MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 2

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The white t-shirt thrown on velvet was innocent.

Its style is very ordinary, except for the small size, it is almost the same as the male model.

But it is indeed a female model, with narrower shoulders and a thinner waist.

Qiao Shao stared at it for a while, and was heartbroken.

He ... just grows a bit slower, how did he fall into wearing women's clothing!

That temporary worker ...

Qiao Shao narrowed his eyes and found the culprit.

It was the tall boy who recommended him to buy it, how could a salesman be unable to distinguish between men and women!

Okay, even playing tricks on him.

Qiao Xiaoshao grabbed Bai T and shoved it into the trash can, as if tossed that lazy high school student!

Qiao Shao, who was sitting on the sofa, exclaimed: Is it the East District No. 1 Middle School? Wait, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

In the evening, Qiao Zongmin returned.

Qiao Shao had just taken a shower, his hair was wet, and he came out to see my dad: "Can Hong Kong be a cosmopolitan city for you to spend the night."

Qiao Zongmin took a six-hour flight a day, and yelled at him at the meeting. He was tired enough, but he would have to go home before falling asleep.

He said, "What does your kid know? The rule of a good man at home is that he must go home in the dark."

Qiao Shao shook his hair and said, "What's going on, I have to go so far away."

Qiao Zongmin unfastened his tie and cuffs and pushed his son into the bathroom. "Your son went to inspect and called someone to check the fart. I said you can fix the problem. After washing your hair, it will dry and catch a cold A lot of fun?"

Qiao Shao said, "How can there be such a cold?"

Qiao Zongmin didn't say anything, he found a hair dryer to dry him.

The big man, one meter eighty-five, is very skilled in doing this, and seems to be used to doing it, all forming physical memory.

Qiao Shao frowned unconsciously, seeing through the mirror Qiao Zongmin: "What? A headache?" There was some tension in his low voice.

"No," Qiao Shao said. "They said they won't catch a cold."

Qiao Zongmin's hand was palpable.

Before waiting for Qiao Zongmin to say anything, Qiao Shao said: "I said Dad ..."

"Well?" Qiao Zongmin seemed absent-minded.

Qiao Shao looked at him through the mirror: "Are you sad?"

Qiao Zongmin did not understand.

Qiao Shao grinned, "Did you see my lush and thick hair with green eyes?"

After the age of 40, Qiao, who was troubled by hair loss, took heart, and he gave Qiao Shao a shudder.

Qiao Shao covered his head: "A gentleman can't move his mouth, balding is not scary, Qiao Zongmin, you can't be a villain."

"You cub," Qiao Zongmin tucked his sleeves, trying to stab him, "I think you have itchy skin!"

Qiao Shao smeared with oil on his feet, slipped fast, and closed the door to Qiao Zongmin by the way: "Dad, you smell bad, hurry up and take a shower!"

Qiao Zongmin scolded him again, but in a blink of an eye, he saw the hot water in the bathtub and the rack that he had prepared to change clothes.

He closed the corner of his mouth, feeling very bad.

On the day of school, Qiao Shao got up early in the morning.

He is a student at school, so he has to pack up early.

Qiao Zongmin just hung up the phone, Qiao Shao heard that he was putting off work.

Qiao Shao said immediately: "Don't send me, I'll do it myself!"

Qiao Zongmin: "What can I do, how can I not send you on the first day of transfer."

Qiao Shao pouted: "Kola down, I went to school!"

"So what, which school won't let my dad send his son?"

Qiao Shao hit him.

Qiao Zongmin said: "Rest assured, I've got a BMW to take you and guarantee it is inconspicuous."

Qiao Shao still beat him.

Qiao Zongmin took off his watch again: "This is the head office."

Qiao Shao was still holding him.

Qiao Zongmin couldn't help crying: "You said, I changed everything that didn't suit me."

Qiao Shao said, "You don't want to make eye-catching words, except for cosmetic surgery."

Qiao Zongmin: "..."

Qiao Shao reminded him: "Who asked you to show up in the news all day! Don't send me ha, I will call your grandfather when you go and say you'll beat me!"

Qiao Zongmin couldn't afford his old husband, so he just let the boy go by himself.

