MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 60

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Out of the elevator, Ji Ran walked quickly towards the room and saw a few men and women standing in the doorway of a room, as if chatting.

"Okay, playing mahjong, it's boring anyway, the hotel just has a mahjong room."

"But how about seven of us?"

"The three remaining to watch?"

"I don't want it!"

The voice stopped after seeing Ji Ran.

Ji Ran wrapped the bathrobe tightly, and bent slightly, without looking at the group.

He was now suffering a little, and his entire face was flushed.

When I got closer, I found that the group was actually in the room next to him.

Ji Ran gritted his teeth, walked over, stopped in front of his room door, and slammed the doorbell a few times.

no response.

He pressed a few more times and still didn't respond. He simply raised his hand and knocked, not very well: "Open the door!"

The people nearby have started chatting with winks, especially a few of them.

Ji Ran is extremely anxious. He took out his cell phone and just wanted to call Qin Man.

"Handsome guy." After negotiating, someone called him, "Are you free?"

Ji Ran turned to look at them and did not answer.

Damn, it's been at least ten minutes since I came this way. Why didn't this reaction last?

He was over-indulgent some time ago, is it broken?

"We have three missing mahjong, will you come? We will pay the box fee." One of them laughed.

Ji Ran tried to calm down as much as possible: "Don't come."

"Oh, okay." The man kept looking at him and naturally saw something wrong. "You blush a little, are you sick?"

Ji Ran: "No."

"Huh?" The man inside looked at him a few more times, and the more familiar he became, the more he asked after a while, "Are you ... Ji Ran?"

Ji Ran gave him a wary look.

"Ah, I've seen you before at the racing track!" The man said excitedly. "Three years ago? Or five years ago? I asked you to sign." Although Ji Ran didn't sign him.

The companion asked, "The racetrack?"

"Yes, he's a racing driver, he's very powerful. Ji Ran, do you remember me?"

Ji Ran is going crazy.

He was so hot that he almost exploded, almost gritted his teeth and said, "I don't remember."

"It's been this long, and it's normal for you to have no impression."

The man didn't feel embarrassed either.

Ji Ran clenched his fists and was thinking about going to Yue Wenwen's room before seeing the door in front of him creak open.

The smell of a good shower gel emerged from the inside, and Qin Man was wet with hair, standing behind the door gap: "Here ..."

He had just taken a shower, and he was getting dressed faster after hearing the doorbell, but he was still a little late.

The man outside the gate looked dignified and blushed, and Qin Man was a little surprised. It ’s just late for opening the door.

As soon as he was about to explain, Ji Ran rushed in, rushed into the gap in front of him and the door panel, and closed the door with his back.

Ji Ran kept undulating on her chest, leaned against the door for a few deep breaths, and strode toward the bathroom.

Qin Man grabbed him first: "What's wrong? Didn't you go for a massage, why did you come back suddenly?"

"No," Ji Ran said. "Suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom and came back."

偌 Big hotel, you don't have to go back to the room to use the toilet. Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "You blush, what's the matter?"

I **** want to know what's going on!

He wondered if he had been prescribed medicine again!

Ji Ran shook his hand: "It's all right ... you let go first, I'm going to the toilet!"

Because it is summer, the hotel's bathrobes are like silk, and the fabric is very light and thin. The ghost knows how Ji Ran came all the way back.

During the struggle, Qin Man saw a subtle bulge out of the bathrobe, propping up the bathrobe for an arc.

He paused: "Really going to the toilet?"

Ji gas died, and he turned around and shouted, "Nonsense! Can I still go to the bathroom by fake! You can show me one!"

Ji Ran felt that he was about to be strangled, and he wanted to lose his temper. Who knew that his mouth had just opened and he immediately dumbed up.

Because Qin Man put his hand into the hem of his bathrobe: "Then what is this? Hey?"



Ji Ran felt like a volcano that had been ravaged for thousands of years, and it erupted suddenly.

He flushed the entire face and patted Qin Man's arm fiercely. He didn't expect to push people away. Instead, he suffered because of the vibration of his arm.

"Do you want to die?" He scolded, "... and let go!"

"It's all like this, don't you fix it?" Qin Manran said, "Or do you want to go to the toilet yourself?"

Ji Ran felt his ears were burning: "I don't need you to help me anyway."

Qin Man asked: "Why?"

The two were not far from the door panel, and Ji Ran could still faintly speak outside.

He was almost suffocated with shame: "Anyway ... you are not needed."

Qin Man helped him put it plainly: "Because I confessed to you?"

Now that you know, you have to ask what is so clear? !!

Knowing that Qin Man liked himself, he couldn't continue to go to bed with him casually. In case he didn't accept Qin Man in the end, it would be like a scumbag ...

"Just know." Ji Ran said impatiently. "Hurry up."

Qin Man was silent for a while, and said, "No."

Ji Ran hesitated, and before he could react, he saw the man in front of him squatting down.

This broken nightgown is not defensive.

Ji Ran was already on his head, and Qin Man knew how to make him comfortable. He grabbed Qin Man's hair and scolded him for a few moments, and immediately hesitated.

