MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 103

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The father and son wept and cried, and the nightmare that had lasted for several years finally dissipated. They cleared away the layers of clouds and mists and saw the love that smiled softly in the bright light.

Yang Yun died of illness. In the year that Qiao Shao disappeared, she tried to find a child day and night. She fainted after staying for a few days and nights. She thought she was exhausted and found out after a physical examination. Liver cancer.

At that time, Qiao Zongmin was almost crazy. Yang Yun hugged him and said, "Da Qiao, I think Xiao Yi will definitely come back."

Qiao Zongmin hugged her like a drowning man and grabbed the last driftwood.

Yang Yun whispered, "I'm trying to prevent disaster for my son. Believe me, he will come back safely."

Qiao Zongmin's heart was cut like a knife, but he couldn't fall. The house had already collapsed in half, and he had to stand up.

Although existing medical conditions cannot cure liver cancer, as long as there is enough money, it can continue to extend life. Medicine is advancing at all times, and new drugs and treatments are also being developed. Depending on their conditions, Yang Yun can provide the best treatment.

As long as one year, another year, and five years, there may be new breakthroughs, and new progress will be made for diseases that cannot be cured ...

But Yang Yun's mental state is too bad.

One year after Qiao Shao's disappearance, Yang Yun couldn't sleep at night. She was suffering from the pain of blunt knife every day. She held her breath and received the painful treatment, she just wanted to find her son.

Qiao Shao returned a year later, and Yang Yun's tight string was loose, and she just felt dead without regret.

In fact, Qiao Shao's rejection and fear of her did not overwhelm her. She was just fortunate that the child had returned. Her wish of begging day and night was fulfilled. She was willing to give up her life, and only hoped that her child would be safe for the rest of her life.

Until the moment before her death, Yang Yun said to Qiao Zongmin: "Tell Xiaoyi, I'm satisfied." Qiao Shao, who was sober until she was afraid, would blame herself.

She left a letter to Qiao Shao. This letter Qiao Zongmin did not dare to give Qiao Shao before, but now she can.

Qiao Shao shook his hand and opened it, looking at it line by line, his eyes blurred.

His mother told him that she was very satisfied all her life. She was very satisfied when she met Qiao Zongmin. She was very happy to have given birth to Qiao Shao. She has been very happy for so many years. She was really satisfied when her son returned.

There is no short time, and the happiness of ten years is not shorter than that of a hundred years, and she has had the best life.

Qiao Shao went to sleep crying.

Human spirit has its limits. Qiao Shao remembered everything and accepted everything, which consumed most of his mind.

Although tired, he no longer had nightmares. He hugged the letter his mother gave him. The dream was warm and peaceful.

He seemed to have returned to his carefree childhood, returned to his parents, and felt the purest love and be loved.

Until he was completely asleep, Qiao Zongmin looked at He Shen: "Come here." He dropped these two words and walked out the door lightly.

He Shen looked at Qiao Shao again and felt that he would not wake up in a short time and followed Qiao Zongmin to go out.

Qiao Zongmin returned to the third floor and opened a locked door. He Shen paused. Qiao Zongmin walked in, picked up a remote control and turned on the projector without looking.

A video appeared on the pale screen.

He Shen glanced, his hands were already fists.

Qiao Zongmin also stared without blinking. His voice was very low and somewhat empty: "This woman is Qi Jingyi ..."

The high-definition video on the screen presents the scene Qiao Shao dictated, how he met this woman, how to help her, how to be abducted ...

He was full of doubts when listening to Qiao Shao.

Shenhai Building is located in the downtown area. The surveillance here should be very thorough. Qiao Zongmin lost his son. How could he not find this video and how could he not find this woman?

Qiao Zongmin said: "My mother and I never held him. He wanted to go out and play with him. Although the bodyguards were also allowed to follow him, the man took care of him. He thought this was the deepest sea building, the safest place, and Nothing has happened for so many years, psychologically relaxed. "Then something happened.

Qiao Zongmin would blame himself whenever he thought of it, and he said lightly and continued: "After Shao Shao disappeared, we quickly found this surveillance and found all the information of this woman, but we could not find the follow-up."

He told He Shen about the woman.

