MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 55

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They lay for a while, and Cheng Peng came alone.

Yue Wenwen asked: "What about Chen An? Why are you here?"

"He doesn't want to swim, follow him." Cheng Peng said in a light tone, looking at Ji Ran, "Why are you lying alone? Go on, go on than two laps."

Ji Ran said: "Wait a while, you go down first."

Cheng Peng responded and turned into the water.

"Isn't Peng Peng busy lately? Looking at this figure, how do I think he sneaked into the gym." Yue Wenwen said, "The lines look better than my predecessor."

Ji Ran asked, "What do you think of Qin Man?"

This Yue Wenwen dare not boast. He said: "Just ... so average, is Qin Man stationed in the gym every day?"

"No," Ji Ranyu laughed. "Old people, like morning jogging."

"Ah!" Yue Wenwen looked at the pool and sat upright in excitement. "Look at them, are you going to compete?"

Ji Ran heard the words and looked away. Cheng Peng and Qin Man stood side by side of the swimming pool. I didn't know what to say. Cheng Peng said that wearing swimming goggles was really a stance.

Cheng Peng participated in the swimming team in elementary school, and was even nearly picked out by the national team. If it were not for the family to inherit a large amount of property, they may now be athletes.

"I haven't watched Pengpeng swim for a long time!" Yue Wenwen said excitedly, "Who do you say will win?"

"Cheng Peng."

Ji Ran was talking about a friend, but his eyes fell on Qin Man involuntarily.

They were in a deep water area of ​​two meters, with Qin Man's elbows propped up on the shore, and the muscle lines on his arms showed up.

Since Qin Man launched the water, many girls in the pool are peeking at him. This is also normal. People who can attract attention when walking on the street are now barely in front of their eyes. Individuals can't help looking at them.

But no one went up to talk.

At first there was a woman who seemed very open and swam past. When she saw Qin Man's back halfway, she turned back and said something to her friend.

Ji Ran understood vaguely, his mouth closed, and he said: unfortunately.

Yue Wenwen was happy: "Simply? I thought you would hesitate for a while."

Ji Ran: "Nothing to hesitate, don't you launch the water today?"

"Next, wait a minute, wait a bit more ..." Yue Wenwen smiled abnormally, "I'm here to undress in front of them and scare them to death."


"Hey, fuck, why did you start ?!" Yue Wenwen stood up.

Both of them swim in freestyle, their postures are crisp and clear, and their speeds are comparable. At first, the two did not distinguish themselves. At the end, Cheng Peng accelerated and won.

The end they set was on the shore before Ji Ran.

Yue Wenwen gave a thumbs up: "Peng Peng Niu Niu! Still so fast."

"Where?" Cheng Peng laughed and turned to Qin Man, "I didn't expect you to swim like this."

Qin Man took off his swimming goggles and said, "Are you bragging about me or yourself?"

"I'm different. I have participated in swimming training before. This game is for me to bully you."

Qin Man froze, pulling his soaked hair back, as if combing his back.

Without hair, his facial features are even more obvious. In addition, just after a small exercise, his body is full of hormones.

It was getting dark and the lights by the pool were on.

Ji Ran took off his bathrobe, walked in front of Qin Man, and touched his arm with his feet: "Keep off, I want to go down."

Obviously all around were empty, but Ji Ran had to launch from him.

Yue Wenwen rolled his eyes, and the sour smell of this love was too irritating!

He dare not speak, could not help but took out his mobile phone and sent a message to a discussion group.

The most pleasant person in the city: The old lady finally escaped from the construction site. During my absence, did you have any rare treasures?

Waist thin life is good to call: no mess.

Wish 1 heart: ah ah mad at me! !!

Wish 1 heart: another 1 when 0 went! !! I want to destroy this world! !! !! What are you doing! What does all internal digestion mean? !! Bully it! !! ?

My sister is in love: Sisters, I have found my boyfriend. I will leave the group according to what I said at the time. I will go out first, and I will talk privately about something, group!

[Sister left the discussion group in love]

Yue Wenwen snorted.

Why are you chatting on WeChat?

Waist thin life will be called: boring, my sister is in love.

Wish 1 heart: It's okay, I will come back, don't you all come back before you read Wenwen? The good sisters are not separated throughout their lives.

The best person in the city: m, keep your mouth shut if you don't speak [kill chicken warning jpg]

Yue Wenwen closed the discussion group, and a message popped up above the phone.

