MTL - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away-Chapter 47 Like old acquaintance

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Tang Yiyi saw the Prince's Highness, inexplicably thought of a blind high-growth in the past, a long giant look, a good temper, and called Oh, the giant can spoil.

His Royal Highness took up his surprise. He stood up and asked politely: "I should call the little uncle, or should I call a teacher?"

Looking at Tang Yan, who is almost the same age as himself, the Royal Highness of the Prince has a smile. When he is called, he still has a bit of a mouth.

"Mother?" The attitude of the other party is to treat themselves as younger generations. Tang Zhen doubts Zong He, what exactly are you two?

When Tang Hao saw the expression of disappointment when he was seen by His Royal Highness, Zong He saw his eyes and there was another thing that made him care more. He saw that Tang Zhen and the Prince were very uncomfortable in the box, but they could not hide Tang. Hey, let him not see people, Zong He awkwardly said: "Call your uncle, I don't have such a stupid student, you have to teach!"

Tang Yuxin said that his own generation is a real cow. Prince has to control him as an uncle. After the emperor is an emperor, he has a big nephew who is an emperor. Zong He glanced at the position around him and signaled that Tang Hao came to sit, and he must sit next to him and possess possessiveness.

The prince of the prince smiled and took the gift from the attendant and prepared to give gifts.

In the eyes of everyone, he is a very talented existence, all the teachers praise him as a genius, only his uncle is always abandoning him stupid, and even jealous of him.

The members of the escorts standing on both sides are sympathetically looking at the Highness of the Prince. It is not so eager to learn from the Marshal, because Marshal is a natural military conductor. He will not tell you how to fight this, but will Discuss with you how to fight this. If you can't keep up with his ideas, he will pat your brains and you are an idiot!

His Royal Highness Prince was photographed by Zonghe for countless times. The big cat was like a kitten, and his head was shot, from the age of five to the twenties.

"This is the wedding gift that the mother prepared for the two. The uncle is so tight. We don't know the news of your marriage. Now my father and mother are not willing to go. I want to invite you to dinner at home. Apologize."

His Royal Highness handed the gift directly to Tang Yan. After he took it, he sat down.

Tang Hao thanked the other party politely, and then I was embarrassed to look at each other's eyes, for fear of seeing the gods, rude.

The predecessor of His Royal Highness always felt that Tang Yan was a little familiar, and he looked at him more subconsciously. At this time, Zong He spoke. "If you have nothing, just leave."

Tang Yan’s finger was a bit, and Zong He’s incomprehensible thoughts. This glass of water is not finished!

Zong He's face is getting more and more heavy, and my body is full of my unpleasant atmosphere. His Royal Highness Prince is very familiar with his uncle's temper. Even if he doesn't know why, he immediately stands up. "I remember that I still have something to do, I will not bother. When will Uncle take my little uncle to my house to eat, let me tell you in advance." I am so prepared."

Zong He faintly sighed, his eyes urged and hurry.

The words of His Royal Highness the Prince of God.

Tang Wei: "..."


It’s hard to find a blind cat orc, and then talk about it!

I saw that Tang Hao still held the gift box. Just like holding a baby, Zonghe was dissatisfied and asked: "Like?"

Tang blinked and suddenly felt that Zonghe’s tone was wrong. “You, wouldn’t you be jealous?”

Zonghe sneered, "Is it?"

Tang Zhen thinks too, "Yes, I can't eat."

Zong He coldly turned his head and twisted his head. He didn’t look at Tang Yan, but it was a bit awkward.

Don Juan is too lazy to take care of him. This big cat, saying that the temper is a temper, you simply don't know that he is unhappy, and he is harder to raise than a milk cat.


The imperial prince got on the plane, and the middle-aged man who had been waiting on it asked unexpectedly: "Is it coming out so soon?"

Carlos smiled, "it was driven out by the uncle."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man chuckled and shouted: "The whole empire, dare not give you face, it is also the marshal."

After sitting down, Prince Edward took the kettle and sighed. "No way, I was trained by his ears when I was young. I can only wait for him to catch up with me and retaliate against him."

The middle-aged man was teased. "The request is really not high."

Carlos grinned, and he still had no bottom. "When he is old, I may not be able to beat him. He is ten years older than me. He is old and I am old. Hey, it is difficult to turn around in this life." ”

The middle-aged man shook his head with a smile and the jokes were almost open. He puzzled and asked, "How come you out?"

Carlos grievously narrowed his eyes. "I think his partner looks very much like a person. I just glanced at it. Teacher, how do you say that he is so careful?"

