MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 86

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Ji Ran's worst skill in his life is dealing with elders.

He didn't want to, and immediately refused.

"Just accompany me to pick them up, but it's not for you to come out with me." Qin Man didn't give up, he was still pestering him in the middle of the night, no matter whether he was asleep or not, propped himself up in his ear, " I don't tell them our relationship. "

"Student, don't pretend to sleep."

"They know I'm staying at your house and thank you in person. If you don't go tomorrow, they may have to come to the house."

Ji Ran really couldn't sleep-not even a little drowsiness.

He opened his eyes sharply: "So why do you tell them about staying in my house ?!"

"I can't let you be an unknown Lei Feng." Qin Man smiled.

He likes to be Lei Feng! He just wants to do good things without a name! Ji Ran airways in his heart.

In the middle of the night, Ji Ran was constantly annoyed and turned around, nodding helplessly.

He thought about it, and couldn't really let Qin Man's parents come to his door. There is only one bedroom in his house now, and their clothes and toiletries are put in the same place, which can be seen by sighted people.

The next day, Ji Ran went out early in the morning, vaguely saying that there was something wrong with the driver, and he had to go to interview.

After he went out, Qin Man asked Liu Chen to call a veteran employee who had stayed after the company went bankrupt to a certain food stall booth, and planned to discuss the cooperation project with the door during this time.

The old employees arrived very punctually. Several people sat in the private room and saw the waitress in red and green for a moment.

In the past, they often had small meetings with the boss for dinner outside. Each time they arranged high-end restaurants, the amount of things was small and expensive, and they had work to talk about. They did n’t feel like adding food after the talk. I can't eat enough for three hours in the private room.

Several of them worked under Qin Man before. Although the boss is young, the other party has been involved in the project early. Since Qin Man started, they have followed. Several people have very close relationships. Of course, they still have a bit of awe for Qin Man. Now Qin Man is not here, and the topics we are talking about are relatively casual.

One person quipped: "I'm full tonight, see the fresh ones on the outside? The crab is bigger than my fist."

"Liu Chen, did you order this place? Does the boss know that you book this place? Be careful of being scolded."

"He gave me the phone number directly." Liu Chen murmured, "Also reminded me ... said that the weekend is busy, let me call to make an appointment one day in advance."

At first Liu Chen thought it was a popular western restaurant. As soon as the other party answered the phone, he carried a local flavor: "Siwangqiao seafood here, what's the matter?"

He also hung up the phone and checked the number several times.

Several people were speechless, Liu Chen was idle, picked up the side dish in front of him and ate two bites, surprised: "... This pickle is quite fragrant."

Qin Man came soon.

Employees have forgotten what the boss looked like in casual clothes last time.

It wasn't until the handsome man in a white sweater and black sneakers came in that they remembered that Qin Man was just 26 years old this year.

Smaller than everyone present.

"Are you ordering?" Qin Man took a seat, glanced away, his voice light.

"Ordered, as you said, just didn't tell them to serve." Liu Chen said.

"If I come late for the next meeting, you can move the chopsticks first, you don't need to wait for me." Qin Man bowed his head. "Let him serve."

Employees have been paid for more than half a year.

They thought that this meeting would be more intense and anxious than ever before-after all, they are now in a state of "restart".

Who knows that Qin Man simply talked about the progress of company registration and mentioned the upcoming projects.

"Early next month, you should be able to go to work, but initially the workload was not as heavy as before." Qin Man stripped the crab. "The document Liu Chen is printed out and sent down. You can go back and take a look at it. Find it back. "

Everyone responded, their eyes fell on the crab in Qin Man's hands.

The boss deserves to be the boss. Peeling a crab is as elegant as using a knife and fork.

"Ah." An employee seemed to find something, said smoothly. "Boss, this ring ... are you married?"

The table was quiet for a moment.

Everyone has eyes. Although the ring style is simple, but the sense of existence is not low. Some people have found it early, but they dare not ask-his boss is the most taboo to talk about personal matters at work.

The woman next to him coughed and wanted to make a siege: "What kind of marriage are you? Look at the position of Dai, go, eat your crab."

Qin Man looked as usual: "Not married."

"Oh." The man responded, alas, "I just ask whatever ..."

"Um." Qin Mandao said, "I'm just talking, it's not that fast."


Unexpectedly he would answer, everyone was stunned.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering if they should answer this.

Only the big-hearted man didn't realize it, and laughed: "The rings are all put on. It seems we can have more boss ladies in these two years?"

Qin Man gave a meal, smiling: "He ... shouldn't like you calling his boss lady."

When others saw Qin Man in a good mood, they couldn't help asking, "What should we call her?"

Maybe ... would like to hear you call dad?

Thinking of this, Qin Man smiled wider and didn't speak again.

After eating the crab, he wiped his hands and took out his mobile phone to send a message to the elementary school brother.

Q: Are you ready to talk? Have dinner together?

Father Ji: Not yet ... I'll do my best, I don't know when it will be finished.

q: Very troublesome?

Father Ji: No trouble.

Father Ji: Too long, too embarrassing, buttocks are aching.

Qin Man raised an eyebrow, and replied: Is it sure that it is sitting?

Father Ji: [kill your head jpg]

Qin Man looked at the expression pack, and couldn't help overflowing with a laugh.

The employees stared at him as if they were looking at a rare animal.

After eating and drinking, everyone went separately. Qin Man drank two glasses of wine during the dinner. After the dinner, Liu Chen took the driver's job very naturally.