Qiao Shao's home is not far from the East No. 1 Middle School, and it takes 20 minutes by taxi.

He dragged a suitcase and carried two bundles of quilts on his back, as if fleeing.

Because just after the May Day holiday, many students lived on campus and changed their bunks. They had big bags and small bags, but they all had their parents to follow, so they didn't have to come by themselves.

Although Qiao Shao came to the new school by himself, he didn't panic. When he arrived at the school gate, he grinned at the doorman and asked the direction of the dormitory.

The janitor heard that he was a transfer student and enthusiastically pointed him to the dormitory building.

Qiao Shao said modestly: "It's nothing, I'm one year older than my classmates, and I should be independent."

He's gone, and the uncle's guard still stunned. Is he one year older? See how the small body looks like two years younger.

The entrance of the school leads to the cloister of the male dormitory building.

He Shen stared at the ball for a while.

I don't know which class of students, thin and pitiful, looks like they are going to be buried with a bedding.

He couldn't see the face of the ball from his angle, but the back He Shen felt a little familiar.

-Much like the junior high school student who picked up cheap.

"What are you looking at?" People around him asked him.

He Shen retracted his eyes, thinking about the little man's "forward load", and smiled: "I saw a little turtle."

The companion stunned: "Huh?"

He Shen shook his head: "Nothing."

The companion is not a questionable person, and said directly, "Let's go, it's not early."

How could Qiao Shao know that he became Xiao Wang Ba after being bought by women? Oh, it's a little turtle, but it's no different!

At this point, Xiaowang Ba, ah, it is Qiao Xiaoshao who has already entered the dormitory building.

He is in Room 516, the southernmost room on the fifth floor.

Carrying these things on the fifth floor in one breath, Qiao Shao had to die on this stairs.

Fortunately, everyone just returned from home on Monday. Many people went upstairs. Enthusiastic students took the initiative to help. Qiao Shao was not "independent" anymore.

The helping classmates learned that he was in room 516, and his eyes shook.

Qiao Shao is unknown.

The student patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, come on!"

Qiao Shao: "???"

The classmate put his luggage at the staircase on the fifth floor, wiped his feet with oil, and slipped away.

what's the situation?

Is room 516 haunted?

Qiao Shao rubbed his face and cheered up: afraid of a ghost, he was the biggest ghost himself!

Pushing the door into the house, the lively scene surprised him a little.

Haunted ...

This is a quadruple room, unexpectedly spacious and bright.

The windowsill is facing the desk and supporting bookshelf, the door is the four bunk beds, the middle aisle is not narrow, but at this time is full of things.

Sitting at the desk on the left is a little man with short blue-gray hair.

The little man put his feet on the desk without changing his shoes and looked arrogant.

There were two grown-ups in the room, and from their sight they were both the little man's family.

Old women are wearing bedding and clothes in Zhang Luo, men are unpacking luggage, what tablet laptops and mobile phones, and various contrabands are emerging endlessly.

Seeing Qiao Shao coming in, the blue-grey-haired boy raised his chin and asked, "A transfer student?"

Qiao Shao thinks this kid is a little embarrassed.

The boy asked again, "What's his name?"

Qiao Shao silently read and study hard and kept up every day, and said his name.

"Young Joe?" The young man laughed. "You have a good name, a born young master."

Qiao Shao was too lazy to explain which word.

The boy closed his legs and stood up from the chair. What Qiao Shao was worried about was that this skinny guy was even taller than him!

The boy glanced at his baggage, and there was a slight scorn in his pretty eyes: "It's a pity you lived a little far away from Master."

Qiao Shao: "..."

Seeing that he was dumb, the teenager lost his interest, paralyzed back to the chair, put on headphones and listened to the song.

Then Qiao Shao realized that there was a boy at the desk on the right.

He was in stark contrast to the arrogant boy on the left, who sat quietly with a test paper in his heart.

The boys were wearing school uniforms and an old pair of glasses, and the desk was clean and tidy without anything unrelated to their studies.

But his sense of existence was too low, Qiao Shao didn't notice him at first.

"Hello." Qiao Shao greeted him.

The boy looked up and looked quiet: "Hello." Then he lowered his head to the question.

