he went into the kitchen and said to the head of the tea brewer: "Xunzi, I I want to cook some hangover soup for them. My little daddy drank too much tonight. I am afraid that he will vomit when he will, and he will not cook it when he goes back."

The head of the scorpion understands the nod. "The banquet has been drunk too much tonight. Going back to the 80% to vomit, it is better to cook the hangover soup. You will cook here, and let the others smudge. Drink together."

Tang Tang took a la carte from the refrigerator, quickly cooked a pot of sobering soup with a pot, and put a few bowls out of the tray on the coffee table in the living room, and put one of the bowls to Fang Yuwei sitting next to Zhang Cheng. , said: "Yu Wei scorpion, you give Zhang Cheng a hangover soup, so the stomach is better."

Fang Yuwei smiled and thanked Tang Tang: "Thank you, trouble you."

After that, he handed the hangover soup to Zhang Cheng’s hand, and pinched his waist and whispered: "When you wake up, hang up, drink alcohol, if you dare to spit dirty floor tonight, you will Give me to sleep outside."

Zhang Cheng was pinched and pleaded, and asked for mercy again and again, remembering the bleakness of being driven out of the room, scared to quickly pick up the hangover soup and swallow it, even if it was hot.

Tang Tang looked amazed and thought that Fang Yuwei could really be a good-looking man. However, this is a matter between husband and wife. She didn’t look much better and gave Dong Li a bowl.

"Thank you for your nephew."

Dong Li sincerely thanked him with a sincere heart. He also made a real impression on Tang Tang. No matter what happened before, she is really good now and deserves his respect.

Don't thank you for the Tang sugar pendulum. He took the last bowl of sobering soup and sat down to the side of the banquet. He looked at him with his eyes closed and shook his arm in fear. "Husband, husband."

The banquet slowly opened her eyes to see her, her eyes were red.

Tang Tang took a spoonful of soup with a spoon and fed it to his mouth. He whispered: "Husband, drink some soup, and when we finish drinking, we will go back to rest."

The banquet is really drunk, and my mind is dizzy. If you usually will come over and drink, but this will only follow the instinctive opening, swallow the soup, and then send it to Tang Tang. When you scoop, continue to swallow.

Tang Tang feels that the wine of the season banquet is really good. If you drink too much, it will not be noisy or noisy. If you are quiet, you will not go crazy at all. Everyone says that the wine looks at the character. Now it seems that this is true. It.

After feeding a bowl of soup, Tang Tang no longer waits, and the head of the group raises a message.

Dong Li didn’t drink too much tonight, and people were more sober. They knew that Tang’s family had no way to sleep tonight, and they took them to the military’s guest house and opened a room for the family. The Tang sugar did not say anything. What, tonight's season banquet drunk, she is not assured that he sleeps alone.

Dong Li took the quarter banquet to the bed and saw nothing, and Tang Tang said with a message. "I will go back first, and I will call me anytime."

"Thank you, Dong Li, it's not too late, go back to rest."

Ji Xiaoyan swayed his hand to Dong Li. The little adult generally said seriously: "Uncle, go back soon, you don't have to worry, my mother and I will take good care of my father."

Dong Li slammed the little short hair on the little guy's head. "Well, that uncle is gone, Dad will give it to you."

After Dong Li’s departure, Tang Tang took off the shoes of the banquet, put his legs in his eyes, looked at the clothes he wore on his body, and suddenly made a difficult, I don’t know if he should wear him a little dirty. The training is so sleepy, the baby dad usually loves to clean, so sleep will be uncomfortable? But if she took it off, she was not too embarrassed to do it. Besides, there is no change in his clothes here. Is it necessary for the baby dad to sleep naked? Then he woke up to see her, after all, they are not really intimate relationship.

Tang sugar tangled red face.

Ji Xiaoying Lala Tang sugar's hand, asked her with a small face: "Mom, what's the matter with you? Why don't you watch Dad?"

Tang Tang Yan, biting his lip, finally decided not to take off the clothes of the banquet, and he was wronged for one night.

Tang Tang first took Ji Xiaoyan to the bathroom and took a shower. Then he let him sleep in the middle of the big bed and yelled at him: "Baby, Dad is drunk, you take care of him for a while, mother go to take a bath first? "Ji Xiaoying patted a small breast to ensure: "Mom, you can take a shower, I will take care of my father."

Tang Tang watched the banquet to sleep, and estimated that there would be something for a while, then took clean clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After washing, she washed the clothes she replaced with Ji Xiaoyan and dried it in the bathroom. When I came out, I thought that for a long time, Xiao Xiaoyu was already asleep, and I knew that the little guy was still watching his father with big eyes. The little hand was still patted on Dad’s chest, as if he was licking Dad. Sleeping the same.

A heart of Tang Tang was soft and soft, and he gave him a kiss. "Well, baby, mother to take care of Dad, you can go to sleep."

The little guy is obviously sleepy, but he tries hard to shake his head with his eyes wide open. "Mom, I am not sleepy. I will accompany you to take care of my father. Mom is tired."

