MTL - My Nemesis Has Finally Gone Bankrupt-Chapter 42

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This hot search came suddenly. In just one hour, it attracted the attention of many netizens. It also happened to be work time. Many working parties ate this bite on the way to work.

When Qu Ran arrived at the office, he just finished reading the hot comments under Weibo.

The hot review is now a large-scale recognition of relatives. In just half an hour, Ji Ran's classmates, neighbors, and friends all made a bubble, but all in all, it was Ji Ran's fault.

School violence, provocation, drug / drug ...

She couldn't help but glance at the closed door of the office.

The inside was so scary that the blinds were not closed, and she could dimly see the black suit worn by the inside.

Is the new boss really such a person? But she had contact with Ji Ran for a while, and felt that he had no other shortcomings except that he was not very good-tempered and also more lazy ...

Even last time, Ji Ran heard two colleagues at the door next door discussing the matter with other members of the group, but he only glanced at them warningly, without punishment, or wearing small shoes on his back.

"Well, don't you see Weibo?" The two next to them started again.

"Of course I watched it!

"I know he's not a good guy. I didn't expect it to be so bad ... Is this a game?"

"Look at Qu Ran, I still talked to him before losing you."

Qu Ran paused: "It's not necessarily true online ..."

"So many witnesses have come out, can there still be fake?"

Qu Ran also prepared to say something.

"Don't discuss other people's affairs casually." Xu Lin did not know when they were behind them. "Done the work? The weekly report will be handed in soon, and it will be sent to my mailbox when it is finished."

The success made the two men silent.

Compared to the outside, the office is quiet.

Ji Ran ’s mobile phone kept shaking, all of which were from Yue Wenwen. He did n’t open one, and the dialog box kept floating on top.

He sat on the chair with Erlang's legs on his back, slowly turning down the comments, his posture was casual, his expression indifferent, as if the dirty words on the screen were talking about someone else.

He knew it. In this world, there are many good things about falling out of the pie in the sky and going out for luck, and none of them will be his. It was impossible to become popular overnight.

With this recognition, when this shattered thing falls to the head, it is not so difficult to accept.

From the moment he was born, he knew that he was never a lucky person.

A moment of good fortune is like a lollipop that I received from Mrs. Ji when I was a child. Before that sugar was licked, he and Zhao Qingtong were thrown out of the house with luggage.

Netizens rounded Zhao Qingtong's report that year, moved out the dead words of the deceased, and finally turned their blame on Ji Ran.

I don't know who it was. He left a Weibo with only 700 followers under the comments. At this time, the Weibo on his homepage had nearly 10,000 comments.

The top comment is: When I think of children growing up in the shadow of school violence, when I think of betrayed families, when I think of police who have been sacrificed for drug / trafficking, I feel like someone like you deserves to die.

Ji Ran didn't even open the reply interface. He stared at the thousands of likes in the bottom right corner of the comment, and suddenly felt particularly ridiculous.

The desk phone rang suddenly, and during the period when Ji Ran was at work, this phone was the first time to make a sound.

He put down his phone and picked it up in silence.

Ji Wei's voice was solemn and low: "Come to my office right away."

Ji Ran didn't respond, hung up the phone directly, and threw the phone at random on the table. He went out without even wearing a suit jacket.

Qin Man pulled away from the file and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where?"

In response to him was a closing door.

Qin Man looked at the closed door, always feeling uneasy. He took the water glass and was about to catch up, and the office door opened again.

Xu Lin walked in, with a dignified expression, and after a moment of silence, "Qin Zhu, do you know what's happening on the Internet ... don't blame me for talking, I'm just a bit worried."

Qin Man loosened his hand slightly, and the pen fell straight down between his fingers, making a crisp sound.

He said, "You say."


When Ji Ran entered the office, there were still employees reporting to Ji Wei.

Hearing the movement, the employee's eyes could not help but stay on him for a few seconds.

Ji Wei frowned, and threw the document in front of her face, annoyed: "You go out first."

After everyone was gone, Ji Ran asked, "What's the matter?"

Ji Wei saw his indifferent appearance, and the unknown fire in his heart became more and more prosperous: "How dare you ask me anything ?!"

"Since you want to learn from your mother and go to the role of a actor, why do you want to come into the company ?! Ji family can you illegitimate son use for hype ?!"

Ji Ran sneered: "I took your Ji family hype? Are you looking at yourself too high?"

"So what's going on with these reports? Are those media going to help you make headlines and stir up news for free?" Ji Wei said, "I was disturbed by the phone of my father and grandma early this morning!"

Ji Ran faintly said, "Isn't that what you put out?"

If you think about it, Ji Wei hates him and won't use Ji family as a gun.

"It's not up to you."

Ji Ran now feels physically and mentally exhausted, too lazy to argue with Ji Wei, "I will handle it myself."

Ji Wei was angered by his 'indifferent' appearance.

"What do you do? How do you deal with it? When you are young, you will only cause trouble and only cause trouble to others!"

"Look at your present virtue! Let you come to work in the company, you do nothing, just know that you are idle and lazy! You can just eat and drink freely, and you are shameful outside every day! Do you remember if you promised your father? What, after that, I wo n’t continue racing! Now, the videos are all online! "

Ji Ran was not the master who stood and scolded. He said, "This is my case with Ji Guozheng. It has nothing to do with you. What are you talking about? If you did n’t tell him about racing, you would be suspended. ? "

"Is it reasonable for you to participate in the ban? I shouldn't tell my father, I should call the police!"