I have been with Carlos as a teacher, teaching him to be a human being, and dealing with the laughter of Mr. Bertram, who is a foreigner. "Is this?"

Carlos smiled. "Yes! But this little uncle, I really feel familiar."

Bertrand listened to him with interest.

Carlos squinted slightly and earnestly said: "It’s a bit like a prince, especially when the prince is a child."

Mr. Bertram smiled and said: "Is this saying, is it that the Prince has grown up and changed? How can someone look like a Prince?"

Carlos's face is also serious, and the twilight is deep: "Before childhood, the temper of Prince Edward has changed. When he was a child, he was more active. He was born with a serious illness. He raised him at home for half a year. After he was sick, he was quieter. It’s strange to talk to me, and many things don’t remember. And...” Carlos hesitated. “It looks a little different.”

"It looks different?"

"The appearance is not changed much, it is feeling. Now... Hey! He is too cautious, too perfect, not noisy, noisy, doing things like a machine, perfect implementation of canonical doctrine, I don't know how to get along with him. "After mentioning the Prince, you can have a headache. Carlos has a headache."

Bertrand advised: "But as the queen of the future, he is undoubtedly qualified. Prince is also the pride of the sky, the spirit is to the s level, this is not easy to find in the entire empire. That year is also because of his spiritual strength, Only among the many nobles, he was appointed as a Prince."

Carlos smiled. "Who knows, let's talk about it later."

Bertrand immediately heard a different meaning from his sentence. "What do you mean in the future? Your idea is very dangerous!"

Carlos shrugged. "I mean more in the future, nothing else." He touched his nose subconsciously. He just smelled the familiar smell on Tang Yan, and it was the smell of the prince.

His memory is amazing, unforgettable, and the taste is equally clear.

So, Tang Zhen, who is it?


Tang Hao put the gift from the Prince in their bedroom. It is a set of purple jade ornaments. The workmanship is very delicate. The big one can be placed on the table. The smallest one is a pendant, which can be hung in the neck. He took the ornaments and was a little ecstasy.

Zonghe’s dissatisfaction asked: “Do you like this gift so much?”

The sour tone is like a big cat who wants to control his own territory. Other people's things, he wants to throw it out.

Tang Yan mouth pumped, so that this big cat still does not know why he ate vinegar. He put down the pendant in his hand and smiled and said: "Generally, I am out of courtesy and must show a very like look."

Zong He was shunned and pouted. "Let's like it."

Tang Hao is still very casual to push the box aside, the performance is very careless, in fact, the heart is bleeding, this thing is expensive to see at a glance, do not know how much money can be sold.

Sure enough, Zong He’s face looked better.

Tang Hao said this: "I just thought that the little jade horse is very suitable for big and strong, and it is very good for him to hang in his neck. It hasn't come for a long time. Is this child so busy?" Tang Zhen really wanted to He, he brought a big nephew, really like a son, said to go and left, and when he left, he would not come back. When he thought of it, Tang Yan’s heart would be painful and uncomfortable.

Zonghe looked at Tang Yan’s eyes with a deep face and took a deep breath. “I sent someone to pick him up on the day of the rest.”

Tang Yan’s eyes lit up and he asked with surprise: “Where is the big home? I will pick him up too!”

"You don't want to go," Zong He said in a serious way: "His family lives far and far."

"Oh." Tang Yan can only give up.


In the days when I was waiting for Da Zhuang, Tang Yan drew five drawings of cat toys. After scanning, he passed it to Polek. The other party directly hit the money. It was really rich.

After receiving the money, Tang Yan looked at the blue sky with great mood. He said to Ji Yan, who is behind him: "Small season, today's weather is good, the weather is beautiful, I mean it is suitable for marriage, earthmoving, Travel, move, pray..."

Ji Yan has a slap in the face, so he said, what do you want to do?

Tang glared at his fingers and said inexplicably: "So, it is suitable for summoning new species, and the family is going to add a little."

Ji Yan silently cleaned up the tools on the table, so you are happy.

Tang Hao opened the system, took a deep breath, and solemnly opened the canine family. He chose one in Alaska, Husky, and Samoyed. He said that he had been raising a dog for a long time, but he did not know how to spend time. He did not know. I am busy every day, and I am not idle anyway. Tang Yan told Zheng Yan a serious story: "Small season, be prepared, the big devil is coming!"

Ji Yan had a serious face and even prepared for the battle. He did not know how terrible the great demon who Tang Yi had always said.

As Tang Yan's hand swayed, Ji Yan was dumbfounded. Three furry fat hair **** were sitting in front of the floor, sitting on the ground, looking up at them with a sly look. The whole body was white, and he had a smiling face, and his head was squinting, and he was looking at him.