Tang Tang knew that he was a sensible child. Without hard advice, he only licked his little head. "Well, you take care of your father with your mother, but you can sleep well with your father's hand."

The little guy heard a big hand of the Mara quarterly banquet, and he was firmly gripped.

Tang Tang brought a pot of warm water from the bathroom, soaked the clean towel and wringed it out, gently rubbing his face on the feast, and wiping his face would make you sleep more comfortable.

Rubbing, Tang sugar unconsciously turned his attention to the facial features touched by his hand, thick sword eyebrows, narrow eyes, sharp eyelashes, tall nose, thin lips, firm chin , sharp edges and corners, every place is full of fierce, even if it is asleep, people dare not despise him.

This is a very sharp, yet very secure man.

Tang Tang lived for two generations and had never touched a foreign man. She used to think about what kind of man she would marry in the future, but there is always no specific image in her mind. It seems that I don’t feel real and strange. Awkward.

Until I came here, I saw the banquet. In her mind, she had the specific image of "Xiang Gong". He is her husband, she relied on her life, and others could not.

The fact that the banquet is her husband is not awkward or repulsive, and she is not at all incompatible with the banquet and she is a man of two eras. She does not know why.

Although Tang Tang has no love experience, she is a blank piece of paper, but she is not a fool who doesn’t understand anything. She has read so many words, and she is unique to her in the face of the seasonal banquet. Even if she can't control her feelings, she won't be stupid enough to think that it is normal. Although she didn't dare to admit it directly, she couldn't deceive herself. She liked him, secretly liked him, and liked it now. The public.

However, she also knows that he does not like her, he does not hate her at most.

However, she will work hard to be a good wife, so that he can also like her.

I don't know if the towel on my face stayed for too long. I felt that the quarterly banquet opened my eyes and looked at Tang Tang.

The action of Tang Tang’s hand felt a rush of guilty temptation, and he tried to call him: “Husband? Are you awake?”

The banquet did not answer, still staring at Tang sugar.

Tang Tang bites his lip and slowly wipes his neck and sees that he still does not move her. This is a relief, knowing that he is indeed drunk.

Tang Tang did not dare to think about it again. He concentrated on his face and neck, and carefully wiped his two big hands and wrists. Then he changed the water and towel and gave the socks of the season feast. Take off, gently rub his feet carefully.

The quarterly banquet blinked, and the next second closed his eyes and silently slept again.

The foot of the banquet is completely different from her feet. His feet seem to be as big as her two, and the whole foot is hard and hard. The sole of the foot is covered with a thick layer of old cockroaches. There are even many scars on the feet. I knew it at first glance but it was not hurt.

Tang Tang looked distressed and touched these scars with his hands. He thought that he would hurt even his feet and he did not know how many injuries he had.

It is really hard for a man to protect his country. He certainly does not look so healthy. It seems that he will give him more medicine to bubble feet and expel dark injuries in the body.

On the one hand, Ji Xiaoyan looked at her mother and carefully rubbed her father's big feet. It seemed to be rubbing the baby. She was confused and squinted. She suddenly asked: "Mom, is Dad's foot smelly?"

Tang Tang was asked by the little guy's nonsense question and then asked him, "Why ask this question?"

Ji Xiaoyan lifted one of his chubby legs, and hardly put the little ankles under his nose and smelled it. He didn’t feel the smell and satisfied. Then he replied: “I usually have stinky feet and feet. At the time, I don't want to touch it. If I wash it, I dare to touch it."

Ji Xiaoying is a clean child, and even his own stinky feet are abandoning.

Tang sugar was teased by the little guy and smiled and said: "The smell of your father's feet is not stinky."

Ji Xiaoying hesitated a little bit, and finally climbed up and got to his dad's feet. He sniffed a bite out of his fat buttocks. The next second immediately caught his nose and the brows wrinkled. The child retired and looked at the candy in grievances. "Mom, Dad's feet are stinky."

"Hey--" Tang sugar's smile can no longer be tolerated, only to feel that this little guy's cleanliness is really powerful, relatives are too disgusted, if he is awake now, do not know if it will be heart-wrenching.

In fact, the feet of the banquet are not so stinky, but it is impossible to smell where it is. When the soldiers are exercising all day long, the amount of training is so large, not to mention the seasonal banquet or the special forces. The training intensity is not imaginable. I don’t know how much sweat I want to have on my feet. It’s strange if my feet don’t smell.

Tang Tang explained to the little guy: "Dad wants to train. Every day, I have to sweat a lot. The foot is of course a bit stinky. This is normal. If you wash it, it will not stink. Mom will wipe the father a few times." It."

Ji Xiaoyan put down his hand on his nose and said to Tang Tang: "Mom, you don't even dislike father's stinky."

Tang Tang has changed the water and continued to wipe the feet of the banquet. He rubbed the edge and said to the little guy: "Because Dad is the mother's husband, the wife will definitely not abandon her husband, just like the mother does not abandon the baby." Even if the baby is a stinky mother, dare to touch it?" Ji Xiaoyan remembered that her mother had washed her stinky feet and suddenly felt that her mother was really great. She quickly climbed to the bed and gave a kiss to Tang Tang. "Mom, I love you."

