MTL - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away-Chapter 44 Can be mad at the fox

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I found Zonghe’s eyes so cold and terrible, and Mrs. Zong’s heart trembled and her scalp numb. I haven't seen my son for several years. I didn't expect Zonghe to have raised her nearly two heads. The momentum of the whole person is not so weak as it was in the past, nor is it a child who can be controlled by her.

The maid who was next to her whispered: "Mrs. Don't forget, before you come..."

The maid wanted to stop, but Mrs. Zong understood what she meant. Don’t forget the words that the Queen told her before.

Mrs. Zong took a deep breath and said coldly: "I am not coming to quarrel with you. You want to see a lot of this disease. I want to see you." Mrs. Zong’s face gradually eased. Looking at Zong He with resentment, "If you wake up, don't look at me, I am your mother, you are my own!"

Zong He’s eyes flashed a taunt, and the indifferent “Hm” sounded, and he was unmoved.

Tang Yan shook his head, and Zong He’s word "Hm" was really irritating. He had no choice but to pour tea to Mrs. Zong. If Mrs. Zong really regretted it and wanted to improve her relationship with Zong He, she would no longer be noisy and would not bother them to live. Tang Yan felt that it was acceptable. After all, it is Zonghe’s biological mother, Baishan’s filial piety is the first, and a “filial piety” character is on the top of the head. If they are not big, they will be sent to the material. If they don’t meet, no one should bother.

Tang Yan took the tea to the table, and Mrs. Zong looked at him again, and concealed the disgust of the eyes, but did not hide the arrogance in the tone. "What is your origin? What does the family do?"

Tang Zhen raised his eyebrows and said that he really looked down on him. He didn’t eat soft rice. He could live by his family. Why should he be affected by this? Don Juan put the tea on the table, did not please the meaning, faint said: "I don't know, amnesia, and before the marriage of Zonghe, I want to have a meal in the garbage star, you drink tea, I personally soaked, this tea thief Xiang, I have never seen it before."

Mrs. Zong’s eyebrows were almost picked up by Tang Yan’s words, and she was almost unable to endure the same space with Tang Yan, a stranger who didn’t know where to come, let alone drink his tea. Looking at Tang Zheng’s seriousness, Mrs. Zong even wondered if he was deliberately disgusting himself.

Tang Yan’s mouth is hooked, and this old lady is actually not difficult to deal with.

Zonghe pulled Tang Yan to his side, grabbed his waist with one hand, and took the teacup in one hand and threw it into the trash can. That means, she is used to her, she does not give face, he still does not want to drink for her.

Tang Zhen understood that he said that he could cry his mother, and that Mrs. Zong’s face was white, and Zong’s temperament was also a trick.

When Zong’s wife saw Zong’s obvious protection of Tang Yan, she gave support to Tang Yan, and she did not put her mother in her eyes. The temper trembling, “Do you have to face me!”

Zonghe picked and picked the chin, and tightened Tang Yan, and asked provocatively: "What is it, not what? It is not meaningful to communicate with you."

The feelings of their mother and child have been weakened to the point of no need to talk, he raised her, and she gave birth to his kindness, seeing that in the name of the mother he did not care how she had been to him before, it is considered to be benevolent. Now she came to his family to pinpoint his feet, and he was so picky about his partner. Zong He felt that he did not send someone to drive her out. It was already a face to the emperor's cousin.

Mrs. Zong was red-eyed and slammed the table. "I don't agree with your marriage. There are several temperaments that are suitable. The status is also worthy of you. In the future, you can help you." They, you are so unclear, are you crazy?"

Tang snorted, and the mud bodhisattva was still a bit earthy. He was so happy that he was not happy. The Royal Highness Princess certainly does not know what is the best life of a spoiled man, what is the singer!

Tang Yan immediately succumbed to Zong He's shoulder, looked up and looked at Zong He's side face, and the cat snorted. "Dear, are you crazy for me? I am the garbage star." I didn’t have the status, I didn’t speak, I didn’t communicate, I didn’t even have a diploma, I’m gone, I’m an illiterate!”

Zonghe breathed a sigh, and the whole person was stiff. He looked down and looked at his own arms. He could do whatever he wanted. He knew that Tang Yan was deliberate, but he couldn’t help but rush to the brain. His face was Cold, serious said: "I don't need others to help, you are enough."