Ji Yan’s vigilant stepped back. The more harmless things are, the more terrible the attack is. Do you know that they don’t bite?

In the eyes of Ji Yan’s jealousy, Tang Yan reached out and picked up the middle of the little fat man with three flames on his forehead. “I didn’t expect it to be a young child. It’s okay, the dog will grow up soon.”

Tang Hao shook the Husky to Ji Yan and told him seriously: "Don't be fooled by the appearance of this kid. It is a good hand to dismantle the family. These three are coming out every day. It is really hard for you." ""

Ji Yan shun nodded, these three seem to be no dangerous, so what is the big devil?

Tang Hao smashed the three dogs. "From the left and right, Alaska called the administrator number one, Husky called the administrator number two, Samoyed is the administrator number three, and now you three are the shepherd dogs. You can run with the **** beast, and you four can definitely play together."

When Tang Yi raised his hand, the three of them rolled up and ran wildly on the grass.

Next, Ji Yan knows what Tang Yu said about the demolition of the big devil. When the three came out, they were still a little scared. From time to time, they looked at the surrounding environment. After they became familiar, they changed their faces. One can compare with one. The waves, the alpacas that are called the **** beasts can still wave, pick up the squats, catch the birds and tease the cats, see what swears, that is, look good, people who are crazy can’t help but think, they can’t help .

Seeing the administrator on the 2nd went to the fish pond to roll, Ji Yan hand lifted, a long vine smashed the second ha, the vines shake, pulled back.

Seeing the administrator on the 1st to go to the pit, Ji Yan's hand is lifted again, the yard is full of vines, **** this tied, the chaos can't.

Tang Hao shook his head, and the season was still no experience. At this time, you have to put a cat, not a wave, a wave!

Tang Hao put all the cats out and sprinkled them on the lawn, shouting Ji Yan: "You don't have to worry about it, give me a cup of tea, get some melon seeds, I don't do anything today, I want to watch the show. ”

Cats and dogs fight at the touch of a hair, a dozen cats around the body is not much bigger than their own small milk dog, is a unilateral group. Mulan walked over at an elegant pace. Xu suspected that the ground was too dirty. She was afraid of being soiled by the soil on the grass. Mulan simply jumped to Tang’s table and looked down at the bottom, as if the queen had come.

All the cats were well-disciplined, looking for a place to sunbathe, and even three dogs were aware of the murderous murder from Mulan.

Erha looked at Mulan with his eyes wide open, and his paws still owed a moment on the head of a bantam pup, the short-legged cat legs were short and the head was small, and the paw was slammed on the ground. Squeaky snoring.

Mulan’s eyes flashed a murderous, jumping directly from the table, and a paw gave the second ha to the ground, followed by a chain of eighteen claws.

Mulan Lan played a fang, scared the three dogs to shrink the neck, honestly with a cockroach, what goes under the water to fish, dig the soil to roll the mud, what eucalyptus bites the flower and scratch the table.

Mulan is noble and glamorous and returns to Tang Yan. In short, the Queen of Mulan is a principle: Who is the wave!

No matter how much the other party heads, what species, as long as it quarreling and Don father to rest, it is to beat it!

Tang Yan took over the tea that Ji Yan handed over, and said with a smile: "Women, I still want to watch the cat and dog fight. If you are so troublesome, no one dares to make trouble. How are you so powerful?"

Ji Yan also looked at the beautiful little female cat in front of her face. In terms of managing animals, he was even better than a pet.

Tang Hao also bought a lot of toys, the ball that the puppy likes to play, the hemp rope, or whatever, throw it into the lawn and let them play together. As long as you don’t really bite, fighting and playing are not a problem. Tang Yan took Mulan, basking in the sun, and sitting on it was drowsy.

After more than 10 minutes, Tang Yan was awakened by the dog bark. The administrators No. 2 and No. 3 rushed to the same ball in order to fight the same ball. Mulan stood up again and went to pick them up.

Tang Hao yawned and recorded the video of Mulan’s two dogs, and sent it to Weibo.

Eat and sleep, big and strong: Queen Mulan once again shot, teaching two disobedient younger brothers, using combat power to show a truth - the world martial arts, only fast!

The comments were quickly brushed up, and the fans wanted to know what the three new ones were, and they didn’t guess very well.

These three look like canines!

Was it a wolf who was afraid of not keeping his claws? The voice is like it!

How do you feel that it will only dare to fight back?

Tang Xin said that he was joking. Second, but the legendary fight has never been won, and the species that have never been lost by quarrels are called loud. Stretching your claws? nonexistent!

