MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 92

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At this moment, Xie Xi regretted it.

She regrets bringing He Shen back. The mean woman was indeed hateful, but the teenager in front of her gave her deeper fear.

No ... Xie Shen must return, as long as he is there, at least Xie's family will not fall. Xie's family doesn't fall, everything else doesn't matter to her.

He Shen coaxed the mad old man in a few words. Xie Yongyi's cloudy eyes glowed with astonishment because of his docileness. He held his hand and said, "Xiao Shen, is it Grandpa's Xiao Shen?"

He Shen choked the nausea in his heart and said quietly, "I am here."

Xie Yongyi said anxiously: "Where have you been this time, have I arranged the books I have carried, have I read the contract, and the company's articles of association ..."

He Shen said: "Rest assured, I have finished watching it."

Xie Yongyi said immediately: "Did you remember? Understand? I will test you ..."

In his confused mind, he couldn't think of what he was going to take for a while. He Shen had followed what he liked to say: "I compared the original English version of the management information system and felt that there were still a lot of misreads in the Chinese translation. "

Although confused and hearing familiar things, Xie Yongyi came to the spirit: "Good boy, this should be the original book. The translation has distorted many ideas of Lawton. Have you carried this book back?"

He Shen smiled: "Do you want to listen?"

Xie Yongyi said: "Come, give me your back."

He Shen recited this book, which was boring enough to drive young people crazy, in fluent English.

In the whole ward, except for Xie Yongyi, who frowned, everyone else was shocked and cold on his back.

Is this something a high school student should recite?

Is this what a child should know?

What did the old lunatic ask for?

Even more frightening is that He Shen did it all. For such stringent requirements, such inhuman training, and such unreasonable domination, he handed out a full-scale test paper.

Xie Yuan has seen this long ago.

She knew she had a genius more than ten years ago.

Xie Yongyi forced him into a monster.

The doctors and nurses in the bedroom did not dare to say a word. The window had already fallen into the evening. The sun underlying the horizon was a crumbling sunset, like a rising sun.

Like an old and a young in the house: one dusk, one early rise.

He Shen recited for half an hour until Xie Yongyi fell asleep.

Confirming that he was asleep, He Shen's voice stopped abruptly.

No one dared to look up at him, because everyone knew that his docile mask had been removed, and it must be cold and disgusting instead.

He Shen can easily coax Xie Yongyi, even if he has been away from home for so long.

The news of Master Master's return soon spread to Xie's.

When Xie Chengyu found his son, He Shen didn't even cry.

Xie Chengyu was born with good looks. He is still young and handsome when he is in his early forties.

He was particularly bluffing when he didn't speak. Once the flirty tone of his mouth was opened, the weakness of the wine was revealed.

He put out his father's shelf and said, "Be honest when you come back, don't make your grandpa angry."

He Shen walked over without a word, Xie Chengyu scolded angrily: "What the **** are you arrogant? Lao Tzu is your dear, you ..."

He Shen turned his head, his sharp eyes locked him.

Xie Chengyu flinched and cursed again: "Even if the old things really give you all the business, I am also your father! Don't try to throw me away in your life."

He looked at him coldly: "Are you sure you want to stay with me?"

Xie Chengqiang held up the shelf and said, "How can you kill me?"

He Shen bent her lips and smiled, but there was no smile at the bottom of the eyes: "After only five years, have you forgotten my mother?"

Xie Chengyu was temporarily speechless.

He Shen lowered his eyebrows and calmly said, "Mental illness is inherited. Grandpa is crazy, dad, please be careful of your body."

Xie Chengyu's pupils shrank, and by the time he recovered, He Shen had gone far.

He still yelled at him in the back: "Bitch! Not enough to kill your mother, but also to lock me up as a mental illness? If you lose all the good things, you will be punished sooner or later!"

He Shen left Xie's house without returning.

The old house is far from the city and it takes more than an hour by car.

Ke Heshen would rather take a car back and forth for more than two hours and would not rest there. He just decided to go back and clean up the mess, but didn't want to be dragged into hell.

The words of Xie Chengyu suddenly came from his ears, He Shen gritted his teeth, and the shaking of his fingertips lit the screen of the phone.

As if he had the right spirit, he received a WeChat-

Qiao Shao: "Are you sleeping?"

The three very common words, the most common one, made He Shen's cold chest filled with warmth instantly.

He suddenly forgot Xie Chengyu, Xie Yongyi, and left the old house like a grave behind him, leaving only Qiao Shao as sweet as honey in his eyes.

He Shen typing: "I want sugar."

Qiao Shao answered him quickly: "What time is it? Want to get fangs!"

He Shen sternly addressed him: "I want something sweet." At the end he also brought a grieved expression.

Is this guy coquettish! After showering and drying his hair, Qiao Shao lying on the bed was full of smiles in his eyes: "I'll bring it for you tomorrow, and I'm not allowed to eat tonight."

He Shen said: "Think now."

Qiao Shao was destined not to be Yan's father, which was a bit overwhelming: "Then ... we need to brush our teeth again."