It’s really domineering!

Tang Yan moved to hold Zong He’s face and kissed him with enthusiasm. “Love you~”

Mrs. Zong’s body was trembling, her chest was violently undulating, and the maid behind her was scared and pale, and she kept pinching her shoulders. She couldn’t give Zong He and Tang Yan, and then stimulated two more times. Get angry and go back.

Zong He’s eyes are still cold and have no emotions, and there is no meaning of retreat.

Tang blinked his eyes and looked provocative. I just didn't have it. You disliked me. Your son doesn't want to give up, drop it, bite me?

Mrs. Zong was so easy to get her breath evenly. When she looked at Tang Yan’s eyes, her brain snorted again. She pointed to Tang Yan, who was not standing in Zong He’s arms, and asked me violently: “You like it. What is he? What is the difference between this and the fox who seduce a man's crime?!"

Zonghe’s expressionless praise: “He looks good! He still likes cats!”

Tang Xiaoqiao's nod, especially a shameless voice: "Well! I look good, I can still be spoiled, I have no aristocratic support at all, he will be my mouth!"

After saying this, Tang Hao himself couldn't hold back, and buried his face in Zong He's neck and shoulders. He couldn't help but enjoy it. Madame Zong, the noble princess, must have thought that there are people in the world who are so shameless, but don't give up. Fainted.

Zonghe looked down at Tang Yan, but he had never seen him so naughty. He looked at the eyes and looked at him. Tang Hao quietly blinked and looked at Zong He, could not help but smile and bend his eyes.

Mrs. Zong was so angry that she almost turned her back and frightened that the maid had to give her a slap in the face and couldn’t do it.

After Tang Hao was not finished, after holding back the unhappy, he turned his head and said to the lady, "I love him, you don't want to break up us. You still don't know what I am doing. I just sell my face online. My fans are tens of billions. When you break up us, I will go online and cry you, this vicious mother-in-law. I can cry for a good look. They are all jealous of you, how bad it is."

Mrs. Zong licked her chest and was mad at her heart. She gnashed her teeth and said: "If you like this, you can raise a few! Such a person, how to be a sect! He still sells his face!"

Zong He looked at Tang Yan and his eyes didn't turn. "Do you have it? Can't sell it, eat more, I have him enough."

"You..." Mrs. Zong took a few tables and couldn't say a word.

The waitress was nervously persuaded: "Young Master, you don't say a few words, don't really make your wife feel good."

Tang Hao almost laughed and squeezed a hand on Zong He's waist, so that he almost got it. Calculating the age, the emperor's little aunt is about the same age as the emperor. The age is also pressing the emperor. Now it is an invincible woman. It is the first time that they are mad. However, if the rescue of the lady is really rescued in the Marshal House, the reputation of Zong He can not be heard.

Zonghe took a shot of Tang Yan, let him not be afraid, telling his mother slowly: "If you want to see me, I will go back to see you every month, you can eat dinner, we can also pretend that the mother is filial piety, you used to do We can do everything in the past. If you want to control me, let me follow the path you have drawn, and even want to control my current family, we will avoid talking."

Madame Zong gasped in this breath, could not help but the red eyes on the spot, the tears fell uncontrollably, "You want to mad at me, how did I give birth to you such a blind man! Good aristocrats are not right, they want to go As a soldier! I tell you, you must divorce this untouchable, I am for your good, I am your mother, can you harm you?!"

Zong He sneered: "It seems that there is nothing to talk about. When did you change this temper? When will you talk about it, send her out?"

Mrs. Zong’s twilight is cold, “Who dares?”

Zonghe’s indifferent road: “You don’t go, I am leaving, I will go with him.”

Mrs. Zong stood up and said, "Give me back!"

Zonghe was too lazy to take care of her, took the hand of Tang Yan, and strode out.

Tang Yan looked back and said to Mrs. Zong in a serious way: "Your son was abducted by me. Later, our child will be with my surname Tang. Thank you for giving birth to such a good son. It is really cheap. I am with you. Let's take a look."

Across the distance, Tang Yan still squatted and shrugged his shoulders. He was very informal and gave a head.

This time, Mrs. Zong was suffocated and sat down. She didn’t even have the strength to stand up. She had never seen a person like Tang Yan in her life! A Zonghe is enough for her to be angry. Finding a partner like a goblin can kill her. "How can there be such a person! How can he! How can I!" Take a deep breath in your chest and shed your tears.