[Unfamiliar number: Wenwen, I plan to divorce. 】

"That's good, my wife will give your wife a bag, and then send a 999 firecracker to celebrate her escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

Yue Wenwen said to himself with no expression, but he didn't reply at all. He used the phone number to get black.

This discussion group had existed since he was a freshman, and they are all acquaintances. Everyone has made an appointment, and will leave the group when he finds a boyfriend.

Yue Wenwen once retired, and later told his boyfriend, who had been there for two years, to return to his hometown to get married, so he returned.

In the circle, it is not unusual for **** to conceal his identity and go home to get married. Yue Wenwen looks down on such a person. When he thinks that he has loved this silly two years, he has a nausea.

He threw the cellphone aside, undressed in the shocked eyes of others, leaving only a short, short swim trunk and jumping into the water.

Ji Ran doesn't like many sports, swimming is one of them, he doesn't sweat, and he won't be too tired during the process.

After returning a few laps, he saw Qin Man leaning on the shore and looked at him with a smile.

"It looks so good."

"... Less farting." Ji Ran moved his swimming goggles up. "Why don't you swim? Stand and watch the scenery?"

"I didn't know I was going to race just before launching. I didn't have time to stretch."

Ji Ran said dumbly, "What are you doing in the water after cramping, and you want to drown?"

"Where are you, drowning?"

Ji Ran was too lazy to tell him more, he said, "You sit up."

Qin Man propped himself up and sat on the shore. Before he could say anything, Ji Ran followed.

Ji Ran asked, "Which leg are you cramping?"

Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "Left leg."



Ji Ran rolled her feet and patted her thigh: "Lift it up."

Qin Man obediently put his leg on his leg.

Ji Ran bent down and helped him press his calf.

Qin Man propped his hand on the side seat, looked at him with a cheek, and sneered: "It's a bit heavy."

Ji Ran didn't look up: "It hurts you best."

That being said, the energy in my hand is much lighter.

It was like rubbing it on Qin Man's heart.

When it was launched again, Cheng Peng had already landed and rested.

Cheng Peng: "When are you leaving? I'm afraid the steaming room will be full."

Ji Ran didn't like to squeeze steaming rooms with too many people. A group of men sat shirtless inside, and they couldn't stand it visually.

"Swim in two more circles," he said.

After leaving the pool, a few people took a bath. On the way to the steam room, Yue Wenwen wiped himself with a towel and laughed: "Hahaha, did you just see the expressions of those people? Have been confirming whether I have chest."

Ji Ran was a bit tired, and bought a glass of water by hand when passing by the vending machine.

As soon as my thirst quenched, I heard people say, "Give me a drink."

Ji Ran passed water: "Why didn't you just buy it?"

"You can save a little bit." Qin Man faced his mouth and drank all the remaining half of the cup.

Ji Ran: "..."

At the sauna, only a few minutes after sitting down, Yue Wenwen began to shout hot.

"If the skin doesn't get better, the ghost will come here," he remembered, and said, "Yes, Xiao Ranyan, guess who I just saw in the news."

Ji Ran said: "No guess."

Yue Wenwen: "I saw He Suiran! It is said that he took another entertainment variety show. It only takes a few days to shoot, and the pay is eight digits! Why, money is paper in this era?"

Ji Ran thought for a long time, but could not find the person corresponding to the name in memory.

"The racer who was with you on a training team before!" Yue Wenwen reminded him.

Ji Ran reluctantly remembered, "Oh, he."

Qin Man inserted the topic without revealing it: "What's wrong? Is there any story?"

Yue Wenwen: "Yes. Xiao Ran Ran. At that time, everyone was treating you as a rival. You didn't even have any impression on others ?!"

Ji Ran sneered: "Just he deserves it."

This sounds like despising people, but in fact He really does not deserve it.

Yue Wenwen explained to Qin Man: "He Suiran used to play racing with Ji Ran. At that time, he wasn't running on a regular track ... he just played casually, and some people opened the periphery without permission. And the lowest odds are they. Two, because no one except him can match the speed.

He laughed when he said that, "But ah, He Suiran has never outperformed Xiao Ran Ran, saying that they are two old enemies ... that is, those who want to create a suspense for the outside world, or else everyone will suppress Xiao Ran Ran. Didn't they lose all their pants? "

"Xiao Ranran's odds are 0.5 each time, why not ..." Yue Wenwen said, "Is there a minimum of 4?"

Cheng Peng also laughed: "If Ji Ran had stopped me at the time, I would have been rich on the periphery."

"Then like a bunch of people, was the police blamed?" Ji Ranliang said.