Passing by a convenience store, the person in the back seat suddenly said, "Stop."

Liu Chen was busy stopping at the side of the road. Qin Man got out of the car and turned into the convenience store next door.

Convenience stores have a small storefront, and there is a clear glass across the street. Liu Chen can clearly see the movement inside.

After his boss went in, he didn't go inside, picked and picked on the shelf, and took several boxes of things to the front desk to check out.

Liu Chen: "..."

They're all adults, and everyone knows what's next to the checkout in the supermarket. He glanced quickly and could see that his boss had taken at least three boxes.

Liu Chen has been in his thirties, and he has seen many big bosses. Qin Man is the one he has encountered the most insidiously.

Now it's easy to get rid of it, and it's normal to be indulgent.

Understandable, understandable.

I just do n’t know who the boss ’s romantic partner is. Although he did n’t go to work during this time, he also helped deal with a lot of things.

Qin Man returned home, empty inside, and Ji Ran had not returned.

He put all the newly bought items into the drawers under the bedside, bathroom, and living room TV.

Then he sat in the living room and started a movie.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the primary school brother still didn't return. Qin Man picked up his cell phone and sent him another message.

q: I'm looking for you?

Father Ji: No, I'm going back.

q: [miss you miss you miss me jpg]

Father Ji:… chat less with Yue Wenwen, don't keep these silly emoticons.

Father Ji: [Picture]

On the screen screenshot is Qin Man's WeChat data card, and Ji Ran's remarks are "One Millennium Encounter".

Qin Man smiled, opened Ji Ran's profile, changed a note, and posted the screenshot.

After this message, no reply was received for a long time.

He waited for a while and sent two more emojis, still sinking into the sea.

Qin Man looked down and looked at the note "Kiss primary school brother", thinking that the other party might not like it very much.

At nine o'clock in the evening, after watching the third time, Qin Man finally couldn't help but got up from the sofa and called Ji Ran.

The result was just two beeps and he was hung up opposite.

As he frowned and considered whether to call the police, a slightly dazzling car light passed through the iron door and shot directly at the floor-to-ceiling window.

The camera recognized the owner's license plate, and the iron door slowly opened.

Qin Man lowered his phone and exhaled slightly.

After a while, when hearing the movement of the back door of the garage, Qin Man turned his head and smiled with a lip.

See the person in front of him, all the words behind him were swallowed back.

Ji Ran's face was a little tired, and to the sight of Shang Qin Man, he was a little uncomfortable and stopped in place.

After the two were silent for a while, Ji Ran couldn't help but said, "... what are you looking at?"

He still dressed up when he went out, but his hair was much fresher.

Ji Ran cut her hair, not particularly short, with trimmed corners and looks particularly clean and handsome.

The most important thing is ... the green color that he dyed for a few months is gone.

It was replaced with just the right black, not too dark, like it was deliberately adjusted, almost the same as the natural hair color.

Qin Man didn't see Ji Ran's black hair. On the contrary, what he saw the most was this pair. In the past, when he went to school every day, he could see Ji Ran wearing a school uniform squatting in the men's bathroom, with a burning cigarette in his mouth.

Their class is not on the first floor. The reason why he can see it is because he likes to stand in the corridor of the staircase every day after class, pretending to hold a textbook, and through that angle, he can just see the men's toilet downstairs.

Occasionally Ji Ran raised his eyes casually, and they could meet briefly.

In the end, Ji Ran rewarded his eyes, or he turned away and turned away.

The toilet didn't smell good, but he liked it.

Qin Man raised his hand, touched his hair, and asked knowingly, "Why did I get it back?"

He paused and asked, "Afraid they didn't like your hair color?"

"No." Ji Ran quickly denied, "... they are tired and easy to recognize, and they have to make up every day, trouble."

Qin Man raised an eyebrow and smiled: "I didn't say anything clearly, how do you know who I am talking about?"


Qin Man picked out a handful of his hair and put it lightly in his fingertips.

Soft to the touch, just like the owner.

"In fact, it's green, it's easy to recognize, and it's not easy to lose it." He pinched his hair with his fingers, and lowered his head and kissed, "but it's still black."

Who's so lost?

Ji Ran's face became hot, and if he retorted, he came to his mouth and swallowed it. He felt the gentle strength of Qin Man, and suddenly felt that the time spent in line at the barber shop was not a waste of time.

The next day, Ji Ran woke up earlier than Qin Man.

Qin Man heard a few noises and squinted quietly to see that Ji Ran was standing in front of the closet, holding two sets of clothes in his hand to compare to himself.

He watched with interest, without alarming him, pretending not to hear the alarm.

More than ten minutes later, Ji Ran put the picked clothes on the top of the closet, then suddenly turned around and walked towards him.

Qin Man closed his eyes subconsciously.

"Hey." The arm was touched. "Get up."

After a few sounds, Qin Man slowly opened his eyes and made a sleepy look: "Huh?"

Ji Ran dropped his eyes, and for a long time squeezed out a sentence: "Are you going to go for a morning run?"

Qin Man blinked: "Aren't you going to the airport to meet my parents?"

"Oh?" The elementary school brother pretended to think of it, his expression was lazy and casual, "Is it? I forgot. Well, let's run ... tomorrow.


Ji Ran: "... why look at me like this?"

"... It's okay." Qin Man pulled the quilt upwards, trying to cover his smile.

In the end, he didn't hold back, he laughed so that the whole quilt was trembling.

This **** is too cute. 2k novel reading network

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