MTL - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away-Chapter 8 Zong He: He is my partner.

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New Ephemeris at 3 pm on March 31, 1587, after three years, the undefeated mythical emperor ** total marshal Zong He, hurts come back, heavy Back to the emperor!

When this battleship representing Zonghe’s identity appeared above the emperor’s star, everyone was excited and mad, and the backbone of the empire came back!

After the news spread on the star network, many forces inquired, the Royals in order to give the people a reassurance, the reporters of the Royal Newspaper have been dispatched, but unfortunately, the Marshal command ship did not stop at the emperor turnover station, directly returned to the Marshal House , a man-made little planet only half an hour away from the Royal.

The reporter was blocked by the **** army. He could only photograph the military uniform under the guards of the escort, and marshal Zong He who calmly walked down the battleship. In his hand, he took a young man who was blocked by his body. Unclear appearance, but from the side view, is an Asian beauty, the focus is that the marshal is very concerned about him.

After the news was released, many people were guessing who the Asian youth was. What is his relationship with Marshal?

Just when everyone guessed, Tang Yan helped Zong He, who was sweating, to come to their present bedroom, and looked at Zong He’s pale face, his heart was very tired. This person is too strong. Just woke up for three days. When I was in a nursing home, I couldn’t walk a few steps and I had to take a wheelchair. Now I am quite hard to go home from the battleship. Don’t you die?

"Hurry up and lie down." Tang Yan also knows Zong He’s thoughts, and can’t say anything. He can only try to do what a partner should do, taking Zong’s sleeves off his opponent’s uniform. After hanging on the hanger, he helped him take off his boots. Zong He opened his eyes and glanced at Tang Yan deeply, closing his eyes again. Tang Yan took the quilt from the cupboard and covered it with him. When he just wanted to leave, he was held by Zong He, and Tang Yan bowed his head. "I will call the military doctor to show you."

Zonghe still doesn't let go, "No, you sit here, watch me sleep, don't go."

Don Juan sat down helplessly, crying and laughing, this disease, how is it like a child? Will it be spoiled?

"Since I promised to come back with you, I will not mention the divorce in the future. I am very talkative."

Zonghe did not scream with his eyes closed, and apparently did not believe in Tang Yan, that is, he did not let go. Don Juan had no choice but to sit on the bed and watch him sleep.

Lin Bo did not feel relieved to come and see, found that the two couples are sleeping hand in hand, the expression on the old face can be described as quite gratifying, young people, the emotional development is really fast, so Lin Bozhen did not ask, turned and left.

Zong He was brought up by Lin Bo. Lin Bo’s life was not used, and all his efforts were spent on Zong He. In a sense, although Lin Bo was an old servant, he played the position of Zong He’s father. . In that environment, it is possible to protect Zong He from growing up peacefully, and Lin Bo is not as kind and harmless as the surface. He has a pair of sinister eyes. Don Juan is clean and very warm, but he knows that he is very fond of young people who are advancing and retreating. It should be said that Tang Yan is much more sensible than his peers. The value of the face is high and the temper is good. Now the relationship between the two couples is also good. Lin Bo is happy to go out and shoot.

The old man immediately sent a message to release the news that this Asian youth who was guarded by my family's marshal was not a neighbor, a marshal lady, and her feelings were good.

Let the people who make the small abacus screaming, this heart is dead!

The words "Mrs. Marshal" are undoubtedly throwing a deep-water torpedo in the vast aristocracy circle, and the water is boiling. Zonghe has been seriously injured in a coma, when is the wife of the awkward? Which family is it? What is the identity? What forces behind it? He already has a partner, isn't there a chance to marry in the future?

How many aristocrats want to attach to the big tree of Zonghe, but the only chance is to be shackled, the aristocrats are smashed, where is the little goblin emerging? !

Many aristocrats also want to find opportunities to visit Zonghe, and they don’t give up the opportunity to explore the new lady. All of them let Lin Bo refuse to do so because of the fact that the marshal’s body has not fully recovered and needs to be rested. It is not mentioned in words. Marshal's companion, which is what they want to inquire about?

Therefore, these days back to the Marshal House, still quiet, Tang Yan did not feel where to adapt, the only thing that is missed is that Da Zhuang has not come for several days. Lin Bo told him that after the big and strong, he would accept preschool education, and he could not come to the house often. Tang Yan was also happy for the big and strong, and the little sister would grow up.

In the evening after a few days, Tang Yan cut a few flowers in the garden and put them into a vase with water. On the way, he met Lin Bo. He chased him and asked: "Lin Bo, I want to buy some online. Material, do not know where the delivery address should be written, directly write Marshal House?"

Lin Bo smiled and touched his beard. "You can't write the Marshal House. The average person can't get close to it. The express delivery may be used as a suspicious person to be bombarded by the electronic defense network." Lin Bo sent a good temper to Tang Yan. An address, "When you buy something, write this address. Someone will send it when the goods arrive."