At this time, someone asked: What is the largest and most fat species in this body? Is the dog and pig hybrid?

Tang Yan looked at the No. 1 subconsciously. This Alaska body is really fat. It is like a pig. "No. 1, someone said that you are like a pig, what do you think?"

On the 1st, I licked the fingers of Sui Tang, and I couldn’t understand it.

Tang Zhen stunned on its head and said with sincerity: "Hey, it’s good to hear people."

There are fans asking: Is this white beautiful, is the legendary fox?

"Fox?" When I mentioned this, Tang Hao Ling flashed, opened the system and bought an Arctic fox. Let the Arctic fox and Samoyed sit together, he took the back of the two of them and surfed the Internet, asking everyone: Guess, which is the fox, which is Samoyed?

Fans have smashed the table: If we can know, we have already been a paleontologist! Are you free to accompany you online to accompany you? !

Tang Yan deeply praised this comment, and asked everyone very well: Do you want to know the answer?

The fans thought he wanted to broadcast live, and they shouted: Think about it! Please announce the answer!

Tang Yan smiled and replied: Just look at the ass, in fact, I can't see it, you are true.

The fans were amused: we are angry! Oh, bad kind!

Tang Yan took a picture of Zhang Mulan's noble and glamorous, and the fans immediately made a noise. They smashed the beauty of Mulan in the screen and long lived the Queen. In short, after being smashed by Tang, he was smashed in minutes.

Don’t be sleepy, and this group of lovely future people are like kittens.

At this time, Tang Hao's communicator rang a few times. He temporarily retired Weibo and looked at the information on the communicator. It was sent by Polek: I sent you two invitation tickets for the Emperor Amusement Park. You You can bring big and strong to the amusement park to play, pass! No need to line up! ”

Tang Yan saw that he was so excited, asked Ji Yan: "Is the Star Playground fun?"

As a small encyclopedia of intelligence, Ji Yan answered the question: "The Emperor Star Playground is one of the large playgrounds in the empire. It has recently added a 100-meter-high cat climbing frame. It is difficult for adults to climb up. It is said that there are many daily. People go to the challenge. There are also children's castles. In order to make the children have fun, they are limited to 100,000 people every day. The tickets sold are also very expensive. After all, living in the Imperial Star is not bad."

Tang Hao quickly thanked Polick, decided to wait for the big and strong, and took the big out to play once. Da Zhuang certainly has no time to go out to play, and now he has grown up, he can talk, and communication is completely ok.

As soon as I thought of being able to go to the amusement park with greatness, Tang Yan was not excited, and began to make plans. I also wanted to buy an anti-lost rope for Da Zhuang. I will always be tired when I am on the road. Do you want to buy a small one? Push the chair?

Tang Hao boarded the children's products store, asked the customer service after sweeping a large shopping cart, children must go out the necessary products: kettle! drug! hat! Small umbrella! There is also an artifact to go out: urine pocket!

The urine pocket is almost the same as the diaper. It is a technique that is harder than the diaper. After wearing it, it perfectly solves the problem of urinating and urination. Tang Zhen thinks that the age of the big and the strong, the stool is not enough, can solve the urination, it is ready, ready to go, do not know whether to queue in the toilet.

The next morning, when the goods were received, the whole family was shocked. Lin Bo once again looked for Tang Yan. "Are you ready to have children?"

Tang Yan looked blank, "What?"

Lin Bo put the goods in front of Don Juan, meaning that you don't want children, what do you buy these things?

Zong He glanced at him and told Tang Yan very seriously: "I don't want children."

Don Juan laughed and laughed. "You really want more. I am preparing for Da Zhuang."

Zong He: " are dead this heart!!"

"How do you let me die this heart? I said I didn't want children!" Tang Yan is not happy, dissatisfied with Zong He's attitude, how to make a child with his genes is so irritating? Even if he does not want it now, Zonghe should not be this attitude.

Zong He opened his mouth and was blocked by Tang Yan’s tough attitude. The explanation could not be explained, and his face became more and more ugly.

Lin Bo sighed and helped Tang Yan to pack things up and recited: "The marshal is worried that if you have a child, you will not like him. If you play small, you will be awkward. You will care about him."

Zonghe gritted his teeth and wanted to say no, but after he said it, Tang Yan was definitely more angry, unless he told him now that he is a big man.

Tang Zhen’s resentment smashed Zong He for a while and found that he did not refute it. He gave him a sigh of relief: “Are you stupid?!”

Even your own child's vinegar should have a mouthful, how old is it, young and not childish!

Zonghe’s face was so cold that he couldn’t hold it anymore. He screamed coldly: “I, I have something to tell you.”

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