Lin Bo stood behind the pillars, so he looked at the seeds of the cockroaches. He looked at the lady's face and his face was pale and his lips were bloodless. He couldn't breathe in the next second. "Hey, he will hurry and come to see him." Hurry up and arrange, I am very impressed by Tang Yan. For so many years, I have never seen anyone who has the courage to make Mrs. Zong’s temper.

After getting on the plane, Zonghe took Tang Yan in his arms and kissed him deeply on his forehead. He said: "Let you be wronged."

Tang Yan shook his head with a smile. "No, I am not familiar with her. She said what I said as an outsider. The most uncomfortable thing is you."

Zonghe smiled mockingly. "I am used to it."

Tang lived on Zong He’s shoulder and comforted him silently. Zong He experienced a life and death, coma for three years, this is not a matter of concern for the mother. He has been here for a year, and he has not heard that Zonghe has a mother. He came directly to arrange Zonghe’s divorce. I don't know what I am thinking.

However, this meal gave her enough anger, and the other party should see him in the future and he should have a headache. It should be honest for a while.

After the aircraft left home, it was always empty on the terrain. The two eyes stared at each other for a while and smiled. Don Juan asked: "Do you want to take me away? Or do I take you away?"

Zonghe pinched the ring in the hand of Tang Yan. "You take me, I really have no money."

Tang Yan immediately stood up and excited: "I have money! I can earn money to raise you!"

Zong He licked his mouth and leaned closer to Tang Yan. "Before you let me raise, I still have one thing to confirm. You just said, you love me, is it true?"

Tang Xiao smiled, holding the other's face, printing a kiss on the other's lips, his forehead against Zong He's eyebrows, and abandoning the question: "A fool, what do you say?"

Then, Tang Yan was shackled in his seat and was breathless by the kiss.


The parties were gone, and Mrs. Zong was not very interested in sitting here. After leaving, she went directly to the palace and went to the emperor’s nephew to cry.

His Majesty is also a headache. This little aunt is about the same age as him. He is more senior than him. He is alive and pressured. He can’t say anything about her. He can only resist the temper and swear. Then he is annoyed. Slipped, leaving only a faceless helpless queen.

The Queen also had a headache, and elegantly poured tea to Mrs. Zong. "Little aunt, don't cry, drink some tea and calm down."

Mrs. Zong sighed with tears in her eyes and looked sad.

The Queen advised: "The cousin has grown up, you can't do this, you have to listen to him, you have to use the tactics."

Mrs. Zong blinked and asked me earnestly: "I listen to him? He is born to me. Why should I listen to him?"

The queen is not in a hurry, and the tea is slow and elegant, and he is very elegant and noble. "Because you can't control him, he won't listen to you. Compared with ordinary mother and child, you even have the minimum. There is no family relationship between the mother and the child. You don’t want to save his heart now. Even the mother and the child can’t do it.”

The Queen said something that did not give Mrs. Zong a face, but let Mrs. Zong say nothing, because this is the truth.

"If he likes it, he will let him like it. The civilians will be civilians. There is nothing wrong with the civilians. Now the nobles are a title. Everyone is equal before the law. The nobility also has the obligation to pay taxes. The civilians also have the right to protection. You cannot look down on civilians. ""

The husband’s face was retorted. “The little goblin is not a civilian, it’s a garbage star! You don’t know, the people born there are all sinners who have been sent to the past, and there is dirty blood flowing through them. Their children will also flow the blood of the people, I feel that the descendants of the family are not allowed to flow the blood of the people!"

The Queen said indifferently: "That's the way, you can't even make a mother or child, it can only be an enemy."

"That little goblin! He not only...he!" Mrs. Zong thought of Tang Yin’s tone and said those words, hanging on Zonghe’s squeaky strength, and angered his heart. “He not only has the blood of the people. He hasn't had a bit of temper! It's a little goblin who confuses a man! He is still a spoiled man! He! He! I am mad at me!"

The queen blinked and sighed helplessly. This is why the mother really doesn't understand her son, Zong He's temper, how can she look at a little goblin who only knows how to confuse a man? If it is so superficial, he doesn't know how many goblins he has found, and he won't find a partner until he is thirty.