"How could you call the police?" Ji Ran sneered, ridiculing, "How much affects the reputation of your Ji family?"

"It's better than your shameless face." Ji Wei snorted coldly and refused to be outdone. "Ten years ago, it was your mother who took the Ji family to all the popular newspapers and magazines, causing my mother to lose her face and think about it every day. How to hide from the media! Now it ’s your turn to betray a woman like a woman for attention. "

Speaking of this, Ji Weiyi laughed, "Did you even pull your mother out for the sake of red, she knew it underground ..."

The next words, Ji Wei could not finish.

Ji Ran was like a bomb / bomb that was suddenly exploded. When he came up, he grabbed Ji Wei's collar and raised his fist.

Ji Wei has been immersed in his studies and work all year round. His body is much leaner than Ji Ran. Ji Ran lifted him from his seat with little effort.

Seeing that he was going to be beaten, Ji Wei didn't admit it, but the smile on his mouth was even bigger.

"Speaking of your pain points?" Ji Wei said, "Can you have something to refute me? You don't. Because you know it's all true. You are like a reckless man, a savage, who only knows to use violence to solve things."

Ji Ran's fists were held high, but he never fell.

The door was suddenly opened and Qin Man and Xu Lin rushed to the scene.

Seeing this, Xu Lin panicked immediately: "Ji Ran, don't--"

Ji Ran imitated: "You say it again? What is the truth?"

"I said your mother was destroying other people's families for money!" Ji Wei was also on the verge of breaking out. "And for the sake of popularity, you moved out of your mother who died for more than ten years, and even wanted to destroy our family for decades of hard work and maintenance. Reputation! "

"You fart!"

Ji Ran tightened his collar, his eyes were cracked, and his eyes were bloodshot. "Why does she have a relationship with Ji's family, don't you know ?! Why do you scold her? You Ji family is the one who eats people A wolf den that doesn't spit out bones! "

He sneered, "Ji Wei, the most regrettable thing in your life must be that you have not been able to kill me before."

Ji Ran's voice was all dumb.

After this sentence, his patience seemed to disappear, and his fist was about to fall, but he fell into a warm palm.

Qin Man embraced his waist and stopped the fist.

"It's okay." Qin Man said. "The matter has not been found out yet. Let's go back and say slowly, eh?"

Ji Ran panted and didn't look at him: "You don't have to worry about it."

"People outside are watching. If someone reports an alarm, what else is to be done?" Qin Man calmed him, and while looking up, he looked out of the office, his cold eyes scared the employees who were peeking. .

Xu Lin immediately closed all the doors and windows.

"What ... I kill you? Qin Man, let go of him." Ji Wei returned from shock, "Let him finish the following words, I'll see, how else can he edit down!"

Just what Ji Ran was about to say, the man's stiff suit stepped in front of him.

He even felt that the light in front of him was dimmed.

He heard Qin Man's voice was very low and heavy, and he could not be said to be kind. He said to Ji Wei one line at a time: "Don't make a mistake. I just don't want him to go to the police station for you. "We won't settle this with violence, but that's not how it ends. Good for ourselves."

After that, he reached out to hold Ji Ran. Ji Ran is like a stunned balloon, as if all the energy had been exhausted just now, and he was allowed to take it away.

Out of the office, Qin Man turned aside slightly, blocking all unfriendly sights for him, and calmly took the person up the elevator.

Seeing that he pressed the b1 key, Ji Ran dumbly said, "My phone is still in the office."

"I took it."

Ji Ran glanced at the hand they were holding.

Did they just come out like this? Did everyone see it? Is anyone aware of it?

Isn't this fool afraid of their discovery?

He wanted to let Qin Man loosen, his lips moved, and he said nothing in the end.

Qin Man's palm was very warm, and he exerted a little force. He could feel the other person's heartbeat, and he felt calm and powerful.

Neither of them spoke in the car. A slit was opened in the window, Ji Ran felt the cool wind blowing in, and the anger that had just accumulated on his chest had faded. His eyes were empty and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Qin Man rarely drives an express train.

Arriving at home, Ji Ran went underground without a word. He went to the refrigerator, took out the beer that had been stored for several months with a plastic bag, and the bottle made a crisp collision sound in the bag.

"Knock on the door, don't bother me."

Leaving this sentence, he turned into the room.

Qin Man was not in a hurry to follow up.

As he unbuttoned his suit, he sat down on the sofa and dialed a phone call slowly.

"Go and remove the hot searches about Ji Ran and Zhao Qingtong, and make it clear to the people on Weibo that we will sue directly next time."

With the experience of the previous two days, Liu Chen quickly replied: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

"Check again the team that pushed Zhao Qingtong to Weibo Hot Search today."

Qin Man always doesn't care about the marketing and entertainment industry, so Liu Chen is not familiar with this kind of business, saying: "It may take a little time ..."

"how long?"

"Before tomorrow night."


There was also a pack of cigarettes on the table that had been forgotten by the owner. Qin Man picked one out from the inside and squeezed it in his fingertips for a while, then broke the cigarette and broke it.

He threw the cigarette into the ashtray, with a faint tone, with an imperceptible severity.

"Ask clearly, who asked them to do it, I want to know the payer." Qin Mandao said, "and the following comments that maliciously discredited Ji Ran's private life, check IP, prosecute.

Liu Chen wiped his sweat: "Too many comments, I'm not very good at distinguishing true from false ..."

Qin Man stared at the wooden door in the bedroom, Shen said, "As long as he says he's bad, it's all fake. That's it."

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for the nutrient solution and Ray. 2k novel reading network