Qin Man froze and asked Yue Wenwen: "What then?"

"Then He Suiran was dug out by a well-known foreign club and became the only Chinese racing driver in that club. He is also the youngest player in the country who can now be called a name. , Attracted a lot of fans, advertising endorsements have softened. "

Yue Wenwen had a pity look, "Actually ... At that time, the club first came to Ji Ran, and the conditions were particularly good! He Sui Ran was far worse than him! But Xiao Ran Ran did not go. If he went How can I get the turn? The main thing is that Xiao Ran Ran runs faster than him, looks handsomer than him, and can easily become popular in China ... No, it is a world at home and abroad! "

Ji Ran was so steamed that she could not speak, and lazily said, "No matter how you blow me, I won't give you a reward."

"Where did I blow ?!" Yue Wenwen looked at Cheng Peng, "I'm telling the truth, right? Peng Peng?"

Cheng Peng nodded.

Ji Ran simply closed his eyes and regained his consciousness.

Qin Man looked at him and swallowed back the doubt that had flowed into his throat.

After half an hour, Yue Wenwen couldn't bear it anymore, and he was about to go out.

Ji Ran stood up, his body was wet and sticky.

On the way back to the room, Yue Wenwen was still talking about tomorrow's plan: "This hotel has a golf course. Let's play tomorrow?"

"It's boring, don't go." Ji Ran explained in advance, "No noise is allowed for me tomorrow. If there is anything, you should find Cheng Peng."

Yue Wenwen: "Then don't eat breakfast? They all say that this buffet is very delicious ..."

"Ji Ran?" Came a voice behind him.

Yue Wenwen looked back and held it firmly.

Fuck, sure enough we can't talk about people behind the scenes.

Behind the flat-headed man in a suit, it is exactly what they just discussed.

Ji Ran turned around: "Who is it?"

Yue Wenwen: "..."

Just forget the name! How can people forget your face after competing so many times with you? !!

"He Suan Ran." He Suan Ran was not angry. He was tough and the most handsome type of contemporary girls who laughed, and had a **** temperament.

At this point, his mouth was rising, his eyes kept on Ji Ran, "Ji Ran, it really is you, it's been a long time."

Qin Man narrowed his eyes and saw Ji Ran's face calm and emotional.

"Oh, it's you." Ji Ran asked, "Is there something wrong?"

He Suiran laughed, thinking that the character of this man has not changed at all.

"Yes. I haven't seen each other for a long time. This is a rare encounter. Don't we have a supper to talk about the past?"

Yue Wenwen asked, "Why are you here?"

"I just finished the variety show, and now I'm back to the hotel." He Suiran continued to invite, "Ji Ran, find a place to talk?"

"No, I'm sweaty and smelly." Ji Ran refused.

He didn't like the old link, not to mention he was not so familiar with He Suiran at the time. Instead, he recognized He Suiran on the road, I'm afraid he wouldn't even say hello.

He Suanran smiled: "It smells bad but I haven't heard it."

Immediately after the words fell, he felt a warning gaze and followed the gaze, but there was a faint smile on the man's face, as if it was just his illusion.

He actually saw Qin Man already.

Mancheng Middle School's situational figures, he has heard of a foreign school, but also far away. Qin Man has this ability, which makes people memorable.

But in his impression ... Ji Ran doesn't seem to like this top student, and often discusses with Cheng Peng how to rectify him.

How come the two are so close now?

He dropped the question aside, and continued to say, "Don't you often run together when you were working out?"

"Forget." Ji Ran exhausted his patience, and refused to give up.

"Let's talk." He Suiran threw his trump card, "I have heard a lot of seniors' deeds in the club these years, and I want to tell you. I remember ... you like Chester Kenneth Lee? "

"Of course, there are many other things. I haven't been in vain for so many years abroad. You can ask anything you want to know."

Ji Ran's eyes changed.

After a while, he said, "I'm going back to take a shower."

"Where? I'll look for you after washing."

"Just at the hotel's restaurant. Book a box. I'm sitting there now. Come over when you're done." He Suiran put on a mask, which meant so much. On. I'll wait for you. "

As soon as He walked away, Yue Wenwen became hairy: "What does his last sentence mean? Who has talked to him rarely?"

"But he has become handsome a lot. I thought the photos were the credit of the retoucher. But was he so passionate before? How many times have I seen him? How can I remember being a very introvert?"

Cheng Peng: "You remember correctly."