Qi Jingyi, a woman who has gone mad because she lost her son.

She was a single mother and was divorced because she had a mild mental illness. She was also left with a somewhat stupid son. She had a difficult time raising her son and was suffering. But even after living so hard, her son was killed by her-she went out and forgot to turn off the fire, and her ten-year-old son died of gas poisoning.

She went crazy afterwards.

Qiao Zongmin paused and said, "The police did not feel optimistic when they found it." If it was a simple kidnapping, regardless of the amount of money, Qiao Zongmin would redeem his son. However, no one can imagine such a mental patient. What will she do.

He Shen understood: "Qi Jingyi has not been out of the basement for a whole year, and there are no clues to find."

Qiao Zongmin nodded: "We all thought she was dead." He took Qiao Shao and died.

The surveillance captured Qi Jingyi abducting Qiao Shao, but did not capture where she took him.

The policeman in the underground parking lot where Qi Jingyi was also located, but never found the hidden room.

After that, the police investigated all the means of transportation, and brushed the city surveillance again and again, but unfortunately found nothing.

These two people are like the world evaporating, no one can see life or death.

Who would have thought that Qi Jingyi was hiding in such a closed space?

After the death of her son, she lived an abnormal life and spent two years preparing. She hoarded a lot of convenience food and mineral water. She just wanted to stay in this safe place with "son" forever-this time she does He will never be put in any danger, he will not be discriminated against by anyone, and he will not be allowed to leave her again.

After Qiao Shao returned, the police quickly found the room and saw Qi Jingyi's body. Although Qiao Shao couldn't say a word and could not describe what he had experienced this year, he could only guess at the results.

An outright tragedy, completely free of ills.

Qi Jingyi's abduction was not targeted. When she saw Qiao Shao, she just thought that this child was really good. Only her child would look so good, so he took him away.

This is all cause and effect.

Qiao Shao was severely persecuted during this year. When he returned home, he feared adult women, feared quietness, and feared his mother.

If Yang Yun is not sick, Qiao Shao will slowly recover and accept her mother again, but Yang Yun can't hold it.

Qiao Shao, who was slightly better, heard the news of his mother's death: self-blame, guilt, fear, pain ... countless emotions pressed on his nerves like mountains. When he was unable to bear it, the body activated a self-protection mechanism, which he forgot.

Turning off the projector, Qiao Zongmin looked at He Shen: "Do you think you are suitable for him?"

A word that opened the door in such a way made He Shen's back tight.

There is no other way, Qiao Zongmin must have seen it—this guardian without day and night is not what ordinary friends would do.

He Shen looked down and said, "I like him."

With a bang, the remote hit the back wall and smashed it.

Qiao Zongmin's voice was extremely cold: "I asked, do you think you are suitable for him!"

He Shen's throat seemed heavy and astringent.

Qiao Zongmin said: "You are all men, your family will accept you? Can this society accept you? Qiao Shao has finally recovered, will you drag him into another abyss!"

He's lips were tight and his lips husky, "I will protect him."

Qiao Zongmin grabbed his collar and forced him to look at him: "Don't fool me with such frivolous words."

His voice was low, full of imposing and oppressive talents.

He Shen is absolutely in a disadvantaged position. How can a 17-year-old boy compare with this man who is so prevalent in the world?

Ordinary people may have been shocked by Qiao Zongmin, but He Shen looked up. He stared at Qiao Zongmin with a stubborn tone: "I will protect him!"

Qiao Zongmin stared at him, He Shen didn't dodge at all.

The dim room was filled with the space of heavy past, and two powerful men were stretched out.

"Get off." Qiao Zongmin let go of his hand and ordered a guest to He Shen.

He Shenji hung Qiao Shao.

Qiao Zongmin looked at him, his eyes condensed: "Get out!"

He Shen's eyelashes dropped slightly, and he bowed to him, "I'm sorry."

Qiao Zongmin looked at him coldly.

He Shen continued: "I want to be with him anyway."

Qiao Zongmin picked up something and smashed it towards He Shen.

He Shen hiding did not hide. He was scratched by the flying ashtray and bleeding.

Qiao Zongmin didn't even look at him: "Don't let me see you again!"