Tang Yan smiled and thanked each other. "I know, thank you."

Lin Bo looked at the flowers in his hand. "Would you like to put a study or a bedroom?"

Tang Yan smiled and bent his eyes. "Put it on the window sill of the living room, add some life, and look comfortable."

“Oh~” Lin Bo reminded: “The marshal’s nose is very sensitive, and the floral fragrance is too heavy to stimulate his sense of smell.”

Tang Yan looked at the flowers in his hand and simply stuffed the vase to Lin Bo. "I don't put this in, then I will make a fake flower myself."

Lin Bo nodded comfortably, holding the vase in his room, and chanting in his mouth: "The Duke adults can rest assured that the young master has found a close companion."

After Tang Hao went back to the shopping site, he planned to prepare some materials and make a cat climbing frame during the live broadcast. His points have long been enough to buy a cat. Before he was strong, he was still vinegar. He was jealous when he saw him holding a rabbit. He had a half-day temper, so Tang Hao had never dared to buy a cat. Now that the bear child is going to school, it’s just that he wants to buy a few cats for himself. When he is on the air, he will take the cats and cats together to make a cat climbing frame.

If it is done, the cat climbing frame should also be sold, the production method is sold to the merchant, there is no pet like a cat, and the cubs of animals such as tigers and leopards, they also like to climb high, as long as the cat climbs The scale is enlarged, and the orc children can play, so that they can make another extra money.

There is also a good thing in a highly civilized society. Everything can be found online. He is the first one to make. He is the owner of this thing. As long as someone dares to imitate, he can sue the other party for infringement. At that time, the Star Network automatically called the production time, and the counterfeiters did not even have excuses for sophistry.

Even so, Tang Hao was very careful to separate the cat climbing frame and hand it to different merchants to make parts. He can assemble it back.

In the evening, the order was placed. The next morning, someone sent the things that Don Juan wanted, and the speed of the future people was really amazing!

What surprised Tang Hao was that it didn’t take long for breakfast to come! Lin Bo explained: "On the day of rest, the school is on holiday, and the marshal will let the young master pick up and play with you for a day."

Tang Zhen did not suspect him. He picked up his little scorpion and squinted his face. He was moved and cried. The little guy’s body was obviously bigger and more solid. Tang Yan’s kind of my family’s childhood grew up. Reassuring, "Sure enough, when you grow up, you have to go to school, look at it now, grow up a lot!"

Zong He’s helpless Ren Tang’s messy mess with him. How much does this fool like him?

Tang Hao, who is holding a big and strong family, said: "Dad bought you a gift, and you will love it when you make it."

Zonghe lazily lifted his eyelids, and the number was not clear to his father. Sooner or later, the idiot who could not distinguish the species returned.

Two teenagers wearing military uniforms saw Tang Zhen need to move things, and the speed of the flashing body smashed to Tang Yan, "Mrs, let us!"

This is a pair of twin brothers adopted by Lin Bo. They are only sixteen years old. They usually go to school at the military academy. The big name is Qi Jinen, and the younger brother is Qi Jinze. The two brothers are very delicate and clean. Now the strength is all robots, people can operate the robot, but the two of them are carrying a big box of one meter and eight meters, easily resisting the shoulders.

My brother doesn't like to talk, his expression is serious, but his eyes are soft. The younger brother looked at the sunshine and smiled. He smiled at a pair of small tiger teeth. When he looked at the thief, he smiled and smiled at Tang Yan’s fist. He had a strong temperament.

Tang Yan holding a big Zhuang, looked at the empty robot with a babysitter behind him, and laughed, this child is really energetic.

Qi Jinze is curious. "Madam, are you buying skin care products? I have seen a lot of expensive skin care products for my lady, and I am going to pull a car and a car."

Qi Jinen licked his eyebrows, lifted his feet in the back, and kicked his toes on his brother's calf, reminding him to shut up, not to be poor.

Don Juan laughs and laughs. "The female compatriots need skin care products. I am a gift for big and strong."

"Great, who?"

Tang Hao pointed to the black gold hair group in his arms and smiled with a happy face. "He is a big thief!"

The twins were puzzled and looked at Zonghe’s special black and gold stripes. After I understood it, my brother’s feet were soft and almost squatted.

Tang Yan’s heart suddenly broke out and quickly helped to carry the box. “Is it too heavy? Let it go down and take a breather.”

The two brothers agreed to give a thumbs up to Tang Yan, and they all wanted to worship him: they blamed them for a short time, and they saw such a mighty human being for the first time! It is worthy of the lady who gave the marshal to God!

Tang Wei: "..." What is the situation?

Zonghe’s paws have to help the brothers to go to the school, otherwise his vest will not be able to stand for a long time.


At this time, in the luxurious atmosphere of the castle, the gorgeous lady dressed in anger slammed the expensive crafts on the ground. "He even carried me a partner, did he put my mother in the eye! Let him Come see me, come to see me with the untouchables who don’t know where to come!”