He Shen gave a sigh expression, and said, "But I have nothing to eat."

Qiao Shao wondered: "You've eaten that jar of sugar on your desk? You can't do it. He Shen, eating such a polysaccharide can't stand the body!"

He Shen said: "Don't eat those."

Qiao Shao hesitated.

Sure enough, the guy's next sentence was: "I want to eat that candy called Qiao Shao."

Qiao Shao: "………………………………"

You can see red ears and red ears when looking at WeChat. Qiao Shao feels that he is really hopeless!

"Sleep!" Qiao Shao ignored him.

He Shen really wanted to see him, but thinking about the drive, it was estimated that it was eleven thirty at home, and the child should indeed sleep.

He could only regret: "Good night."

Who knew that Qiao Shao actually said: "A video?"

He Shen took a breath and said, "It's too late, go to bed, see you tomorrow."

Qiao Shao pouted and sent him: "See you tomorrow!" Putting down his mobile phone, he said: Without a video pull down, he was too lazy to run to the utility room!

Thinking about it that way, he couldn't help holding the phone, thinking that in case He Shen repented ...

He Shen really regretted it, but he was really inconvenient to open a video in the car. He sent: "Take a photo to see."

Qiao Shao returned his three big question marks.

He Shen said: "Just take a picture."

Qiao Shao said, "Don't, inexplicably take some pictures."

He Shen also felt that he was inexplicable, so he said, "Forget it, rest early."

Qiao Shao didn't return to him and left his cell phone to sleep.

He tossed and turned around for a long time ... Sitting up for a while, he kicked his slippers and went out, scolding himself in his heart: Qiao Shao, you are planting completely!

As soon as he got home, He Shen received a new WeChat.

He thought it was work related, so he turned it on at will. After seeing it clearly ... he slammed the fireworks in his heart.

The teenager on the screen was very uncomfortable. He didn't even look at his eyes, and he didn't open any filters or beauty. Even so, his skin tone was as white as warm jade. Got shy.

He Shen only wanted to see him immediately, he sent him a video request.

Qiao Shao just ran back to the bedroom, where can I pick it up and just hang up!

He Shen didn't dare to ask for it any more, just said, "Thank you."

How could Qiao Shao know what he was thanking and said, "What's wrong with you tonight? Somehow."

He Shen couldn't explain it, but the haze that haunted his mind all day disappeared. He felt that his body was full of endless power, and at this moment he could really make a sword for him. It turns out that with care, life becomes so meaningful.

The day of the school report was naturally a weeping wolf.

From the moment Song Erha entered the classroom, he began to chant: "Summer vacation, my dear summer vacation, why did you leave me!"

Xie Kai also said: "My pesticide, just the king!"

Song Erha turned back in sorrow: "I only have diamonds!"

Xie Kai hehe said: "Who asked you to give away one blood."

Qiao Shao doesn't know much about games, but he likes the atmosphere in the classroom: young high school students are always noisy, noisy, energetic, and good.

The classroom was full when He Shen came.

As soon as he came in, the classroom was quiet for a second or two, and then the girls in the class exploded—

"I haven't seen him in two months. He Shen is even more handsome!"

"Whenever I think this man can't be more handsome, he refreshes my perception."

"Our school ’s new uniform is poisonous. The fatter next door wears fatter and fatter, and the gods become more handsome and handsome!"

"Wait, do we learn God is rich?"

"Learn cp rich! Lou Xiaoba is a 100% rich second generation!"

"Sisters aren't right. Our cp of God is clearly Joe's cuteness."

"???? Are the two male gods not tasty? Why climb the wall!"

"We Qiao Qiao just developed late. After a few years, it is also a proper male god!"

There is no way to talk about it. There is no such thing as 不会 cp since ancient times.

Obviously Leng Buding met at school all summer, Qiao Shao was a little awkward.

He only looked at He Shen before opening it. He Shen held his hand as soon as he sat down.

Qiao Shao was startled.

He Shen put his hand in the table hole, and Qiao Shao lowered his voice while he was not paying attention: "Release."

He Shen also whispered, "No one can see."

Qiao Shao died nervously: "In case ..."

He Shen stared forward without squinting: "Lao Tang is here."

Qiao Shao: "!"

He drew his hands hard, but unfortunately he couldn't draw more energy than congratulations.

He Shen also deliberately made a mouthful saying: "Reaction will be found."

Qiao Shao: "........."

Don't dare to move!

Lao Tang stood on the podium, said with a smile, and said, "A good news, this time I won't divide classes."

Everyone has known for a long time, but still cheered for a while.

Tang pushed his glasses and put out a big move: "Although they don't divide classes, they have to change seats."

Qiao Shao froze.

At this time, Tang looked away and said, "Many classmates are not in a good position, and this time they just changed."

Qiao Shao panicked, and he was desperately trying to pull out his hand, and instead held He Shen.

He Shen couldn't help but laughed out loud.

The author has something to say: I still have a thousand bottles of nutrition solution ...

More chapters may be 14w!

It is so blindly confident ~~~ 2k novel reading network

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