He Shen's eyes were dim, and he apologized and left.

Instead of going to see Qiao Shao, he went out of Qiao's house and stood outside the door.

The clouds that had been hazy for a day finally couldn't stand the heavy, and it was raining heavily.

He Shen stood motionless, echoing Qiao Zongmin's words in his mind.

Are you suitable for him Are you suitable for him!

He Shen's fingers trembled and he laughed at himself.

He didn't deserve him, but he wanted to give him all the love for the rest of his life.

The rain was very heavy, and the rising water mist made the street foggy. He Shen stood there straight, like a beacon in the fog, extremely clear and firm.

Qiao Zongmin looked back and dialed the phone: "Lao Chen, bring that child in."

Qiao Shao was in a good state when he woke up. Qiao Zongmin just came in and asked him, "Hungry or not? Aunt Wu will make you porridge in a moment."

Qiao Shao's belly immediately snapped a few sounds: "I'm hungry."

Qiao Zongmin immediately said, "I'll bring the porridge."

"No need," Qiao Shao got out of bed, "I'll go to the restaurant."

Qiao Zongmin saw that he was in a good state of mind, and the big stone in his heart landed: "I'll stay with you."

Qiao Shao looked around and stopped talking.

Qiao Zongmin didn't see it.

Qiao Shao wanted to find a mobile phone, and Qiao Zongmin urged him: "Come and eat."

Qiao Shao searched for a long time and could not find the mobile phone, so he had to go to the restaurant first.

After sitting down, he looked around again ...

Qiao Zongmin stirred the porridge bowl for him: "It's a bit hot, please drink carefully."

Qiao Shao couldn't bear it: "Dad, what about He Shen?"

Qiao Zongmin: "..."

Qiao Shaoqing cleared his throat and said, "He's back?" He Shen followed for two days and two nights, and it was normal to go back to rest.

Qiao Zongmin said: "Eat."

Qiao Shao drank porridge, while looking at the expression of Da Qiao.

How could Qiao Zongmin not understand his mind? The cub is so simple that he can only rest assured!

Da Qiao put down the chopsticks and said, "Just like that kid?"

Qiao Shao grinned into his throat and was frightened: "Cough ... cough ..." His face flushed, "Dad, what do you say ..."

He also called Dad honestly when he was guilty.

Qiao Zongmin sighed: "What's panic, Dr. Zhang reminded me early that your future partner may be male."

Qiao Shao couldn't wait to get under the table.

Qiao Zongmin said unwillingly: "Dad doesn't care if you like men or women, but how can you be Xie Shen's kid ..."

Qiao Shao was unhappy, he looked up at his father, and said positively, "What happened to him? Can he choose what kind of family he is born in? Can he decide what kind of blood line he has? He is in a mud Looking straight and green, shouldn't we admire him more! "

Qiao Zongmin: "..."

Anyway, everything was said and Qiao Shao didn't bother. He put down his chopsticks and said, "Comrade Daqiao, please put down your colored glasses and take a good look at He Shen. What's wrong with him?"

Qiao Zongmin Yu Guang glanced at the wet boy in the doorway, and the boss was unhappy.

Qiao Shao said: "He Shen took the first exam again and again, learns quickly and accurately, and is not afraid of hardships. Do you know how many pits the Xie family has, let him earn 10 million in three years, how old is he? It ’s a joke to an ordinary high school student, but he can do it, he can do it without any start-up funds, no connections, and no help! "

Qiao Shao also dissipated my dad: "I bet you can't do it at the age of seventeen!"

Qiao Zongmin: "........."

Qiao Shao Yue said more and more vigorously, Zhen Zhen said verbally: "You really don't know how good he is, his brain makes Ken willing, he has patience and patience, oh ... you haven't seen him play basketball, I am very handsome and I tell you ... He can make all the **** I ca n’t ... ”

He didn't finish talking and saw He Shen at the door along the sight of Da Qiao.

Qiao Shaoshao blinked: "Well ..."

Qiao Zongmin regretted it, and regretted calling this stinky boy in!

The author has something to say: I foresee that Joe will be sprayed again today.

Just think about it, Da Qiao's mentality is actually fine [covering face] 2k novel reading network

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