The waistband of the bathrobe hangs loosely on the sides of his thighs, Ji Ran's entire body rests on the door panel, his fingers tremble, and the desire / desire that has been stunned all the way is finally released, but he never gets a full enjoyment.

"Qin Man ..." He bowed his head and looked at the man squatting in front of him.

People outside were talking about how the number of Mahjong is distributed, the noise is loud, and the whole hall can be heard.

Ji Ran thought that she was just a door away from them, and her whole heart almost jumped out of her chest.

For a moment, Qin Man made a swallowing motion and yelled, "It's too fast."

Ji Ran lost his mind for a while, shocked and collapsed, and asked inconceivably: "You ... did you swallow?"

"Fuck, you spit it out ... Are you sick ?!"

Although Qin Man did this to him several times, he never really swallowed it.

Qin Man didn't respond and didn't stand up. He looked forward: "You are very interested tonight."

Ji Ran suffocated, "Okay, let it go, you have to wash your mouth."

"Do it." Qin Man looked up at him and cleared away his concerns. "It won't make you responsible if you do it. Before you promise me, we will all be in a money relationship. I will do things if you pay for it. You don't need to have any burden. "

"... No."

"But you haven't gone down yet," Qin Man asked. "Can you stand it?"

"Who doesn't have the right hand?" Ji Ran said bitingly.

"Will you be comfortable doing it yourself?" Qin Manxunshan lured. "You drank too much Wang Batang and couldn't get down twice. Do you plan to rely on your hands in the future? If you agree, I'll be fine, in case I refuse, you Is the money going to fumble? "

Why can Bawangbatang be so fierce? !!

Just after Ji Ran was about to say something, Qin Man started to move his mouth again.

"Do you?" When Ji Ran regained his spirit, Qin Man slowly asked questions.

Men's willpower to **** is very weak, especially in emotional state.

Ji Ran's ideas have been completely distorted by him.

Yeah, he paid for it. If Qin Man made a confession, wouldn't he lose it?

And going to bed and love can be completely separated-see Cheng Peng will know.

So I can!

Ji Ran had a calculation in his head, and finally bit his teeth, "You go to rinse your mouth first."

"Do you hate yourself?" Qin Man smiled.

"going or not?"

"Go." Qin Man stood up. "You bear with me first, I'm quick."


Because of this, Ji Ran almost collapsed in the later kiss.

Qin Man always held him for a long time and asked.

"Are my lips clean?"

"Does it smell?"

"Don't you want to know what it smells like."

"I don't want to!" Ji Ran blushed, grabbed the pillow next to him and hit him, and he was about nothing. "You **** ... do you want to do it? Don't get out, there's so much nonsense, I buy you Speaking of sketches? "

The owner of the farmhouse is really simple and honest, Ji Raneng guarantees that all the materials of Wang Batang are absolutely real.

He tossed to and fro in the middle of the night, and the unknown fire in his heart finally disappeared. After taking a bath, he fell asleep and passed away, not even swearing.

Early in the morning, the phone rang to wake the sleeping person.

Ji Ran was too lazy to put aside his ears and simply gave the phone a handsfree: "What?"

"Woohoo ..." At the other end, Yue Wenwen's voice was particularly aggrieved. "Xiao Ranyan, I'm done, I'm going to die, I die young."

After Ji Ran heard it, she slightly raised her body and frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I have a nosebleed!" Yue Wenwen called Heartbreaker. "It bleeds a lot! The whole pillowcase is bloody! I got up early in the morning and thought I was killed. Dead? What do I do? Do I have to make a 120? "


Ji Ran lay back comfortably again, lazy even a few degrees, "Relax, you can't die. It's just getting angry."

"How is it possible! I drink green tea every day at the construction site!"

"It was the pot king soup of yesterday."

Yue Wenwen hesitated a little: "Really? It's just a soup, isn't it so powerful?"

"It's so fierce." Ji Ran closed his eyes.

"Oh, okay, then I won't call 120." Yue Wenwen calmed down and said, "Xiao Ran Ran, then you quickly pack up and get up, Cheng Peng will have a meeting in the afternoon, we have to check out and leave . "

Hanging up the phone, Ji Ran had just sat up and had a hand on his waist.

"I'll help you stop the nosebleeds." Qin Man looked at him sleepy and laughed lazily. "Don't thank me?"

Ji Ran shakes him off: "Less putting gold on his face."

On the way back, Yue Wenwen seemed to think of something. He knelt down on the seat and asked, "Xiao Ran Ran, you have a nosebleed?"

Ji Ran closed her eyes and said, "No."

"Then why did you think of that pot of pot soup last night?"

"... Don't make a noise, I want to sleep."

Yue Wenwen was murdered inexplicably, and looked at Qin Man with a grievance.

Qin Manwaner: "He got angry last night and didn't sleep well."

Yue Wenwen: "No wonder I couldn't sleep over and over last night! How did you fall asleep last night?"

"I gave him a night of green tea."

Ji Ran Tieqing faced: "Shut up."

Thanks to Qin Manfu, he doesn't want to drink Wang Batang and green tea in his life.

The author has something to say: 6w nutrient solution of Jia Geng o3o2k novel reading network