MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 47

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After a cigarette ended, Ji Ran took out another. He didn't want to go back to the room. One was that he was too lazy to deal with his aunt with low intelligence, and the other was ... his heartbeat had not completely eased.

He didn't originally plan to eat this meal, who thought Ji Guozheng had been dragging on, but he didn't tell the big event to be announced.

As soon as I got on fire, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Why not go in?"

The little flame of the lighter went out, Ji Ran's teeth couldn't help but lightly, and turned back: "I'm full. What are you doing out?"

Qin Man closed the door and told the truth, "I was asked no help, so I came out."

In the back, he even asked the name and family history of his 'girlfriend'.

Qin Man thought casually, it wasn't that he didn't want to say it, but he was afraid it would scare them.

Speaking of this stubble, Ji Ran had a meal, and the smoke shook up and down in his mouth: "I said, why don't you just go to the movies? Just play a movie, you can fire. You are buried in this acting. is you."

Qin Manyi said: "Do you hold me?"

"I can't afford it." Ji Ran spit out smoke and said casually, "You must be down-to-earth and step-by-step in your life and work. Do you not understand this?"

"I really don't understand." Qin Man smiled and said without a face and skin. "I like to take shortcuts, otherwise why would I follow you?"

Ji Ran shook soot.

You ca n’t refute.

"How do you know that I just acted?" Qin Man suddenly said, "What if I said it true?"

Ji Ran was almost smoked. He coughed twice, a little embarrassed: "... what?"

Qin Man looked at him with a smile and did not speak.

Ji Ran reacted for a long time and was busy extinguishing his inexplicable thoughts-what kind of energy was he trying to substitute. Qin Man is not a person with good intentions unless he scolds him in private.

"We had a good talk before, we are not allowed to wear a green hat to Lao Tzu. If this is true ..." Ji Ran thought for a while, "I will send ten wreaths to your wedding scene with a black and white photo on it. I'll see Look, who dares to marry you. "

"Send flowers?" Qin Manwaner, "That's too cheap for me."

Ji Ran bit his cigarette and stared up at him.

When Qin Man saw it, he accepted: "Yeah ... I'm kidding."

It was getting dark and the street lights were already on.

The location of Jijia Old House is very good. Although the floor is not high, at night, it still overlooks a night view.

Ji Ran leaned his elbows on the slate, watching the Wanjia lights in front of him, and suddenly remembered that he had stayed at Ji's house for one night.

That night, he was also standing on this balcony, holding the corner of his clothes to watch Ji Wei play with his brothers and sisters.

They did not let him participate.

In the end, a fat little boy came up and asked him if he wanted to play together.

His eyes were all bright, and he expected them.

The little boy said, "Then you play our watchdog!"

All the children laughed.

He clenched his fists without saying a word. The group of people pointed at his brain and scolded all the humorous words learned from adults.

"I was fighting with someone here." The balcony was silent, contrasting with the laughter inside the room. Ji Ran suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.

Qin Man nodded and asked, "Did you win?"

"Crap, will I lose?" Ji Ran squeezed his eyes and asked, "Why don't you ask me why I'm fighting?"

"Results matter most." Qin Man smiled, and then asked, "Why?"

Ji Ran naturally wouldn't tell him, he said lazily: "No why. Seeing him unhappy, he hit."

At that time, the nanny thought it was a quarrel between the children. It was not until the little fat man made a red mark on his face that she realized the seriousness of the matter.

Ji Ran has been full of fighting skills since he was born. Not to mention a fat man, even after the other children surrounded him, he didn't suffer.

Afterwards, Zhao Qingtong embraced his shoulders, his waist was almost bent to the ground, and he apologized to the fat parents.

The next day, they were kicked out of the Ji family.

He thought he was kicked out because he hit someone, and he felt guilty for a long time. Later it became known-whether he was right or wrong, did or did not do, their mother and son would have such an ending.

Ji Ran wanted to know God until Qin Man reminded him: "Smoke."

He lowered his head and bombarded the burnt ashes into the ashtray.

Qin Man said: "Give me one too?"

"It's gone." Ji Ran finished, put the cigarette in his mouth, took the last sip, then wiped it with his lips.

He didn't rush to spit out the smoke, narrowed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking, his eyelashes fluttered with the movement.

Qin Man looked at his side. The light on the building on the right hit Ji Ran's cheek, lining his facial lines so softly, that the suffocation on the dining table was completely collected.

He moved his heart and suddenly said, "Tell me something."

Ji Ran turned his head in doubt.

How to taste?

Before he asked, Qin Man lowered his head first, and the two lips were pressed together.


Qin Man pried open his lips with the tip of his tongue and crossed the smoke.

Ji Ran stood so stiffly, until Qin Man licked the tip of his tongue gently, he returned to his spirits and shoved him away.

"You are ill ..." Ji Ran's cheeks are red to the ears, especially in the light, "Hurrying to smoke second-hand smoke ?!"

He breathed faster, and his forefinger reached Qin Man's chest, warning him calmly, "I have to tell you clearly. We are not in love. Don't blindly kiss you when you are fine!"