Do n’t you even introduce yourself?

Qiao Shao understands a bit. Although he is not haunted in room 516, he also gathers the "ox, ghost, snake and god".

Three students came to the four of them, and the fourth was still missing.

Qiao Shao stared at the two empty beds and couldn't tell which one was his own.

It doesn't matter which one, you can't always put this quilt on the ground, find a bed first and put it down.

Thinking so, he put the bedding on the left bed.

As soon as this action was done, I heard an exclamation: "Well, you are looking for death!"

Qiao Shao froze.

I saw the blue-grey-haired boy jumping up, taking off his headphones and rushing over, "Don't move this bed!"

With that said, he directly picked up Qiao Shao's quilt, but instead of throwing it to the ground, he put it on the right bed.

Qiao Shao: "..." What is this?

The boy said: "If you don't do it, you won't die. This bed is a dormitory taboo. Don't touch it if you don't want to be beaten!"

Qiao Shao asked question mark: "What?"

The boy stared at him fiercely: "Poor ghosts don't ask much, anyway, don't mess with him if you want to go to school!"

Qiao Shao froze again ... Poor ghost, how could you think that he would still have the opportunity to be put on these words in his life.

The quiet boy who hasn't moved, put down the test paper and came over and said, "Your bed is here, I'll help you make the bed."

The blue-grey-haired boy snorted and sat back in his chair.

Qiao Shao was too lazy to ignore him. Compared with the abnormal kid, the boy in front of him looked more like a normal student.

"Thank you," Qiao Shao said, "I'll do it myself."

The boy said, "It's okay. Are you a transfer student? Which class?"

Qiao Shao said: "One class."

The boy looked up at him.

Qiao Shao asked: "Aren't we in a class?" Isn't the dormitory assigned according to the class?

The boy said, "I belong to the first class. The other two are not. They are from the international class."

International class ...

Qiao Shao understands that the rich children are concentrated. No wonder the blue-haired boy is so naughty.

The male's ecology is much milder, he said his name, and explained the situation of the dormitory to Qiao Shao.

East District No. 1 Middle School is a half-day school. It is not mandatory to live on campus. Therefore, students who live on campus account for 50% to 60%. Generally, it is allocated by class. The dormitory in his class is full, there may be 516 empty seats, so he was arranged in.

Qiao Shao didn't think so, he suspected which of his parents was tampering.

——The fifth floor is for four people, and the conditions are much better than the eight people downstairs.

The boy's name was Chen Xu. Qiao Shao was more curious about why he was not in the transfer school. Why was he arranged in this dormitory?

Of course, this may hurt people, Qiao Shao didn't ask.

After finishing their beds, Chen said, "I'll take you to the school office. You should get some more."

Qiao Shao responded quickly: "Okay!"

When they left the dormitory, Chen Xu explained to him: "Don't go to the third bed, and don't talk to the person in the third bed."

Qiao Shao was curious: "Why?"

Chen Xu glanced at him: "Is there no such person in your previous school?"

What kind of person?

Qiao Shao's previous school was too informative.

Chen Xu considered it and explained, "Very fierce ... no one is afraid of him."

Qiao Shao got it, the school bully.

He also had in his previous school, which is himself.

Of course he did not rely on fierceness, but on his blind family.

Chen sued him: "Anyway you stay away from him, school leaders can't take him anymore."

Qiao Shao nodded earnestly, he came to study hard, so that he would not approach the problem teenager.

Suddenly he pulled his arm and pulled him behind the pillar.

Qiao Shao blinked: "What's wrong?"

Chen Lu said, "Lou Xiao is bullying people again."

Qiao Shao: "Liao Xiao?"

Chen v. Explained: "It's the person in bed three."

Qiao Shao understood, he quietly looked over, trying to write down the face of the school bull, and then detoured.


He saw a familiar figure.

The boy was very tall, with fair hands in his pockets, standing loosely like not waking up.

It's ... it's that ...

Where will Qiao Shao forget?

It was the casual worker who tricked him into buying a women's t-shirt!

It turns out that this guy is a bad boy who bullies people everywhere!

Lou Xiao, right.

Qiao Shao remembered! 2k novel reading network

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