Tang Tang was so excited that he kissed him and kissed him on his small forehead. "Well, go and lie down, my mother will be fine soon."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and climbed back to the bed to lay down, and re-engaged Dad’s big hand.

Tang Tang wiped the banquet a few times, until it was clean and there was no trace of taste. He lay down on the other side of Ji Xiaoying, closed the headlights, and only left a bedside lamp for the convenience of the banquet and the season. I went to the toilet at night.

Ji Xiaoying quickly fell asleep in the pat of Tang Tang, and she was tired for a day today. The body was already tired and soon slept. The whole room had only a dim light shining through the family. Sleeping, quiet and warm.


At six in the morning, the biological clock of the banquet opened his eyes on time, and there was a moment of dizziness in his mind. After a few minutes, he gradually remembered the last night and knew that he had drunk too much last night. He could not help but lick the temple. Slowly sit up from the bed.

The banquet turned to look at Ji Xiaoying and Tang Tang, who slept next to them. The mother and son were sleeping together sweetly, and the frequency of breathing was consistent.

The sight of the banquet passed from the face of Ji Xiaoyan, and finally stayed on the face of Tang Tang. She remembered all the things she did after drunk last night, and her face flashed a little unnaturally.

After a moment of silence, the quarterly banquet quietly rose to the bathroom to wash, without disturbing the mother and child, and quietly left, but before using to leave a message to Tang Tang with a mobile phone, also went to Tang A bank card was inserted in the bag of sugar.

Tang Tang was awakened by a knock on the door. When I opened my eyes, it was almost nine o'clock. I was so scared that I sat up and couldn’t think too much. I quickly opened my foot and opened the door. There are also literary verses.

"Don sugar, you haven't gotten up yet, today is not going to buy furniture, it's not late."

Tang Tang quickly let the two come in. "I'm sorry, I have overslept. I will get up now, and soon I will be fine."

The head of the group saw that Ji Xiaoying was still asleep and walked toward the bed. He said, "You are going to wash and pack things. I will wear clothes for Xiaoyan, so faster."

Tang Tang is also not polite, handing Ji Xiaoyu to the head of the group, first go to the bathroom to clean up, and then pack all the things to go to the city, this time Ji Xiaoying was also packed by the head of the daughter-in-law. The group hurried to the downstairs to take a car of the troops and headed for the city.

It took more than two hours to drive from the army to the city. Tang sugar had time to open the mobile phone to see the information that the banquet had left for her. After reading it, she pulled out the bank card in the bag and could not help but hook up.

In the city, the head of the group directly took Tang Tang to go to the place where the house was sold, so that Tang Tang slowly picked it.

After thinking about the house on the side of the army, Tang Tang is the home of their long-term residence. I don’t want to be free. I want to arrange it well. I have a warm home. So I asked Professor Ji Yue about the problem of home furnishings in the past. Ji Yue sent her a lot of home decoration maps for her reference. She studied for a while, and now I have an idea about what kind of furniture and appliances to buy, so the pick is very smooth, and it can be unified here. Delivery to the door, this makes Tang sugar very happy, but the only thing that makes her sad is that when I give money, I will give more than 50,000 yuan at a time, so that Tang Tang can't help.

Next, I went to buy the daily necessities such as pots and pans that I needed to live at home. It took a lot of money, and the expression on Tang Tang’s face was even more painful.

The head of the group looked at her with a painful expression, and she was very funny. "It is like this. You buy a mid-priced price. Don't feel bad."

Tang Tang licked his mouth, "Xunzi, the banquet, they did not have much money for a month, I thought it would be a pain to spend so much hard-earned money."

The head of the scorpion patted her hand in an understandable way. "Yeah, they have worked hard for the soldiers. They don't have much money in a month. We should be more considerate of them. Usually save the savings and not squander."

Tang sugar is deeply considered.

Wen Wen sighed and sighed and shook her mother's clothes. "I said Mom, I think you said this to me. I don't want to repent and don't buy clothes for me." That can't be done! It can't be said without speaking."

The head of the scorpion angrily poked the forehead of the text, "You are a dead girl.

Who said you didn't buy it for you? ”

Wen Weng smiled, and the head of the head of the horse was dragged to the clothes shop. "That's good, let's go buy clothes!"

So, Tang Tang took Ji Xiaoyan and walked into the clothes shop.

This is the first time Tangtang has visited the clothes shop. The clothes she is wearing now are all left by the original owner, but most of the clothes in the original main wardrobe are more exposed. She doesn’t want to wear it at all. It’s hard to find two sets. When the long-sleeved trousers came out, they had been wearing these two sets of clothes and exchanged them. They didn’t think about coming out to buy clothes, so at this time, Tang Tang directly held Ji Xiaoying’s sofa on the store and waited for the text. Wen and the head of the group chose to pick up.

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