Qin Man Yu Guang froze, followed by raising an eyebrow: "Why, is my kiss bad?"

...... What is this strange angle?

"It's not the problem." Ji Ran paused. "And do you know where this is? What to do if it is found ?!"

There was a sound from the side, Ji Ran stunned immediately, and swallowed all the words he was about to teach Qin Man.

Who is coming

How much did you hear?

He turned his head sharply and saw Ji Wei standing at the door.

Ji Wei took off his blazer. At this time he wore only a white lining, his face was as usual, and his tone was extremely reluctant: "... Dad let you go to the study."

Ji Ran relieved. The other side's expression should not have heard their conversation.

He stared at Qin Man warningly: "You're waiting for me here, and when I'm done talking, we'll go back ... I'll send you back."

Qin Man: "OK."

Ji Ran raised his ashtray, turned into the room, and passed away with Ji Wei, and did not even give each other a look.

Ji Wei sighed secretly, nodded toward Chao Qin, said he was preparing to return to the living room.

"Wait a while." Qin Man turned around, leaned his elbows on the balcony, and laughed lazily. "Talk?"

Ji Wei turned around and forced a smiley face: "What are you talking about?"

"Let's just hear it just now, eh?" Qin Mandan asked calmly.

Ji Wei took a deep breath.

It turned out that Qin Man had found him.

He stood behind the door a few minutes ago, and he heard the conversation between them, including the kiss, and watched it from beginning to end.

He was nervous for a moment before he reacted-Qin Man is the one who should be flustered!

"You two ..." He had a complicated expression. "When did it happen?"

"Ji Ran said just now that you are not in love, what is your relationship?"

Qin Man raised an eyebrow: "I don't need to report to you, these."

Yes, this is Qin Man.

Who was the man who just opened his face at the dinner table?

Ji Wei frowned: "Aren't you afraid I'll say it?"

"Afraid." Qin Man said, "So am I not going to discuss with you?"

Ji Wei: "... what to discuss?"

"Help us keep it secret," Qin Manzhang laughed. "In exchange ... you and Xu Lin, I will not leak."

Ji Wei's last sedation completely collapsed.

He looked back abruptly to make sure he was relieved after no one else was around.

How did Qin Man know about him and Xu Lin? !!

Qin Man stood up straight and said, "Don't be nervous. As long as you don't tell the story, don't let things go wrong in the future, I will help you keep it secret."

Ji Wei was still standing still, afraid to speak at will.

He and Xu Lin ... only crossed the line once, before that they were absolutely innocent subordinate relationships, at most, a little ambiguous. Later, after Xu Lin was transferred, they didn't even meet many times, let alone anything else.

Did Qin Man see something and beating him?

"Last Christmas." Qin Man interrupted his thoughts slowly.

Ji Wei's only chance left was completely wiped out by him.

He and Xu Lin were the realm who spent on Christmas Day.

He was very dull, only a moment before he said, "... I see."

Qin Man nodded with satisfaction and was about to leave.

Ji Wei: "What's your purpose?"

Qin Man stopped, "What."

"What is your purpose with Ji Ran?" Ji Wei rubbed his eyebrows. "Although his surname is Ji, he has no real power in our family. If you want to use him to blend into our company ..."

Qin Man grinned: "You worry more, I have no interest in your company."

"Then you in the end ..." Ji Wei couldn't understand at all. "He would still find you often when he was at school, didn't he? Do you want to get revenge on him?"

"If I said yes," Qin Mandao said, "will you persuade me to stop?"

Ji Wei silent for a while: "It's enough, Ji Ran's own temper is not good. If you really provoke him ... he might do something."

"He won't." Qin Man interrupted him, "he is much better than you think."

Ji Wei: "..."

Qin Man stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "Many things are actually the fault of the elders. No one should pay for their mistakes. Angry people are behaviors that only the weak can do."

"Of course, I just spoke." He said softly. "Remember you promised me, don't ask him any more trouble."

"Brother!" Ji Tang ran over and opened the door of the balcony. "They are urging you to go in ..."

Her eyes floated on Qin Man, and her voice was unconsciously weak, "Ah, Qin Man's brother is also here. Exactly, let's go in?"

Before Ji Tang finished speaking, Ji Wei grabbed his wrist.

"I'll go in now," he said, "let's go."

Ji Tang turned around three times and saw Qin Man's mouth grinning, she reluctantly said: "But ..."

She was eventually pulled back by Ji Wei.

"Brother! What are you doing, me, I still want to chat with Qin Man for a while." She cursed, "the balcony is just nobody ..."

Ji Wei interrupted her stiffly: "Don't forget Qin Man in the future."

Ji Tang's eyes widened: "Why ..."

"Nothing." Ji Wei sipped anxiously, "In short, don't provoke him again."

He had thought that Qin Man had lost his temper because of an accident at home.

Only now did he notice that he hadn't changed at all, and was as cold and dark as before, and had a stomach for his plans. Get close to him. He will be disassembled and eaten in the stomach. Maybe he has to help him mix the sauce.

It's better to be far away from people like this.

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network

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