Ji Ran also remembered that He Suiran was a little bald. His family didn't seem to be very good. He didn't like to talk, so he just kept practicing.

Although the two were on the same amateur training team, they didn't talk much. In addition, Ji Ran never considered him as an opponent, so naturally they would not always remember.

Ji Ran returned to the room and turned into the bathroom.

Immediately after taking a shower, as soon as the door was opened, Qin Man leaned against the wall, blinking pitifully at him: "I'm with you ..."

"I'll go by myself." Ji Ran refused.

Qin Man frowned: "I'll just listen and don't disturb you."

"No," Ji Ran put on his clothes. "I'm going. If you're sleepy, go to bed first, don't wait for me."

Qin Man sat on the bed and stared straight at him: "I'll wait."

"So you come back early and don't let me wait too late."

Ji Ran: "... whatever you want."

Ji Ran refused to let Qin Man follow, naturally not because of He Suran.

He had been deceived three times for Chester Kennelly's autograph before, and he was hit by He Suiran again. Now he wants to go back and pry open his mind to see what is inside.

This kind of past highlights IQ, but he didn't want to let Qin Man know at all. Besides, they were all talking about racing cars, Qin Man couldn't understand, and it was boring to go.

At the door, he turned back and asked, "Are you hungry? Would you like to bring you a supper?"

"No," Qin Man said, "you just have to remember to come back."


He is just going to tell a story, how does it sound like stealing love? !!

Not right

Ji Ran hurriedly corrected himself. He and Qin Man only had a contractual relationship. Even if he really went to find another good friend, that was not a secret!

As soon as the door of the room was closed, Qin Man's poor smile at the corner of his mouth was immediately cleaned.

He got out of bed, picked up his hand and sat down on the chair. After turning on the computer, he searched for ‘何 随 然’.

A bunch of web pages jumped out.

[Prince of Racing returns! He Suoran HD Airport Reuters Map! 】

[He Suiran joined the popular variety show "Crazy Challenge", and passers-by sneak shots were so handsome that it drew countless netizens! 】

[He Suiran appeared on the cover of gq magazine! Half naked macho hormones are full! 】

Qin Man grinned.

prince? So handsome? Full of hormones?

These media can write everything for money.

He casually opened a foreign interview two years ago and looked down at a glance, and was soon attracted by a certain issue.

[Xiao Bian: Excuse me, are there any people or things you want to thank for on the professional road of racing? 】

[He Suiran: Ah, this question ... of course (laughs). 】

[Xiao Bian: Is it easy to disclose? Is it your coach, teammate, or club? 】

[He Suanran: Of course I thank my coach and teammates very much, but the person I thank most is a boy I met in high school ...]

Just saw this, the phone rang.

Qin Man picked up and said indifferently, "Who."

"It's me, Gu Zhe." Gu Zhe was particularly anxious, for fear Qin Man hung up his phone. "Qin Man, me, I know you did this thing. Ah no, I didn't blame you, you must be Do n’t get me wrong ... I ’ll just say, what conditions are you willing to let me out? I ’ll let my dad promise you, you ’ll let me apologize to Ji Ran, make a gift ... or kneel! If you want let me out……"

Gu Zhe was crying.

Is this where people stay? !! Even if you do n’t eat well or sleep well, you have to work every day! Still others bully him! He is doing most of the work in the whole room!

After such a long time, don't say go out, the prison guard won't let him touch even the smoke! He's dying!

Qin Man consciously rectified him and didn't block too much. His dad checked it for more than a week and finally found it, so he made the call.

Qin Man smiled and said, "Kneeling?"

"Yes, yes! You can kneel, you can kneel!" Gu Zhe said in a hurry.

He didn't know that he was hitting the muzzle now.

It is still possible to use the phone at night, and it seems that the management in this prison is not enough.

"Your knees have gold? With one knee, can you make a fortune or live a long life?"

Qin Man said coldly, "Be at ease, don't think about turning around, I still have a lot of evidence to submit, enough for you to live in it for a few years. Please, please, please go and please your housemates. "

Gu Zhe's heart was broken, and she couldn't say: "I, my **** mother just prescribed a medicine! It didn't work, what do you have to do to me ?! You and my dad have enmity, you go to him! Bullying What kind of hero am I? "

"Heroes dare not be taken seriously." Qin Mandao said, "Be assured, I have clear grudges and no one is biased. It won't be long before your father and son can meet inside."

Leaving this sentence, Qin Man hung up the phone.

Then with a calm face, continue to slide down the webpage.

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network

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