When Mrs. Zong left, the emperor sneaked back and asked her daughter: "Send it away?"

"Go!" The Queen smiled helplessly. "The cousin is too hard-tempered, and he doesn't listen to his mother. He is really awkward for his mother. His little companion is not annoyed. I cried my little aunt, and this time I was really wronged. I was so angry that I cried."

"Hey!" sneaked a few times under the arm. "I have time to ask them to come to the house to eat dinner. I haven’t seen anyone for so long." After he finished his sigh, he panicked. "This mother and son, good. No, when Zonghe was unable to resist when he was young, he was reluctant to listen to her words. Later he rebelled. He simply did not listen. He was almost killed by his mother. After the death of his uncle, the little aunt was probably a little crazy, but fortunately they did not Live, or else, Tang..."

"Don Juan."

"Yes, that child can't live for three days. Surnamed Tang? Isn't that the same as the grandmother?"

The Queen did not get angry and screwed her hand on her husband's waist. "To say that the Prince is! Don't call your daughter-in-law! It is heard that it affects the majesty of the majesty."

The emperor kneels and squats, his mouth screaming. "Yes, yes, you are right! Let the eldest son go to see how his uncle is sick, invite them to come home to eat."


After wandering outside for a while, Tang Yan took Zong Hera to a shop of custom-made clothes. Now the small shops are gone. All the big stores that are there are well-known stores. The quality of the clothes they make is also guaranteed. Set a few sets of clothes to wear at home."

Zong He refused, "Do not do it, not serious."

"Who is not serious?" Tang Yan is happy, why not wear military uniforms is not serious? He looked at Zong He’s uniform military uniform and was very tired for him. “Normal people are not wearing military uniforms at home, and everyone is not serious?”

Zong He stunned his eyebrows. In the consciousness of the soldiers, if Tang Yan was so dare to confront him, he would pull out and practice eight hundred times. However, Tang Yan was fine and tender, and he could not bear to be wronged. Tang Zhen was wronged, he could only "grip" himself, and he resisted the temperament of the clothes of Sui and Tang Dynasties. "Your is not serious."

Don Juan looked at himself. "How can my clothes not be serious?"

Zong He coldly put a button on the top of his shirt. "The button is not fastened, the collar is big, and the waist is low."

Tang Yan’s mouth was pumping. “What do you want me to wear? Is it normal? Normal people wear it like this, I wear it very tightly! I am still not shirtless!”

Zong He blinked, "You are crazy!"

Don Juan laughs and laughs. From the other side's expression, he may be really crazy. The shirt is immoral. He understands!

Zonghe patted on his shoulder and solemnly said: "There is a little seriousness of going out and wearing a house. You can feel free at home. It is not impossible to wear a curtain. Close the door in the bedroom, you can light it."

Tang Hao helped the amount, standing at the door of the store, so serious discussion of the problem of the shirt, this is really sick!

Zonghe’s heart is soft. “Forget it, give you a uniform set of military uniforms. It’s warm in winter and cool in summer, and the package is tight and can block the damage.”

Don Juan quickly shook his head, he didn't want it!

"I am not a soldier, I can't wear it."

"You are the family of the military, you have the privilege."

"Is my privilege used in this place?"

"It is said that every year there are military family days, buy things to give you a discount."

Don Juan nodded, and the last one seemed to be practical.

At this time, I heard Zong He ask: "You don't have hair, will it be cold in winter? Or, give you a big sweater?"

"You are calm!!!" Tang Yan’s mind burst into a big bear, and the fat ones are not moving!

Zonghe’s mouth picked it up and was finally teased by Tang’s reaction.

Tang Yan reacted to this, this big cat teased him!

Tang Yan also smiled. "You are not black!"

At this time, an aircraft happened to pass by, a white-haired old man, just to see Tang Yan, who was at the door, Zonghe was facing him, he could not see Zong He’s face, but Tang’s smiling face was clearly seen. Chu. The old man’s pupil suddenly shrank, and his eyes widened and looked at Tang Yan’s familiar face. His face was instantly bloodless. He trembled and said to the young waiter behind him: "Go back to the government, go back to the government now."

The attendant accident, "Lian Bo, have you lost something, I asked someone to send it over?"

"No," the old man wiped the cold sweat that had already appeared on his forehead. "I will see the Duke now, go back!"